Part 7: A nefarious mushroom plan!
So, uh, Thursday's totally the weekend, right? I mean, it's Friday somewhere, and Friday is kinda the weekend. Wrong weekend maybe, but still.
Welcome back. Last time, we took care of some business on the farm, which went pretty good. Then we died, which was less good. But hey, its a learning experience!

This time, we can use our super secret special weapon.

Whos dead this time, asshole

And with that, we live another day. Another day of exploring!

Another day of treasure hunting!



Fuck. Not again.
Alright, so heres the deal with these chests. While the majority of random encounters are fairly simple, pretty much every area has optional chests with tougher than average fights but better than average rewards. Its actually something I enjoy a lot! A problem a lot of JRPGs have is trying to strike a balance between engaging fights and brisk pacing. If every random fight is tough, then its easy for a game to become somewhat of a slog. This way, you some of the challenge without the slog, and you even get neat rewards for overcoming the challenge. Furthermore, unlike a lot of optional, more difficult content in games, you dont need to actively go out of your way for this.
Anyway, Im lazy and still havent upgraded any of our gear, so we dont really have a chance of winning yet. Soon, monster chest. Soon.
Lets go back to Rolent for now, I suppose.

One of these days, Im going to wait around in a bar and just narrate the history of our world.
And thats why I never go home with anybody. Turns out WWII isnt a good icebreaker.
Paddington: And in an effort to convince us to surrender, they bombarded the clock tower...

Paddington: I...I apologize for making you recall those painful memories...

Damn straight.

Rinon: I've been kind of sad you haven't been by to buy junk food lately.

Rinon: Ha ha, stop by again when you've got a day off. I'll look into those sneakers you like so much.
I think weve sufficiently bothered the townspeople, lets go get our reward.

Joshua gives Aina a rundown of last night's events at the farm.

Note that we got two extra BP for the mission. We got this because we snuck up on the Crop Munchers when we were hunting them. If theyd seen us coming, they would have ran, and we would have needed to chase them down again. If youre wondering why I didnt say this last update, its because I had no idea, and only did so by chance. Whoops!

Received [Information] quartz as a perk.
Information lets us see detailed information about enemies. Since we can already see a lot of information, information actually gives us some detailed information about enemy moves and behaviours. If Gamefaqs werent a thing it would be useful, but as it stands, you might as well equip literally anything else.

Welp, were boned. Might as well give up now.


Probably not smuggling.

Now that weve gotten past the farm, things finally start opening up a little. Weve got a bevy of new sidequests available to us, which are almost certainly more important than a direct request from the mayor. I mean, this guys looking for a Mushroom! Now thats serious.

If were going hunting for mushrooms, well need money

On our way to get mushrooms, Alan is still creepy.
Alan: Speaking of the Royal City, Queen Alicias granddaughter, Princess Klaudia, lives there. Rumor has it that shes quite the eye-catcher, but how about it in reality?

Orvid: If they don't hurry and get here, I'm going to miss my flight. I should have expected as much from a rural backwater burg like this...

Orvid: Well, I'll be. That's the bracer emblem if I'm not mistaken. I've been waiting for you to show up. I have an urgent job, so do you have some time to hear my request.

Orvid: Great. This really helps me out a lot. All right, let me give you a rundown and explain the details of the job. Let me formally introduce myself. I am Orvid, representative for Orvid Co., Ltd.
Never heard of it. Guess youre not that important

Orvid: Estelle and Joshua, is it? The two of you are quite young if I do say so myself.

Orvid: Greenhorns...? ...Oh well, I guess you'll have to do.
I dont like this dude.

Orvid: *cough* ...Never mind, I was just talking to myself. All right, let's get down to business. Please excuse my lack of decorum, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Orvid: At the moment, I'm looking for a rare mushroom called the [Firefly Fungus]. It is said that it only grows in soil rich with septium. There are records of it being picked here in Rolent, but no shops seem to carry it. However, it is of vital necessity that I get my hands on one, so I put in a request at the guild.

Orvid: It seems that it normally grows in areas with patches of grass. However, since it is buried in the dirt, if you don't look closely, you won't find it.

Orvid: But, once you dig one up, you'll know if it's a Firefly Fungus or not. For one thing, it glows with a light green color.

Orvid: All right, have I explained things clearly enough?

Orvid: If you run into any trouble, come back and speak with me again. I ask that you find one as soon as possible.
Alright, lets go.

Remember where we got the White Bracelet way back when? Probably not, but either way, its your goal. If we examine the nearby patch of grass...

Yeah, finding this would be tedious as hell without a guide. For the most part, the sidequests are transparent enough, but every once in awhile you get something like this.

Found Firefly Fungus

Whatever, hes no fun, he doesnt deserve a name.

Oh crap, the cops!

That cant be good. I mean, theyre weak as hell, so its not bad. But its hardly good either.
Actually beating monsters is kinda fun. So maybe it is good!

Lets get ready to rumble!

We rumble pretty good. Also, note that Estelle has done the impossible, and now has 200 CP, even though an S-Craft only takes 100.

If you use an S-Craft with 200CP, you get an upgraded form of the same Craft. In most cases, you just get a damage boost, but some characters get more creative bonuses.
Also, using an S-Craft always uses all of your CP, but you only get any extra bonuses for having exactly 200CP.

And now we get to assault a merchant! Being a bracer is fun!

Lemme at em!

Orvid: Oh, wonderful!

Orvid: Uh,'s like this...

Orvid: And besides, a bracer's job is to deal with danger, right?!

Truly the most nefarious of plans.
Orvid: Er...what? Isn't it obvious what I'm going to use it for? For cooking of course.

Orvid: This is why it's such a pain to deal with country bumpkins. In the hands of a skilled chef, the more distinct the ingredient, the more profound the taste. And from that perspective, the Firefly Fungus is the king of them all. This is, no doubt, the ultimate ingredient!

Orvid: Hmph! That's the talk of one unacquainted with a true delicacy. But then again, commoners such as yourselves would never have an opportunity to try such dishes.
This just in. This dude still sucks.

Orvid: Anyway, I have other business preparations to make. Now if you don't mind, I'd ask that you hand over the mushroom and leave.

Handed over Firefly Fungus.
Orvid: On behalf of this mushroom, I shall turn a blind eye to your ignorance. And as promised, I will pay you, so be grateful to your client.

Orvid: Yes, please do.
Well, we didnt get to assault him, but maybe well get to assault some people via mushroom proxy?
Nah, its just not the same.

Our next mission is simple. We already have a Monster Wing (its a random drop from some of the monsters on the northern road), but since weve never been to the Mistwald we dont have any Bear Claws.

The southern road has a new enemy. Theyre pretty straightforward, but stronger than anything else weve seen.

And finally we make it to the Mistwald. If we were smarter, handsomer bracers wed turn around now, were short a party member and some levels.

Instead, we just weave our way through certain death, and get to pillaging.

Dont you judge me chest. Youre just a chest. You dont know who I am or where Ive been.

Heading back to the church...

Father Divine: You seem to be in a cheerful mood as usual.

Handed over Bear Claw
Handed over Monster Wing.
Father Divine: This is...?!

Father Divine: That's right. I did put in a request. I'm just surprised that you went to all the trouble to do this for me. Weren't you hurt trying to gather these?

We did die a couple of times, but it worked out fine.
Father Divine: ...I'm worried about your attitude, Estelle.
So is everyone, ever, it seems.

Father Divine: I know I've told you this before. It's certainly a joyous occasion when everything goes well... However, it is at these times when we should gird up our loins for the trials that lie ahead.

Father Divine: Hmm...since I seem to have a bit of spare time... How about I take this opportunity to give you a special sermon...?
Man, you try and do a good thing, and this is your reward.

Father Divine: That's too bad. However, since it has to do with your job I must respect your position. Thank you for all your hard work, Estelle and Joshua. I pray that the Goddess will always be with you.
Whew, dodged that bullet.

Heres a fun question: What would be worse? The soldiers completely wiping the floor with us, or the soldiers NOT completely wiping the floor with us. Were only 16.

Since were pretty much hopping back and forth between locations, Ive been omitting music, since I dont think you really want to hear the first 5 seconds of a song. This ones new though, so it stays in.

Nice place. Sadly, the camera in the game makes it really hard to show off the various areas, its zoomed in so close you cant really see more than one part of it at time.

Sergeant Ashton: Yes it has. So I've heard my boy, Luke, caused you a lot of trouble, did he?
I like little world building touches like this. It makes the setting come across as more real.
Sergeant Ashton: I'm absolutely ashamed as a father.

Sergeant Ashton: Ha ha, you're certainly full of energy as usual. I'd love to get you to share some of that vigor with my new recruits. I've been thinking recently about doing a simulated battle to whip my men into shape. So I put in a request at the guild for a few good men (or women) to play the part of enemy soldiers. I think the pair of you would be the perfect fit for the job, so how about it? Can you do this for me?

Sergeant Aston: Thanks. I really appreciate this. Go ahead and take a break until the preparations are ready. If I don't have you in tip-top condition then there's no point in doing the training.

Sergeant Ashton: Sure, please do what you need to.

Private Scott: I know I was bored before, but...
Private Harold: I-I know it's just training and all, but it still scares the living daylights out of me...
Seriously? You have guns. We have 2 years to go until adulthood. Because were sixteen. This nation is basically fucked, isnt it?
Sergeant Ashton: This is a training exercise, so please refrain from speaking! You all need to take this seriously as if this were a real battle! Estelle and Joshua, you don't need to hold back on my men.

Private Harold: Yikes!
Sergeant Ashton: Forward!

Hey, they even set up a light show for the fight. Ritzy!
Illuminated violence is the best kind of violence.

Off to a great start.

The soldiers are basically as tough as youd expect. They can shiv you with their bayonets, but, unlike most shivs, it doesnt do much damage.

They can also hit you with some kinda murder paintball, doing only slightly less damage than a shiv.

If youre having trouble with the fight, you could just cheese it with your S-Crafts, but even then, you probably shouldnt have too. Admittedly, I still started with enough CP I could have Joshua use Dual Strike every turn, which vastly increases your damage output.
Winning the fight nets you extra BP for the mission.

Sergeant Ashton: This training is over.
Private Scott: Owowowow...
Private Ashton: Oh my goodness. It's finally over...

Apparently the answer to How are Estelle and Joshua the youngest bracers ever? is people are super incompetent in this world. Im looking forward to killing the final boss when he trips onto his overly long sword.
Private Scott: H-hey! You be quiet! We're not all feral kids like you!

Sergeant Ashton: Knock it off, Scott. Training is over!

Sergeant Ashton: Private Scott, Private Harold... I think what Estelle said just a moment ago is how the citizens of this region really feel. Do you really have what it takes to protect them...? It seems as though the both of you need to take another look in the mirror.
Ashtons alright though.
Private Scott: ...
Private Harold: ...Y-yes, sergeant!
Sergeant Ashton: Very good. Do not forget what you learned today and strive to fulfill your duties.

Sergeant Ashton: Estelle and Joshua. Thanks for your hard work today. Thanks to you, I think my soldiers have gotten the wake up call they needed.

We learned that this nation is on the brink of being conquered by a particularly gentle breeze.
Sergeant Ashton: Ha ha, if you think so then you're set for life as bracers. Though our positions may be different, we are both here to serve the public. Although I can't do much else, I'll pray for success for the both of you.

Sergeant Ashton: I will. And I hope to be seeing you again, sometime.
Heading back to town, weve got one more sidequest to take care of. This time though, lets hear it from the man himself, instead of our notebook.

Freddy: I've been hearing a lot about your hard work recently.

Freddy: That's encouraging to hear. You guys actually came at a good time. I've got an urgent job that needs to be taken care of. Do you think that you'd be up to the task of replacing an Orbment Light in a road lamp along the Milch Main Road?

Freddy: Thanks, I really appreciate this. I completely forgot it needed to be replaced today. First off, I'll need to give you the important items.
Received Orbment Light

Freddy: That's right. I want you to replace the Orbment Light in road lamp no. 6 on the Milch Main Road to the west. It's the 6th road lamp that you'll come across counting from Rolent's west entrance. Make sure you get the right one.

Freddy: Once you've found the road lamp, you'll need to open the maintenance panel. You'll need a 6-digit combination to open it.

Freddy: Yep. The combination for the 6th road lamp is 544818.

Freddy: That's right. Good memory, Joshua.

I actually had forgotten Estelle said this when I made my comment. Id say great minds think alike, but I dont think Estelles a great mind.
Oh god, Im stupid, arent I.
Freddy: After the combination is entered the panel will open. And after that, all that's left is to replace the orbment. It may seem like a simple task, but make sure not to mess it up. The road lamp may have been out of order for a while now.

Theres actually an in-game explanation for why monsters generally stay off the road, which is kinda neat.
The exception, for the most part, are bounties available from the guild. So youre basically being hired to keep the roads safe from monsters that arent deterred by the lamps, which is also kinda neat.
Freddy: It's not much more than an unconscious dislike for them. But if they do go out, then we run into real problems. Which is why I'm asking you to do this job, just in case. These road lamps are placed just off the roads in areas where monsters are most likely to appear.

Freddy: I'll leave it up to you two to divide up the work amongst yourselves. That should be everything you need to know, so good luck. If you need to double-check or cancel the job, then come and talk with me again.

If Estelle fights the monsters, thats that, but if Joshua fights the monsters, we need to get the combination right with Estelle. But, in exchange, we get extra BP. So have Josh take on the baddies.

Famous last words.

Followed by tempting fate.

Joshua does his thing. But can Estelle do hers?

This can fuck you over pretty easily. Unless you write it down, or have a pretty solid memory, its easy to think youve got it memorized, then become unsure when you see a bunch of nearly identical numbers. Anyway, its the third option.

Very, very, rarely.

With all our new found scratch, we can finally buy some new stuff. Time to say hello to some old friends...

So we meet again.

And so we part.

Before I use his S-Craft, I want to use Double Strike enough times to end up near 100CP, so that we dont waste potential uses thereof.

Estelle dies, but we can take enough hits now that weve already done some decent damage to them beforehand.

A Revive Balm brings Estelle back to her feet, and Joshua gets lucky with Soul Blur and faints an enemy, preventing them from doing anything. Faint is a ridiculously useful status-effect, which is a part of the reason Time magic is so great.

The beginning is the hardest part of the fight. Once youve cleared out some of the enemies, they no longer have the offense to power through your defense and healing, so the momentum is on your side.

The Topaz Talisman makes a characters attack and defense earth elemental. Their main use is pretty self-evident, although since not many bosses have large weaknesses, its normally better on bounties, which tend to mix things up more.

We beat you chest, deal with it

Next time: Mystery is afoot!