Part 8: I'm not trying to brag, but I'm all muscle, so I wouldn't make a tasty meal!

Welcome back. Last time we had sidequest fun. It was fun. Now it's time for non-sidequest fun. For the mayor, even.

But first, we need to finish up the last sidequest from last time.
Freddy: Oh hi, Estelle. From the look on your face, it seems like you finished the job.

Reported the events which occurred on the Milch Main Road.
Freddy: So it really was burnt out, huh? I'm sure it happened because we were late replacing it. Sorry, kids. You were put in harm's way because of me.
It was pretty fun, don't worry about it.

Freddy: I appreciate you saying that. Oh, I know. How about I give you this to make amends?
Received Impede 2 quartz.
Oh hell yes.

Freddy: Yep. It's an Impede 2 quartz. It can prevent an enemy's arts. It can be pretty useful if you use it effectively.

Freddy: No, thank you to the both of you today. If you need to discuss anything about orbments, then stop by anytime. Don't forget to swing by if you have any other business needs.

Anyway, Impede 2 is a pretty great quartz. Like you can see, it has a 50% chance of cancelling enemy arts when you whack them with your weapon of choice. It also has an elemental value of 3, unlike all the elemental values of 1 we've seen so far. This means if we give Estelle another Wind aligned Quartz, we can unlock Aerial, a moderately powerful area of effect art. We also get Sylphen Guard, which boots agility by 50%. Can't say I've ever really used it.

Next, we go and visit the mayor, whose house is pretty much the size of the rest of the town. Let's ignore the potential corruption scandal and go see what the man wants us to do.

Mayor Klaus: Well, bless my soul. If it isn't Estelle and Joshua.

Klaus has a big head, and so his screenshot snips off his rather impressive beard. Sorry Klaus.

And so far, a couple of unfortunate deaths aside, we're doing adequately.

That's my favorite kind of request!

And would this transport have anything to do with why you have such a nice house?
Are... Are we gonna be mules?

Aw man, guess not. We don't get to do anything fun.

I'd complain about Joshua going all cap'n exposition, but I can't imagine Estelle actually knew. I don't think she slept through school so much so as she occasionally got schooled during her sleep.

Received Mayor's Referral

Anyway, you remember where we found the White Bracelet? And the Firefly Fungus? Yeah, we want to go there again. I'm sure you're thinking, couldn't we have done that all in one trip?
Yes, yes we could have.

Miner Landan: If you're not here on business, then I'll have to ask you to leave.

He probably doesn't believe it. Fortunately...

Estelle shows Landan the Mayor's Referral.
Miner Landan: Well, all right then. If you've got a referral from the mayor, then that's a different story. I don't mean to make your job any more difficult, but would you mind going inside and speaking with the boss directly? I'm supposed to stand watch out here.

Uh, those are basically synonyms, Estelle.
Miner Landan: That mine chief you're talking about is actually our boss, Mr. Gaton. He manages the mine and all of its workers. He's the kind of guy who enjoys discovering a septium lode more than eating three meals a day. I'm fairly sure he's working down in the lower tunnels today.


Is this really even a question? Of course we're riding the mine cart.
It's basically asking Are you a cool person/Are you kinda a boring drag?


No wait damn it, I don't think that's right. Anyway, there's a miner here, and we could talk to him, but...

He'll just tell us to flip the switch. In a lot more words.

So yeah, go back and hit the switch again.

Miner Miles: But...since you don't have one of your own, I'll help you out by lending you mine.
Borrowed Elevator Key.
And now, ride back...

And flip the switch again. We're the kings of flipping switches, aww yeah.

And there we go. You made mine carts boring. I'm so disappointed in you game.

Used Elevator Key.

There are no enemy encounters, but there is a healing station.
If that isn't a giant flashing neon Shit's about go down sign, I don't know what is. Beyond a literal giant flashing neon sign, that is.

We're playing 19th century Labor conditions! It's not very fun.

Handed over the Mayor's Referral.
Mine Chief Gaton: Hmmm, I see... So you kids are bracers, are you? That's quite a feat for being so young.

Mine Chief Gaton: Oh right, give me a second. This little baby is something you don't see every day. Which is why I've been keeping it as close to myself as possible.
The mine chief pulls a large-grain crystal from his breast-pocket.

It's pretty sparkly, that's for sure.

Mine Chief Gaton: It's one of several types of septium. Specifically, it's an esmelas crystal which is endowed with the power of wind.
You might remember (you don't), that the nearby tower we went to earlier was also called Esmelas Tower.
Mine Chief Gaton: For a gem of this size, you're looking at a hefty price tag. I'm talking about a small fortune here. Make ABSOLUTELY sure that this gets to the mayor.

Yeah sure, the mayor. Let's do that and not skip town and live like a princess and her manservant.
Received Septium Crystal.

Estelle proceeds to (I assume) chase her ponytails. Like my cat and his tail. My dumb, dumb cat.

Estelle put the crystal away in her pocket.

Mine Chief Gaton: I'm counting on you kids.

Mine Chief Gaton: Huh...?

Mine Chief Gaton: That's odd... The airflow down here suddenly shifted...

Mine Chief Gaton: seems that there's been a cave-in somewhere within the mine. I wonder if one of the miners hit a patch of loose ground. I'd better check on the extent of the damage...

The name is somewhat misleading. They're more Mild Injuring Crabs.

Admittedly, starting the fight with two S-Crafts on the ready helps.

Mine Chief Gaton: No, this is the first time we've ever had anything like this happen down here! Monsters have a predisposition which attracts them to the glow of we've had a lot of them wander into the mine in the past, but...

Man, I hope these miners get some nice risk compensation. Mining next to some random pockets of monsters sounds pretty terrifying.
Mine Chief Gaton: It's not inconceivable... But, this is no time to be standing around thinking about it. I've got to get the other workers out of here!

Mine Chief Gaton: You're kidding, right?!

Mine Chief Gaton: You're right...some extra help would be much appreciated.

Mine Chief Gaton: There should only be a total of four miners working here in the lower tunnels.

Mine Chief Gaton: Sorry about all this... Oh right, take these and use them if you need to.
Received Tear Balm x2.
Anyway, let's go save some miners.

Miner Bones is a terribly unfortunate name.
Miner Bones: I'm not trying to brag, but I'm all muscle, so I wouldn't make a tasty meal!
Miner Bones is also a liar.
Miner Trent: All this flab would be terrible for a monster's health!
Trent is an honest man, though.

There are a variety of AoE spells. Some can be targeted anywhere, some are centered on an enemy of your choice, and some have different radii. Aeriel is the former, which makes it pretty versatile.

Yesssss, walk into my trap, my pretties.

It packs a pretty punch.

Miner Bones: Th-thank you for coming when you did...
Miner Trent: Oh man, for a minute there, I thought I'd never be able to sit down for another meal again...
Mine Chief Gaton: This is no time to feel relieved! We need to evacuate this place!
Moving on.

Miner Heinrich: H-hey, idiot! If you've got time to pray to the Goddess, then how about helping me take care of these creatures!

This dungeon is pretty fun. Since you've got the healing station, you can basically blow all your EP with reckless abandon, which is a good time and a half.

Miner Pierre: W-we are now...thanks to you kids. This must also be the divine work of AIdios.
Checkmate atheists.
Miner Heinrich: If this was really the work of the Goddess, then she wouldn't have allowed us to get into this mess in the first place.
Miner Pierre: It's because of unbelievers like you that unfortunate accidents like this happen!
Miner Heinrich: How about you try and say that again, buddy?!
Miner Chief Gaton: Is this really the time or place for that kind of nonsense?! Now get out of here!
Miner Pierre: R-right away, boss!
Let's keep it going.
Miner-in-Training: Things weren't supposed to go like this... I don't wanna die! I haven't even had a girlfriend yet! Heeeeelp!
Lose the fedora. There, we helped.
Mine Chief Gaton: What?! We've still got another one down here?!

I am the puppermaster, dance my puppets, dance.

Miner-in-training: Did you say b-b-bracers?!
No. We said bracers. C'mon man.
Mine Chief Gaton: By the soot on my boots, you're... the new recruit from yesterday! Why on earth are you digging down here in the lower tunnels?
Miner-In-Training: I was hoping to get a glimpse of how all you veteran miners work done here... yeah, that's it...
That hangs together.
Miner-In-Training: ...when suddenly, the wall collapsed and a flood of monsters came in from the other side.
Mine Chief Gaton: So we've got ourselves a veritable nest of monsters now, huh? It looks like you guessed right, kid.

Miner-In-Training: The area up ahead is dangerous. It's swarming with monsters. A-anyway, I'm outta here!

That's everybody, so we can blow this joint.

Mine Chief Gaton: Yes, that should be everyone.

Miner Bones: I'm sure glad you're safe!
Mine Chief Gaton: You can thank these kids for that. By the way, is everyone accounted for?
Miner Landan: Yep, everyone's here. Well, except for the new guy who took off like a bat out of hell... The poor guy must have wet himself scared.
Mine Chief Gaton: I see... Well, I hope he doesn't give up on being a miner after this. Anyway, there's a high possibility that there are monsters still in the lower tunnels. Until we can confirm that it's safe, I don't want anyone using the elevator, you hear me?

Miner-In-Training: I never expected monsters to surface or bracers to show up. I guess I just have to report the truth about everything that happened.
Gasp! Quelle surprise!

Mine Chief Gaton: I don't know, but we'll figure out some way to deal with it. There's always the option of sealing off the monster den with some explosives. Anyway, I may ask the guild for help if we run into any other serious trouble.

Welp. We had a good run. Let's hope Cassius has a pretty giant nest egg built up, or else we're not gonna be in a good place from here on out.

Mine Chief Gaton: Y-you lost it?!

Mine Chief Gaton: Young lady, those are the kind of words that'll give an old man like me a heart-attack...
And that's the end of that.

And we walk in on the mayor alone with a high schooler. Forgetting skipping town, I've got a much better money making plan, and it rhymes with extortion because it is extortion.

Something... scandalous?

We've actually seen here around town a couple of times, although she only just got a portrait.

Yeah, sure that's totally us. We're great, and not kinda irresponsible and moderately competant.

For us, perhaps? Please?

Yes Estelle, yes it is. Good job only slightly trailing behind the conversation.

That's a once in a lifetime opportunity right there.

Gave Septium Crystal to the mayor.

You somehow didn't break it in the mines, but lightning doesn't exactly strike twice. So maybe no.

I'm sure Estelle's idea of a pick-up line would be equal parts disturbing, awkward, and hilarious, but I get the feeling Josh ain't interested.

And what do you know, I was right.
I mean, I have played the game multiple times so it's not that impressive, but small victories..

Next time: We get pumped and knock the last one out!