Part 9: Its name: The Aureole.
Welcome back. Last time, by some miracle, we managed to safely deliver the presumably invaluable septium crystal to the mayor. While there, we met Josette, a presumably nice girl from the Jenis Royal Academy. Fun!

Now, how about you give me a report of what happened.

Hmm-hmm-hmm... It looks like you did much more than anyone was expecting from you. Dealing with unexpected accidents is also a part of our mission as bracers. I hope to see more great thing from you in the future.

Well, you don't have to worry about Estelle missing anything since her nose is always in everything.

Yeah, what he said...
Give her a second...

Hey! Why are you saying that I'm super-nosy like that?!
There we go.

Because you are. Your skills lie in being direct, nosy, and naive, right?
And impulsive! Dont forget about impulsive!
Also a little mean Josh.

Are you sure about that?

All right, that's enough, you two. Okay, this is the last of the jobs you'll be doing for Cassius. You've heard of the Liberl News, right? You'll be cooperating with them to get some coverage for a news story.
Oh man, are we gonna be in the news?
Because thatd be a terrible idea, I dont think Estelle interviews well. Or even just bad.

Isn't that the name of the news magazine we bought the other day? What are the chances of that happening?

When you say [cooperating with them to get some coverage]...just exactly what does that entail?

It seems that they're looking for a skilled guide because they want to get some shots of a dangerous place. You'll need to ask the reporters directly for the details. The reporter and camera woman from the news service are staying at the Hotel Rolent. Here's a referral from the guild.
Received Guild Referral.

All right, how about we get over to the hotel and talk to these people?

Good idea, let's go.
Before we go, we open up another one of Joshuas slots. Now he can equip twice the quartz, for twice the fun!
Since Estelles specifically set up to be able to cast Aerial, Joshua takes advantage of his newfound openness to take over the role of healer.
Ida: I hope those Bracers will show up sometime soon.

Did I hear you say you're looking for a couple of bracers?
Ida: Yes, that's right. Does this mean that you are they?

It sure does.
Ida: Even that handsome young man, too?
This might go in a weird direction.

That's right. Myself included.
Almost certainly about to go in a weird direction.
Ida: There certainly seem to be a lot of people with the name [Bracer] these days.
Thats not quite the weird direction I was expecting though.

Ida: Does this mean that you are brother and sister or something like that? You know, that's got to be it. When people have the same name it usually means they're family.

Well, I guess that's kind of how it is for us...

(Estelle, I think this lady has no idea what bracers are... She seems to have mistaken the word [bracer] for somebody's name.)

(Y-you can't be serious...)
Wed call her an idiot, but thats not the way the Bracers Brights roll, no-siree.
Ida: May I ask what the two of you are whispering to each other about?
Also shed probably think wed just gotten her name wrong.

(It'll be a pain to explain all of this to her, so let's just go along with what she says.)

(...I'll try.)

You seem to be troubled over something, ma'am...
Ida: My goodness. For such a cute little dumpling you catch on quick. Young boys are sooo considerate.
And were right back into weird.

Hey. Are you really distressed or are you just trying to flirt with someone who's way too young for you?
Ida: Oh, that's right. I am, I am. I am sooo distressed. My little Aryll hasn't come home. I carelessly dozed off here at the cafe and she vanished.

And who is [Aryll] exactly?
Ida: My little kitten. She's so snuggly-wuggly. Oh, and if I might add, it's not just her face that's so cute, it's her personality as well.
You might be weird, but I can get behind finding a kitty

What's the color of your kitten's fur?
Ida: Umm, let me think for a moment... Maybe it's like the color of the evening sun in autumn shining down upon a field of wheat.

So, it's...tan-ish?
Ida:I think she's just out running around somewhere, so if you find her, please bring her back.

Understood. We'll start by looking for her outdoors. If we find her we'll come back and report to you.
Ida: I'll be waiting right here for you. Good luck, Mr. and Ms. Bracer.
Alright, lets go find ourselves a little kitty 

Anyway, so basically we need to wander around town a little. Well run into the cat, hell run, well resume looking and start wishing we had some Whiskas to shake.
Eventually, like all lost souls, the cat takes shelter in a church.

Stay right there like that and...

What do you intend to tell her owner if she takes a dive off the terrace?
Win some, lose some?

I-I know that, but its not like theres any other way to catch her.

Im sorry the big bad Estelle scared you like that.
Were actually pretty good at good cop, bad cop. I mean, were interrogating kittens, not criminals, but theres nothing wrong with starting small.


Come on, lets go back and see your owner.

Thats a good girl, Aryll. All right, lets go. Your owners waiting for you.
Your creepy, creepy owner.

Each time we saw her she had been walking toward the cafe.

Now that you mention it... that does seem like what happened.

There's a chance that because of us, she ended up coming back this late...
Ida: Oh, don't be silly! You two brought her back safe and sound. I'm really grateful to the both of you. But especially you, Mr. Bracer. You are just the cat's meow!
Aryll: Nyayayaa~~.

Uh, I'll take that as a compliment.

(You're blushing, Joshua.)
Ida: I'd sure like to put a collar on you! Then you'd be purrrrrrrrrrrrfect.
We set out to find a cat, but it looks like we found a cougar.
Ill see myself out.

I-I apologize, but we're going to need to get back and report to the guild... H-have a nice day!

See you later!
Ida: Oh yes, I hope to be seeing a lot more of Mr. Bracer!
That was certainly... something. Something Awful.
oh god Im sorry, Ill stop.
Anyway, although we never actually accepted it at the guild, that was a sidequest. Neat!

Is it true that the people from the magazine company are staying here?
Verne: Well, you're certainly right about that. Did you have some business with them?

Actually, we're here representing the guild to cooperate with them on getting a story.
Verne: Really? Is that so? Then I regret to inform you that the both of them are out at the moment.

Oh. Well, do you know where they went?
Verne: That reporter fellow said something about heading over to the bar... How about you try asking there?
I like him already.

The bar? Got it! Thanks.
Estelle is totally all about going to the bar, which rules.

We appreciate the help.
Later, at the bar:

Are you perhaps...the reporter from the Liberl News?

That's right, do you know that? I like getting the scoop on things, but I hate it when people try and pry into my life. What business do you have with me?

We're here representing the Bracer Guild. We were told that you had requested an escort.

Oh, so you've finally come, have you? I've been waiting forever for you guys to show up. So, uh...

Where's Cassius Bright?

Um, well the thing is... He had another job come up. So he's not even in Rolent...
Dont I know it. Come back Cassius. Its sad without you.

Wh-what?! I came all the way here so I could get a story on this famous bracer...
I dont think that would be a good story either. Famous bracer messes with daughter, drinks.

Crap...what a waste this trip turned out to be!
Actually that might be a pretty entertaining read.

I don't get what you're so disappointed about, but there's no need to get your boxers in a bunch. We've got you covered!♪

I guess I don't have much of a'll have to do...

...Wait. What did you just say...?

No, the [We've got you covered!] part. What do you mean by that?

It's just like Joshua said, we're your representative bracers. Oh, and here's our referral.
Handed over Guild Referral.

Hey, this has got to be some kind of bad joke... Are you trying to tell me that you little brats are bracers?
Yeah, but youre not making it easy. You and your justified skepticism.

B-brats?! Is that how you're supposed to address a lady?!

Whaddya mean, [lady]? There's nothing sexy about you in that outfit! If you don't like my assessment, then how about slipping into a skirt and acting like all the other girls your age.
Dude. I said you were cool man. Youre making me look bad.

This clothing is specifically designed for those who wield a staff! And this looks like a skirt, too! Are you blind?! You're such a rude old man...

Wh-who are you calling an [old man]?! I'm still in my 20's dammit!
Wait, seriously? I...Id consider quitting smoking. Its not working for you.

Getting back to business, sir... The fact is that we were dispatched by the guild.

I'd be more than happy to introduce you to someone else, but I don't know when they'll be free.
Fortunately, before Estelle can start a tradition of beating on potential clients, Joshua gets things under control. We make a good team.

Argh...I can't extend the deadline any longer... I guess I've got no other alternative.

All right, rejoice, you kids. I'm going to leave this up to you.

What a generous old man you are...

Easy, Estelle. I'm Joshua, and this here is Estelle... And you are...?

I'm Nial Burns, ace reporter for the Liberl News. Though we won't be working long together, I hope you'll do a good job.

Hmph. I'll be grateful when this is all over, too.

By the way...where is it exactly that you want us to guide you to? The way I see it, you need a trusty guide because you're headed somewhere dangerous, right?

Right. My destination is the Esmelas Tower. I'm sure you've heard of it before.

Ha! That's it? Not only have we heard of it, but we were there on a job not that long ago.

Well, this may just work out after all. So, what I really want you to do is guide us to the tower roof. I want to get a picture for the magazine.

Well, aren't you the thrill seeker.

By [us] do you mean that someone else is coming along too?

Yeah, I've got my camera woman with me.

She said something about her orbal camera not working right, so she took off to the orbal factory... But she should have been back by now.

If you're in a hurry, then wouldn't it be a good idea to head over there now? No doubt you're going to take off to get your story once you meet up with your partner, right?

Yeah, that's true... All right, then. Let's head straight to the tower once we pick up my partner from the orbal factory.
A skip and a hop later...

Ill do anything you ask, just please give me back my camera! It's worth more to me than my life!
Freddy: This is a problem... What should I do about this, Dad?
Melders: You're the one who took the job, so you're the one who has to deal with it.

Hmm? What's all the fuss about?

Could this person be...?

That's her all right...
I think I get why Nial was at the bar.

Nial! You came just at the right time!

Please help me out here!

What did you do this time? You didn't waste all your money so now you don't have enough for repairs, did you?

That's amazing! How did you guess? Are you like a clairvoyant or something?!

When you do the same thing that many times, even an idiot would know what's going on!
Freddy: Do you know this person? I'm sorry to ask this, but can I get you to pay the repair costs?

Fine...but I'll need you to write it off as a business expense. How much?
Freddy: Let's see... The decorative clock and the repairs together are 2000 mira.

Hold on! I can understand the repairs, but what's the deal with the decorative clock?

Well, I was looking around the store while he was doing the repairs and... I saw a pretty clock and when I picked it up, it broke... But I'm glad we can write it off as a business expense. How wonderful is that?
Theres nothing quite like fraud. Can we write off some new weapons and sneakers too?!

That kind of amount is not going to be covered!

Crap... It looks like I'm going to have to pay out of my own pocket and get my money back later. Here's your 2000 mira.
You see? I said Nial was alright. Even if he did his best jackass impression earlier.
Freddy: And this is your receipt.

(This is an unbelievably awkward combination if I've ever seen one.)

(No doubt about that... But the fact that he'll pay out of his pocket for someone means he's probably pretty nice to work under.)

Who are these kids, Nial?

They're the bracers who will be acting as our escorts and guides. They'll be taking the place of Cassius Bright, with whom we'd originally made arrangements.

These young kids are...?

I'm Estelle. It's nice to meet you.

And I'm Joshua.

So it's Estelle and Joshua, is it? You may be young, but you seem reliable. I'm Dorothy Hyatt. I'm the new camera woman for the Liberl News. At the moment, I'm training under Nial.

Why'd I get stuck baby-sitting this blockhead of a girl... That damn Editor-in-Chief...

Relax, relax. Something good will come out of all of this soon enough.

You're one to talk!

Never mind, just forget it...

Now that we've got everyone together, how about we go and get our story.

Our destination is the Esmelas Tower, right?

All right, let's go!

Right on!
Alright, lets get started on the long road to the tower!
And were there.

The last time we were here, we only made it as far as the 2nd floor... But judging from the scale, I'd say it probably has about 5 or 6.

There should be 5. At least, that's what it said in a book at home. It was investigated some time ago, but it looks like it was abandoned after that. That reminds me. It seems like there were a number of other towers like this in Liberl.

That's correct. There are towers similar to this one in the Bose, Ruan, and Zeiss Regions. They all seem to have been built around the time that the Liberl Kingdom was founded.

Is that so? I think I'm starting to feel the history already.

My job this time is to uncover the truth about them.
There are towers. People built them. I can be a reporter too!

Dorothy, get me a few long angle shots of this place.



(A-amazing... Is a photographer's personality supposed to change by taking a camera in their hands like that?)

(She certainly looks like a pro...)
Nial kinda just, bumps into Dorothy? It doesn't come across well in the game even, due to the limitations of the sprites, so just imagine how poorly it comes across in screens.

Ow... That really hurts, Nial!

This happens every time you try to take a picture like that! Quit trying to act professional and just get me a shot using your usual style!

I guess I shouldn't try to tone down my style just to look good... Well, I guess I'll have to do it in my own way.
Well alright then. I cant say I understand it, but whatever floats your weird, messed-up picture taking boat.
Also I have no idea why my mouse cursor is in one of those screens. Fraps shouldn't be recording it, so it shouldn't happen again.

I don't get it... Why is she doing that when she's not taking photos of a person...

Somehow it seems natural for her...

She says that she can see the expression of the scenery, whatever that's supposed to mean. And believe it or not, she takes some pretty breathtaking pictures acting all ridiculous like that. I guess it could be considered a type of genius. The kind that's borderline insane though...
Arent they all? Speaking from personal experience, of course

Wow... People are sure never what they seem to be.

Okay. I'm all done here.

All right, then. Let's get inside. We're headed for the roof. I'm counting on you two greenhorns.

You just leave it to us. We won't let any monsters lay a single paw on you.

Please make sure to keep close behind us.
The Esmelas Tower is fairly straightforward. Each floor has a circular central area, joined with a bunch of walkways around the edges. The stairs up, as well as chests and all sorts of goodies, are found along the edges.
On the higher floors, however, some of the walkways start deteriorating, so things get a bit dicier.

But I want more treasure!

In battle, Dorothy will occasionally take a picture of an enemy, with has a chance of blinding them.
This makes her the single most useful NPC in the game
Let that sink in.

Since Ive done all the sidequests, and some extra stuff (the treasure chest to the west of town), Im a wee bit overleved.

Still, the tower does have some tricks up its sleeve. These guys are frail as hell, but they drain EP when they attack.

They also dont take much damage from magic, although my excellent placement skills mean we still bring on the pain.

Knitted Shoes boost your defense and move a little.

I want it all. And I want it now.

So youd expect the moldy chest potluck to kill you, but it actually brings you back to life, which is neat.

Theres a nice tree on the fifth floor.

Damn it chest. I thought you were cool.

A well timed S-Break lets us get the momentum on our side from the go.

Oh look. One of those enemies.
Fortunately, no one's in the danger zone.

The Robber Trappers take equal damage from all elements, and dont move, opting to snipe you with Air Strike instead. They cast quite fast, and for fairly respectable damage.

We do more than respectable damage.

Josh takes one for the team, though.
Thanks Josh!

It is a better staff. It staffs better than the old staff.

It was us.

And after that long - or in your case short (and surely entertaining) hike, we've reached it.

Would you look at the beautiful scenery!

Now, this is something else. It looks like we'll be able to get a better shot than I had originally anticipated. And that's the thing I was telling you about earlier...

It looks like a giant orbment-operated cauldron if you ask me.

According to my sources, it's some sort of ancient device. Although nobody seems to know what exactly it's used for.


Hey, Joshua. Did you know something like this was up here?



It's no use hiding... I think it would be wise to come out where we can see you.

Man's Voice: I'll come out already! I'm coming out right now!

Wh-who is this guy...?

So somebody arrived before we did, huh?

What a surprise that was. Nice find, Joshua!

...And you are...?

I apologize, please forgive me! I'll give you every last mira I have! Please spare my life!
Alright, that sounds good. Put down the money, walk away, and no one gets hurt.
Wait, what are we doing here again?

Look here, buddy... Please don't mistake us for robbers or something weird. You do recognize this emblem, don't you?
Estelle showed the man her guild emblem.

Wait, isn't that the Bracer Guild's...'re trying to tell me that you're bracers?

In the flesh. I'm Estelle, and this is Joshua.

And we're here as reporters from the Liberl News. We're having these two provide our escort so we can get coverage on the tower.

I'm relieved to hear that. Please just don't ever scare me like that again... The fact that you came up here like that made me suspicious of you all.

Look who's talking. You seem like quite the suspicious fellow yourself... Do you mind telling us who you are exactly?

I apologize for my belated introduction. My name is Alba, and I am an archaeologist.
Man, youre a complete letdown, I thought archaeologists were cool. Like Indy.

I came to investigate the tower in order to further my research of ancient civilizations.

All alone? I'm surprised you made it here in one piece.

Ah...ha ha...somewhat... But actually, I've grown accustomed to investigating ruins like these. You see, I've got a lot of confidence in my ability to flee from monsters if need be. ...Although this time I found myself in a bit of a pickle...
Okay, I mocked you earlier, but youre not so bad.

You are one crazy scholar if you ask me.

However, being an archaeologist would mean that you're familiar with the tower's origins, right?

Well, more than the average person anyway... But since I have only just begun my investigation, there are still a lot of things I don't know myself.

That's fine, but is there anything interesting you could tell us about this place? It'll be used for an article.

Hmm, let's see... Has everyone heard the word, [Septillion] before?
It sounds like a big number. Is it a big number?

I think Father Divine maybe said something about that before...

You mean the Septillions endowed with power and bestowed upon the ancients by Aidios, right?
Not a big number.

That's exactly what I'm referring to! It seems these ancients ruled the earth, seas, and skies using the powers of these treasures. It has also been written that they were even able to unlock the secrets of time and life... Approximately 1200 years ago, when this ancient civilization was destroyed by a mysterious calamity, these Septillions were also lost.

That is the legend also recorded in the scriptures of the Septian Church. But what does that have to do with this tower?

A part of the legend states that one of these Septillions slumbers somewhere within Liberl.

--Its name: the Aureole.

The Aureole... The word certainly has a strange ring to it.

If the legend is really true, I figured I might be able to find some clues here at the tower, since it's one of the oldest ruins in all of Liberl. So I came out to investigate.

Awww... What an inspiring story!

It is, isn't it?! You can feel my passion for things of antiquity, right?!!! This is splendid! I am overjoyed that there is someone else who understands the way I feel!
Easy now, champ.

So...did you find any of those clues you were looking for?

I-I'm still working on that part... But if I can figure out how this device works, I might be on to something.

I think it's an interesting story, but as it stands, it's a speculative one. From what you've told me, I'm sorry to say, it wouldn't fly as an article.
Ive read your newspaper. You had a story about an ice cream stand. Dont pretend youve got high standards of journalistic quality.

I see...that's extremely disappointing to hear.

Hmm, I'm surprised myself. Contrary to my expectations, you ARE serious about the articles you write.

That's because I can't write articles based on uncertain news sources.
Thats never stopped CNN. Heyooo.

We may run the occasional gossip column, but it's the policy of the Liberl News to verify our information. That aside, let's get what we came here for, shall we?
This just so happens to be the music that plays over the title screen.

Dorothy, I want you to get several panorama shots of the Rolent Region. Everything else I'll leave up to your aesthetic touch. Now get out there and get me some good pictures!

Understood! Your apprentice, Dorothy Hyatt, is ready for action!

And as for you, Mr. Archaeologist, how about heading back to town with us when we're done here? These two kids may look like a couple of brats, but they do a pretty fine job as escorts.
And you might look like a jerk, but you are.

Something about the way you said that makes me feel like it wasn't a compliment...

If it's all right with you to have me along, then that's far more than I could ask for.

Then, I guess it's decided. So, how about we take a break until Dorothy finishes getting her shots?

From this height, I can see all of Rolent!

With scenery this good, if someone turned this place into a tourist spot, they'd probably make a boatload of mira...'re probably right about that.

What's wrong? You look a little pale.

I can't hide anything from you, can I? After we stepped onto the roof, I just started feeling...a little woozy.

Are you going to be okay?

Yeah, I think I'll be all right once I get a bit of fresh air... Why don't you make the best of this opportunity and have a look around yourself?


Broadening one's knowledge during a time like this is all a part of being a bracer. If you come across anything of interest then you can tell me about it later, all right?

Sometimes you can be such a smooth talker, you know that? All right, I'll have a look around... But...if you start feeling any worse, you let me know, okay?

For fear of drowning you under an endless wave of
, and to better spread content between this and the next update, we'll find out just what they've got to say next time. Which should be soon, instead of the usual over a week.
Next time: The gang goes sleuthing.