Part 12: Because this is the place... where my mom died.
Welcome back. Last time, we outed the septium thief as Josette Haar, actually Josette Capua, a former aristocrat turned Sky Bandit Pirate (Sky Pirate sounds way better). We laid down the smack, but then she got away on account of having a giant airship on her side. Despite her escape, we still got a recommendation for Senior Bracerhood from the Rolent branch, which was good. Then we found out that the airship Cassius was on had gone missing, which was bad. Terrible, even.
We return to the Bright house, but its just not the same without Cassius drinking on the porch

Estelle, are you in there?
Estelle: Joshua...?

Dinner's ready. Just to let you know, we'll be having roasted basil chicken and onion soup gratin.
Man, youre just going to make her sad and hungry.
Estelle: That sounds sooo good... I'll...come down later, so why don't you two go on ahead and eat...

All right... Well, make sure to come down before your food gets cold.

Something really IS going on... I just can't see what it is.

Hm? Where's Estelle?

She said to go ahead and eat without her... She didn't seem to have an appetite.

I see... She took the news a lot better than I thought she would.

It's not surprising she doesn't want to come out of her room... ...seeing as how close she is with her father.

I agree...

So what do you think about all of this, Schera? Is it an accident...or an incident?

To be honest, I couldn't say either way... Your dad is a top-class bracer. When it comes to crisis management, he's the best there is. Whichever it is, if your father happens to be there, it'll be resolved.

But the fact is, an airliner, along with your father, has gone missing...

In other words, what you're trying to say is that things that shouldn't have happened, happened, right?

Don't lose heart on me now. You need to be a stout wall of support and bear Estelle up. I'll get to work tomorrow and see what I can find out...
Estelle: I can't stand it any longer.


Estelle...are you okay?

I'm so hungry I thought I was gonna pass out!

Oh, this looks so good!

Aren't you two having any? This is great! The basil flavor really comes out when you roast it...

You sure know how to cook, Joshua.♪

W-well thanks...

Come on, Schera. Don't you just sit there, too.

Do you want to drink some of my dad's brandy from his secret stash?

I'm pretty sure there's a bottle of Stainrose that's about 20 years old in there.
There are some things you just dont do Estelle.

Did you say Stainrose? And 20 years old too?!

Schera, what do you think you're doing?

...*sigh* Sorry, Estelle. I'm going to have to pass this time.

By the way, what were you doing up in your room? You didn't come down even after Joshua called you for supper.

Huh? Oh, right. I was just looking for some extra underwear. I was having a bit of trouble finding one of my favorites because it was stuffed in the back of one of the drawers.
Well, everybody mopes in their own way. Their own weird, weird, way.


Oh, and a set of gear for traveling. I mean, who knows how long we'll be gone, so I figure as long as we're prepared we'll have nothing to worry about.


So what you're saying is... You intend to head to Bose to find your father?

Well, duh, that's a no-brainer. And while I can't imagine anything bad happened to him, despite his horrible luck... Waiting around just doesn't suit me, so I'm gonna go check things out for myself.
What, did you think they were gonna spend their time angsting? Not in Trails!

Ha ha... You really are something else... Whether it's your positive attitude or thick-skin I can't say, but...

What-! You're soooo rude, Joshua...

But, you are coming along too, right?

Of course. However, it looks like all airliner flights have been canceled until the army finishes their search. It seems like the only way to Bose is on foot.

Walk to Bose, huh...? I wonder how long that's gonna take.

For a bracer on foot, if they hurry, they can make it there in about half a day.

But if that's the route you're taking, that makes things easy. I think I'll tag along, as well.

Really? You'll come with us? But, aren't you busy with a bunch of other jobs...?

Hey! I trained under your father, right? Did you honestly think I'd just sit here when something could have happened to the person I owe so much to? I'm going to talk to Aina and have her pass my jobs at the guild to another member.


We really appreciate this, Schera.

You really shouldn't be thanking me. I just can't leave a job as big as this up to a bunch of newbies.

I hate to say it, but you're probably right.

Oh well. Since Schera's along for the ride now, I do feel a bit more confident.

We appreciate you coming with us.

Hmm-hmm-hm. Myself as well.

Anyway, let's make sure to drop by the guild tomorrow morning before we leave. I'll need to explain the situation to Aina.

To be frank though, with Scherazard taking off after Cassius, I'm going to be really short-handed.
Dont worry about it, Im sure you can find someone to get hit on a by a crazy cat lady.

But since this involves him directly, please don't worry about anything.

I really appreciate this, Aina. Make good use of Ridge while we're gone. He should be able to deal with at least three times his normal workload.

Don't you think that's a bit harsh?

Don't worry. If things get too hectic, I'll ask for help from the Grancel Branch. By the way, Scherazard. Can I get a minute? I'd like to talk with you about the job you were going to do...
Job is a euphemism for one or two or ten for the road.

Sure, no problem. Estelle, Joshua, could I have you two wait upstairs? I'll be done in a minute.


Um, Schera? If we're going to be waiting, would you mind if we did it out in front of the clock tower? I'd like to say 'Hi' to someone...


Oh, yeah. That's right. Okay. Then let's meet up in front of the clock tower. As soon as I'm done here, I'll head over there myself.

Got it.

Come on, Joshua.

Uh, sure...
<<Septain Calendar 1192>>
Destroyed during the Hundred Days War when Rolent was bombarded by the Erebonian Imperial Army.
<<Septian Calendar 1197>>
Rebuilt with the cooperation of the citizens of Rolent.

Every time I see this clock tower I always think...
Oh, so thats what time it is

They sure did a superb job restoring it after the war. You can sure feel the spirit of Rolent's people from this.



Um, Joshua... What do you think about going up with me and waiting until Schera shows up?

You mean the clock tower? Sure, I don't mind...

Okay, come on.

Hey look, Joshua. We can see the house from here.

You're right. I can see the roof.

But do you want to tell me what's going on since you've always avoided coming up here? I was under the impression that you didn't like this place.


I like this place, but I just can't casually come up here.

Because this is the place... where my mom died.

Estelle: When the Imperial Army surrounded Rolent, they bombarded the symbol of the city, the clock tower, to try and get the citizens to surrender. This was at the time Dad was fighting in the Royal Army. I wanted to see who he was fighting against, so I climbed up the clock tower... And when the bombardment started... I couldn't get away.
Estelle: My mother had saved me. I was wrapped tightly in her arms, shielded from the rubble... And as I cried, she sang my favorite lullaby... But... When they finally dug us free...

After the war ended and this place had been rebuilt, I avoided coming here for the most part. It's not because I have painful memories of this place though.

It's just, when I come here, a part of me wants so much to draw on her strength... Plus, I've felt that I can't be strong like her if I'm always trying to rely on her...


But today is okay, right? Relying on her just this once... Asking her to bring Dad home safely... Asking her to protect him...

...Of course it is.

And don't worry... Dad's safe for sure. You're mother's protecting him. So there's no doubt in my mind that he's safe.


And if he happens to be in a bit of trouble, then you can come to his rescue. Just like your mother did for you, you can do the same for your dad. And don't forget, I'm here to help you, too.


I know I can't completely understand everything you've been through, but... I can stay here by your side as I am now...

And if you need a shoulder to cry on, you've always got mine. So...




Ha ha ha ha! Joshua, you're trying too hard! You shouldn't say things like that so lightly.

Wh-what do you mean...?

If I were any other girl, I would totally have misinterpreted your intentions just now.
Or perhaps... any other girl who have interpreted his intentions correctly :tinhat:

You are seriously the type who's going to have problems with romantic relationships in the future.
Also that face still exemplifies

I'm already starting to get worried.

Well excuse me for trying to be nice!

Why do you have to be like that when someone is genuinely worried about you?

Thanks for cheering me up, Joshua. I feel a lot better now.

I guess as long as I get some kind of thanks it was worth looking like a complete fool.
Its alright Joshua. I thought it was a good speech.

But you are unbelievable... *mumble* *mumble*

Don't be so mad. I'm really thankful, believe it or not.

So how about we get down from here, huh? I'm sure Schera's waiting for us.

You're probably right.

(Mom. I've finally realized why I wanted to become a bracer... It's so I could become strong and protect others just like you... So please watch and see... I won't fail to bring Dad home safe again!
Scenes like this are a part of the reason why I like this game so much. Its rare to see JRPG leads who are as open with each other as Estelle and Joshua are. They organically come across as quite close, instead of just two people who the game is basically trying to force together.
More specifically, I also like the small detail about how Estelle doesnt like to depend on her mother. It makes the scene and her character more complicated than if she solely talked about her mother and how she died, and fits in quite well with her rather brash and independent character.
Also Estelle may say Joshuas going to have romantic troubles, but hitting on Joshua is basically a national pastime amongst NPCs and PCs.
The other national pastime amongst NPCs and PCs is pairing Josh with Estelle.

Why, my cheeks even feel a bit hot just thinking about it!
(Actually because she and Aina went back for the Stainrose.)

What's that supposed to mean? You were spying on us?!

Give me some credit, will you? I just happened to see you when I looked up to check the time.

I sure wish I had an orbal camera to get a shot of that view...

Come on...

What are you trying to say, Schera? That's called family bonding, plain and simple. It's kind of like your habit of hugging everyone after your third bottle of wine.
Just like my family!
i had a sad childhood

*sigh* Let's not get into that...

What's with the sigh?

You really don't know how to take a joke, do you?

Well, whatever. Did you say 'Hi' to Lena while you were up there?

Yeah... I even asked for her to watch over Dad.

I see, then I guess it looks like you're all set. You know, Lena's protection is equal to that of the Goddess, herself. Your dad's safety is pretty much guaranteed.
Cassius being super cool helps.

I think you may be giving her a little too much credit...

Now that you mention it, you met Estelle's mother before, right, Schera?

Yeah...when I was a child. I was still in a troupe at the time.

A troupe?
Metal G--
You know what? Im better than that.

Yeah, a troupe in a traveling circus. Schera was a dancer. Although it was a long time ago, we first met when she came to Rolent with the circus.

12 years ago to be exact. I was 11 and Estelle was 4. And because of that chance encounter, when I became a bracer, I trained under your father.

I didn't know that...

Maybe I'll tell you about it some time when I get a chance. Are you about ready to head out for Bose? With airliner flights canceled, we'll just have to make our way to Bose the old fashioned way: by foot. First we'll need to make our way to the Verte Bridge Checkpoint, which sits on the border of the Bose Region.

The Verte Bridge is located at the west end of the Milch Main Road.

It looks like we're all set, so let's go!
Before we leave Rolent, we have a couple of things left for us to do.
First, on the way to Mistwald, we could have gotten some new scenes with some NPCs with Schera in our party, but I moved them into this update for pacing reasons.

Yeah, our work overlapped a bit.
Elger: I see. I had a new whip scheduled to come in, but unfortunately it won't get here 'til much later.

Come to think of it, Schera, you used a sword for training, so why take a whip for the job?

Well if you must was an accessible weapon for me at a young age, so I'm familiar with it.

(A whip? Do I even want to know...?)
Luckily, since this scene has been time-displaced, we know that she uses a whip for an awesome reason (circuses are cool!) instead of something weirder.
Faulkner: Aaah! Sch-Sch-Scherazard?! G-good day to you!

Why so tense? You needn't worry, I'm on duty right now.
Faulkner:[ P-praise the Goddess. Er...I mean... we appreciate your hard work.

Hmm-hmm-hmm. When I'm done today, how about I stop by and we have a drink together? I'll be looking forward to seeing you later.
Faulkner: Ha...ha ha...I'll waiting...

(Nothing inspires fear like Schera's drunken company.)

(Except maybe your cooking...)
Theres other stuff, but none that interesting so lets move on.
Back in the present, there are a bunch of scenes we can get by talking with the various citizens of Rolent. That said, they all follow the same general theme...
There is an exception though.

Yeah, just over to Bose.
Father Divine: Hmm, is that so? Then in that case could I ask a favor of you? I had wanted to send Father Holstein a letter, but the airliners are grounded. So how about it? Can I get you to deliver this letter while you're there in Bose?

Sure, we'll do it.

It shouldn't be a problem since a letter's not that big to begin with.
Unless he wrote a huge-ass letter.
Father Divine: I really appreciate this. All right then, here you are.
Received Fr. Divine's Letter.

So all we need to do is give this letter to Father Holstein in Bose, right?
Father Divine: Yes. The chapel is on the east side of Bose City, so it should be fairly easy to locate. Traveling around other regions and broadening your knowledge is food for the mind. I pray that the Goddess will guide you on your journey.
One last thing:

The Eagle Vision quartz we got last time is pretty great. First, it has some great elemental values, namely x 3 Mirage and x 2 Space. Now, I havent talked much about the Mirage and Space elements. Unlike the other five elements, they barely have any magic associated with them. Instead, they mix with other elements to create high-level spells (frequently AoE spells.)
It also lets you see enemies on the minimap, and seemingly increased draw distances as well. While it has no actual effect in battle, its a nice quality of life improvement, and so its always nice to have it equipped, especially this early in the game when its associated element values are also top of the line.
Now, we can also use a bunch of septium we have lying around to buy a Blind quartz, and open one of Estelles slots. Blind gives a chance of inflicting Blind with normal attacks, but thats not important. What is important is that it has an elemental value of x 3 Time. Giving Estelle that, Eagle Vision, and Action 1 gives her one of the most useful Time magics, Hell Gate. Hell Gate is a AoE spell thats both quite powerful, and has a chance of inflicting Faint, which completely shuts down anyone it lands on.
And thats that. Lets say bye to Rolent, and head onwards to adventure border crossing bureaucracy.

Hello, Sergeant Ashton.
Sergeant Ashton: And this is...Scherazard, if I remember correctly, right?

Good afternoon, Sergeant. We'd like to cross over into the Bose Region, so we were wondering about getting a pass.
Sergeant Ashton: Let me guess...this has something to do with the Linde, doesn't it?

Estelle explains that Cassius was aboard the missing airliner.
Sergeant Ashton: Heaven forbid, Cassius was aboard...? This is major. I'll issue you a pass right away.
Received Gate Pass.

Thank you, Sergeant Ashton.

But is it all right if you issue us a pass just like this?
Its alright, hes just not very good at his job.
Sergeant Ashton: What are you talking about? I know you kids by face. And as a member of the Royal Army, I should do my best to cooperate with the Bracer Guild. Oh, but one other thing...

Sergeant Ashton: Be careful if you have any errands at the Haken Gate north of here. You might want to hide your identities as bracers there.

What do you mean?
Sergeant Ashton: I'm sorry, but I can't say any more about the matter. But if you do intend to investigate the incident, please do so with discretion.
I know why hes saying this, and its a load of crap, he could totally tell us. Dont be that guy Ashton.
Nobody likes that guy.
Sergeant Ashton: I pray to Aidios for Cassius safe return.
This is the other side of the gate. The chain is all thats in our way.
Weve got the worst fucking border patrol.

We are. But how did you know we weren't just visiting again?
Private Scott: Well, a number of people like yourselves have been passing through lately. Exponentially more than usual.

Is that because flights have been suspended in the airspace over Bose?
Private Scott: That's exactly what's happened. You wouldn't believe how busy this place is because of it.

Well, the one responsible for restricting flights is the Royal Army. So you're really not in a position to complain.
Private Scott: Yeah, I guess you're right about that... Oh, and another thing: traffic through this checkpoint is also being regulated. If you want to go through here, you'll have to get a pass from the sergeant next door.

Oh, well, we've already got one.
Handed over Gate Pass.
Private Scott: Well, arent you guys prepared. Okay then, how about I open the gate for you?
The soldier opened the gate by remote control.
Private Scott: All right, you're clear to go on through. Once you cross over, you won't be able to come back unless you get a pass from the other side. Please be aware of that before you cross.
Scotts not kidding around. We cant come back to Rolent once you leave, so make sure youve done absolutely everything before you leave.
And as it turns out, we havent.
Private Harold: I just bought this book, but I guess Ill give it to you. The sergeant would be livid if he caught me with this.
Yeah, the game is an asshole about Carnelia. Its super easy to miss a chapter permanently.
Alright. Behind us lies Rolent, ahead of us lies adventure! Onward!
Next time: Adventure!