Part 13: The Commercial City of Bose.
Welcome back. Last time, after receiving news of Cassius disappearance, Estelle and Josh decided to set off to Bose and find him themselves. Sounds like a good time.
And finally, we take our first steps out of the nest, and set out on the East Bose highway. Since this is an RPG, the climate has changed entirely, with the flat plains of West Rolent giving way too taller trees. And yellow brick roads! And what do you do with yellow brick roads?

Why, you dont follow them, of course!

Our detour at the fork in the road leads us into the ever foggy Nebel Valley a little early. Lets try not to die!

Mission accomplished.

Well, that was a waste of time. But, theres more to Nebel then a random hermit. Lets go back to not dying...

...Were not doing a good job on that front.

Okay, but seriously, the Giant Foot still takes good damage from magic. And more importantly, hes slow as all hell.

He gets in one good hit on Joshua, before we Faint him and trivialize the fight.

We get an HP 2 quartz for our troubles. Its more HP, and x 3 Water. Now x3 Water isnt enough to get better water magic, and you can't equip two levels of the same quartz (so no HP 1 and 2), so its only current benefit is +10% HP.

This isnt what we came for, but its still nice (rrargh).

This, however, is exactly what we came for.


Alright, Joshua, lets try it these out. (Perhaps listen to this to set the mood?)
Or dont, if hackneyed sitcom references just arent your thing.

Now thats fun!

What's that headed this way...?
Some goofy looking transport it seems. I like it

Fine. I haven't seen you in a while either. What are you up to?

As you can see, I'm doing an escort job. I'm sure that you've heard about all the airliners being grounded after the Linde incident, right? Because of that we have to move all this cargo to the Royal City by ground transport.

I see. Well, your efforts are appreciated.

So how about yourself? What are you doing with these youngsters?
Promoting underaged drinking and generally corrupting us, thats what.
She helps fight sometimes too, I guess.

Don't tell me you're looking into the incident...?

That was the plan. Why? Do you know something we should be aware of?

Well... I think it would be best if you spoke with Lugran about it at the Bose branch. Anyway, I've got to get going. Catch you later.
Damn it Grant. Dont be that guy too.

Sergeant Ashton and now him... Everyone keeps hinting at something, but no one will just come out and say it. I wonder what's up.

Well, there must be a good reason for it, and we'll probably find our answers at the Bose branch.

Agreed. If we do as he suggests and ask Lugran about it, we may just get a clue as to what's going on.

Anyway, let's get moving.
You may be asking: What am I looking for here? This, my readers, is where I remembered Id forgotten to examine the chest back in Nebel twice.
The things I do for LP.

So do I chest. So do I.
Thats five minutes Ill never get back.

We find another fork in the road. Right takes us to Bose, so we go left.

Fooey, I dont think theres any super weapons down this way.
National Guardsman 1: The Haken Gate is currently not permitting civilian passage through the checkpoint.
National Guardsman 2: Unauthorized personnel are not allowed past this point.
Thats no good. What have you got Estelle? Use your silver tongue and get us through here.

Come on, it'll be all right if you let us through.
Swing and a miss.
National Guardsman 2: No, it's not all right!
National Guardsman 1:The border garrison is putting all of its efforts into searching for the missing airliner. We will not allow anything or ANYONE to hinder the search.

We've no intention to do anything of the sort. We're bracers. So are you trying to tell us we can't pass either?
National Guardsman 1: Bracers? I can see that you're a bracer... but are you trying to tell me that these kids are, too?

Heh heh heh, that's right!☆

See the emblems?
National Guardsman 1: I-I see... But I'm sorry to inform you that even bracers are no exception.
National Guardsman 2: You heard the man. Now how about you move on out of here.

Grrrr... I bet I could change their tune with a little help from my staff...
Yes. Lets do that.

Forget it, Estelle. They wouldn't be much use to us unconscious either. Anyway, let's hurry to Bose.

Wow...this definitely looks like a city.

Of the five major cities in Liberl, this one comes next after the Royal City. Compared to Rolent, the buildings are all made of stone and seem a lot bigger.

Does anyone have any idea what that huge building is over there?

That's the Bose Market. It's an indoor marketplace made up of various shops. Food, clothing, sundry goods, furniture, books, and so on... You can pretty much buy everything here with the exception of weapons and orbments.

It's not surprising that they call this place a commercial city.

Man...I really wish this trip could have been for shopping...

Maybe some other time. Let's first stop by the guild and find out what's going on regarding the incident.

Oh, all right...
Its alright Estelle. Im in charge here, and Im down for some shopping.

If you're curious, the Bracer Guild is just right over there.

I'm getting a kink in my neck just turning my head to try and take all of it in.

She's so into her surroundings, it looks like she can't even hear you.

Ah ha ha...
So yeah. Dorothy is here, but we cant talk to her.
There are lots of people we can talk to though.
Paul: I carry brands from the Royal City here as well. If you would like, please have a look around.

It looks like they sell clothes here.

I'm fine, I already like the clothes I'm wearing now.
Paul: I can also do custom designs or tailor any clothes you'd like. Just keep that in mind if you decide you want something more fashionable than your current...uh, unique outfit.
Not that wed want to talk to them
Katrina: How about a fluffy, eggy sponge cake? It's a specialty here at the Bose Market.
Yeah, but is it an explosion. Because if not? Were not interested.

Wow, this looks so good, Joshua!

Yeah, it does have a nice smell to it, doesn't it?

Joshua, after we find Dad let's come here and get one of these to eat together, okay?

That's not a bad idea.

Really? You'd better not forget about this later on, you hear me?
Minuet: I carry everything from antique books to textiles and daily necessities.

Man, would you look at all this stuff! Mr. Rinon's general store has lots of stuff, but this one carries even more than he does!

Yeah, it's pretty easy to see exactly why this store's here in the market.
Minuet: I stock a lot of imported goods from the Empire and the Republic. So I'm pretty confident about my selection.
Minuet is a man of lies and broken dreams. All he sells is a new issue of the Liberl News (were in it!), and chapters of Carnelia weve already found. Not very helpful Minuet.
Take it down a notch. Or two notches. Or hell, make it 10.

Eeeek! What the-?! S-so loud! My ears... they bleed!

Well, this place is alive and bustling like everyone says. I wonder if its like this all day.

It is. And their eagerness and zeal to succeed is nothing to be balked at.
And thats basically all the worthwhile conversations in the market. Now, I havent really been showing off whats for sale here, and thats because its all mostly just accessories, foodstuffs, and healing items. The kind of stuff Im not really showing off for the LP, on account of not being interesting.
If anyone really wants, I can tell them the thrilling tale of how I bought the necessary ingredients to cook most of my learned recipes. Except I basically just did.

We can also buy some new stuff. It closes the gap between our old weapons and Joshuas new weapon somewhat, but Joshua still has an edge (and we save money.) Its also worth pointing out the price of things, versus how much money I have. Even after selling my old gear, and not having to buy Joshua a weapon, I still fall a Leather Jacket short of upgrading everyone.
Considering Im doing every sidequest, that should give you a good idea of how upgrading your stuff works. You arent supposed to get a complete upgrade every time you make it to a new city, instead, youre supposed to prioritize upgrades, and then gradually upgrade everyone.

The orbal factory also has some new stuff. I synthesize an EP Cut 1. Attached to Schera, it lets her use some of the base level Time magic (Clock Up and Soul Blur, both useful), and Lightning:, a wind arte that hits all enemies in a straight line from the caster, with a 20% chance of sealing their artes. Its not the best magic, but straight line AoEs can be devastating if setup right.
Manager Lechter: Do you have a reservation?

Um...nope! Is this a restaurant, then?
Manager Lechter: Tis as you say, yes. I am the manager, Lechter. I tend to the restaurant's needs while the owner is away. Herein, the best-quality ingredients and servers await you, amounting to the greatest dining experience of your life. I personally guarantee that if you partake of our delicacies, you will emerge full and satisfied. Please, come this way. I will gladly show you to a table.

Wow, this guy's got a LOT of confidence in his restaurant. And I must admit, it certainly does look like a nice place...

Yeah, but he's a bit pushy, don't you think? I mean, when I see this place, my first thought is, CHA-CHING. We'd go broke if we ate here!

Ha ha. It's not cheap, that's for certain. If one wished to stay for a full course dinner...let's see... ...It would require the bounty from 30 large monsters, at minimum, to gather enough mira.
Thats not a very good unit of measure, Schera, gosh.

Yeow. Yeah, not for me, thanks! At that price I'll gladly go street vendor. Deep fried Pom, Pom-on-a-stick, Poms-in-a-blanket...

It's been a while, hasn't it, Lugran? Did someone tell you that we were coming ahead of time?

Yes, I received a call from Aina not that long ago. So that means these two kids with you are Cassius' children?

Yes, that's right.'s nice to meet you, sir. I'm Estelle Bright.

And I'm Joshua Bright. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

I'm Lugran, and I oversee the Bose branch. Your father and I go way back. Please just call me Lugran.

Sure, we'll do that.

That said...could you give us a quick update on the missing airliner incident?

Yes, about that... The Royal Army is still continuing its search.

However, with the army's current restriction on information, no public updates of the situation have been made. And not only has the general public been kept in the dark, but the guild hasn't heard a word either.

Really?! Why not? Aren't the army and guild supposed to be cooperating together?

Well, that's the way it is on the surface anyway. But in actuality, there's a lot of opposition between both parties on a number of aspects.

So, pretty much what you're saying is that it's a bunch of jurisdictional disputes, right?
Ooh, politicking. I like it. Go on.

I hate to admit it...but that's the situation. In addition, General Morgan has gotten involved.

Did you just say General Morgan...? Great. Now it really looks like things are going to be a pain.

General Morgan? Who's that?

He's famous for repelling the Imperial Army's invasion 10 years ago. You should have read about him in the history books.
Should have, being the key phrase here.

Hmm. Amazingly enough, I don't recall the name.

So what's the big deal with this famous guy anyway?

From what I've heard, he's not the biggest fan of the Bracer Guild. Hates bracers, in fact. It seems he even makes it a point to routinely assert that there's no need for a Bracer Guild.
You mean he thinks a group of fully armed freelancers who answer to nobody is a bad thing?
the nerve of some people

Sounds like a real whack-job to me. So what you're saying is that we're not getting any information because of this general?

That's not really important at the moment...

What really matters is that bracers are being prohibited from entering the regions they are investigating. And because of that, it's causing conflicts with our other work.

B-but...we just came all the way here from Rolent... If that's the way it's gonna be, then it's time to duel it out with this general to decide who gets to investigate the incident!

You're talking like a crazy person, Estelle...

Keep your cool, bracer. There ARE other ways. Such as...the request we just received from the mayor concerning the incident. She has asked that we conduct an investigation from the guild side, separate from the army.

Well, that's encouraging news. If it's an official request from the mayor, it'll be a great pretext for us to conduct our own investigation.

I see. Well isn't this perfect timing. Lugran, we'll accept the mayor's request.

That sounds fine by me.

But before you two are junior bracers, right?

Yeah, why?

Junior bracers, so to speak, are members-in-training registered at various branches. In short, their performance is monitored by the branch where they're currently registered. And right now, for you two, that would be Rolent.

So what you're trying to say is that...

We have to change our registration if we want to accept jobs here, right?

You've got it. Here, all you need to do is sign on these forms to transfer your registration.

Uh, sure...
Estelle and Joshua filled out the registration transfer forms.

All right, it looks like everything is in order. Junior bracers, Estelle and Joshua. As of this day at 15:20, your registration at the Bose branch has been approved.

This means that you are now members of the Bose branch.

So you know, once you become a senior bracer you can do any job without being registered to a particular branch. But on the flip-side, your duties and responsibilities increase as well.


So pretty much we're still newbies...?

Well, it looks like now I'll be able to entrust you with the mayor's request. The mayor's residence is near the west gate. You should go there and talk to her directly.

We'll do that!

Now that weve registered with Bose, we can start doing sidequests here. Now, the latter two quests can easily be taken care of over the course of the main plot, but we need to go out of our way for the Ravennue Monster. Its a somewhat long one though, so well take care of it later.
At the mayors house...

Check out that crazy-expensive looking chandelier!
So expensive that wed probably be broke forever if something happened to it. So, yknow...

Calm down, Estelle.
Yeah, that.

It looks like this is the mayor's place, all right. Now I just wonder if she's home.
Butler Mayner: Welcome to the Bose mayor's residence. May I ask who you are, please?

We're with the Bracer Guild. The mayor made a request to the guild and we've come here to inquire about the details.
Butler Mayner: Well, I have heard from the mayor that we would be expecting you. However, I am sorry to inform you that the mayor is currently out at the moment. She has gone to worship at the chapel.

When do you expect her back, sir?
Butler Mayner: Well, let me see... Actually, I would imagine her to be making a return any moment now.

Well, we're kinda in a hurry to meet her... Do you think it would be all right to call on her at the chapel?
Butler Mayner: W-well...I don't wish to inconvenience you...

Don't worry, it would probably save the both of us some trouble. But if you don't mind me asking...what does the mayor look like? Like the typical wealthy person? Big hat with feathers in it? Dripping gemstones from every pore?
As a rich person, let me tell you: Thats exactly right. Now Im off to swim in my pool of money.
Butler Mayner: Feathers? Gemstones from every...what?, but quite off the mark I assure you. How would I describe her? Should I say she looks splendid or should I say beautifully mature...?
Preferably neither, creepy butler man.
Creepy Butler Man: If she could just find the right man, then I could retire in peace...

Butler Mayner: Uh...never mind. I was just thinking out loud. Ah, yes, this may help: the mayor has a maid accompanying her. That might be the easiest way to find her.

The mayor is being accompanied by a maid, huh? That sounds easy enough to find in a crowd of people.

Let's hurry and head over to the chapel.

Estelle, that wasn't very polite.

My apologies, we're with the Bracer Guild. We're looking for the mayor so we can confirm the details of a job she requested.

Oh, I see... Please let me introduce myself. I am her maid, Lila. I see to the mayor's daily needs.

Being served hand and foot, huh...? The worlds we live in are really different. So where is the mayor, if you don't mind me asking? Didn't she come here to pray?

She's playing hooky from her religious duties...
Mayor seems pretty cool so far.


I'm sure she's probably in the middle of inspecting the situation in the market. She took off after telling me to pray for her too.

Hmm-hmm.Well, doesn't she sound interesting. Even if she weren't the mayor I'd be kind of intrigued.

There is no doubt she's a capable person. Although she does have a bit of an unrestrained aspect to her at times. Anyway, I'm on my way to meet her right now. I don't mean to sound impolite, but would you mind waiting at her residence? I will let her know you're there.

Um, I don't know how I feel about going back there empty-handed... Would it be all right if we came along with you instead?

Come with me to meet the mayor? Well, I guess it's okay... Let's make our way over to the Bose Market, then.

I wonder where the mayor is?

Well, she does stand out in a crowd, so I'm sure you'll find her right away...

Oh, just as I thought...

Trying to force up the price of food at a time like this by buying it all up... You're not fit to be merchants in Bose.
Buck: B-but, ma'am...
Trayton: We were just thinking about how to increase sales for the Bose Market in general...

I don't want to hear anymore from you! If it were other products it would be a different story, but making undue profits on necessities will lead to negative publicity for the market! Return these goods to their original prices at once!
You know what that sounds like?
Buck: A-all right...
Trent: We'll do as you say...

Now I don't doubt your passion for the Bose Market, but I want you to understand this. Commerce, when you get right down to it, is the established relationship of trust between people.

And believe me, if you do business with that in mind, you can become wonderful merchants in Bose.
Buck: Y-yes, ma'am...
Trayton: We'll do our best!


Madam... you came, huh?

I'm sorry you had to see that side of me. did a wonderful job as always. But never mind that, these people are here to see you. Please come back home immediately.

Oh, that emblem is... Could you be the bracers I requested?

Yep, that's us, but...

So does that mean that you're...?

Hmm-hmm-hmm. Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Maybelle. I'm the owner of this market and the mayor of the Bose Region.
Welcome to the wonderful world of business expenses.

I often use this place for business meetings. The food is quite good, too.

I tell you what though, I had heard the mayor of Bose was a woman... But I never imagined you would be this young.

Based on looks alone, I would guess that you're only four or five years older than me.

Actually, I still feel like I'm nothing more than an unworthy successor to my father. My late father was the previous mayor, and all I did was inherit the rights to the Bose Market and the political foundation which he set up.
Welcome to the wonderful world of nepotism as well.

That's a...rather unvarnished self- evaluation if I've ever heard one.

After all, I'm just the daughter of a businessman, so there's no sense in getting high hat about that.

But anyway, would it be all right to go over the details of my request with you again?

Sure, that'd be fine.

Well, what I would like to ask that you do is investigate the disappearance of the missing airship and bring closure to the incident. I am of the opinion that bracers would bring about much more desirable results concerning this incident than the army is currently producing. The reason being: we're not fighting a war. We're trying to find answers and solve a mystery.

Well I, for one, would be honored. But don't you think that you're overrating us just a bit?

Ehh, just call it...a businesswoman's prerogative.

The fact of the matter is, an influential businessman was aboard the airliner that disappeared. In addition, if the Royal Army continues to keep the Bose airspace as a no-fly zone, business is going to suffer. And just when business had been booming prior to the Queen's birthday celebration, too...

I see. So this is an economic appeal, right?

Yes, and it's something which I can't trust to be left up to the army alone. So what do you think? Will you accept my request for your help in the matter?

Well, we have our own reasons for wanting to investigate the incident, and we'd like to accept the job, but... The army has actively been trying to exclude bracers from anything having to do with the incident.

So, uh...I don't suppose you could pull the mayor card for us, could you? Maybe show the army who's running this show?

Excluding bracers, huh...? This must have something to do with General Morgan, then. That man has disliked bracers from the beginning.

So you know who the general is, Mayor Maybelle?

He was a friend of my late father's. Tentatively speaking, we have a passing acquaintance with one another. So...I may just be able to do something for you.



Yes, madam.
Lila produced a sheet of letter paper and a fountain pen from her pocket and handed them to Mayor Maybelle.


...I guess this should be sufficient.

Here, please take this with you.
Received Mayor Maybelle's Letter

What's this letter for?

It's a letter of request to General Morgan. It is to inform him of my request for information about the incident as the official responsible for the region. I think this should be enough to get some information out of the army.

I see... But I wonder if that bracer-hating general will even meet with us at all...

I think it would be a pretty safe bet as long as you hide your identities.
Yeah, thats something thats not guaranteed to go straight to shit.

You would probably be best served by saying that you are messengers for the mayor.
I give us about five minutes before we get caught. Five minutes before we start.

I don't know if I like the sound of that. It feels like we're lying or something...
We are

It's not lying. We'd just not be telling him everything. Since this is a time-sensitive situation, I think we should be practical about it.

...I guess you're right, Joshua.

By the way, where do we need to go to meet General Morgan?

There's a fort called the Haken Gate on the international border to the north of Bose. You should be able to find the general there.

You just leave everything to us. If we find anything, well come and let you know.

Goodbye, and have a wonderful day.


All right, lets get going, shall we? The Haken Gate is at the end of the Eisen Road to the north of the East Bose Highway.
Next time, well get right on that.
Next time: We meet a very silly man.
Liberl News: Issue 2
Well, of course he'd say that.
The Liberl News is actually one of my favorite little touches. It fleshes out the setting in a lot of nice ways, some of which become important, some of which are just interesting.
You see? We made the news