Part 14: Brightly shooting stars, leaving trails in the skies...
Welcome back. Last time, we made our way to Bose, and found ourselves smack dab in the middle of some red tape. The general in charge of investigating the disappearance of the Linde is a big ol' jerk who hates bracers, so we're locked out there. Fortunately, the mayor of Bose has a different view, and so we're going in undercover.
National Guardsman 2: Wait...weren't you with the Bracer Guild...?

Heh heh... Too bad, not today. Today we're here on official business.
Estelle produced Mayor Maybelle's Letter with a flourish.
National Guardsman 1: This is Mayor Maybelle's...

The mayor has requested that we come and speak with General Morgan about the status of the search.

As you can see, this document is official. But if you don't want to let us through, I'm sure you'll be hating life later.
National Guardsman 2 already hates his life though.
National Guardsman 1: Umm...
It's very sad.
National Guardsman 1: I guess there's nothing we can do but let you through.
National Guardsman 2: Are you serious about this?
National Guardsman 1: Don't you know? Mayor Maybelle is the one in charge over the entire region. You can't just ignore that.
You can, it's just a bad idea.
National Guardsman 2: I guess you're right...
National Guardsman 2: ...All right. We'll grant you permission to pass, but make sure you don't cause any problems. Whatever happens, never forget that we share a border with the Empire.
There's about a 50% chance we're going to start a war.

Yeah, yeah, we got it already.

All right then, let us through.
The path to the Haken Gate has two different types of enemies. First we have these little guys.

They're tougher than they seem, trust me.

There's also these guys, who are basically a car in an action flick.

After weakening him with Fire, Estelle gets the kill with Hell Gate.
Now, there's something terribly wrong here. The two Rimora were in range of Hell Gate, but they didn't take any damage.

And Estelle's dead.

And Schera's dead.
So the Rimora are pretty much push-overs, but they also reflect magic, which will fuck you over once and only once.

They can also summon the big guys. We might be in trouble!

We're good.

The Rimora also drop Monster Fowl Meat. Beyond being a stable of multiple recipes (disturbing!), we also need 5 of them for a quest we've accepted. It's easy to get them all on the way to Haken and back.

Now that's a border.

Th-this is the Haken Gate...? It's freaking huge!

Of course it's huge. It acts as the sole entrance to the Empire and is the rampart that protects Liberl from foreign threats. After it was destroyed in the war 10 years ago, a much more robust wall was built in its place. Standard military reaction: Bigger equals better.
Hey, it's not the size of the wall, it's... how you use it to keep out foreigners?

Which means that beyond this point is no longer Liberl...

Yeah... It's the territory of the Erebonian Empire which stands beneath the emblem of the golden stallion.

The Erebonian Empire...


Well, enough staring for one day. Let's go meet with General Morgan. There are some barracks right there to the side of the gate... Maybe we'll find him in there.

Okay, let's go!

Before that... I want you to remove those Bracer Emblems you've got pinned on your chests. Things won't be pretty if General Morgan sees those.

Oh, I forgot all about that...
Estelle and Joshua reluctantly removed their Bracer Emblems.

Somehow I feel all weird doing this...
I think it's the lying. Because you're full of crap, it's totally lying Joshua.

Yeah, there's something that just doesn't feel right about this...

Hmm-hmm. That's proof that you've started adjusting to being a bracer.
There's a small bar built into the wall.

This is my first time eating Liberl's cooking, but it was rather delectable.
Nolan (This is the bartender): Well, I'm glad you liked it. If you head to town, there's a number of other places where you can eat great Liberl cooking as well.

That I will do, believe me. If this is the kind of food I can get in a border dive like this, then I truly am in for a feast elsewhere in this land.
Nolan: Well, excuse me for having my bar here on the outskirts of the country! Anyway, how about a glass of wine? I know it's not high-end exactly, but the taste is worth the price.

Hmm. Well then, maybe I will.

(Do you think this guy is...)

(He looks like a traveler from the Empire if you ask me.)
We can also talk to this guy. What he's saying here isn't at all important. What is important, however, is what he's not saying. Remember this screen for later.

We came here on an errand for Mayor Maybelle from Bose. Do you think you could get us in to see General Morgan.
Joshua explained what the mayor requested without disclosing his identity.
Sentry: Well, that's understandable... In that case, I could definitely get you in to see the general, but unfortunately he's out at the moment. He's actually spearheading a number of searches right now.

You don't happen to have an idea when he might return, do you?
Sentry: Hmm, I think he'll be back sometime today. There's a bar in that rest stop over there, so why don't you wait there for him? I'll let you know when he gets back.

The bar? You mean the place we were just at? Why is there a bar in a place like this, anyway?
Sentry: Obviously because this is the border with the Empire.
That's racist.
Sentry: The screening process for those entering and leaving the country is really strict, so there are a lot of travelers who have to wait quite a bit.
Never mind.

That makes a lot of sense. In that case, it's understandable that you would need facilities like an inn and a bar.

Well then, we'll take you up on your suggestion and wait over at the bar.
And then the mission goes to crap because Schera gets wasted.
We had a good run.

You appear to be citizens of Liberl, but may I ask you if you're traveling to the Empire?

Nope, we're just here on an errand. We're not traveling to the Empire.

You appear to be a citizen of Erebonia yourself. What about you? Are you here to visit the Liberl Kingdom?

Ha, I'm glad you asked. I am indeed a visitor in Liberl, both for work and for...pleasure...

And say you're running an errand, but I can see your true colors. I know exactly who you are.

Wh-who we are?

Indeed! You're bracers, no?
We've been made already? I thought we'd at least get to talk to the general first.

H-how'd you know...? We removed our bracer emblems! Wait...are you trying to tell us that you're in the same profession?

It's true that there are guild branches in the Empire, but actually I'm not a bracer.

I just know several people in the guild, that's all. And there' air about you that reminded me of them, so I just thought I'd ask.

Those are some excellent deductive reasoning skills you've got.
Was that really deductive reasoning?

I don't think an amateur could've picked us out of a crowd like that.
It seemed more like guessing.

Are you sure you're a traveler?

Ha ha ha. Please don't look at me with such suspicious eyes. Those cold flickering eyes of amber... just like a glass of exquisite brandy.

You just make me want to kiss you and hold you in my arms.

You're a bold one, aren't you?

W-wait a minute, you! Are you one of those men who likes...other boys?!

I just can't help myself when I see something beautiful standing before my eyes. Daughters of serenity. Sons of elegance. Supernal melodies and cleansing landscapes. Masterpieces and stories to move the soul. And last but not least, the most exquisite in food and drink. For things such as these are those which pique my interest.

... So you're a pervert, just like I thought!

Yep. Definitely a pervert.

How dreadful it is that genius is misunderstood in every generation. I feel as if my delicate glass heart is about to be broken.

You, with your magnificent black hair...please comfort me in my time of need.

I'm going to have to pass. You've already scarred me for life as it is.
I love this part of the scene, because it's basically the only moment I can think of in a JRPG where it acknowledges NPCs can hear your weird, silly conversations.
Sentry: Hey! You three!

Oh, it's the soldier from earlier.
Sentry: The general has just returned. I just spoke to him about the matter and he said he'll meet you now.

Sentry: Yeah, so come to the barracks with me immediately.

Wow, that was much quicker than I thought.

Yeah, now at least maybe we'll be able to find out what's going on.

Okay, then let's be off, shall we?

Your timing is excellent. You didn't miss a beat in exiting behind us. It seemed almost natural. Scarily so...

Ha! You noticed! Everything about you all just seemed so interesting, I thought I'd take a gander.

Please, don't mind me. Carry on, my good gent and mademoiselles!

Now get, you! Shoo! Shoo!!

Like I said. He's a very silly man.

He's not normal, that's for sure.

Getting rid of that weirdo was probably better not only for ourselves, but a service for the world at large, too! Now let's hurry and meet with the general!
Don't meet the general. Instead, go back into the bar.
Marco: I've even finished reading the book I brought to pass the time. Holding on to it is just going to add to my load, so I'll gladly give it to you, free of charge. Here!
Received Carnelia - Chapter 3.
Now, remember how we talked to him before? And he gave us nothing? Our window for getting Carnelia Chapter 3 is absurdly small.

In your dreams.

Such a cold-hearted creature for being one so young...

N-no, nothing big like that. That aside... could you let us meet with the general?
Sentry: Yeah, he's inside. His office is the last door on the left.

All right, here goes nothing...
Gruff Voice: Are you here on behalf of Ms. Maybelle? Very well, come inside.

Thank you for seeing us.
Oh, I know who you are

I have been tasked with guarding the Haken Gate by Her Majesty, Queen Alicia.

It's an honor to meet you, sir. We are all here on behalf of Mayor Maybelle.

Please pardon our intrusion during such a busy time.

There's no need to apologize. I've known Maybelle since she was but a child. I couldn't imagine ignoring her request, much less one from the mayor.

All right then, would you please read this first?
Handed over Mayor Maybelle's Letter

Hmm... So it's about the missing airliner, is it? Under ordinary circumstances that information would be strictly confidential, but considering this is a request coming from her...

I'll tell you everything I know.


...? Why are you happy about something that doesn't concern you?

(Crap, I should have kept my mouth shut...)
Alright, Estelle, whack him in the face, then we'll run in the confusion.

The mayor appears quite distraught over the situation... And so we've wanted to do anything we can to assist her...
Nice save Josh.
I still think Estelle should hit him though.

I see. Well, I'm glad to hear that she has been blessed with some good people around her. Let me get right down to things and explain the status of our search efforts.

Please do.

The airliner, Linde, disappeared on its way to Rolent after taking off from the Bose Landing Port. Presently, we have units searching all areas of the region, but we have yet to come up with anything.

So what you're saying is the possibility of the incident being caused by monsters or an accident is fairly slim, right? If an airship of that size had crashed, it likely would have been discovered in the initial search efforts...

Yes, that's exactly right. In fact, the flight route between Bose and Rolent goes over some plains that allow a commanding view of the land. And of course, the probability of the airliner going down in Valleria Lake or the ocean is extremely low.

Boy am I relieved to hear that it's probably not a worst-case scenario like that.

So if those have been ruled out, then that leaves the door open to the possibility that the airship could have been taken, right? Which makes me think that the only remaining motives must be to loot the cargo or demand a ransom for the hostages...

In other words, a hijacking, right?

Also, considering the geographical conditions, it could have been a covert operation carried out by the Imperial Army.

And that would be really big news if that were the case.


What's the matter, General?

I was just thinking that that's quite an impressive assessment for some civilians.
We are actually surprisingly smart, I'm impressed with us. Good job protagonists.

We also considered the possibility that the Imperial Army was involved, so we have enforced strict regulations on the flow of information. An international incident, if taken lightly, could result in another war.


But, thanks to the small mercies of Aidios, the possibility for another conflict disappeared early this morning. A certain organization sent a letter to the Royal Family and Orbalship Co. claiming responsibility and demanding a ransom for the passengers. This organization goes by the name of the [Capua Family.]
The knaves! First they steal our septium, then our Dad? They've crossed a line!

The Capua Family? It-it couldn't be who I think it is, could it...?

It certainly appears to be that way...

The Sky Bandits who have been operating in the shadows in the Bose Region and are led by three siblings at their head. I take it you've heard of them?

Not only have we heard of them, we just had a run-in with them in Rolent! I just can't believe those good-for-nothing thieves have managed to create such a big incident here in Bose...
Oh, yay, maybe we will get to hit him!


Eh...heh... Oops?

You had a run-in with them in Rolent? I had heard that some of their gang had shown up in the Rolent Region, but... ...

I think he's on to us...

Yeah, because of you and your big mouth...

I see now... I thought the way you were able to analyze the situation was strange for mere civilians...

But I never would have guessed that a girl and a couple of kids like you were bracers!

Wh-who are you calling kids!

Just for the record, Mayor Maybelle did in fact request that we come here and talk to you...
Sorry Josh. No one's listening.
This was your idea anyway.

He looks pre-tty pissed...

So this is how a hard-nosed military man acts, eh?
National Guardsman 2: Did these visitors try to pull anything funny?!

These [bracers] need to be shown the door! Throw them out immediately!!!

Hmph, you're no different. Hiding your identities so you could try and finagle some information out of me... It's because you pull underhanded actions like that that bracers can't be trusted!

Just where do you get off calling it [finagling]?! It's your own fault since you didn't share information with the guild to begin with!

Nonsense! Who in their right mind would leave an incident this big in the hands of a mere civilian group?! I swear...of all the stupid things Maybelle could have tried to pull... Hiring a bunch of kids like this and getting in the way of our search party...

How about you cut with the crap, General?

Why do you think we've had to come all the way from Rolent to begin with?

What did you just say?!

(Holy cow...)

(Schera's really pissed all right...)

For the past few months, you've known about the string of burglaries which seem to be the work of the Sky Bandits, right? And who, knowing full well it was them, dumped the workload onto the guild instead of looking into it themselves like they should have, huh?

And now, the second this incident happens, you get on your high horse with an attitude... Yet you've got nothing to show for it! No hostages or even the location of the missing airliner.

Don't you think that's an embarrassment to the entire kingdom?
Schera kinda owns.

The military is an organization that runs on discipline and does not take action on a whim! Unlike a group I know of who didn't think ahead and let the Sky Bandits escape, so enough with your insolence!

So you're really looking for a fight, aren't you...?

Let me sing a requiem for you all, one to soothe your parched souls. A gentle, yet wistful tune, to bathe your brittle spirits and cause the deserts of your hearts to bloom...
Blond-Haired Man: Brightly shooting stars, leaving trails in the skies...
Hey, that's the name of the game.
Blond-Haired Man:
Like a guiding light, they show me the way to your eyes...
This yearning passion, tears my heart in twain...
And the cruel moon mocks my pain...
If this fleeting dream shall never be...
A single wound will remain in my heart for all to see...
Our passionate first and final kiss...
Your tears to me are an amber bliss...
Let us immure this eternal love...

Ha looks like you all understood what I was trying to get across. What is it that is most precious above all?
Next Time: We're all thrown in jail, game's over, go home everybody.
Carnelia - Chapter 3