Part 16: Chapter 1 Sidequests: In which Joshua dies a lot.

Welcome back. Last time, our silly blond haired friend introduced himself as Olivier Lenheim, a wandering bard from the Erebonian Empire. In exchange for his particular brand of help, we escorted him to Bose, then parted ways. Afterwards, desperate for a lead, we got in touch with Nial, who told us of an eye-witness report of a giant flying shadow near Ravennue Village.
However, were going to do things a little differently this update. Rather than going back and forth between sidequests and the main quest in the updates proper, sidequests with any textual component, as well as some without, are going to get grouped together in their own very special updates.

Of course, we end up going to Ravennue Village anyways, to take care of a monster there. Now, this sidequest expires as soon as you talk to Nial.
Yes, the sidequest to kill a monster in Ravennue expires right when the plot sends you to Ravennue.

challenge if you have some time.

Elder Reisen: Might you be the ones from the Bracer Guild? Did you see the request on the bulletin board?

Elder Reisen: This is wonderful. My name is Reisen, and I guess you could say that I'm the elder of this village. As I'm sure you're already aware, there's been a vicious monster roaming the trail behind the village.

Elder Reisen: No, I don't think anyone has gotten a good look at the thing. However, I think it may be one which lies in wait for its prey. When the mine was active years ago, this type of monster often appeared and harassed the workers.

Elder Reisen: After the mine was abandoned and people stopped going up that way, we had believed that the monsters had gone into slumber... So why in the world is one appearing now...? It's almost time for us to begin planting saplings this year. As a way to keep the villagers from worrying, I've had Figaro standing guard at the gate and not told anyone else about the monster. Please exterminate the monster as soon as you can.

Anyway, we talk to Figaro, and he lets us through.

Yeah, but that defeats the purpose of looting.

Deathblow 2 is a unique quartz that instantly kills anyone you attack if you have it equipped, but breaks afterwards. It, of course, will not work on bosses.

Hey, thats mean

Beast Steak is a new recipe that heals 180 HP, and restores 25 CP. CP restoration is pretty broken at times, so Beast Steak is quite good, but also requires rare ingredients.

And here we are.

The big guy opens with a big attack.

He does not have a big HP count to match.

Also we start on a Critical turn, and Joshua has weapons from a later dungeon.
It just wasnt his day.

Quest [Ravennue Monster] completed!

Later down the road, we find another chest.

They cant all be winners.

Figaro: I-I just felt some sort of tremor, so... The monster came out after all, did it?

Figaro: A-are you serious?

Figaro: Thank Aidios! This is wonderful news. It would've been a real mess if we had monster trouble pop up any later. I'll hurry and let the village elder know. You guys really did us a favor. I know there's not much to see in the village, but please enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.

We can talk to the mayor, but hell just briefly thank us. And since were heroes, we dont need thanks. We do it for the good of all.
okay, maybe just a little gratitude will be okay. Itll be fine. Just a quick thanks.

Thats the good stuff.
Now, if you recall, we were hunting down some Monster Fowl Meat when we went to the Haken Gate. Lets hand in that quest.

Handed over Monster Fowl Meat x5.
Gwen: Oh, thank you so much for going to all the trouble. I'm sure you must have been busy with your other work.

Gwen: I really appreciate you saying that. But the little bit of mira I'm paying just doesn't seem like enough...
You could always give us more...
Gwen: Oh, I know! Please let me do this for you, too.

Gwen: I'll teach you how to make my specialty omelets.
Omelets work too. Omelets are great.

Gwen: Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Gwen: Don't worry, it's not a problem. Even if you make a dish just like the recipe says, it doesn't mean that you'll get the same taste.

Gwen: Hmm-hmm-hmm. It's not about whether you're good or bad. It's like the relationship between a musician and her sheet of music. Depending on the person, the song will sound different-- even though the music is exactly the same.

Gwen: A recipe, in the end, is nothing more than a framework to make something delicious. By only following the rules you'd be surprised at how many different ways the end flavor turns out.
Learned [Liberl Omelet] recipe.

Wheres your sense of adventure, Joshua?

Gwen: Well, following the setup of any recipe is important, but enjoying what you cook comes first.

Gwen: My pleasure.
Next, weve got a hidden sidequest. If we head south of Bose...

We find these fellows. Now, theyre not the hidden sidequest, but theyre nearby, and when in Rome...

Do as the Romans do, if the Romans beat up monsters. And they totally did.
The Amber Turtles are weak to fire, but resistant to all other elements. Which is no good, since they also take next to no damage from Physical Attacks.

Hell Gate is still your best friend.

Fortunately, the Amber Turtles arent too strong, and they dont have any tricks up their sleeves.

They also cant resist S-Breaks.

Still, theres a lot of them, and if they all gang up on one or two units? This happens.

I have a lot of random foodstuffs Ive purchased lying around though, and items are an incredibly efficient way of healing. While they cant target multiple units, they can heal fairly substantial amounts to a single unit, especially early game, and dont have a large action delay associated with them (i.e, your next turn comes fairly quickly if you use an item).

Some well placed spells later, and the momentum is back on our side. We quickly revive Joshua, and win the fight.

Bind Whip: is easily Scheras best Craft. It does good damage to one enemy, and impedes them, interrupting any artes they might be casting. This, for obvious reasons, is very useful, as it lets you both deal damage and mitigate incoming damage in a single attack.

Eventually, we find ourselves in a somewhat familiar place.

The Amberl Tower is pretty similar in layout to the Esmelas Tower. Each floor has a center area, attached by walkways to small platforms in the walls, with wooden boardwalks circling the floor. Of course, there are a lot of breaks in the boardwalks, cracked walkways, and dividers in the center, complicating your ascent.

Its empty, but you notice something carved on the bottom. It says, [The secret password is...ChairmanMeow.
Well, thats a little dated. Oh well!

The enemies here are fairly straightforward. We have the Amber Turtles from earlier, as well as these insect fellas, who are pallette swaps of an earlier enemy, and which take heavy damage from basically everything.

Limit: One per adventurer. -Dev Team
Fried Eyes & Eggs restore 350 Hp and cure blind, which is pretty good.

Dont touch it! Its EMPTY!
But I thought there might be more swag


Were forced into a fight with two Amber Turtles. We just killed six, so its an easy fight.

You really ought to hire an escort one of these days. I have no idea how youre still alive.

There are two monster chests scattered around. Now, our entire party is a little banged up, which makes for a good chance to show off cooking in greater detail.

Heres the recipe book. There are two different types of recipes: Sit-Down meals, which have greater effects, but take effect immediately, and consumable meals, which become an item in your inventory when you cook it. Since we just want a quick heal, we make some Wholesome Pasta, which is apparently a manly meal. Who woulda thunk?

Alright, now to take on the monster chest. Robber Trappers are fairly straightforward - they cast, and self destruct when they die.

Theyre also quite hardy. The nearly dead one is only nearly dead because Estelle started with an S-Break.

They also do pretty heavy damage with their artes. This can be a pretty hard fight, the key to victory is taking advantage of the Robber Trappers only attacking every other turn (because of cast times) to stay healed and ready for the assault. So long as you dont die, taking heavy damage from their artes will restore your CP quickly, letting you use S-Breaks to bring on the pain.

Like so.

Taking advantage of items for quick healing is essential.

Joshua ends up getting caught up in a self-destruct, and hit by an arte, dying.

Schera dies too! We might be in trouble!

Or not! Schera is revived, and makes another kill.

Its just then I remember another trick I have up my sleeve, Anti-Sept. Anti-Sept mutes an enemy, replacing the Robber Trappers artes with ~130 damage attacks. Which is somewhat more manageable.
This gives us the edge to take it out, although we dont have any other reviving items so Joshua stayed dead.

The chest is empty because someone came and took the stuff out. You wouldnt know who did that now, would you?
It was Joshua! Punish him!
Chain Mail is armor. It is better armor than our old armor. Schera didnt get new armor in Bose, so she gets it to replace her outdated armor.

To revive Joshua, we make a bunch of Potlucks in a Shell, which are fairly useful, since even if they dont heal much, they dont require any fancy ingredients.

Theres another chest with another Robber Trapper. Just one, though, so its an easy win.

The chest is empty... How depressing...
The Emerald Talisman, similarly to the Topaz Talisman, turns your attack and defense wind-based. Pretty situational.

The roof of the tower looks the same as that of the Esmelas Tower, although its got a better view.

It is 5000 Mira extra for a walk back to town. 1000 extra for us to do a good job.
Its basically extortion.

Thats just plain mean.

Weve got enough Sepith from our sidequesting to open Joshuas third slot.

Joshua takes all of Estelles old quartz, while Estelle gets a new setup. This lets her keep her powerful Time magic, like Hell Gate, but also gives her access to La Tear, area of effect healing.

Now, remember how we were asked to deliver a letter? I kinda forgot, but I remembered eventually.
Father Holstein: Hm? Ho ho ho.

Handed over Fathers Divine Letter.
Father Holstein: Ho ho ho. Is this for me? Thank you very much for delivering this. However, a letter from Father Divine could only mean... Ah yes, hes come up with a new formula.

Father Holstein: Father Divine is a master of medicine, known throughout Liberl for his skills in the healing arts. In fact, he was well-known even when he was at Grancel Cathedral.

Father Holstein: And when he discovers an effective medicine, he shares his knowledge with the rest of us.

Father Holstein: Father Holstein is very strict with himself. Whenever he admonished someone, he is always admonishing himself as well. That is one attitude I think all young children these days should learn. Although itd be a bit difficult for me to learn at this ripe age. Ho ho ho.

Father Holstein: Well, how about we just try to work hard without overreaching ourselves. Oh, Aidios, goddess of the firmament. Please protect these souls as you guide them in their daily lives.

Doing this unlocks another quick sidequest.
Spence: My medicine works wonders.

Spence: Oh, you're bracers, are you? I've been waiting for you to come.

Spence: Yes. The Bear Claw is a medicinal herb that's difficult to find in these parts. Up until now I had been having them shipped from Rolent. But just recently I was asked by Father Holstein to prepare a new medicine. So it seems like I'm going to be using more of these than before.
Weve actually already found some Bear Claw, if you recall.

Spence: Really?

Spence: This is wonderful news! It has been said that the Bear Claw grows well in humid places. Now that I think about it, the Nebel Valley is the perfect place for them to grow. I appreciate you helping me out like this. Now I can put my full effort into preparing this new medicine.

West of Bose, we find another monster.

The Thunder Quake is incredibly weak to earth. Too bad we didnt equip any!

The Thunder Quake does one thing, and one thing only. He uses World Shaker, doing damage to everyone. Thats all. This battle is nothing more than being able to out heal his damage, while still putting out your own damage.

Or we can just get lucky and faint him.

The faint lasts most of the battle, but not the entire battle, so Joshua dies. Again.

Then it dies.
Evade 2 is a wind elemental quartz, with an elemental value of x3 wind. Slotting it on Schera lets her use Sylphen Wing, which gives one unit Mov +1. I have literally never used it.

Next, we go to the Nebel Valley, near where we found the Katars. The guy actually blocks off access to the Katars, and shows up before the quest is available, meaning you only have a small window to get them early.

There are three types of enemies here. We have the Eggers, of which there are two varieties, one weak to fire, one to water. Then theres the Master Cryon. Similarly to the Robber Trapper, these guys do nothing but cast.

They can do some fairly decent damage, so you want to remove the Eggers ASAP. With them dead, you can easily outheal Master Cryon.

Fortunately, the Eggers arent that durable.

They do self-destruct though. And so Joshua dies.

Even if they took Joshua down, the Eggers are still dead, so we revive Joshua take advantage of some shiny new area healing, and win the fight.

Although Joshua dies (again) because I gamble on the kill instead of healing. The Cryon dies right afterwards though.

The bevy of sidequests weve done is enough to get us to Bracer - 6 Class. For that, we get a Petrify Quartz, which gives our Physical attacks a 20% chance of petrifying. It has an elemental value of x3 Earth.

With a x3 Earth quartz, we now can stack earth elements to learn Earth Wall.

Earth Wall is a small AoE support spell, which completely blocks an attack for anybody it affects. This can be pretty broken, as it can completely shutdown an enemy if theres only one of them, and theyre not exceptionally fast. Imagine fighting the Thunder Quake with Earth Wall. One person could have entirely nullified his damage, while everyone else attacked.
That said, Earth Wall is expensive to cast.
Next up, weve got a request for an escort to the Krone Pass.

Hardt: Huh...? Did you by chance see my request on the bulletin board?

Hardt: Oh, you finally came, huh? I've been waiting around here forever. I need to get to Ruan ASAP, so I'm looking for an escort to take me to the Krone Pass. What do you say? Do you think you can handle that?

Hardt: Boy am I glad to hear that! You guys are like saviors. I hear the mountain trail has a lot of monsters, so I'm too scared to walk it alone.

Hardt: I've got the guild taking care of that, too. I've got a bracer from the Ruan branch coming to meet me there.

We dont

Hardt: That's fine by me. I'll be waiting at the west gate so once you're ready to go, please come find me.

Anyway, talk to him next to the gate and hell ask if youre ready to go. We are, so lets get going.

The Krone Trail is as far west from Bose as you can go at the moment.

The trail winds a lot.

The chest has been cleaned out! Villainous!

Hardt: Wh-what are we going to do?

Uh... I have no idea. Help me, thread!