Part 18: A rose tinted vignette of time and space
Welcome back. Last time, we found the sky pirates, beat their faces in, and found the airship Linde. All around an excellent day! Except then we got arrested, because the army has only one brain to go around, and the guy who had it today didn't show up. They'll never keep us locked up!
Unsurprisingly, we now find ourselves at the Haken Gate. Fortunately, Joshua has a harmonica, which means our prison stay promises to be enjoyable.
Sounds like it will be a fair and reasonable trial!
Do we at least have the right to an attorney that isn't Estelle? Because funny as that might be, it would probably end with us being found guilty of high treason.
National Guardsman: If your innocence is proven, then you will be released in two or three days. So for the time being, this cell will give you a place to cool your heels.

If the army managed to arrest the Sky Bandits, then I'm sure we'd have our names cleared... But with the way things are at the moment, that may not be possible...

Huh? Why not?

You remember what the Sky Bandit leader we fought in the old mine said, right? He said, [This can't be right! You're not supposed to be here this early!] if I remember correctly.

Now that you mention it, he did say that, didn't he?

You're not trying to tell me that he meant the army by that, are you?

I don't know for sure, but I would bet that's what he meant. Which means that...

The Sky Bandits have a mole in the army. Or a collaborator who is leaking information.

That's what you wanted to say, isn't it, Joshua?
I really like how quickly our heroes actually notice this. There's not even a pause, literally the first chance they have to discuss things they piece it together. It's nice to have characters that are actually kinda smart at times.


W-well, if that's the case, they'll never get caught! Which means we were the only ones that stood a chance of nabbing them...

But now we're stuck in here. I wonder how your father would get around this little setback...
Man's Voice: Well, don't you all seem to be in a bit of a fix?

Huh...? Did you just say something, Joshua?

No, I didn't say anything...

It came from the cell next door. It almost sounds familiar...
Man's Voice: Oh, how could you say something so heartless? My lustrous voice should be recognizable to anyone...

C-could this unfounded self- confidence...

And tone of absurd narcissism belong to...

It's you, isn't it, Olivier?
Man's Voice: You DO remember my dulcet cords!
Surprising absolutely no one, Olivier has made his way into prison in the day or so since we last met.

It seems that we are bound by destiny.

Wh-why are you here...? I thought we took you to Bose!

And now you're locked up in a place like this...? What the heck did you do?

Come now, let's not worry about all the little details, shall we? I have my reasons, which are deeper than the deepest ocean and higher than the highest peak.

I'm definitely not asking now. I'm sure we'd just get tired while you talked our ears off.

What a coincidence, Estelle... I was just thinking the same thing.

So there you have it. We don't really care to know. You talk so much that I'd probably be an old woman by the time you were done, and I'm not ready for wrinkles yet.

Ha ha ha. Come on now, let's not be like that.

I'll fill you in on all the details of the tragic incident which befell me.

(Didn't you listen, dummy? We don't want to hear about it...)

It all began after we parted ways... I did some window shopping in the Bose Market and then moved on to the Anterose restaurant. You see, once I had eaten to my heart's content, I began to play the grand piano to then feed my artistic soul. And upon doing so, the restaurant manager was overcome by my skill... So I was asked to stay and work as the professional pianist for the restaurant.
I don't think any of that story is actually true.

That's great and all...but I thought you were supposed to be a lutist.

Ha, a musical genius is not limited to just one instrument. Anyway, back to my story... After negotiating a few of my own conditions, I accepted the job offer. Those conditions were, of course, food and wine for free everyday instead of mira.

I don't know how to put it... but that's very you, Olivier. Yet, I'm not sure how that has anything to do with you getting thrown in jail.

Oh, well this is where the real sob story begins. That night, I had been enjoying a plate of sauteed duck I'd had the chef prepare... But the blood-sauce which had been used was a little too overbearing for my palate. Consequently, I began to feel that normal red wine was not satisfying enough.

The more you talk, the more I want to hit you... But go on. I'm curious, in spite of knowing better.

Well, so I borrowed a bottle of wine which seemed good from the cellar. Something called [Grand Chardonnay] from the year 1183.
Trails takes place in 1202, making the Grand Chardonnay a 20 year old wine.

Grand Chardonnay...from the year 1183?! That's the legendary vintage wine that was auctioned off in the Royal City!
Also you can probably fill in the blanks in how Olivier went to jail from here.

Oh, well aren't you well informed? I heard a rumor about it too, so of course I was interested in having a drink for myself.

A-auctioned off... How much are we talking about here?

From what I went for somewhere in the neighborhood of five-hundred thousand mira.
This is easily more money then we will ever hold.

F-five-hundred thousand mira?! For just one bottle?!

That's out of this world...

And you didn't, did you, Olivier...?

Ha, such a needless question. Of course I opened the bottle and had a sip. Its sweet-smelling fragrance tickled my nostrils... Its luxurious, mellow taste caressed my throat... And can you believe what else? A rose-tinted vignette of time and space existed within that very bottle...
Olivier is one of those characters where you can tell the localizers had fun writing nearly all their dialogue.

I don't think I can listen to this any longer...

Yeah, my ears are bleeding from listening to such stupidity...

I'm completely dumbfounded...

The sad thing is, that after taking a sip of such excellent wine, I began to feel the food was lacking. And as I was having the chef cook me up something else to match the wine, the restaurant manager returned. Since I'm not a stingy fellow, I cordially invited him to join me for a drink. But for some odd reason he got rather upset. In fact, he got so steaming mad that his face looked like a ripe tomato. And before I could say another word, a group of soldiers came filing in...


One thing led to another and...

So let us all weep together as you sympathize with my dilemma.




Pardon...? But do my ears deceive me...? I could have sworn I heard a [zzz] and [zzzz] and even an assuredly misheard [idiot] coming from your cell.

Are you listening? This is where the story gets really interesting. You see, several further trials awaited me after I was brought here...

Hello? Are you listening?

Nnnnngggg... *yawn...* Mmm, I'm tired...

What's wrong...?

What...are you trying to tell us we're being interrogated this early in the morning? That's a little early even for me.
National Guardsman: No, it's just the opposite. You're being released.
Welp, that was fast. Is there perhaps someone with brains out there?


Wh-why all of a sudden...?

Is there a reason for this?
Right, the mayor! She seemed smart.-

Well, what an unusual place to be meeting you.

I'm really sorry about everything that's happened to you. But, don't worry. Your names have been cleared.

Hmph, I don't completely agree with everything, but... This is a request coming from Maybelle herself. You'd better remember to thank her.

So you mean... Mayor Maybelle stood up on our behalf?
I'd bloody well hope so, we were investigating on her behalf.

No, that's not exactly it. I just explained your situation to General Morgan.

Our situation...?

Yes... I have one question for the both of you. Are you really the children of Cassius Bright?


Yes, that's right. This is Estelle Bright... And I'm his adopted son, Joshua.

I see... Now that you mention it, the girl does slightly resemble Lena.

!!! You knew my mother?!
They met when he threw her in jail for being near a robbery.

Yes, I enjoyed your mother's cooking on several occasions when I visited your home in Rolent.

Hmm-hmm-hmm. In fact, we even met once when you were just a baby.

N-now wait just a minute... You're a personal acquaintance of my dad's? I knew that he was in the military before, but...

Hmph... I don't know [Cassius Bright, the bracer]. The only Cassius I know is the one from the service. He was a rare strategist.

Strategist? Dad?

I just can't imagine what he saw in the Bracer Guild...

It makes me angry just thinking about it! You'll have to excuse me!
So Morgan. He really is just that stupid.

Ha ha... It seems like your father was a brilliant officer in the military. I've heard from the general that he tried several times to get your father to change his mind about retiring.

I-I didn't know that... Somehow it feels hard to believe.

However, if that's the case... The general's hatred for bracers may stem from Cassius leaving the army. From the vexation of being left by one of his most promising men.
Not only stupid, but weirdly attached to our dad! What a swell guy

I get the same impression.

So what you're saying is...our lives are such a pain because of Dad?

Th-that dirty rotten scoundrel!

Ha ha ha...

How about we return to Bose now? With the airliner being found, the situation has taken a new turn. So there are a number of things I'd like to discuss with you.

Oh, sure... ...

Is something the matter?

Now that you mention it...

What could it be...?
I like that they seem to have let him keep his lute.

How lamentable... How pitiful... Fine, be that way. I shall wither away friendless and hungry, alone in this dark purgatory...

Is he still here...?

Yeah...I completely forgot about him.

I'm sorry to say this, but there's not much we can do for you...

Is he...the musician I heard about? The one who chugged that bottle of Grand Chardonnay without a second thought?

Ha, indeed that is I... Yet, my fair lass, I would be heartbroken if you took my intentions the wrong way. For you see, I perceived it as an advance payment for the exquisite services that I was about to render.

Ha ha ha. You're quite the interesting character. All right, I'll see what I can do to bargain with the general for your release.

Really...? Truly...? You would do such a kind service for a man such as myself?

I-I think that may be asking a bit much...

If the restaurant takes this to trial, there's going to at least be a lawsuit.

Ha ha ha...well, there's no need to worry about that. You see, the owner of the restaurant is me.


And that Grand Chardonnay was the very one I bid on. That being the case, I'm fairly confident there won't be any other problems over the matter.

It's like a stroke of bad luck.

Ha ha ha. Please don't lay on the compliments so thick.

However, it pains my soul that I partook of such a fine wine without paying a single mira. Shall I play the piano in the restaurant per our contract to remedy that?

I think I'm going to have to pass on that. After what happened, I think it would be a bit awkward having you back there.

(I for one, don't think he'd mind a bit...)

Yeah, he sure does seem to have some thick skin...)

Let's just think of this as an unfortunate incident for the both of us.

But...I don't think I can just let things go like this... Hmm, let's see...

It seems like you're investigating something at the moment, right? How about I lend my assistance in return for the wine?


Well, that does sound interesting. Could I ask you to join these bracers in their work?

Ha, could you ever!

So it's settled! Let our new working relationship bloom like a magnolia at the height of spring!

Hold on a sec...wh-what did we do to deserve this?!

Your general weirdness aside, simply having an amateur like you around is honestly going to be a pain... So are you confident that you won't be a drag on our work? Or our sanity...
I hate to break it to you, but he's a fair bit more competent than you.

But of course, I'd be distressed if you tried to list my music genius in the same group.

That's the kind of line that gets me really worried.

But maybe we could use an extra hand. As long as we can't count on the army to help us out, I have the feeling that we'll be short on manpower.


Well, all right then. We'll use you for what you're worth. However, if we do happen to conclude that you're not worth your weight, you're dumped from the party. So, are you going to be okay with that?

Ha ha, of course I don't mind. I'd never let you down, so please be reassured.

Well, my expectations of you are pretty much at rock bottom anyway, so I know you won't let ME down...

Hmm-hmm-hmm. I'm glad things are settled between you all.

But before you go, there's something I need to tell you.

Tell us?

Actually, the town DID seem pretty noisy as we were headed here... What happened?

Truth be told... Last night there was a large-scale burglary in Bose's south block. The weapon shop and orbal factory were targeted, as were a number of private residences.


So...was this the work of the Sky Bandits?

It's unknown at this time, but it seems highly probable. A unit of the Royal Army is currently conducting an investigation.

I see. Guess we'd better do an investigation of our own, then.

Yes. I'd like to formally request that you do just that. I'll send a payment over to the guild for the work you've done so far. Please make use of the money for your current investigation expenses.
She gives us 6000 mira, which is pretty much a pittance considering she can overlook losing a 500,000 mira bottle of wine. Cheapass

But I guess when that happens, it happens.

Whether they get in our way or not... Because if there's really a spy in their midst, they'll just leak it to the Sky Bandits.

Though I'm reluctant to say it, I also think it's for the best to keep quiet about our findings. Anyway, let's act with prudence.

All-righty, my bosom companions! Shall we head to the south block?

Look, buddy, who made you king of the show?!
Me, that's who. We're going to the south block, although we're making a small detour first..
I said they could never keep us locked up!

It was unprecedented to hear that some of our bracers had been taken into custody during an investigation. That General Morgan, I tell you.

We're sorry to make you worry like that.

Oh, never mind that. I'm just glad you're all back safe. I was even considering protesting in the Royal City through our main branch. But Mayor Maybelle managed to smooth everything out before that could happen.
Aww man, I wanted to spark a national incident

W-was it really such a big deal?

Think about it, Estelle... In the Liberl Kingdom the Bracer Guild's right to investigate crimes is recognized by law. Therefore, the general's actions would be in direct defiance of the system of rules that governs this kingdom.
In conclusion: General Morgan, even dumber than previously thought.

Hmm, well at least things have settled down as a result of this.
If we go upstairs, we can run into Anelace again (screen not included due to technical difficulties)

So, Scherazard, it looks like you ran into a bit of trouble, huh?

I can't believe you guys were tossed into prison without a shred of conclusive evidence...

I wonder what that old bearded general is thinking.

Well, it turned out to be one of those situations of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That aside, was it you who let the mayor know about our situation?

Yep, right you are on that one. I just happened to run across her while I was on a job at the village.

Ha ha. I kind of feel bad for all the trouble you had to go through for us.

Ha ha. It was no big deal, really. Now, this is a little off subject, but... I heard that you new recruits were Cassius Bright's kids...

Yes, that's right. I'm Estelle Bright.

And I'm Joshua. We're actually not related by blood though. I'm his adopted son.

I you're Cassius'... I don't think that you'll be super bracers like he is just because you're his kids...

But I'm excited to have the chance to meet you in person like this.

(So I guess she knows Dad too, huh?)

(Looks that way to me.)
Manager Lechter: No, I'm sure of it, you're that guy... from before...

What's up, my good managerial sir? Thanks for the meal last time!
Manager Lechter: Oh, oh my... Didn't I have you arrested already?

Now, now, let's not do anything brash, my friend...

You guys are actually quite blessed!

To have an owner with the eyes to recognize the value of an artful man such as myself is quite wondrous, truly! And she is an exquisite beauty, is she not? Like a flower in bloom!

The future of Anteros is as bright as a field bathed eternally in the noontime glow of a crisp, spring day!

I can't believe you'd defy the owner like that. What kind of manager ARE you?

Tsk tsk.
I have no idea why Estelle and Joshua are messing with the manager, but it's hilarious 
Anyway, with that done, there's nothing left to do but start our investigation. So let's get on with that. Later.
(Tomorrow actually, this update and the next are one giant update I broke in two.)
Next time: An actually competent soldier.