Part 23: The Grand Chevalier
Welcome back. Last time, we raided the Sky Bandits lair. After we saved the hostages (minus a vanished Cassius), we took some names and beat some faces in, and took down the Capua family. After said face beating in, Don's personality drastically changed, from pretty gosh darn evil to seemingly okay guy. We didn't have much time to think about that, though, since they quickly smoke bombed us, and escaped. Right into the waiting arms of the army. Whoops!

It appears that my impression about you was right. I knew that you would come through and bring closure to this incident.

Yeah, but the army took off with all the glory. So I don't know if we could exactly say that we solved the case...

No, that's not true. If you hadn't been there, I don't know if the army's raid would have been so successful. Backed into a corner as they were, the Sky Bandits may very well have harmed the hostages.

Agreed. Everything worked out because you infiltrated their hideout and took them out ahead of time. You should be proud of what you've done.

Y-you really think so...? Tee hee.

It's true that the hostages were freed and the Sky Bandits arrested... But it's a bit vexing to know that there are still some unanswered questions left...

The men who appeared at the Valleria Lakeshore and the mystifying attitude of the leader of the Sky Bandits... I think we should consider that there's a lot behind this incident that we don't know about.

Well, I guess we'll have to leave that part up to the Royal Army to figure out. With all the culprits being detained by them, there's really not much left we can do.

Anyway, we should just be glad that all the hostages came back safe. Thanks to the news about the arrest of the Sky Bandits, things are returning to normal here in town. As a token of my thanks, I've added a bit of a bonus to your reward.

Really, are you okay with that?

Ha ha. Of course I am.

I'd like to thank you too, Olivier.

Ha...I just hope that my work was worth the price of that Grand Chardonnay.

Yes, in fact there was change to spare.
And yet, she only gives us 8000. Olivier may be great, but he's not 63x greater than us.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. And if anything else comes up, I'd greatly appreciate your help again!

Good day...

I'm sure that if the incident had gone on any longer, it would have caused much more confusion. It's probably only natural that the mayor is as happy as she is.

Heh heh... Now I'm starting to feel all giddy inside. I don't think a bracer could be any more happy than knowing her work helped out a bunch of other people!

Hmm-hmm-hmm... If you say so. But I think it's safe to say that you're no longer greenhorns. Honestly, the two of you really surprised me this time.

Tee hee, you think so?

At any rate, please accept your assessment and pay for clearing up the incident.
Rank advancment to [Junior Bracer - 5 Class]
Received [Haze] quartz as a perk.
Haze is super useful if you don't want to fight any enemies. Generally, Enemy Vision is good enough to avoid any encounters you want, but there's nothing wrong with having options.

Here's the pay the mayor was talking about. It's a very, very nice sum! And this is from me...
Received Recommendation.

Isn't this...a recommendation from the Bose Branch?

Is it all right to give this to us so soon?

Of course! It would be downright rude of me not to recommend you after resolving such a big incident. Please accept it.

Thank you, Lugran.

We'll work hard so that we don't bring any embarrassment on this recommendation.

Ha ha. Great work, you two. I'm sure your father would be extremely pleased if he heard the news.


You're probably right...

I wonder what on earth Cassius could be doing right now. Not contacting the guild is one thing, but not contacting his family is a completely different matter.'s definitely not like him. After he suddenly disembarked from the airliner in Bose, I wonder where he could have gone.
Receptionist Ted: You see, we recovered some of the cargo stolen by the Sky Bandits. And among some of the pieces were a number of parcels addressed to the Bracer Guild. So I'm here to deliver one of them today.

I appreciate you doing that.

But wait a minute... Why is there something addressed to this branch when the airliner left Bose to begin with?
Ted: It's actually addressed to the Rolent branch. But aren't Cassius Bright's family members here?


That's us, but...
Ted: Oh, perfect! We contacted the Rolent branch and they said you had come here. Here you are. This is the parcel.
Received letter and parcel.

This letter...yep, it's in Dad's handwriting. Its addressed to Joshua and I at the Rolent branch.

It seems as if he just scribbled it out before he got off the airliner.

I guess Dad did intend on getting in contact with us after all.


Well that's good to hear.

So that parcel is from your dad, too?

No, this one looks like it was sent to my dad by someone else.

Huh...? That's odd.

Yeah...the sender hasn't written their name anywhere.
Ted: Okay. My business here is done, so I'll be on my way. Oh, and one other thing. Good job in helping arrest those Sky Bandits. You bracers sure do excellent work.
At least the receptionist appreciates us

And to think that a clue about your father would be mixed in with the airliner's cargo. Feel free to use the lounge upstairs to read his letter, if you'd like.

Thanks, Lugran!

Ha, well then let's have a look at the contents, shall we?
Because life isn't that same without him.

It's just plain and simple curiosity, that's all. Why did your father disembark the airliner prior to its departure? Were I forced to wait around for an answer, the question would stick in my mind so I'd never be able to sleep at night!

A-and you're telling me this because...?

Oh, how heartless and cruel can you be to a companion who has traveled alongside you...? And just who is it you have to thank for being able to infiltrate the Sky Bandits' hideout, I wonder?

All right already...

You can be a rather obnoxious fellow, I hope you know.

I guess we don't have much of a choice...

However, depending on the content, we may have to ask you to leave, okay?

Ha, of course I understand.

All right, let's see what he has to say...
Estelle started by cutting the letter's seal.

[I'm sure you're probably about finished with the jobs I left for you, right? I'm also sure there are many things you'll have trouble with in the beginning, but take each one step at a time. I know you both can succeed. Anyway, it turns out that I've had a little trouble with my own work. And unfortunately, it looks like I won't be able to make it home for quite some time. Please don't expect my return until after the Queen's birthday celebration. I'm really sorry that things turned out like they did, but you should be grown up enough not to be lonely while I'm away. So until I get back, I'll leave it up to the both of you to decide how you want to live. You're free to continue working in Rolent... or you're free to pursue qualifying as a senior bracer. Your 16th year is a vintage time in your life, so make sure not to waste it. Please give my regards to Scherazard and Aina.]
-Cassius Bright

That seems like the type of letter your father would write. It touches lightly on things, but it's full of consideration toward the both of you.
Also it doesn't really explain anything, which also seems to be his style.
I do have to say though, I really like Cassius' role in the plot. Too few JRPGs have any cool parents, even fewer of these are dads, and even fewer of those spend the game* on their own adventure like Cassius does. Basically, I like that even though he's ancient by JRPG standards, he's off being cool instead of being retired like I think he'd be in most games.
It also helps give the impression that our adventures are just a small part of something bigger, which is a feeling that game tries it's best to cultivate in a lot of ways. I think it works really well, giving the game a unique and somewhat more personal tone.
*Don't take this as a confirmation that Cassius is gone (or isn't gone) the entire game. I just couldn't think of a better way of phrasing it.


It looks that way...

Hmm, the Queen's birthday celebration, is it? From what I've heard, that's still a ways off.

Yep, it's about two or three months away. Which means this would be the perfect time to take a small trip... I really wonder where your father is and what he's up to.



Forget about that and let's focus on what's in that package. With an unknown sender there's bound to be something interesting inside.

To be honest, I'm pretty curious myself... But we shouldn't be opening things addressed to my dad...

Why don't you think of it this way... It was a package delivered by an unknown sender about the time your father disappeared. The two might be related, you know?

Th-that's true...
Just open the damn parcel already, we all know where this is going

Olivier... Don't coax Estelle into doing something to satisfy your own curiosity.

Actually though, Olivier does have a good point. Instead of leaving it until our dad comes home... It might be worth looking into.


Okay, let's check it out!
Estelle opened the parcel from the unknown sender.
Inside was a shiny, black hemispherical device.
Also enclosed was a single memo with the item.

Wh-what's this supposed to be...?

It's an orbment. Although I'm not sure what it's used for. Let's see what the memo says...
[I was able to secure the item the aforesaid group was carrying, so please take care of it. Please ask Professor R to do an analysis of it when you find an opportunity. -K.]

Th-that's it? looks like the sender didn't write anything else.

Schera. Do you have any idea who K or Professor R might be?

Um...I hate to say this, but I don't have a clue for either. Your father's pretty well-known, so there's a possibility these people could be foreigners too.

If this is the only thing we've got to go on, then honestly I'm about ready to throw in the towel.

What the heck is this black orbment anyway?

From the shape alone, it doesn't look like anything intended for general use. Although it feels a little similar to a battle orbment...

Even so, it's still quite different. A normal battle orbment has slots in which to install quartz... But this one has none. Maybe this one artifact.

An artifact?

Precisely. An artifact is an orbment created by an ancient civilization. Artifacts are the models for all orbments produced today. They're still occasionally discovered in ruins...and for the most part, the Septian Church has custody over them. They're a type of antique, so to speak.

But this one doesn't appear to be that old. It looks to me like it was made recently.

You're right about that... However, this one almost seems like a black-market item.


Now he's getting some sketchy item from an unknown sender... What in the world has my dad gotten himself into this time?!

Music Stops

You know, Estelle, I've been thinking... How about we continue our journey?



That's what Dad wrote in his letter, right? He said, [or you're free to pursue qualifying as a senior bracer.]

Yeah...he did say that, but...

We've already managed to get recommendations from Rolent and Bose, right? All that's left are Ruan, Zeiss, and Grancel. Only those three. If we do jobs as we travel around to these other regions... We just might hear something about where Dad is or what he's doing.


I think we're just worrying ourselves for nothing, considering Dad's skills... And there's also the possibility that he may have even traveled abroad...

But I think getting off our own duffs is a lot better than just sitting around and waiting. And we just might be able to find this [Professor R], too.

... Um...Joshua...


E-Estelle? What are you talking about?

This is like killing two birds with one stone or maybe even ten! Sometimes I hate you for being so smart.

So...should I consider that a [yes]?

Oh is it ever! Yes, yes, triple YES! Training to be senior bracers as we travel around Liberl... And exposing what that no-good middle-aged man has been doing in the process!

Um...I think you're somehow missing the point...

Ha ha ha... It looks like she's back to her old self.

Ha ha. I guess it's settled, then!

That said, I'm still a little worried about you two. Are you sure you don't want me to come along?

Give it a rest, Schera. We'll be fine.

The whole reason we're going on this trip is to become senior bracers. It wouldn't be training anymore if you came with us.
So here it is. I've been alluding to the fact that there's something up with party availability occasionally, but I've been waiting until now to actually explain things. Rather than permanently joining your party, characters other than Estelle and Joshua move in and out of your party based on the demands of the plot. Generally, each new chapter gives us one near permanent fixture and a wild card (see Schera and Olivier in this chapter.) Of course, this isn't a hard and fast rule, just an approximation.
I've had a soft spot for changing parties since FF9. Although I can could see why people could dislike it from a gameplay point of view, I think it helps avoid any of our party becoming completely irrelevant. Everyone is only in the party when there's a good reason for them to be in the party. It also contributes to that feeling of being a small part of a real world I was talking about earlier; the various party members have their own things going on, and can't spend the entire game tagging along on your adventure.
On the downside, Olivier and Schera is probably the most entertaining pair of tag alongs, and I'll be sad to see them go. (For the time being, nobody leaves forever.)

And if you didn't go back, the Rolent branch would have a hard time managing things. Don't worry about us. We'll figure out a way to get things done.

Well, if you insist...

It's pretty rare for someone your age to be aiming for senior bracer status, so don't overdo it. And if you run into any trouble, contact the Rolent branch, you got it? I'll come running no matter where you are.

Sure...thanks, Schera.

And the same goes for you. Don't get yourself too liquored up. That's the only thing I'm worried about.

Ha ha ha...all right, all right. I'll watch the number of drinks.

Ha! Never fear, dear children. You can count on me to protect fair Schera!

...And why are you headed to Rolent? Not to mention with Schera...

That's because I've tasted all there is to taste of the local dishes here in Bose. And I thought it was about time I turned my attentions toward another region.

As for Rolent's cuisine, I've heard the produce is just to die for, so that's what I'm looking forward to next.

That's pretty much it. He says he wants me to introduce him to a nice restaurant and some 'lovely vegetables', or some such nonsense.
I think that just might be a euphemism.

Since he's so persistent, I only agreed to him coming along under the condition that he go drinking with me at the bar.

...We'll never see him alive again...

Olivier...I really hope you understand what you've promised her...

Ha, I could die for the likes of fine women and food.

And I know you wanted to come too, Joshua... I could see the longing in your eyes... But after a lot of consideration, I made the agonizing decision not to invite you along after all...

I'm disturbed you even thought of me...

Well, have fun, but I'm warning you... Don't you dare make any trouble in Rolent, you hear me?

And here's another piece of advice: When Schera's at the bar, watch out. That's when the gloves come off. I'm seriously not joking when I say you should beware.

How dare you speak about your mentor like that, Estelle! And besides, Aina's coming along too.

Yeah, and she's even worse than you!
Rolent seems fun.

The gloves come off, huh? Is that...per chance...what you and Estelle were talking about before?

Yes. Estelle said it best though. It was nice knowing you.

Yes, it was a pleasure...
Woman's Voice: All passengers, please board the airship now.

Well, Olie-boy, it looks like it's time for us to leave.

Come on, now. We'd better hurry and get on.

Sch-Schera, wait! Can't we talk this over? I'd really appreciate it if I had just a little more time to think things through...

Surely you're not getting cold feet already?


See you later, Schera! Give our regards to everyone in Rolent!

Have a wonderful trip, you two!
Music Stops
Man's Voice: ...
Note that I'm deliberately separating every text box. The screen returns to black for a second or so after each line, so there's an implication someone is replying.
Man's Voice: Hmm, and to think that the bankrupt Capua Family drifted all the way down here.
Man's Voice: You might be contacted by Liberl regarding the incident, so deal with it as you see fit.
Man's Voice: Yeah, it turns out I wasn't able to meet him in the end. It seems like something else must have come up.
Man's Voice: Also, the connection with the Sky Bandit incident is still unknown, but it's clear that another power is at work here.
This track does double-duty as scene setting music and background music for a later area, which is why the name is weird.
It's also a pretty good track!

The food's great, and there are babes everywhere. This is unquestionably my kind of country. Maybe I'll just take up permanent residence here while I'm at it.

...All right, all right. There's no need to throw a fit. Anyway, see what else you can find out. Just don't get caught looking into things by the chancellor.

I'll contact you again...friend.

He's just so stuffy and uptight that I can't help myself...
Woman's Voice: Well, aren't you carrying around quite the nifty gadget?

How about you tell me who you really are?

Come on, Schera. Don't treat me like I'm some kind of stranger. I'm Olivier Lenheim, the wandering bard and gifted musician you've come to adore.

But if you'd like to get to know me better, I'm sure we could arrange something... A little pillow talk perhaps...?

How about we skip the foreplay and go straight to the climax. Your cheap antics don't fool me, Olivier. Or should I call you [Mr. Erebonian Operative]?

... Heh. It looks like the title [Silver Streak] isn't just for show. So I guess you were pretending that you didn't notice in front of Estelle and Joshua, huh?

I don't want to worry those two any more than they already are.

So back to the subject at hand, why don't you start talking? Who are you, and what are you doing in Liberl?

Before that...I'm going to have to correct you on two points.

First off, these [cheap antics], as you call them, are totally natural. I'm not playacting or anything. That's just who I am.

Oh, I'm sure. So do you mean to tell me that you drank that wine without paying just because you felt like it? And after that, being taken to the Haken Gate so you could gather information was all a part of the plan? And you even set yourself up to run into us? I don't think so...

Hmm-hmm-hmm. I'll leave that part up to your imagination. The other thing I must correct you on is that this device is not an orbment. It is an artifact which was unearthed in the Empire. It can piggyback off any orbal communications system and its transmissions can be encrypted, so there's no worry about them being intercepted. It comes in handy for a busy man such as myself.

An one of the sacred relics the Septian Church has stewardship over? Now I'm all the more curious to know what you're after.

Oh no, no, no, Schera. You should never try to pry into the secrets of a mysterious beauty all at once.

... How would you like to get to know a real woman? I'd be more than willing to show you with my whip.

... Schera...I don't see any humor in those eyes...

Well, jokes aside...

You really should have just been straightforward from the beginning.

As you have already figured out, my position is like that of an operative in the Empire. But I have no intention of sabotaging anything or stealing classified information. I merely came here to meet a certain someone.

A certain someone...?

Yes, someone you know all too well. The one lauded as the supreme swordsman and master strategist by the Royal Army. The bracer with the special title belonging to but five people throughout the whole of the entire continent.