Part 26: Apple pie heals all wounds, or something like that.
Welcome back. Last time, we started making our way down to Ruan from the Krone Gate. We saw the ocean, which was cool, and fought some lighthouse sharks for a delightfully old man. It was also pretty cool. Now we're back on the road!
A road which leads us to a nice little village.

And with all these pretty white flowers blooming everywhere, too... What did you say this place was called?

Manoria. It's a little seaside village with an inn. And the white flowers are a type of hibiscus.

They're so pretty... The ocean and the flowers together... It smells great around here!

Hmm... It also makes me kind of hungry.

Ha ha ha. Only you could work up an appetite from smelling flowers.

Just make sure you eat the food and not the flowers.

Hey, I'm a growing girl. It's almost noon, anyway, so what would you say to lunch?
I don't think eating flowers is part of being a growing girl.

Fine by me... But do we have any provisions?

Umm... Why don't we get something local? It's such a nice, quiet little town... I mean, we just got to Ruan.

That's true. Okay, let's go check out the inn and tavern.
You don't tell me what to do, Solomon.
Actually, he tells me exactly what to do, because there's only one restaurant in the town and I like progressing the plot.
Rex: I don't recall seeing you before. Are you here on vacation?

No, we're just passing through on our way to Ruan.

We came from Bose, by way of the Krone Pass.
Rex: You're joking! Wow...I never thought I'd meet another person brave enough to handle that place, in this day and age. You're into hiking, I assume?

No, not especially. It sure works up an appetite, though.

Is there anything you'd particularly recommend?
Rex: Oh, yes...I'd suggest trying the box lunch.

What's that?
Rex: That windmill at the edge of town has a platform with a great view. Every day at lunch, lots of people buy them and take them there to eat.

Oh, that might be nice. From what you're saying, it sounds like something I'd like.

Well, why don't we try it?

What kind of box lunches are there?
Rex: Well, there's the smoked ham sandwich and the seafood paella... Either would be good, in my opinion.

Hmm...I think I'll try the sandwich.

Then I'll have the seafood paella.
Rex: Thank you. That'll be 120 mira.
Received [Special Boxed Lunch].
Rex: And I'll toss in some herb tea at no charge. It's my specialty.


Want to go over to the viewing platform?


He's not in the general store, either...

Damn... Where could he be?

Whoa, Estelle. Watch where you're going, or...


I-I'm sorry! Are you okay?! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and...

No, no... It's all right.

Pardon me. I confess, my attention was elsewhere, as well...

Oh, okay.

So I guess we're even.

I swear, Estelle. What are you doing?



What's wrong?


I'm sorry if my friend disturbed you. You're not hurt, I hope.

No, I'm fine. I was looking for someone, and I wasn't watching where I was going.

Oh, who are you looking for?

A little boy, about ten years old, wearing a cap. I don't suppose you've seen him, by any chance?

A boy in a cap... You see anyone like that, Joshua?

Not that I can recall, no.

I see... Where could he be?

If you'll excuse me. Sorry to have caused you any trouble.
In case it doesn't come across well, Joshua stares at the girl a little longer than appropriate, and then stares at her some more.

Joshua? Hello... Calling Joshua, come in, Joshua.

Oh, uhh... What is it?

Gee, I wonder.

Oh, I get it...

I see what's going on.

What half-baked idea are you cooking up THIS time?
Hey, this idea is at least three-quarters baked.

Now, now. No need to be shy about it. I see the way she's set your heart aflutter...

Ab-so-lute-ly NOT. I just think I've met her before, a long time ago.

I was just surprised.

Hmmmmm... [Met her before,] you say.

As pick-up lines go, I give it thirty points.
That better be out of a thousand, or at least a hundred.

Moving on... Don't you recognize her uniform?

Now that you mention it... Isn't that the same outfit that Josette used as a disguise?

Yep. The Jenis Royal Academy uniform. Since we're in Ruan, it's not all that surprising to see someone wearing one.

Ahh... So that's the real thing, then?

She seemed polite and smart... and refined. Totally different from that scruffy, crude pretender, in other words!

What are you talking about? Josette had you completely fooled from the get-go.


Oh, that's right. You teased me about it THEN, too. Well, if you get taken for a fool again, don't expect me to help you.


Instead of picking on me, why not work on becoming a better judge of character?

All right, all right! Fine, I won't pick on you anymore!

Good. Now, why don't we go have lunch up on the viewing platform?


Wow, check out this view!

Yep, you can practically see the entire ocean from here.

It sure does. So, shall we have ourselves a little picnic, then?

Sure! I'm starving!

I'm looking forward to eating my seafood paella, personally I love the smell of saffron.
I am very hungry while writing this, and this isn't helping any

Well, let's dig in!

Yes, let's.

Time for that first bite...


Wow, it's as good as it smells! The lettuce is super-fresh and crunchy.

The paella's really good, too. Just the right amount of saffron. My compliments to the chef.

Hey, can I have a bite? I've never tried paella before.

All right... How about we share?

Hmm...but my hands are full. I know! You can feed me!
C'mon guys. This is why people say things about you two.

Yep! Aaaahhhh...

This is...a little embarrassing.

Oh, it's fine. It's not like anyone's watching. Unless you can let loose, you'll never enjoy yourself!

It's not being seen that makes it embarrassing... I don't have much of a choice here, do I?
Joshua fed Estelle a bite of the paella.


Mmmm, delicious. That's some pretty fantastic seafood. I don't know what that sweet- peppery smell is, but it really adds something...

Yeah, it's pretty good.

Oh. I'm being selfish, aren't I?

Okay, give this a try!
Estelle pushed her sandwich into Joshua's mouth...perhaps a little too enthusiastically.
I do love how colorful the narration/system messages can be.



...That's pretty tasty, but you really didn't have to do that, you know.

Heh heh heh... I know.
I think that's what people call payback.

The service was good, and the herbal tea was even better.

Yeah, it's nice and warming without being really heavy.

The breeze is so nice... makes me kind of sleepy.

They say if you sleep right after eating, you'll turn into a cow.. But maybe a little post-meal nap isn't so bad, in moderation...



Yeah. The wings were a different shape and the beak was sharp Maybe it was a falcon or an eagle?

A white falcon...? Didn't know they made 'em in that color!

Hmm... I wonder if it's a sign of good fortune in our future.

Ha ha. That would be nice.

Hey... I thought you were sleepy?

Oh... Not anymore, I guess.

Maybe we should get going, then? I'd like to check in with the Ruanian guild branch, and get all our paperwork squared away.

Oh, right... Okay. I hate to leave, but I guess we have to.
If I've learned anything from JRPGs, and I've learned everything from JRPGs, we just got robbed.

Today...must be my day for just randomly running into people...

Sorry 'bout that. I'm just looking for somebody.

Say, you're not from around here, are you?

Nope. We're from out of town.

Hey, aren't you...


We ran into a girl who said she was looking for a boy who was wearing a cap... You know anything about that?

Oh! I'm looking for her, actually. Where'd you see her?

Over by the tavern... It was a while ago, though, so I'm not sure where she went. Would you like us to help you search?

N-no, that's okay. I'm pretty sure I can find her.

Okay, bye!

He reminds me a little of Luke, back in Rolent. I wonder what the kids are up to now.

What's wrong?

Nothing... It's just my imagination. Have you lost anything?


Anything you're wearing. Like a money pouch or something.

Why are you asking all of a sudden?

Let's see... Pouch...check. Hairbands...check.

Bracer Emblem...

I knew it...

What the...?! Where is it?! Did I drop it on the mountain pass or something?!

Calm down. I remember that you had it when we were eating lunch. If you lost it, it has to be somewhere around here.

B-but...where around here?

Oh, no way...

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. It was probably that kid. I'll bet it happened when he 'accidentally' ran into you.

...WHAT?! Why would he want my Bracer Emblem?!

What reason does a kid have for wanting anything? He probably just took it because he could.

Grrrr... Oh, he is in SO much trouble!

Once I get my hands on him, he's gonna get the spanking of his life!

Now, calm down... For now, let's focus on figuring out where he is.
Anyway, we can talk to the villagers to find out where the lil' shit's gone off to. Most people have no idea, but it's pretty easy to find a lead.

You haven't seen a little boy in a cap around here, have you?
Sadie: Hmm...let me think... Was he a student's guest at the Royal Academy?

Yes, actually!

Do you know the boy?
Sadie: He's not from this town. I think he's one of the orphans...

Sadie: From Mercia Orphanage. A woman called Matron Theresa is the administrator. She takes in kids who've lost their parents. It's just off the Gull Seaside Way, to the east.

So, the kid lives there...

Let's go check it out.
We're back on the road again, and so like any good road trip, there's giant hermit crabs to fight.
They're not exactly a tough fight. They can attack everyone at once, and self-destruct when you kill them, but neither of these tricks are that dangerous.
However, they do drop an Evade 2 quartz, and Joshua levels and learns Taunt as well.
It was mentioned in the thread, but I like the scenery change from Bose/Rolent to Ruan. Now we've got coastlines, shores, and oceans, all of which are apparently nice to look at.
The path is also slightly less linear now, with some small nooks and crannies in which lots of goodies can be found.
Like so.
But... that's what the other chest said. You reused it.
I've never felt so betrayed.
That's it, I can't do this anymore, LPs over, go home everyone.


Looks like it's up ahead.


What's wrong, Estelle?

...Okay, that settles it!

The situation has nothing to do with it! It's not okay to take things from people! When we find him, we need to punish him!

Ha ha. Leave it to you to get all worked up over it.

But for right now you need to just settle down, okay?
Or else you might end up beating up an orphan...
oh wait.
Mary: Miss Kloe is gonna be worried about you!

Ha ha... No she won't. Not after I show her the awesome thing I got.
Unless we've just met our second blue-haired thief disguised as a schoolgirl, she probably won't be!
Daniel: What'd ya get, Clem?

Ha ha... Now don't freak out or anything. I just borrowed it from some crazy lady I ran into.
Estelle: Who are you calling crazy?


Hmph... I'm a bracer. Give me a little credit. Wherever a delinquent like you goes, we'll figure it out in no time!

Dammit! Well, you're not catching me!

Hey! Get back here!
Feel free to start playing Yakity Sax, if that's your thing.
Something funny, just go with it.
Daniel: Did Clem do something bad again?

Umm... Sorry to barge in like this.

Dammit! Let go! Lemme go!

You're a real brat, you know that? Now give me back my emblem!

You got no proof I took it!

Well, you're right on that one... but that's nothing a quick search won't fix!

Yaaa ha ha ha...! Hey! Cut it out! That tickles! Pervert! Abuse!
okay so she doesn't actually beat up an orphan, i'm sorry for misleading you.

Come on, just give it up and hand over what you took.

What the hell was that?!

Get away from the boy! Lay another hand on him and you'll have me to con...


Hey, you're that...

I remember you from Manoria...


Help me, Miss Kloe! I didn't do anything and she's being mean to me!

[Didn't do anything,] my butt! You stole my emblem!

Heh! So where's your proof?

And no tickling, this time!


Oh, hello... I'm sorry... I thought for sure that a thief had broken in...

I...assume there's a reason for all this?
Nah, we just like messing with orphans for fun.[
Mary: There sure is, Miss Kloe. Clem was being bad again.
Daniel: Hey, is the apple pie ready yet...?
Daniel has his priorities in order.

You'll have to wait a little longer. It still needs time to bake.

You friggin' brat!

Child abuser!
Mary: When are you gonna grow up, Clem?
Daniel: Is the pie done yet...?

Oh... Ha ha... Yes, I suppose it has.

Matron Theresa?
A little on the nose, Trails.

...but it sounds like Clem's been up to no good.

Hey, no fair! I didn't do anything! The pervert lady just says I did!

Who you callin' a pervert?!

Oh, dear... This won't do.

Clem...did you really not do anything?

Of course not!

Do you swear to Aidios?

I...I swear!

I see...

It's just that you dropped some kind of badge in the nursery earlier... That wasn't yours, was it?

B-but it was in my pants pocket...


I TOLD you!

Oh, my...

Nicely done.

Clem... No more excuses. Give her back what you stole.

All right, all right! I'll give it back, so just drop it!
Clem tossed the emblem over to Estelle.


Heh! I'm out of here!

It's all right. He'll be back when he starts getting cold. More to the point... Why is everyone standing around? Why don't you tell me the whole story over a cup of tea?

He really isn't a mean-spirited child, but he can be quite the little trickster.

As his guardian, I must apologize. I am truly sorry.

Oh, it's okay. I got my emblem back.

Plus I got some tasty herbal tea and apple pie out of it, so we're square.
Estelle also has her priorities in order. There's not much you can't make right with tea and apple pie.

Ha ha... Thank you both.

The tea was really the best part, though. It's just like the kind they brew in the tavern. Is it grown locally?

Yes... Gardening is one of my hobbies, actually. I give some to the barkeep at the tavern whenever I have extra.

Neat. I'm gonna have to give my vote to the apple pie though. It was just plain amazing.

Ha ha... Well, I can't take credit for that. She made it.

She? Who? You, Kloe?

I'm still so embarrassed...

I was really rude earlier. You're probably offended...

Oh, don't worry about it. Apple pie heals all wounds, or something like that.
I think Plato said that. Or was it Socrates?

Besides, I wasn't acting like any kind of saint myself! That white hawk sure surprised the hell out of me, though.

Oh, that was Sieg. He's a gyrfalcon.

A gyrfalcon... That's Liberl's national bird, isn't it? You seemed really comfortable with him. Is he your pet?

No, I don't keep him. He's a close friend, though.

Wow! As friends go, he's pretty awesome!

That reminds me. Aren't you a student at the Royal Academy? But you live here?

No... I stay in the dorms on campus. It's not that far away, so I like to come and visit when I can.

I sometimes think I must be imposing, though...

Oh dear. Please don't think that. You're always so helpful when you come by. And the children are always happy to see you.


I just worry that you might be neglecting your duties at school in favor of us. I know that's a silly concern to have about you.

I won't let you down.

Hmm... You live on campus, huh? I've always kind of wanted to know what that was like.
Lots of drinking, mostly.

I imagine that we got a weekly taste of it at the church lessons.
In that case, I wish I went to that church!

But isn't the entrance exam for the academy pretty hard?

I think my head would explode if I had to take an exam like that...

Ha ha... It's not so hard. I think it must be far more difficult to become a bracer.

You know... I've always kind of wanted to be one, ever since I was a little girl.

Ha ha ha... That's so funny! You call me a bracer, but I'm still just an apprentice.

We have to travel all over the kingdom before we can advance. I think we'll be in Ruan for a little while, though.

In that case, perhaps I'll have a chance to repay you.

Plus, the children would love for you to come back and play again. I'll prepare a whole mountain of tea and baked goods.

Yes. She's very motherly.

Ha ha... I'm sure all the children here think of her as their mother.

Oh, Sieg. Were you waiting for me?


That's right. They're not here to hurt anyone. This is Estelle, and that's Joshua. You remember them, right?


Good boy...

Wow... You can actually talk to him?

Well, he doesn't actually talk per se, but I can understand what he's trying to say. We've always been able to tell what the other is feeling.

Whooaaa... Bird telepathy is so...COOL!

Sounds like mutual love, to me.

It is.
Bird telepathy is a much better explanation.

Hello, Sieg.




*sniff* Are...are my thoughts too complex to read?

If you were thinking of what I think you were thinking of,


Oh, by the way, aren't you two headed for Ruan?

Yeah, we're planning to register at the local guild. If we don't do that, we can't work.

Well, if you're going to the Ruanian guild, I have a few things to do over there, myself. Maybe I could show you around?

Really?! That'd be great.

But don't you have to go back to school soon?

No, it's all right. I got special permission to be out today. I don't have to return until after nightfall.

Sounds like a plan, then.
Next time: Estelle gets into a fight with royalty.