Part 27: So there IS justice in this world!

Welcome back. Last time, we stopped for lunch at Manoria, a peaceful village on the way to Ruan. That was nice. Getting robbed by an orphan, however, was less nice. Still, we got some apple pie out of it, and now we're back on the road to Ruan, with Kloe in tow.

Aww, maybe you're not so bad

Never mind, still terrible.

Hey, she can be attentive. Just only when sneakers or staffs are involved.

And follow the beach we shall!

Unlike most beaches, this beach has attacking land sharks.
It's a pretty rad beach.

We're forced into a fight with three Shark Gators. Has science gone too far?
The Shark Gators are a really easy fight, they don't do much damage, and don't have any clever tricks up their sleeves beyond being half shark and half gator.

Jimmy: Whoa... I thought I was done for this time. I really just missed becoming fish food...

Jimmy:'s kind of complicated. ...I can't really talk about it.

Jimmy: Yeah, you're right. Today was a close call, and I've saved up some money... Yeah... I think it's time I splurged a little.

Jimmy: No, no, it's okay. I'm fine with going down the coast road. See you later! And thanks!
And nobody ever saw him again.

Right next to Jimmy we find a chest, which he was kind enough not to open. Smart enough too, because the monsters who have inexplicably taken up residence in this particular chest are no pushovers.

We're up against six Stove Plants this time, which is much tougher than just two. For obvious reasons.

We quickly take the initiative and dispatch two. It seems like things are going well enough...

Especially with Kloe pitching in with some much appreciated healing. So long as Kloe's travelling with you, she'll throw around Tears to keep you topped up. Not quite as useful as Larsa and his endless supplies of Hi Potions, but still appreciated.

And here's where things get fun.

Pale Flame does decent damage to a small radius around the Stove Plant and, far more importantly, has a pretty high chance of inflicting confuse.

Confuse is the same as it is in most JRPG: Any party member confused will start wailing on fellow party members.
Get it together Joshua, you're letting down the team.

Thankfully, Estelle can still do some decent damage on her own, and Kloe can nullify all the damage Joshua does. So we should be set, so long as...

That doesn't happen. You really ought to pay attention to positioning in this fight, since having multiple confused party members is a recipe for disaster.

And having everyone confused is a recipe for a god damned catastrophe.

There's nothing to do but to slowly watch the train derail itself.

And with Kloe dead, it's game over. Womp Womp.

I've mentioned it before, but if you select Retry from a game over, the fight becomes somewhat easier. They go down quickly, and so there's no time for the confusion murder train.
Our reward is a Ruby Talisman. Like the other Talismans, it changes your offense and defense to a certain element, in this case Fire.

Not really. I've never used any of the Talismans.

Exploring some more gets us more treasure. Teara is the upgraded form of Tear, restoring 1000 HP instead of 200.

Hey, that's not funny.

Hey, that's not funny.

Like I said earlier, the road to Ruan is a fair bit more interesting than the roads we've been on before. Here, we can make our way between shores and around a cliff to find a chest.

It's got another six Stove Plants. Let's hope this goes better than the last time!


Hurricane doesn't do very good damage, but sometimes you want to do some Area of Effect damage immediately. This was one of those times.

Joshua shakes of his confusion quickly, and so things don't go south this time.

The Battle Suit is an impressive piece of armor. It has double the defense of Estelle's old Leather Jacket, and three times as much magic defense.

The voices in your lid know I'm doing an LP.

You're a chest. What freedoms do you have?

It doesn't really show up on the map, but there's a long path along the side of this cliff here.

It ends at the somewhat grayed out sandbar south of our current position.

The Skull Daggers are 15 points stronger than Joshua's old Katars, but drop his magic by 10. While they seem good, we can soon buy a new pair that's almost as strong but doesn't penalize his magic.

We're almost at Ruan, but our way is blocked by this pleasant fella'

And his friends! There's two Gator Sharks, two Stove Plants, and Jabba himself. Jabba is ridiculously weak to water, has almost no HP, and spends the entire fight casting.

So this real question is: Can you kill him before he finishes a spell?

Guess not! Not that it matters.

Anyway, with him dead there's nothing to do but play cleanup, and hope something doesn't go catastrophically wrong (most likely involving confuse.)

We eventually find a fork in the road. Normally, I'd go the way we're not supposed to, but there's literally nothing for us there yet.

Ruan has a nice aesthetic, as it's literally built onto the water, with small canals running between buildings and a river dividing the town into two halves.

I know. I miss Vogt

Let's! Not do that. We've got a city to bum around in first.

There's some nice sights to take in, although the camera is close enough to the party that it's hard to get across in screens.

We can also buy a new issue of the Liberl News at the General Store. I'm looking forward to not being given enough credit, yet again! As always, you can find it in the Extras at the end, so you can look forward to it too.

We can also buy some new gear. Everything is an upgrade, except for the Shield Vest for Estelle.

Schera and Olivier have also left their inventory with us, so we can sell the for free money. Stellar!

Nikita: Yeah, there's no club practice today, so... Oh, by the way... did you ever make up your mind about you-know-what?

Nikita: Okay... I hope you do soon.

I have no idea. But I'm sure we'll find out.

Hey, it's Melvin!
Melvin: When I tried to kill it, I actually broke my sword on its hide! It may be small, but it's tough!

There's a casino, but it's closed and will remain closed. Why Trails? I want to play virtual poker for hours on end. Let me play virtual poker for hours on end.

That's enough of that, let's make our way down the guild.

I like how earlier, when Agate basically tore into us and undersold our accomplishments, Estelle got somewhat mad, while she gets humble whenever someone praises her for it. It's the kind of somewhat contradictory response that actually fits her character quite well.

We already went sightseeing though

Anyway, there's only one place to go sight-seeing, and that place is the docks apparently. Let's hope we don't get mugged.
We almost get mugged.

Picaro: Hey, this place is off limits! You brats ain't gettin' in, so scram!

Picaro: Y-you can tell...? Just go already!

We can try and leave the Warehouse district by now, but well...

Deen: Well, well... Must be our lucky day!
Rocco: Not too many womenfolk come 'round these parts. You're a real sight for sore eyes!
Someone make some popcorn. This'll be good.

Deen: Ha ha ha... Oh, this and that. We've been here for quite a while, actually. If you honeys got time to spare, how about you entertain us, huh?

Estelle is still the best, but I doubt you needed the reminder.
Rais: Oh, check you out! I like tough women. I'll take all the abuse you can dish!

Rocco: Hey, you know, if you ladies are playing tourist, then maybe we can show you around, huh? You can ditch that little kid with you, and we'll have some fun.

Deen: holding back for our sake, kid? How sweet.
Rocco: Where does this brat get off, hanging around with two hotties?
Rais: Heh heh... I think he needs a lesson in just how unfair life can be, don'tcha think?

The gang starts inching forward, in a way that might be intimidating if the last minute or so hadn't completely destroyed my ability to take them seriously.

Joshua-sempai, so cool

Rocco: J-just who do you think you are?!
Deen: H-he's just bluffing! Heh, I get that you want to look all cool in front of the ladies. But you're about to experience a world of pain.

Rocco: Oh, great. Another nuisance.

Deen: Sh-shut up! What do you care what we do?! You're just one of the mayor's yes-men!

Rais: D-Dalmore?!
Rocco: Bah!

Deen: Stuff it, old man! You think you're such a big shot...
He is the mayor.
Deen: We ain't interested in a thing you have to say!

Rais: Hmph... Bracer, shmacer. Always hiding behind them... Can'tcha do anything on your own?
Rocco: Besides, it's not like the bracers would get here right away. We'd have plenty of time to...enjoy the altercation. And then we'd be gone without a trace before anyone was the wiser.

Deen: ...Wait, what?

With great deliberation and exaggerated movements, Estelle pointed out the Bracer Emblem on her chest. She then raised her eyebrows for further emphasis.
This is my favorite mental image.
Rais: Ahh, crap...
Rocco: You guys are bracers?! So wait, this little punk you're with...

Rais: (I can't believe that little squirt is actually a bracer!)
Rocco: (You're actually worried? Even if they ARE bracers, it's just a coupla girls and some kid!)
Deen: (Dumbass! You can't judge a book by its cover, y'know? You remember what happened the last time we took on a chick bracer?! Even with three people, she wiped the floor with us!)
This was presumably Carna, but who knows, maybe Schera went on a asshole beating vacation.
Deen: (Going up against two bracers, even if they DO look like pipsqueaks, is totally NOT a good idea!)

Deen: O-okay, we're gonna let you off the hook...for now!
Rais: If we see you again, though, you'll be in for some real pain!
We do seem them again.
It's not us who's in for the pain.
Rocco: Catch you later!

They could have pompadours.
I wish they had pompadours.
Hell, I wish everyone had pompadours.

Next time: Estelle gets into a fight with royalty. For real this time. I got the order of events mixed up

The Liberl News - Issue 4:

Yay, they mentioned us. Validation

Hey, Olivier made the paper too!