Part 28: I am Dunan von Auslese!
Welcome back. Last time, after some troubles on the road, we finally made it to Ruan. It's a nice place. While sightseeing, we headed down to the warehouse district, where something obviously shifty is going on. We never got to find out what, but we did get hit on by some of the ruffians from the district. It was like a train, slowly derailing itself. We then met Gilbert, the mayor's aide, and mayor Dalmore himself.
With the scene down by the docks triggered, we can finally head down to the Bracer Guild and move on with our lives.

Hm? Oh, Miss Rinz!

Good afternoon, Jean.

Are you here for another extermination request?

Ahh, I know! Security's being tightened for the campus festival.

No, but I'm sure we'll be here for that, at some point.

Today, I'm just visiting with Estelle and Joshua.

Oh, I they're civilians, are they? I suppose I should've known by the lack of student attire! Wait...those emblems...

And I'm Joshua. Also a Junior Bracer.

Oh, so YOU'RE Estelle and Joshua!
Yes, that is what Kloe just said.

Wow... It's so good that you're here! We've been waiting for you, ever since we got word from the Bose branch.

Ah... Old man Lugran must have sent word of us.

We'll have to thank him.

My name is Jean. I'm the receptionist for the Ruan branch. I'll be supervising you two, as well as providing various types of support. It's a pleasure to meet both of you.

The pleasure's all ours.

Indeed. It's good to meet you, sir.

Ha ha. I have high hopes for you two. After all, you were the ones who so magnificently handled the Sky Bandit incident.
We are pretty great!

Sky Bandits? You mean that incident in Bose?

I read about it in the latest Liberl News. Did you guys really sort that whole mess out?

Ah ha ha...well, we just helped a little.

It was the Royal Army that really did the work of apprehending them.
Yeah, they did the real hard work. Like, uh... showing up and uh... They could have strained something!

Don't be so modest. Lugran had nothing but praise for you. Now, to change your assignment, I'll need you to sign the appropriate forms. Let's go ahead and take care of that now.

Um, okay...

Might as well get it out of the way...
Estelle and Joshua signed the assignment-change forms.

We've been so couldn't have picked a better time to come. Ha you can't get away.
The Bracer Guild paperwork has some interesting clauses in the fine print.

It looks like you're as short- handed as we heard some time ago. Is something in particular going on?

I wouldn't say that, exactly. We are expecting a member of the royal family to visit, though.

A member of the royal family... Hmm...

Whoa. You aren't talking about the Queen, are you?!

Ha ha, no. Of course not. I just know that it's someone of royal blood. I've heard that he or she will be giving Ruan a thorough inspection, though.
So this is interesting, because if you read the most recent issue of the Liberl News last update, they do know. It's the Queen's nephew, Duke Dunan. Considering the Bracers don't know, Nial is apparently a pretty damn good reporter, boozing aside.
Or maybe it's because of the boozing?

Huh. That's kinda cool. But why would that cause you to be short-staffed?

Because it's a member of the royal family. If even one thing is out of place, Mayor Dalmore will be worried sick. So, most of our staff was requisitioned to help strengthen security.

I get it.That's what was being discussed upstairs earlier. Policing the streets, right?

Yes. I feel certain that the crew at the harbor will be back in action pretty quickly. I want this city to be hooligan free during the royal visit!

Crew at the harbor...? You mean the guys we dealt with earlier? Hmmm... I had the feeling they were up to something.

What? Do you know something?

Estelle and Joshua described what had transpired outside the warehouse district.

Ah, yes...the warehouse district. That's the turf of a rather unsavory group calling themselves the Ravens. I imagine you encountered some young men and their leader there.

Huh... I wonder what those [Raven] characters are up to...

They've been fine until recently. Whoever's in charge needs to tighten the leash. The mayor's main concern, though, is that we cover the whole area.

And that's why we're so short-staffed right now. Thank goodness you two are here.

Ha ha... Well, it's nice to feel wanted. I guess that means we've got a lot of helping out to do tomorrow.

If anything happens, just say the word and we'll help.

I will. Thank you!

Look at that gorgeous sunset!

That it is. All the light shines off of the streets.

Ha ha... I've always loved it, too.

Oh,'s almost time.

...For what?
I would make a gif of the bridge opening, but it opens incredibly slowly. Combined with the panning, it was impossible to make anything that looked remotely good at a reasonable final size. long does it stay up?

Thirty minutes, I believe. It's raised in the early morning, just before noon, and in the evening, and it isn't lowered again until all the ships have passed.

I, when there's usually no foot traffic.

Ha ha... I admit, it's easy for a first-timer to get confused.

Oh, that reminds me...

What are you guys planning to do about lodging?

Hmmm... Well, the second floor of the guild is always an option. Although...I could really go for a luxurious hotel.

Well, then I think you might want to hurry and get a room. This is tourist season, so they tend to fill up pretty quickly.

All time like the present, then.

Yeah, let's go.
Melvin: I failed the exam several times before, but was able to eventually get bumped up to Junior Bracer. If you really want something, you've just got to keep trying!
Our competition. Making Senior Bracer might just be easier than we'd expect.

We've only got one other bracer-in-training at this branch.

And now you guys are here for a little while...

...I appreciate the help. Really.
The logistics of the Bracer Guild are never fully explored. Namely, it's never fully answered just how many bracers there actually are. Comments like this, as well as the number of bracers we actually meet, imply that the Bracer Guild is actually a pretty small organization, which makes their degree of influence somewhat strange.
The most likely explanation, by my account, is that the Bracer Guild is mainly used for operations which require a small amount of talented individuals. We get to see some of the Senior Bracers in combat as the game goes on, and they're all exceptional talented fighters. And although Cassius is supposed to be special even amongst Bracers, we already know he's one of the most competent men in the country.
Basically, the Bracer Guild is less freelance do-gooders, and more freelance professional asskickers (also do-gooders). Or maybe I'm just overthinking things and there's hundreds of off-screen bracers doing their own thing.
Ernest: Do you have a reservation with us?

No, but we were hoping that...

Do you have any rooms available?
Ernest: Impeccable timing, sir. We just had a cancellation for the room on the top floor. If it pleases you, I can show it to you now.

A penthouse, huh? That could be nice.
We're living the high life tonight!

But isn't that going to be expensive?
Ernest: Since it's empty due to a cancellation, I'd be happy to charge you the standard rate. Not to mention, you appear to be bracers. I'd consider it an honor to serve you, for all the hard work you do in protecting our citizens.

Hee hee... Well, when you put it like that, how can we refuse?

So, yes, we would like the room.
Ernest: As you wish, sir.

Ha ha... Well, that was a stroke of luck, wasn't it?

I won't make it back before the dorms are locked up, if I don't hurry.

Oh, right. You said you could only stay until evening.

Hmmm... Well, I hate to see you go, but I understand.

Would you like us to escort you back?

Ha ha... It's all right. I know the way.

Ha ha! Oh, come on. We should be thanking you.

Yeah. We really appreciate you playing tour guide for us.

Oh, it's no big deal. two are going to be in Ruan for a while, right? If you are, I was hoping you'd come to the campus festival at the end of next week.

A festival?
Just like in one of my Japanese animes.

Given the Royal Academy's reputation, I'm betting it's more than just balloons and party games...

Yes, it's an independent, academy- sanctioned student celebration. It's a major tradition, really.

Okay, now you've got my attention!

Will it have stage skits and food stands? Will it have chocolate- covered Poms?!

Ha ha, maybe.They really pull out all the stops.

Oh, yeah. I'm so there! Um, I mean, I'd love to join you for the preparations!

Now, hold on, Estelle... Did you forget how busy we heard the guild is?

Man...that again...? Awww...
Meh, what's the point of work if you don't cut it?

Still, I guess it can't hurt to take a break on the day of the festival... But until then, we've got work to do.


Ha ha...

Well, if you'll both pardon me, then. I'll see you again soon...

Sure! See ya later!

Be safe.

If I were a guy, I'd be completely wrapped around her finger.

Your painfully obvious allusions aside...

She certainly seems to be a genuinely nice, guileless girl.
She's just better at the long con then Josette.

Definitely not like some sneaky Sky Bandit I could mention...

Meeting her sure was lucky. We even got a sweet room here thanks to her advice!

I'll bet we could even spot Sieg with the view we have up there!

Ha ha. You might be right.

Well, how about we take our bags up to the room?

Not only the top floor, but an all-out suite... I would have been just fine with a regular room, though.

Well, I think we should enjoy it while we can.

Yep...and check out that view!

I just hate that we're the only ones who get to enjoy it.


I wonder where he is, and what he's doing.
Knowing Cassius, I wouldn't be surprised if it's basically the same thing + a bottle of liquor.

What was that?

Sounded like it came from inside...

Hmm...yes, I like it. I'll take the room.

I'm afraid that this room is not vacant. Perhaps you can stay at the mayor's estate, as originally planned?

Hush, Phillip! I can't even see the water from there!

This hotel has a much better view, and I can smell the sea air, as well.

Wh-who are you people?! Are you thieves?! Or are you here to kill me?!
I would be fine with either of those options.

That's a horrible thing to assume about someone.

Besides, who are you, old man? You have no right to be in here.

How DARE you call me [old man]?!

Hmph...very well. So you are the ones renting this suite? I'm going to be using it as a private room during my stay in Ruan. I suggest you leave.

Say what? I don't know what you're talking about...

...but I don't see any reason we should have to leave.

Maybe we should all explain ourselves.

Bah... I shouldn't have to deal with you ignorant commoners. Do you not realize who I am?

Nope, no clue. All I see is an old man with a weird-looking head.
The only real question is if the mushroom cut is worse on him for having it, or worse on us for having to look at it.


There's no reason to be rude, Estelle. I think we should tell him the situation.


Hmph, fine. Clean out your ears and listen, then.

My name is Dunan von Auslese! I am nephew to Queen Alicia II, granted the title of Duke by Her Majesty, herself!



Hmm-hmm-hmm... I see your astonishment has robbed you of the ability to speak. But that's to be expected. What more reason do you need to give up the room?


Ha ha...

You're hilarious, old man! I'm dying here! You're supposed to be the Queen's nephew?!

Ah ha ha...'s not nice to laugh like that. Maybe he was just telling a joke, you know, to ease the tension.
We're just digging ourselves deeper and deeper, and it's hilarious.


Perhaps I should have been quicker to speak. I am the duke's personal butler, Phillip. He has been under my care since the time of his birth.

Huh... Um...

I assure you that all of this is true, on my honor. The man before you is, indeed, Duke Dunan...nephew of Her Majesty, the Queen.

(I can't believe it, but... Never mind the weird, rich-looking guy...but the butler seems legit.)

(I'm suddenly reminded of something Jean told us... He said that royalty would be arriving in Ruan to inspect the city.)

Ha ha ha...will you submit now? I am next in line to succeed the throne, and you should be honored to give me your room. Such an opportunity is afforded to commoners quite rarely!'ve got to be kidding! You may be royalty, but to me, you're just acting like an arrogant old man!


Please, hear me out for a moment.

Could I persuade you to relinquish the room?
The elderly butler produced a large sum of mira from his breast pocket and presented it.

M-Mister Phillip...

You'd do that...?

His Excellency is the type of man who will not be swayed once he has begun speaking. I fear this trait may even be due to negligence on my part... So, please...please...
The old butler bowed his head before Estelle and Joshua.
Pictured: The man with the worst job. Ever.

*sigh* Well, I guess that's that. I don't want to cause the butler any trouble.

You can have the room. And you don't need to pay us.


It really is a little too fancy for us.

I'll bet looking after that guy is a hassle, but hang in there, okay?

M-madame... You have my deepest gratitude.

Hey, what are you whispering about?

Ohhh...nothing important.

Please pardon our intrusion. We will give the room over to you.

Ahh, you will...?

Ha ha ha! If only you'd been so humble to begin with. You'd do well to retain that mindset in the future.

Oh, what a total je--

Now, if you'll excuse us.
Ernest: Even if you'd explained your situation to the duke, he probably still wouldn't have taken 'no' for an answer. I'm really sorry that you had to deal with that.

It's really no big deal. If there's anyone to blame, it's that selfish duke guy.

That you have any other rooms? A regular room would be just fine.
Ernest: W-well... I'm afraid we just booked our last room a short while ago...


I think we just got played for suckers...
Ernest: No need to fret. We are at fault here. I will see to it that arrangements are made for you elsewhere.
Hey look, it's our favorite second favorite lush.


Good evening. I wouldn't have expected to see you here.

Look who's talking. I didn't think you two would show up in Ruan. Anyway, what's up? You got problems?

Estelle and Joshua explained the recent turn of events.

Ha ha ha! You two get into the damnedest situations!

*ahem* This is not a laughing matter.

Yeah, yeah, don't get your knickers in a twist. You can stay in my room.


My room has some extra beds. Hey, clerk or concierge or whatever. You don't mind, do you?
Ernest: Not at all. In fact, you'd be helping me immensely.

Sounds like a plan, then. The room's on the basement floor. Follow me.

Umm...are we okay with this?

Well, he offered, so it should be all right. He may want something in return for this, though.

Probably something way out of proportion, I'll bet.

But I guess we're kind of stuck...

Grab one of the unused beds and make yourselves at home.

I appreciate you giving us a place to stay and all... But the gracious host thing is a little much.

Oops. Sorry if I'm acting suspicious. I'm just grateful that you guys helped me nail a great story earlier. I just wanted to pay you back, is all.

You mean the Sky Bandit article, right? Did it get much of a reaction?

Oh yeah, it was a big hit! Colonel Richard and the Intelligence Division have been super-busy ever since. I get the feeling that he's a bigger draw for people than the Sky Bandit incident, to be honest.

Huh... Is he really that popular?

Rumor has it that he's about to get a big medal from Her Majesty. It's getting to be just about all people will talk about. I'm actually going to have an exclusive interview with him.

That's impressive...

Well, he's got the looks AND brains to his credit. He puts people at ease.

That's all...

What's wrong?

Eh, it's nothing to worry about.

That story netted me a tidy little bonus. Let's hear it for finally getting rid of my bad luck charm. The colonel's one heck of a guy.

By [bad luck charm,] do you mean Dorothy?

Speaking of whom...she's not with you?

I was only looking after her while she was learning the ropes. That big story meant the end of our mighty team.


Still, it worries me to think she's gone off on her own.

I'm kind of trying not to think about that.

I just want to enjoy a nice vacation with the bonus I got.

Shouldn't you be chasing the next big scoop?

Or are you checking on that duke guy who kicked us out?

Ah, Duke Dunan. Our own walking catastrophe. From everything I've heard, he's a real hedonist. More so than most royalty, anyway. Rumor has it that he even drives Her Majesty up the wall.
I think that's less of a rumor, and more simple logic.

Sounds perfectly believable to me. But he said he was next in line to succeed the throne...

Seriously...? I don't want to have to call that fat jerk my king.

Well, given Her Majesty's age, it's not unreasonable. Plus, there's the fact that her son died some time ago. A lot of people would be opposed to it, though...

I'm guessing you don't know much more than we do. Which would're chasing a different story, right?


Ha! Bull's-eye!

Man...I can't sneak ANYTHING past you kids.

Yes, you're right, but that's all I'm saying. This one's just too big.

You don't think you're overstating things a little? But hey, whatever. It's not like we'd go shouting it from the rooftops.

I look forward to reading it for myself.

Oh, yeah. Just leave it to me.

By the way...have you two had dinner yet? Let me take you out and treat you both.


Thank you very much for your generosity.
That night, Nial bought dinner for Estelle and Joshua at the casino & bar called Lavantar. After a meal consisting of some of the best seafood from Azelia Bay (and drink, in Nial's case)...
...the two brought the now-unconscious Nial to the hotel, and set him in his bed to sleep it off.

Well, it'll all wait 'til morning. For now, I'd best get some sleep, myself.
The crackling and popping sound of a fire can be heard.

What's that noise? Sounds like someone put wood on the fire... That smell...

...It can't be!!

Mary: Clem's still half-asleep.

Daniel! Polly! Wake up!
Polly: Hmmmnnn...
Daniel: What's goin' on, Matron Theresa? I'm kinda scared...

There's a fire! Everyone up!

Mary: R-really?!

We're going downstairs now! Everyone stay close to me!
Mary: *cough* *cough*...It's all smoky!
Daniel: I'm scared!
Polly: Hmmn...sleepy...

Come on, hurry to the exit!
Mary: Eeeeeek!

N-no... Great Aidios! I don't care about me, but protect the children...