Part 29: How could someone do anything so cruel...?!
Welcome back. Last time, we had the misfortune of meeting Duke Dunan von Auslese, which was an all-around unpleasant experience. Then, the Mercia Orphanage started burning down, which was also pretty unpleasant. Im still not entirely sure who had it worse, us or the orphans.

Oh, poor, aching head...

That must be one heck of a hangover. It was kinda impressive the way you drank the whole bar, though.
Im not sure exactly what would happen if Schera and Nial went drinking together, but Im pretty sure at least one person would die.

Sure you're okay? You want some water? Or the bucket again?

No...I'm good. I've got an event to cover...

Oh, really? Well, thanks for taking us in yesterday.

We're both very grateful.

Just pass on anything interesting you hear to me... I'll be in Ruan for a while, too.

Okay, see you later...

...Oh Goddess...why is light so bright?!

Well, then...what say we head to the guild?

Fine by me. We can see if Jean has any work for us.

Good morning.

Good morning. You're certainly here early.

Yep, just like we promised.

I know it's early, but do you have any assignments for us?

Ah, music to my ears! Let's see... There are so many options...

G-go easy on us...

Oh...hold on just a moment, please.

Oh, it's an incoming communication from The White Magnolia... How unusual. I'm impressed you were able to reach us with that old comm equipment...


...What did you say?
Music stops

I see... That's definitely a major issue. Yes, I understand. I'll send someone over shortly.

What's wrong? Another case?

It could be a case, or just an accident. I'm not sure... Last night, the orphanage on the coastal road caught fire and burned down.

N-no way...!!

Any idea who might have done it?

Are you two familiar with the Mercia Orphanage?

Familiar...? We were there just yesterday afternoon!

Are the kids and the matron okay?

That I don't know. We have to conduct a full investigation, and it has to be as thorough as possible. Would you be willing...?

Of course we would!

Let's head over there now, then.

Good, good. Take care!
Before we go to the orphanage (we are bad at priorities), we head down to the lower levels of the city, where Melvin is pacing back and forth by the water.
Yeah, thats not happening. If anybody can make this out, please tell me, because I have no clue what hes saying.
Melvin: wanted to play with bangles?
Randall: Hah hanneh hoon heen hy hoonana?!
Melvin: I...I'm sorry. All I'm getting from that is, [Has anyone seen my banana?] Surely that's not quite right...
This is the first time Ive seen this scene. Melvin is my favorite junior Bracer. After Estelle. And Joshua.
Muriel: At home or abroad, it doesnt matter... Bracers are always around to help. I love those guys!
Thanks Muriel
Youre alright.
Anyway, onward to the orphanarium.
Its not looking good


You're all from Manoria, right?
Zack: Yeah... We came to help pick up the pieces. We were here last night around midnight, trying to fight the fire... As you can could have gone better.

So, then...what about Matron Theresa and the kids?!
Solomon: They're all fine. Don't worry.
Unsurprisingly, Trails has opted not to kill a bunch of orphans in a fire. Probably a good call.
Solomon: Right now, they're sleeping at Manoria's inn. Given the size of the fire, it's a miracle that no one was badly hurt.

Thank goodness...

Yes, at least that's something.
Zack: We're here now to clean up what we can. How about you two?

We really ought to check up on everyone at the inn...

Sorry, but that'll have to wait.


Now that we're here at the scene of the crime, there's a lot that strikes me as weird. We need to find what clues we can, before the trail goes cold, so to speak. I know how you feel, but this HAS to take precedence right now.


Right... We're bracers, after all...

We have to find out what happened. let's see what we can find.
Solomon: Looks like you'll have your hands full.
Zack: Good luck!
This marks the beginning of Trails does Phoenix Wright, part 2. Lets start the investigation!

Huh...? Maybe this is just me... but does this hinge there look weird to you? Like its been torn off or something...

It does, actually. As if it happened before the fire started.
Zack: I dont know what Matron Theresa is going to do... I mean, its going to be really expensive.
Zack: Maybe they can get stuff at a discount. I owe them a little, too. Nowd be the perfect time to pay them back.
Solomon: I mean, seeing the sky go all red in the east over Manoria... I tried to get here as quickly as I could, but everything was already gone...
Solomon: By the way, why is everything all scattered around like this?

Wow... This place is ruined. Hey... Do you smell something strange?

Yes...and I think I know why...
As you might expect, we get a scene once weve examined everything.

What do you think?

I'm not sure, to be honest.

First off, the fire doesn't appear to have started in the building. It most likely started outside.


Over here.

Ahh... Where the wall collapsed.

But how can you tell?

Because the fire damage is worse here than anywhere else. Compare it to the areas nearby and you'll see.

Oh, you're right...

So it started here, and then spread. You know what this means?

Uh, well...
This may be an obvious choice, but take it seriously, since its worth BP (as always.)

My thoughts exactly.

That smell everywhere? It's some highly flammable oil. It's everywhere around here, so this had to be the fire's point of origin.

No way...

Plus, don't you think it's weird how everything outside is scattered around? Even the people fighting the fire wouldn't have done that to the herb garden. It's not a coincidence. Someone did this.

I didn't know you were here...

I have so many irreplaceable memories of this place...

Why...? How? How could someone do anything so cruel...?!



I'm sorry... I'm confused... I... I...

I barely know the place, and this bothers the heck out of me, too... It's hard to believe that anyone could be capable of something this awful.


But the matron and the kids are all okay... we can be thankful for that, right?

Thank you... That does help. I'd just started morning classes when the dean came to see me... He said that he'd heard that the orphanage was in flames... And while I was on my way here...all I could think about was, they're fine. They're alive. Aidios was watching over them.


Well, we heard that they're all at the inn in Manoria, safe and sound. We just finished up here, so we're planning to go see them. Do you want to come with us?

Y-yes... I would like that very much.

All right, then. To Manoria we go.
And then we went to Manoria.

Is anyone hurt?
Daniel: We're okay!
Polly: Hee hee... I is okay...

Thank goodness...

Ha ha... I'm glad you're here.

Is that Estelle and Joshua I see with you?

Yes, since someone contacted the guild.

We're investigating the incident and thought we'd stop by.

I see... Thank you for taking the time.

Investigating... You mean about the fire, right? Do you know who did it?


Well, how to put it...?
Estelle and Joshua explained the tough time they'd been having with the investigation.

So, um, who's hungry? I missed breakfast, so I was thinking about getting some food.

Good boys and girls who join me will get some sweet treats!
Daniel: Really?!
Polly: I's wants some puddin'!

Mary: ... C'mon, Clem!

Mary: Quit griping and come on! Let's go downstairs, Miss Kloe!

Ha ha, okay.

Phew... That was close. I really wouldn't want the little kids to hear about this...


Although I get the feeling that Mary understands at least some of what's happening.

Ha ha... Yes, isn't she great? I'm happy to have her around. Now, you were saying...? Please, tell me what you can.

Thanks for your understanding.

Okay, then...

...and it does appear that it was set deliberately.

My suspicions were correct, then. I've always been very careful about fire, so I suspected it might be something like that.

Do you have any idea who could have done this? Whoever was responsible must have had some kind of motivation.

I have no idea... We have no real money to speak of, nor has anyone ever borne a grudge against us...

So, it wasn't a robbery, and it wasn't for revenge.

We have to acknowledge the possibility that someone did it just for fun... Did you happen to notice anything unusual leading up to or during the incident? Any strange people hanging around the orphanage, for instance...

Yes, actually... Not during the daytime when you were there, but afterward...

...Though I can't imagine HE would do something like this...

Who's [he]?

While we were trying to escape from the burning building... ...the beams fell in and blocked our way through the entry hall.

But then he showed up and helped us all get free... We owe him our lives.

R-really... Was he Manorian?

Right after he helped us, he called the villagers over and left in the confusion. I asked the other villagers about him, but no one seemed to know anything.

...Sounds suspicious. What business would anyone have around the orphanage at such a late hour? Did you notice anything in particular about him?

He was a man, maybe in his late twenties. He also had brilliant silver hair.
Sounds very villainy.

Silver hair...?

He had a troubled look about him, though...that made him seem far older than he looked. But he didn't strike me as a bad man.

He sounds suspicious, but he did help you out. Doesn't sound like our guy to me.


Joshua? What's with the goofy stare?

Oh, it's nothing... I guess that bracers can show up in the strangest of places...

I think that we should disregard him as a suspect.
A bracer whos not Cassius doing things offscreen? That cant be right.

Um, okay...
Kloe: Pardon me...

Where are the children?

Ha ha... They're downstairs, having some dessert. have a guest.


Mayor Dalmore...

Oh, so the bracers I met yesterday are here as well. Jean's reputation for responding quickly is well-earned.

Now, then...

It's good to see you again, Matron Theresa. After I heard what happened, I came over as quickly as I could. I'm glad that you're safe.

Thank you, Mayor. It's very kind of you to come by. I know you're a very busy man.

Nonsense... It is my responsibility to look after all areas of the region.

More to the point, those who did this must not be allowed to get away with it. Joseph always loved that place... Such an atrocity...

Perhaps his spirit yearned to have his loved ones join him...?
Ghost husband isnt exactly our top suspect, but well make sure not to keep that in mind.

No... I believe he was the one who watched over the children that day.

My sole regret is that all my mementos of him were lost to the fire...

Matron Theresa...

Tell me, bracers. Have you any thoughts on who might have done this?

We've only just begun our investigation, so it's too early to say, sir. It does look like it might have been done simply out of malice, however.

I see... What a terrible thought. For something so heinous to happen in such a peaceful place...

Hmm? What is it?

Do you think that those people might have a hand in this?


Whoa, hold up! Who do you mean by [those people]?

You encountered them yesterday. The ruffians down in the warehouse district of Ruan.

Oh, them...


Pardon my bluntness...but what makes you suspect them?
They are quite obviously up to no good.

They've been openly defying the mayor since yesterday. They certainly seemed to get great enjoyment out of causing trouble for him.

And since he and Matron Theresa are friends, it--



Wild speculation does no one any good. This is a dire offense. We must have no false accusations.

M-my apologies, sir. That was foolish of me.

I think it would be best to let the bracers identify and locate the ones responsible.

Can I count on your help?

Sure! Leave it to us.

We will devote our full attention to it, sir.

Good, good. I'm glad to hear it.

What is it?

What do you plan to do with the orphanage now? Rebuilding will take time and a not inconsiderable amount of mira to complete.

...Honestly, I'm at a loss. We have a modest reserve of mira, but the cost will be phenomenal...



I was afraid of that.

Well, I have a proposal of sorts for you.

...What might that be?

At the Dalmore estate in Grancel, I have a villa. It's only used for special occasions, so... What say you to having the children stay there for a little while?


And of course, charging rent would be particularly boorish of me. You'd be welcome to stay there for as long as the rebuilding process takes.

B-but there's no need for you to shoulder the burden of our troubles...

But the villa sits unused. If you have misgivings, then I will grant you control of the grounds. Think of it as a well-deserved reward, if you will.


May I have some time to think it over? Your offer is most generous, but I can barely process it with everything going on...

Perfectly understandable. You should get some rest.

I must be off as well. If you decide to accept, please feel free to contact me.

I will... Thank you so very much.

Let us go, Gilbert.

Yes, sir!

Wow... That was a shock. He's certainly the generous type. On par with Mayor Maybelle.

Indeed...particularly in light of his being a former noble.

What do you intend to do in regards to the mayor's offer, Matron?

Well, what do you think of the situation?

...Conventional wisdom dictates that you should accept it. However, once you've gone to Grancel...

Oh... Never mind me.

Ha ha... You always were such a thoughtful child. It's all right. I want you to give me your honest opinion.

The herb garden and the people I care about would be gone... So... And...

With you and Joseph gone, I feel like all of my good memories will fade away... I'm sorry... I'm just being stupid and selfish.

Ha ha... I share your feelings. The orphanage is home to my memories of him, as well as the children's memories. But...though memories are precious, having a place to live is of the utmost importance.

Yes, ma'am...

I believe this will all be settled soon. Please, try to focus on tending to the campus festival, for now. The children are really looking forward to it.

...Yes, ma'am.

Estelle and Joshua... I wish I could be of more help, but I must leave the investigation in your hands.

We will handle it, ma'am.

We're going to take the culprit down! You can count on it!

Where should we start the search?

Hmm... Maybe we should go to the guild and report back to Jean. We can figure out a plan of attack then.

Sounds good to me.


Something wrong? You look like something's bugging you...

Oh, I'm sorry... My mind is just all over the place right now.

I know how you feel...

By the way, Joseph was Matron Theresa's husband, right?

Yes. He died several years ago... But he meant a great deal to me, as well.

I see...

Wait, does that're from the orphanage, too?

No, nothing like that... He just did a huge favor for me a long time ago. We grew close again when I came to Ruan to attend the Academy...

Oh, I see...

So in other words, every time you came by to play you ended up helping out, like part of the family.



He was like a father to me...but the shock I experienced was nothing compared to that of the matron and the other children. But we managed somehow...

Mary! What's gotten you into such a hurry?
Mary: Listen! Clem's gone!


Y-you don't mean he's left Manoria...?

Can you give us some more details?
Mary: Okay... After that old man showed up, Clem went upstairs... In a coupla minutes, he came back down all red in the face saying, [They're not gettin' away with this!] Then he just ran off!

I wonder who he meant...? You don't suppose it's...

I'll bet you're right... Everything points at the Ravens. He probably overheard what the steward said.

Oh, no! I hope he's not planning to go and find them himself... can't be...

I can't allow this! I have to find him at once!

We'll come with you. If we hurry, we might be able to catch him before he gets to Ruan.
Mary: Miss Kloe...

Don't you worry. I'll bring him back safely. You just look after the other children, all right?
Mary: Okay... Good luck!

Lets head back to Ruan!
Next time: Basically the beginning of a buddy cop movie.