Part 30: You've got to protect what's important to you, that's all...
Welcome back. Last time, we were sent to examine and investigate the burnt down Mercia Orphanage. The good news is that the kids were all okay, the bad news is that it was arson, not an accident. Then Gilbert, the mayors doofy aid, was overheard by Clem accusing the Ravens of the arson. He then disappeared, meaning weve got to get to Ruan, fast!
Or slow. Were not on a timer. Still, its more dramatic if we hurry.

You don't suppose he's already there...?


Come on. We'll check out that warehouse to the south.

Damn, it's almost noon already?
Man, orphans are in danger. Dont go complaining about how long thats taking
Oh, right. The bridge.

Clem, please wait!

It's no use... I guess he can't hear you.

Crap! Why does the bridge have to go up NOW, of all times? It couldn't wait thirty minutes?!

Oh, no...if we don't do something...! What do we do...? What CAN we do...?

Please, Kloe, try to calm down. You haven't forgotten what you told us about the bridge already, right?


Now, how did people get across before the bridge was built?
They swam?

Oh, a boat!
So close. Does this mean we get to commandeer a vessel?

That's right! If I remember correctly, there's a boat you can rent behind the hotel!

All right! We'll use that, then!
Vessel. Commandeer. Best day ever.

Can we rent your boat? We need to get across as quickly as possible!
Murray: I'm afraid not. That duke fellow's already reserved it. Maybe come back later...?

Oh, no...

Please...won't you help us? There's a little boy in grave danger!
Murray: Now, don't go shedding tears like that. You remind me of my granddaughter, and I don't like to see her upset, either. Well, all right. I suppose it can't hurt. Go ahead and hop aboard.
We get to inconvenience the Duke, too? This is just the best.
I mean, except for the orphan in grave danger thing.

Th-thank you, sir!

You're a lifesaver, mister!
Murray: Ha ha...I'll just tell that duke fellow that the boat's being repaired. Do you know how to handle a boat, boy?

Yes, sir... I'll manage. Come on, both of you!


Scree! Scree! Screeee!

Okay, I understand.

Looks like he's gone as far in as you can go.

Let's get a move on, then. That's probably where we'll find the hideout.

Roger that!


I'm not gonna let you get away with it!
Rocco: What's this little punk talking about?
Deen: Hey, this is no place for little kids. You oughta go home and get back to sucking on your mama's tit.
Rais: HA HA HA! Nice one, man!
It really wasnt.

Rais: What's the brat so pissed off about?

I don't have a mom, you jerks! I have the matron!

You don't get to make fun of her!
Rocco: Heh...
Rocco: Maybe you need some discipline.
Rais: How about a hundred whacks on the ass? Ha ha ha!!

Miss...Miss Kloe?

How can you be so cruel to a child like this...? It's disgusting... You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Deen: Oh, hell no.
Rais: Hey, missy. Who are you to look down on us, just because of your looks? Rich snob...
I think shes looking down in you for the whole pathetic ruffians thing, not because of her looks.
You are all ugly and shes not, but thats entirely incidental.
Rocco: How many bracers you think it'll take to beat us?

Stand aside, Kloe!

We'll buy you some time. Get the kid as far away from here as you can!

No... Let me fight, please.


I really don't enjoy it...

...but I was taught how to use a sword, if it's to protect others.
I cant think of anywhere pleasant she could have kept that rapier, but Im not complaining. Lets rumble.


A self-defense...rapier?!

Let the child go, please. Otherwise... I will force you to do so!
Bargo: Oh, wow...
Terence: That's so hot...
Id ask if youll find it hot when she kicks your asses... but, uh... you probably would. And nobody needs to hear that.
Rais: You expect us to let this brat get away with mouthing off to us?
Rocco: We're the Ravens, and you need to learn not to mess with us!
The Ravens are similar to the Sky Bandits from last chapter, they fight in a large group and use moderately damaging melee attacks. However, unlike the Sky Bandits who could only attack, the Ravens have a bunch of little tricks up their sleeves to make things interesting.
Heres one of them: Shakedown, a craft which reduces the defense of one of our units from a range.
Heres another: Soul Infusion, which is a free 200 HP heal from one Raven to another.
Kloes finally joined the party as an actual fighter, instead of as a NPC. Shes mainly a support unit, with high magic and a bunch of healing spells. Tearal is the best single target healing in the game, restoring 2000 HP, while La Tear(a) are AoE version of Tear and Tearal.
That said, while shes mainly outfitted for casting and healing, shes still capable of putting out decent physical damage.
She starts with Hell Gate, and the Ravens have the same crippling weakness to AoE magic that the Sky Bandits did, so she comes out of the gate swinging.
Things wont be quite so easy though: The Ravens can use Embolden, which a free full revive.
Even with all their tricks, this still isnt a really hard fight. While they can try and sandbag all they want, its pretty easy to just flood them anyway with sheer offense.
While Kloe doesnt have many Crafts, the one she does have is a pretty good support skill. -50% Strength and Defense is much more potent than nearly any other debuff, and its range covers almost the entire field. Impose wears off really fast though, which balances it.
Its also an attack by means of falcon dive-bomb, which is super rad.
Effective spell-casting and craft use nets us an easy win, with Kloe getting in the final stab.
She has a very fancy victory pose.
Rais: Even if she is a bracer, there's something weird about this chick...

That was awesome, Miss Kloe!

Phew! Nice going, Kloe!

You must have learned the art of the sword from someone very skilled.

No, I'm still just a novice.

Fighting any longer would serve no purpose. Please...release the boy.
Rocco: Y-you bitch...
Deen: We ain't just gonna let you make fools of us and get away with it!
Deen: Wha... Who's there?!
Rocco: Reinforcements?!
Deen: A-Agate!
Rais: You're here...


What are you doing here...? And you know these guys?!

Rais: Y-yeah...?

What are you fools doing? Fighting with a girl and beating up a little kid... Is that what it's come to?
Rocco: Y-you shut up! You left us, so who are you to give us orders anymore...
I said a lot of words about why I like Agate even though hes a jerk before, but that was all sophistry. The real reason I like him is because he punches a dude halfway across a room. Vertically and horizontally.

...You were saying?
Deen: Hey, A-Agate...take it easy! If it's about the kid, we'll let him go, see?!

Miss Kloe!

Hmph... You should've just done that from the start.

What a bunch of mean jerks...

Hey, how did you know exactly when to show up?

I just talked to Jean, is all. He said the newbies were somewhere, investigating the arson case.



You've got some guts to come up here all by your lonesome. But you're really pushing your luck. You shouldn't worry your mama like that.


Why have you come here...?
Everyones here, she was feeling left out.

I inquired at the guild as to what was going on, and I was led here.

Clem, know better...

I-I'm not apologizing this time! I'm gonna get those jerks who started the fire, and--

Matron Theresa...please don't scold him.

That wasn't my intent.

I understand how you feel, Clem... Believe me, I do. The house was important to everyone who lived there with all of us... However...

Getting yourself killed will not bring it back.


All that I want is for everyone to be safe. Nothing else matters...


I... *sniff*...

Clem... I'm really glad he's okay...

Jeez...women and kids, always the same.

Hey, bracer-kid. You should get the matron and brat out of here. This really is no place for them.

I don't mind...but what will you do, Agate?

I've made up my mind...

I might need to crack a few skulls.
Deen: Nooooo...please, take it easy on us!

I see...

I guess you'd prefer not being interrupted, then.

You really don't need to thank us. We're just doing our jobs.

Still, are you sure you don't want us to escort you back to Manoria?

Yes, it's fine. The Gull Seaside Way is like my backyard, after all. More importantly, I don't want to get Kloe in trouble at the school.

No need to worry...

I will accept full responsibility, Matron.

Ha ha... Thank you, Kloe, but it's fine, really. I want you to focus on preparing for the campus festival. All of the children are looking forward to it.

Yes, ma'am.

I brought back the boat.
Seeing as its the Dukes, I dont suppose you thought to make so holes in it...

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to leave you on your own.

Don't worry about it. It wasn't a tough job.

I owe you my gratitude as well, Joshua.

Miss Kloe... All you guys, actually... Thanks for helping me today. I was stupid. Really stupid...


I thought maybe I could get back at them... And then, you had to come to save me...

You must think I'm a complete loser.

W-we don't think that at all...

You're not a loser.


You risked life and limb to protect something that's important to you. That's no mean feat, even for grownups.

Personally, I thought you were pretty awesome.

Mister Joshua...

However, you need to leave fighting the criminals to us. Your job is to protect the matron and the other kids. No one else can do it. You have to stay with them, encourage and support them.

You're the only one who can do it, Clem.

... Only I can do it...?

Okay, I think I get what you're saying.

You think you're up to it?

You betcha! You can count on me!

Ha ha... Thank you, yet again.

Take care, everyone. If you'll pardon us...

Great! I've been working hard on it, so I hope everyone will be there!

You can count on it!

See ya later!
Hes surprisingly good at it, considering.

Ha ha. I was practically in shock after seeing him so upbeat.

Thank you, much.

No, no...I didn't say anything special.

You've got to protect what's important to you, that's all...

Anyway, I'm just glad that he's okay. Thanks for your help, Kloe.

I should be thanking you.

Oh, by the way... What came of your investigation?

Ah, well, that red-headed dude butted his spiky head in now, so... I wonder if he's done yet...?

For now, let's get back to the guild. Are you coming with us, Kloe?

Yes. I'd like to find out what's really going on. Not to mention the identity of the arsonist...

Well, let's go then!
Fine, fine. Only because theres nothing better to do.

I'm told that you were able to save a young boy.

Yeah...somehow or another. I'm still kind of in shock from when that redhead showed up.

Ha ha, you must mean Agate. He's working another case in Ruan. He used to be the leader of the Ravens, if you can believe it!

I suspected as much.

Guess that explains his terrible disposition...

Well, that was a long time ago. He drifted into town, right around when he was your age. He hung out with a rough crowd and got into some serious trouble.

Compared to back then, the tough types nowadays are puppy dogs.

A-and a guy like that was allowed to become a bracer?

Well, I've gotten to know him a little bit... And it turns out that he wanted to become a bracer, ever since he was little. Sometimes, people just change.

Didn't your mama ever tell you it ain't nice to talk about someone behind his back? Always with the gossip...

Ha ha. But is it really gossip if it's positive?

Anyway, are you done with your investigation?

Yep, over and done with. I can't say for sure...but I think they're clean.

Really...? You're not just trying to protect your old buddies?

You wanna watch that mouth of yours? From what I saw last night at the sailors' tavern... They couldn't be the arsonists... Hell, I doubt they could've even walked a straight line if they wanted to.
Thats probably because you scouted them at the tavern.


Well, if that's true, we can hold off on them.

They didn't strike me as the types with the guts to try arson, anyway.

I guess not... Just full of themselves, mostly.

All you need is to give 'em a nasty look, and believe me, they'll cave. Anyway, I'll see if I can find the arsonists while I'm out in the field.


I'm taking over the case...

...and you're off it.
Hand in your badge and gun staff.

Whoa, say what?! You've got to be kidding me!

Can you at least give us an explanation?

Oh, don't get your panties in a wad. You two are too close to this case and you know it. And if you let your feelings run away with you, it screws with your judgment. Plus you let a civie get involved...
Agate is literally the police chief in a buddy cop flick right now.
If he calls Estelle a loose cannon itll make my week.


Pardon me, but I...

You ain't gotta apologize. It's these two I'm worried about. The point is, you gotta be professional about it. And these two ain't.

Just where do YOU get off, calling US unprofessional?! And no matter what you say, we made a promise to the mayor!

Hey, Jean. What do the rules say about when junior and senior bracers want the same case?
The junior bracer gets the case, and the senior bracer fucks off?

Oh, come on. You know as well as I do... Of course it rules in favor of the senior bracer.
It was a long shot.


We're not bad in a fight... Perhaps we could provide backup...?

It's just an investigation. I don't need more people. I think we're done here. Try not to hold this against me.

Just who the hell does he think he is?!

It's frustrating, sure, but he has a point. It just irritates me that we really don't have a counter-argument.

I'm sorry... If I had not drawn my sword...

That's not what's bothering me. He doesn't have to just blow us off like that.

Please, he means no harm. Don't be upset. Tact is not his strong suit. He just doesn't know any other way to communicate.

Particularly in light of the current situation... I think it may have something to do with an earlier case of his. He was pursuing someone, and well...


Pursuing someone? Like a criminal?

Ah, never mind about that. I really can't go into detail. Just let him handle these criminals. Consider it a personal favor for me.
Damn it Jean. Cant you gossip just a little more?
Well tell you about the times Estelle glued her face to her hand. Thats juicy stuff!

I guess we have no choice...

I see...

Well, we'll hand over our report from our investigation, then.

Please, go ahead.

It seems that you were quite thorough.

But as I mentioned, the circumstances of this case are special. I'm terribly sorry, but you'll have to end your investigation here.

B-but... We just wanted to do something for the matron and the kids... This isn't right...




Um, Mr. Jean? The bracers are assisting with a civilian event, aren't they?

Yes, that's true. Handling security at the campus festival, to deal with the crowds, in fact.

Well, then...Estelle, Joshua... Would you mind helping out with our play, in the meantime?


What do you mean?

Every year when the festival ends, there's a play held in the auditorium. I know the children always look forward to it.

And there are still two major roles that haven't been filled...

You don't mean... want us to take the parts?

Yes...otherwise, we may have to cancel the play entirely. I can't bear to think of how disappointed the children would be...

So, I mentioned you two to the student council last night... They seemed quite eager to have you.

It wouldn't be much, but you'd be reimbursed from the admin budget.

Wh-why do you want us? I don't think I'd be any good, and isn't the play a really big deal?

Well, for the girl part, we need someone who's been trained for combat... I think you'd fit the role perfectly.

I-I see... Hmm...well, I can definitely do combat stuff.
I think the acting stuff would be the real obstacle in this case.

Sounds like it would work.

And what about the other part?

Oh...yes, well...

Talking about it is kind

[Kind of]...what?


A-and what does that mean, exactly? What kind of play IS this?

Oh, come on, Joshua. You're not going to make her say it, are you? If we can do something for the kids, where's the harm? Plus, if we do some work, they'll probably let us have some of that awesome festival food!

Hey, hold on a second. Jean, is this really a legit bracer assignment?

It certainly is. Citizen outreach and regional services comprise plenty of the general work that bracers do.

And since Agate showed up, you do have some extra time... I certainly have no problem with it.
I like how hearts and musical notes and all that are only ever present in Estelles text boxes. Only shes mastered the art of saying symbols.

*sigh* I have a bad feeling about this. But if it's for the kids, what choice do I have?

Still, if we have anything else to do, we should take care of it beforehand. I doubt working on the play will leave us free time for anything else.
This is basically a giant Finish any sidequests available sign.

Hmm... Yeah, you're probably right.

Hey, Kloe? Would it be okay with you if we looked around here some more?

Sure. You don't need to worry about me.

To get to the Royal Academy... You leave by the Gull Seaside Way, go east at the first fork, and then follow the woodland path.

Okay, got it.
Now that we're back in control, let's check out our new party member:

Kloe is a little weaker then Estelle (who's a little weaker then Joshua), but she has much higher magic, and otherwise fairly similar stats. Although she has all six slots open, and all in one line too, three of her slots are locked to Water, so while she can cast powerful magic, she's not capable of much versatility. Currently, she's equipped with Water and Earth quartz; the Earth quartz let her use area of effects healing spells, as well as normal earth spells.
Alright, so today I've decided to do a little experiment. Earlier, it was suggested that I could give people input on how we setup our characters' orbment lineups. Since I've finally plowed through all the recordings I'd already made when this was suggested (I play pretty far ahead of the LP), I've decided to try it out, see if it's something that'll work. So here's how I see this working.
Here's the Bracer Notebook, it shows all the spells in the game, as well as the different elemental values necessary to get them. Now, you can vote in one of two ways.
Either point out any spells you'd like to see me use (the easy vote), or if you'd like to get more involved
suggest an entire setup for Estelle and/or Joshua (the hard vote.)
If you're interested in doing the hard vote, here's all you need to know:
Estelle and Joshua both have
four open slots, all in the same line. Since they only have one line, if the total elemental values of all the quartz they have equipped reaches the requirements for a spell, they can use the spell. Here's all the quartz we have available to us (Brown is Earth, Blue is Water, Red is Fire, Green is Air, Black is Time, Yellow is Space, White is Mirage):
Name x amount Effect Elemental values
Defense 1 x 1 Def +5% x1 Earth
Poison x 1 10% chance of poison x3 Earth
Petrify x 1 10% chance of petrify x3 Earth
Mute x 1 10% chance of mute x3 Earth
HP 1 x 1 HP +5% x1 Water
HP 2 x 3 HP +10% x3 Water
Mind 1 x 1 Magic +5% x1 Water
Attack 1 x 4 Str +5%/Def -5% x1 Fire
Seal x 1 10% chance of sealing crafts x3 Fire
Shield 1 x 1 Mag Def +5 x1 Wind
Evade 1 x 2 AGL +1 x1 Wind
Evade 2 x 1 AGL +2 x3 Wind
Impede 2 x 1 Stop enemy casting (50%) x3 Wind
Action 1 x 1 Spd +10% x1 Time
Cast 1 x 2 Cast faster x1 Time
Blind x 2 10% chance of blinding x3 Time
EP Cut 1 x 3 Arts' cost -10% x1 Time, x2 Space, x1 Mirage
Eagle Vision x 1 See enemies on map x3 Space, x2 Mirage
EP 1 x 2 EP +5% x1 Time, x1 Space, x2 Mirage
EP 2 x 1 EP +10% x2 Time, x2 Space, x3 Mirage
Hit 1 x 3 Dex +5 x1 Mirage
Information x 1 Detailed enemy status' x2 Mirage
Haze x 1 Enemies don't notice you x2 Earth, x3 Mirage
Note three things:
You can't stack quartz (even different levels, you can't equip HP 1 and 2 for example), and
You can't stack status effects. So only one of Petrify, Seal, Mute, etc. Lastly,
Joshua needs to equip two Time quartz (so two of Action, Cast and Blind).