Part 31: Chapter 2 Sidequests (1): Fishing, Riddles and Treasure.
Welcome back. Last time, we headed down to the warehouse and saved Clem from the Ravens with Kloes help. Afterwards, Agate kicked us off the case for getting a civilian involved. He also called us a loose cannon, said theres no place on the force for our shoot first, ask questions later attitude and said something about the mayor being on his ass over this.
Or at least thats how I choose to remember it.
Before we go and help Kloe with her play, weve got a bunch of sidequests to get done. Sidequests means fighting, so its time for a fresh new look for our characters.
Estelle is fulfilling her destiny of staffing people in the face. Attack 1 boosts her Attack, Seal gives a chance of inflicting a status element with her attack (and continues the fire theme already established), Impede 2 gives her a 50% chance of stopping casting with aforementioned staffing of faces, while Eagle Vision is just nice to have. Furthermore, these all play together to unlock a bunch of new fire spells.
One of these is Forte, which Im going to talk about now because I never use it. Forte boost Strength by 25% for one unit. Consider that Estelle has a craft that does the same thing instantly for every ally in a large radius, including herself, and the whole I never use it starts making sense. For the most part, I find buff spells are divided into two categories: Clock Up (+Spd) and useless.

Joshua is all Time, all the time. I dont have the quartz (nor the sepith to exchange for it), to get any new time spells yet, but I do get one new spell Ill talk about later.

Anyway, heres our first sidequest of the day.

Are you Harg?
Harg: Yeah, that's me... Oh! Are you guys bracers?

Yes, that's right.

Did you happen to lose a warehouse key?
Harg: Yes, I did. I was working with the barrels around the crane the other day... I guess I musta dropped it somewhere around there. I was waiting around to have a drink at the Aqua Rossa. I probably dropped it in that area. Once I got to feeling good 'n toasty, I decided to take a walk around here...

?! You were wandering around the harbor drunk? What if you dropped it in the water? What if YOU fell in the water?!
Nial would be proud. Also Schera. And Aina. Maybe Cassius. Lots of lushes in this game. My kind of game.
Harg: Whaddya expect? I couldn't resist the ocean air, you know?

*sigh* Well, talking isn't getting us anywhere.

...So it would seem.
Harg: Well, I figure I musta dropped it somewhere in the harbor.

I guess we've got some walking around to do.

Harg: I'm sorry... I'm not tryin' to make your lives any tougher. I've gotta get back to work. Lemme know if you find it!

And please contact us if you think of anything else.
Harg: Yup, you bet.
This ones pretty easy.
Down the stairs...
Under the bridge and over the walkway...
Under another bridge, and our multi-level Ruan adventure ends at a walkway right next to the Aqua Rossa.

...Hm? There's something shining below us. It's something in the water.

I wonder what it could be. If Mr. Harg were here, maybe we could check it out.

But what do we do? We can't exactly dive in to have a look.
Not with that attitude.

Maybe... If we had something hooked to snag it, then maybe...
Our next stop is the bartender at the Aqua Rosse. Maybe he has a drunk guy wholl dive for us?

Hey, we saw you had some fishing rods upstairs... Would you mind if we borrowed one?
A fishing rod might work too.
Squaro: Oh, not at all. Just say the word, and you're welcome to borrow it any time.
Anyway, we get ourselves a fishing rod. Back to the walkway!

Check it out. It might be useful.

Maybe we should pick up some kind of tool or...

Oh, I know!

I get it. You're going to try fishing it out? Isn't that going to be difficult?
Not for a goddess of fishing.

Heh heh... Just you sit back and watch the magnificent Estelle at work.

Fine, as you please.

You can do it, Estelle!

You betcha!
Snagged Warehouse Key!

Check me out! I got it!

Pretty impressive. I have to admit, I didnt think youd be able to do it.

But check it out! This looks like the Warehouse Key that Mr. Harg was talking about.

No telling how it got dropped in here.

Ha ha... Well, Im sure hell feel better having it back.
Harg: Whoa! Keep your voice down! The others are gonna find me out!

Oh. Oopsie. Anyway, about that key...
Harg: Oh, that...

We found something. This is the key, right?
Handed over Warehouse Key.
Harg: This is it, yep! No bones about it. Hey, thanks, you guys. You really saved my skin. Say...why's it all tangled up with fishing line?

Ha ha ha... It's kind of a long story.
Harg: Hmmm...well, no big deal. I gotta split. Thanks again.
And there we have it. Next stop: The mayors place.
Its a gigantic place. It even has servants. Plural!
Flora: It seems that many of high status have been coming by of late.
Gartner: Seems the more blue your blood, the prettier your face, too. Because let me just say, some of them were real lookers!
I guess the Duke wasnt invited. Anyway, its a rizty place with lots of fancy parties and such.

And why NOW, of all possible times...?

Ah, you're here. I've been waiting for you to show up.

Hmm? Ah, Kloe's with you.

Yes, I'm accompanying them.

We came as soon as we saw the bulletin board. What seems to be the problem?

As you can see... This pedestal used to be adorned with a candelabrum.

Aw, man... It really just disappeared without a trace, huh?

Things being what they are, I would like to ask you to conduct a search. What say you? Are you available?
Of course we are. Its what we do.

Sure thing.

Excellent. Now, let me give you some background...

The stolen item is a candelabrum called the [Sapphire Glim.] It is a fine piece of craftsmanship, dating back to just after the Orbal Revolution. A Dalmore family heirloom, in fact.

It would sell for hundreds of thousands of mira, were it ever placed on the open market.

H-H-Hundreds of thousands of mira?!

...I see. It's probably not an issue of petty burglary then.

Huh? It's not?

You'd have to have some kind of safe way of laundering something that valuable.
Better call Saul!

So, whoever took it must be well-connected.

I get it... So that would rule out most of your everyday thieves.

Well, actually... Money wasn't the primary motivation for this crime, it seems.


What do you mean?

Look at this card.
[Look to the three-eyed giant which towers over this settlement. Do so, and the blue light will be revealed. -Phantom Thief B]
Looks like weve got ourselves a Riddler! Maybe if we dress up the Duke in a tuxedo we can get ourselves our very own Penguin too.

...What's this?

A note left behind on the bare pedestal. It appears to be written by the thief himself.

He wants us to know he did it?

So I'm inclined to believe.

Got it. If all he was after was money, this is a wee bit excessive!

What he wrote must have some significance. It almost sounds like some kind of poetry.

Hmm...[blue light...lost in the darkness...] I'm guessing the blue light refers to the stolen candelabrum?

Yes, I'd imagine so. The candelabrum is said to have been made, at great pains, by the townsfolk and given as a gift.

That might explain the [give praise to the spirit] part.

Ohh, I get it. So, what about the last part? Sounds like it wants us to look in a specific direction.

[Look to the three-eyed giant which towers over this settlement...] Well, it certainly SOUNDS like it's trying to tell us where to go.

And the destination has to be important, somehow.

The [settlement] bit probably refers to Ruan... So there must be some kind of [three-eyed giant] somewhere in the city.

Hmm... A giant... Well, it's obviously a clue. I'll make a note of it.

I can be of little use in this matter.

I must be off soon, as I have other work to which I must attend. And so, I shall leave you to your investigation.

Sure thing. So, first thing is to search this room, top to bottom.

That won't be necessary.

It has already been looked over by the residents. I'd like for you to search the surrounding area.


The card left you with a distinct clue to follow. Don't tarry. That candelabrum must be recovered.

I see...

Then we will abide by your wishes.

I guess the client is always right...

Please understand, I have no desire to interfere with the professionals in this matter. I greatly appreciate your understanding.

Now, I'll leave you to concentrate. I'll be upstairs, so let me know if you find anything out.

I guess we just have to see where that card leads us.

There must be a hint somewhere in Ruan.

I guess we'll just have to be patient and stay focused. Come on, let's get moving.
Alright, the clues obvious, lets get it done.
What, you havent figured it out. What are you, slow?
Im kidding, Im kidding. This is hard enough to get when youre playing the game, and downright impossible for you since I never even showed off the lighthouse here.

What's wrong?

H-hey...that's a card, isn't it?

Let's have a look.

...This is definitely it. It's the same card that we saw in the mayor's estate. I see... So this is what the card meant by [three-eyed.]
You can only actually see the top of the lighthouse if you position the camera in certain ways, so this can be hard to find. anything written on it?

Let's see...
[Ah, seeker. The eyes of Aidios see only the truth, and pass it on to you. Look to the endless waltz which unfolds between the red and black. Do so, and the blue light will be revealed. -Phantom Thief B]

Looks like the next spot's been picked. [Look to the endless waltz which unfolds between the red and black]...?

Red and black... That has to mean something in Ruan, don't you think?

Probably, yeah. guess the criminal sure must love his puzzles... He won't break his own rules.

What a total jackass.

Oh, well. Let's start searching.
This one? You might actually be able to get it, the clues somewhat easier and its something I showed in the LP.

A red and black waltz...? I can't imagine it means anything but roulette.

I think you're right. Let's check it out.
Spiridon: Is there something you're looking for, sir and madams?

Sorry, but we'll be done in just a moment.

Ah-ha. Found it. A card is glued flat to the surface. should have the next message, right?

Yeah, let's take a look.
[Ah, seeker. The eyes of Aidios see only the truth, and pass it on to you. Rest at the land harbor and look to the one-eyed lion. Do so, and the blue light will be revealed. -Phantom Thief B]

Okay, I've added it to my Bracer Notebook. The important parts are probably the [land harbor] and the [one-eyed lion.]

[One-eyed] this time...

It's always made more sense once we got there before... I doubt this time will be any different.

Yeah, I guess we need to get a move on. A madman's clues MUST be followed, after all.
Spiridon: ???

Sorry to cause all the fuss!
This ones not too bad.

The Land Harbor is Ruans landing port, and its not hard to find this little vehicle thingy once youre there.
(In theory. In practice you just use a walkthrough for this.)

I wonder if there's a way to keep it from seeing you...

This must be the [Land Harbor.] No doubt about it.

All right, let's see what we can find.

[Ah, seeker. The eyes of Aidios see only the truth, and pass it on to you. Beyond the drawbridge, look to the barrels near the Steel Crane. Do so, and the blue light will be revealed. -Phantom Thief B]

Hmm...another weirdo clue. Now it's a [Steel Crane]? Sounds suspiciously easy to figure out this time...

The drawbridge it mentions is probably the one over in the harbor. Ugh. How much longer are we going to have to do this?

Ha ha. I'm sure we must be nearing the end. We just have to keep going.

Okay, Estelle. What do you need to pick up your spirits?

Um... I-I'm just tired, is all. I'm fine. Really! See? I'm ready to get back in the game!

I swear...
The Steel Crane, is, uh... a steel crane. I think the Phantom Thief ran out of ideas.

This must be the [Steel Crane,] but...

There are no barrels to be found...

Well, what the heck is this stupid clue supposed to mean, then?
Kuper: Hmm? What is it?

You seen any barrels around here?
Kuper: Barrels? Can't say that I can recall. The warehouse is packed full of 'em, though.

Ah...oh, well. ...Hm? The warehouse?

What's wrong?

] Didn't we find the Warehouse Key earlier...? Mr. Harg's request.

And we haven't talked to him, either, right? The barrels near the crane were moved to the warehouse...

I get you. You're thinking that the barrels that were here are all inside now.

You're probably right. Nice going, Estelle.

Okay, let's go see what Mr. Harg has to say.

We have a question for you.
Harg: Me? What do you want?

I was wondering what kind of work you were doing when you lost the key. You said you were moving the barrels near the crane to the warehouse... ...Is that correct?
Harg: Yep, sounds right. It was actually just one barrel, though. It was in the way of the crane, see, so it had to be put in storage. I lost the key sometime after that.

Sorry to be a bother, but is there any way we could get into the warehouse? We'd like to examine that barrel.
Harg: Hmmm... Well, management doesn't approve of outsiders entering our warehouses. It's prohibited, in fact. The stuff that's stored there is supposed to be secure, you know. My job's at stake, so I really can't let you inside.

Man...that's a problem, then.
Harg: Still, I owe you one. I'll see what I can do. You just want to check out that one barrel, right?

Yes, that's correct.
Harg: Well, I can take it out for a spell, then. That way, you can look it over all you want, without ever having to go inside. Hooray for loopholes!
Theyre the only way anything ever gets done.

Ah, okay.

Thanks. That would be a huge help.
Harg: This is no big deal. Follow me, then.
Harg: Hang on a second here.
Harg: Oh, Mr. Portos. Whatcha doing around here?
Portos: Oh, I just had a hunch about something. So I used the duplicate key to get in the warehouse, and check on it.
Harg: Huh? A duplicate? Didn't even know there was one.
Portos: Anyway, who are these folks?
Harg: Oh, they're bracers. They want to look over that barrel I moved in here earlier. S'part of their investigation.
Portos: Ah, I see. But I'm afraid that only authorized personnel are allowed inside the warehouse.
Harg: Yeah, but I'm the one who moved it in there in the first place. Should be okay if I bring it outside for a short while so they can look it over, no?
Portos: Yes, that should be fine. Please, assist them in their investigation. Surprised to see bracers coming all this way for an investigation, though. Such young ones, too! You guys do some admirable work.

Heh heh heh... Well, we do all right.
Portos: If you need any information, feel free to ask Harg. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Harg: Thank you, sir.
Harg: Phew! Sorry for the long wait. Here's the barrel you wanted.

Wow... This thing is huge!

And you actually carried it all by yourself.

I found the card, Estelle.

Whoa, really?!
[I must apologize most profoundly. For the barrel to have been moved was an error most inopportune. But the Warehouse Key was recovered, and you have made it here. I will reveal the truth unto you.
Your reward will be what you have sought. Look within the barrel. The candelabrum you find will, no doubt, be returned to its rightful owner. Ah, time grows short. We will meet again. -Phantom Thief B]

This weirdo must have been close by, watching us.


Hey, look at the card... Some of the ink is still wet.
Harg: Huh?! Oh, uh...Mr. Portos. You said earlier that this would be okay.
Portos: What are you talking about?

Damn. We've been had.

Whoa, no way! You were just here a little while ago, and...

It must have been someone posing as him. The criminal may have worn a disguise and used the opportunity to plant the card.

Oh, no...

Well, then we need to get after him!

Off she goes...

Joshua, shouldn't we do something?!

I'm afraid it's probably too late. We messed up when we didn't notice the impostor before.

I doubt Estelle will find any trace of him.

Ah... I see...

Let's just make sure the candelabrum isn't damaged. Retrieving it was our main priority, not catching the perp.

You're right. It was written that it'd be in this barrel.

I pray that's true.
You can see Portos yelling at our helpful friend in the background, which is a nice touch.

... I hope she isn't too disappointed that we're opening this without her...
Its fine, Im sure shell be all tuckered out from running around.

We got the candelabrum back, undamaged...

But we haven't found any clues as to the whereabouts of the thief. All we know is that he calls himself [Phantom Thief B.]

*sigh* If only we'd found out about the fake sooner... He disappeared while we were running around in circles.

No, no... You've all done a fine job. The main thing is that the Sapphire Glim has been recovered.

The mayor is right. You've done exactly what was asked of you.

Thank you for your kind words...

...but the fact is, we still allowed the thief to escape.
I dunno, I get the feeling this isnt the last weve seen of Phantom Thief B.

Yeah... We can't just let him get away with this.

We'd like your permission to continue the investigation. If possible, we want to search the estate for any further clues.

No, that's really not necessary. My request did not require you to catch the culprit, after all. You brought back the candelabrum.


Joshua... I understand your passion for upholding justice. But there are other, more important crimes which must be answered for. I do not wish to further monopolize your time over something so trivial.

I've no doubt that there are others out there who are waiting for a bracer's help. It would please me if you helped those in greater need first.



Then, we will close our investigation.

Hmph... Oh, fine.

And of course, I will compensate you fully for your time and effort.

Now, if you'll excuse my rudeness, I must leave. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Thank you.

We'll also be on our way, then.

So it would seem, yes...


Hey, c'mon, Joshua. I know you've got something on your mind.

Huh...? Oh. Yeah, a little. I was just wondering why the thief would take the candelabrum if he MEANT for it to be found...

Good question. But it looks like we may never know.

The newest card is what really gets me... It's as if this were designed as a test specifically for you two.

Yeah...that's been bugging me, too.

We need to keep up our investigation. For starters, we still don't know where the crook sneaked in from. Why don't we do some sneaking around of our own, and check out the estate?

Won't that make us just as bad as the crook we're chasing?
Sometimes sacrifices need to be made in the name of showing up the guy who made as run all around town like a bunch of chumps justice.

Well, then what are we supposed to do?!

What choice do we have? We're supposed to abide by the client's wishes.

For now, we have to be patient.


All right, let's go. Like the mayor said, there's a lot that still has to be done.

...Oh, all right.

Guess it's back to the drawing board.

That seems to be all that we can do for the moment.

Alright, on to the next one.
Jimmy: I saw you guys the other day...

Nice to see you again.

Oh, hi! You're the guy we met on the beach, right?
Jimmy: You can call me Jimmy. You really saved my skin before, so let me thank you again. So...have you checked out the bulletin board today?

Well, yes... ...but why in Liberl did you pick HERE to meet, of all places?
Jimmy: Well, I kinda stand out here, don't I? I mean, it costs a lot to put up one of those requests, and I figure people'll see me here, and ask, 'Hey, why are you in the chapel?' And then I'll be like, 'So that YOU can help me find some awesome treasure!'
I love how much personality some of these random NPC have. I would totally help Jimmy find some awesome treasure.

Well, then how about we get down to business? That request of yours certainly sounds intriguing!
Jimmy: Heh heh...glad you agree! Yep! I actually just acquired an ancient map a short while ago. And you wouldn't believe it if I told you...

Wouldn't believe...what, now?
Jimmy: It leads to the treasure of the great pirate, Schirmer!

But, um...I don't really know who that is.
Oh Estelle
Jimmy: Y-you've never heard of Schirmer?! Aren't you from Ruan? ...Or wait, are you from somewhere else? Ehh, either way, SCHIRMER! How can you not know?!

Don't go making assumptions.

If memory serves me correctly...

Schirmer was a pirate that used to, um, work in the waters around Ruan around a hundred years ago.
Jimmy: Precisely! Nicely done! Leave it to the Royal Academy to teach the right things! Shame about the uniform, though...

Wow, you know a lot, Kloe!

Come on, Estelle... It's not THAT impressive! It's just...a story I heard, that's all.
Im imagining Kloe as a pirate buff now. I think it fits.
Jimmy: I'd like to ask you to look for Schirmer's treasure. The location is marked on the map... Do you remember where I was when we met before? It was a pit in a sandy beach.

The Gull Seaside Way, right?
Jimmy: Exactly. The map has that pit marked.

Is that why you were there?
Jimmy: That's right. I was conducting a field survey. And since I found the place, monsters have started showing up... So, I figured that I should get some professionals to take over.

So, what's next after the pit?
Jimmy: The map shows an X to the southeast of it. I figure that's got to be the location of the treasure.

Y-you might be right.

...Oh, yeah! I need to make a note of this.

Well, let's take a minute to work out a plan... We go to the beach in Ruan, find the pit, and go directly southeast from there.

Sounds right...

Ah, I just remembered. I found something neat earlier, on the beach.
If you recall, weve actually already finished the sidequest, back when we found the daggers and sea chart on the way to Ruan.
Jimmy: Wh-what? Wh-wh-what did you find?

A barrel drifted ashore... That's where you found those daggers and that torn-up map, right?

Now, where did I put those...?
Jimmy: The sea chart! This could be a major discovery! Please, let me see it!!!

H-hey, c-calm down. I don't want you to die of excitement or anything...
Handed over Torn Map.
Jimmy: Oh, wow! This is incredible! This is one of Schirmer's treasure maps!

Now hold on a second, mister. You just said a minute ago that you had the treasure map already.
Jimmy: That had to have been a [Treasure Map Map]! My map shows the location of THIS map, which shows where the actual treasure is!
Yup. That holds together.

...But I found the chart inside a barrel...

Let's not worry about that. Sometimes we have to just suspend our disbelief to get through the day. It may seem a little strange that we'd find a sea chart like that... But the sea chart WAS found where the old map has the X marked.

Ha ha... That is true.

Well, as long as our client is happy...we're happy! Even if we're also very confused...

Oh, yeah...

Hey, Jimmy? What about the daggers we found with the chart?
Jimmy: You guys can keep those. I don't have much in the way of mira, so it's the only payment I can offer. Please-- take them! Share in the mystery with me!

Okay, thanks.
Jimmy: Wow...this is really amazing. This sea chart is just a spectacular find. Ha ha ha... Looks like I'll be busy again, real soon. I've gotta take this to O'Neil to get it deciphered. He's gonna flip!

Jimmy: Later! Thanks for your help!

I guess he WOULD be the one to talk to!

So, who is he?

He's an older gentleman who runs a general store... He tells lots of interesting stories, but he tends to blow them out of proportion.

Yeah, I get what you mean. So I guess that Jimmy's been taken in by the old man's tall tales?

Yes, so it would appear.

*sigh* I knew it sounded too good to be true.

But... If it IS true, maybe that chart really is the one from his fish tales.

That's possible.

Ha ha... I guess it is a little mysterious.

Hey, if we believe in it, I wonder if maybe it would pay off. Honestly, though, I think Jimmy believes a little too, uh, fervently.

Still, chasing your dreams isn't a bad way to live.
Someday, Estelle will live her dream of owning every pair of Stregas ever made.
Anyway, lets check out this ONeil fellow.
ONeil: After all the repeated attacks, the different nations and peoples basically merged into one large nation. Still, the Imperial family has absolute control internally, just as they always have. I passed through that area before, and things got pretty tense.
Hes also selling a new issue of the Liberal news, which is also neat!
Anyway, as you may have noticed, Chapter 2 is pretty heavy on sidequests. Im already running a little longer then I like to here, so now that weve done every sidequest inside the city, Ill leave the sidequests in the surrounding area for next time.
This confirms the game takes place in 1202. It's kind of a weird thing to notice, but I like how it's not a round number like 1200.
Holy crap, we need to smack Nial the next time we see him for that terrible, terrible pun.