Part 32: Chapter 2 Sidequests (2): Love and Compassion and violence.

Welcome back. Last time, before heading off to the Jenis Academy to help with the play, we got started on the veritable slew of sidequests sent down our way. Theres a reason I said slew, and not small and easily tackled amount though, so weve got more on the way.

First, weve got a bounty to take care of south of Ruan.

Our target this time is a large group of Helmet Crabs. Although they dont look like much, this is actually a pretty tough fight. If youre fighting on autopilot you can easily find yourself cornered unexpectedly. Hell, I dont need to talk about it, you can watch it instead.

Heres their first (and most annoying) trick. They can summon backup, and more importantly, they will summon backup. All. the. fucking. time.

When youve got a certain amount of enemies on the map, area of effects spells are guaranteed to be effective by sheer number of targets.

At least they would be effective, if the Helmet Crabs didnt have a chance of causing Seal with their default attacks. Estelle is truly all staff, all the time now.

Joshua casts a new spell, Chaos Brand, the only mirage aligned spell in the game. Unlike most status spells, which are Damage + 20% chance of status, Chaos Brand doesnt do any damage but inflicts Confuse so long so as they dont resist it.
Ive personally never really used it, so I cant comment too much on how effective it is. My gut feeling is not very, but feel free to correct me and call me bad at video games.

Anyway, Estelles switching over to Hurricane to deal damage.


So yeah, the Helmet Crabs reflect all Physical damage...

And the Mint Poms absorb EP. Are you beginning to see how it all comes together? The main enemies can only be damaged by magic, and they summon backup which absorbs EP, and can Seal your magic by attacking. Theyre basically minmaxed enemies. Its actually a really clever setup; Im a fan of this fight.

Still, this fight can be done before Kloe joins. Kloe is basically a massive trump card, shes a near endless supply of EP and heavy magical damage.


Anyway, things are going well. Were killing some Helmet Crabs, and keeping above water.

And then a Mint Pom gets off a cast of Diamond Dust, kills Estelle and freezes Joshua. Freeze is a pretty crippling status effect; instead of taking a turn you take damage, which is a much worse thing to take.

Kloe: Takin names and saving days.

And reviving, via Revive, a spell which revives. And if I say revive anymore it wont sound like a real word.

And then Estelle dies again and Joshua gets swarmed.

It gives us a chance to use Kloes S-Craft though.

Radiant Plash (an archaic word for splash), is the almighty of all sandbagging techniques. It heals a sizeable amount of HP, cures all status effects and revives all allies in a large radius. (Estelle was just outside it.) Furthermore, if used at 200CP, it boosts Defense.

Radiant Plash turns the momentum in our favor, and we finally win.

The Zero Shot (X) is a fantastic weapon for Olivier, with around 2 times as many strength as anybody elses weapons. Its only drawback is that Olivier is, yknow, currently drunk in Rolent. Its actual use is to complete a sidequest, and although you could hold onto it until Olivier joins again, it wont be ahead of the curve by then, and youll miss out on a sidequest.
Estelle died and Joshua is out of EP, so were going to keep heading south to the Air-Letten checkpoint, which is both the site of a sidequest and free healing, as well as Nials muse for terrible puns. (Im still chapped about that.)

Lindsay: Dammit, what's going on?
Bartholomew: Is the Royal Army really going to just roll over for some bigwig?

Air-Letten really does have some pretty scenery. Unfortunately, I think the Duke just might be here, which could sour the prettiest of scenery.

Hahn: Hmm... I see. Then we'll have to wait for the bracers to arrive before we can do anything more.

Hahn: Wish us luck.

Hahn: Oh, it's you! You're bracers, aren't you? Thank Aidios you're here. The name's Sergeant Hahn.

Hahn: Yes, I'm afraid so. We do have an unsavory character... and dealing with him is proving most difficult. Do you think you might be able to help us out?
Of course! I dont see any reason why dealing with the Duke might be unpleasant. This might change when I actually see the Duke.

Hahn: Thank you. You'll be doing us a big favor. Okay, let me fill you in on the details...

Hahn: They're the victims of this current little issue. The traveler in question is currently in the dining hall.

Hahn: Yes, we're hoping that food will persuade him... for the sake of the others here.

Hahn: Well, to be honest...

Bartholomew Are you just going to let this kind of bullying go unchallenged?
Lindsay: The Royal Army is supposed to be on the side of the citizens, right? If so, then do something about this!
Hahn: Now, hold on, all of you...

Sorry Josh, youre on your own here!

Caesar: If you reserve all the rooms AND the dining hall, what will I tell the other guests? Why can't you see where I'm coming from?

Caesar: But, sir...

Its like Indiana Jones and snakes except the Duke is slightly slimier. And not at all thin

Kientz: Well, well...If it isn't the bracers. You're late. We've been waiting for you.

Kientz: Do you see anyone else here?

Kientz: The duke there says he intends to stay here. He insists he has to rent all the rooms as well as the dining hall.

Kientz: Royalty or not, what does he expect us to do? Make everyone else go camping? ...And that's where you come in, hopefully. Can you do something to help? Ideally, convince him to go back to Ruan. (Or give him a little nudge over the falls...)
Murder is normally extra, but this one? This onell be on the house.

Also I like how the way these lines are set up makes it seem like Estelle is reacting to the nudge over the falls part.
Kientz: Isn't tactical negotiation part of your job? We're just soldiers, you know. We train with guns and swords, and negotiating with a sword can be somewhat...messy.

Kientz: Please? Even if you can't convince him with words, there's always your staff...
Kientz really wants us to hurt the Duke. Hes alright in my book.

Kientz: Well, I have faith in you, at least.


Messing up the dialogue options gives us the failure version of this sidequest, which is pretty damn entertaining. More so than the successful version, which is actually pretty good too.

This is a perfect moment.

Im not

Phillip looks at Kloe as he says this.
Duke Dunan: Phillip! What are you doing?!

Kientz: She had that rod of hers aimed full tilt right at his noggin! I so thought she was gonna do it! If you could have only seen it...! And after all that, it took just one girl to settle it.
Hahn: Hmm... I see. I have some concerns about resorting to such... bombastic methods... But I suppose no real harm was done.
Caesar: It was like you subdued a criminal, close enough.

Hahn: No, no. None of this would have happened, were it not for the duke's selfishness. You did only what you felt was necessary. I do hope that you'll try more DIPLOMATIC behavior in the future, though.

Hahn: Perhaps there were other means available, but you did help the other guests. And for that, we are truly grateful.

Hahn: Well, thank you again for your help today. May you be equally as determined in your future duties.

That was pretty fun, but we can do better. Time leap GO!

This choice is a freebie.

This is probably the hardest choice; fortunately Estelle gives you a pretty good hint.

Im sorry buddy. You cant make an omelette without hurting the feelings of a couple of chefs.

This ones also pretty tough, since we dont quite know what Estelle is going for with the second choice. The formal dialogue is your best clue that choice two is the way to go.

Kientz: [Cockroach.] Classic. And she had the guts to say that to his face...! Ha! Yeah... I needed a good laugh.
Hahn: Hmm... Really? That's a relief. I'd been worried that we might have to get rough with him... But from what Kientz has told me, everything seems to have worked out.
Caesar: Speaking ill of my establishment certainly seemed to do the trick, didn't it?

Kientz: Ha ha ha... Well, lies come in all shades. You did it to help others, so I'm sure that Aidios will forgive you for it. Yes, we greatly appreciate it. May you be equally as determined in your future duties.

And with that, we can go onward to greater things. Near where we fought the Helmet Crabs we find the Sapphirl Tower. Unlike the Esmelas and the Amberl Towers, there really isnt anything official to do here. Theres no sidequest or anything, its entirely a bonus dungeon. A such, to keep these sidequest updates from going on forever, were going to go through this fast.

Its pretty and blue and has some more Helmet Crabs inside, although none are as strong as the ones fought for the bounty.

Like always, there are some chests guarded by Robber Trappers (my shameful secret is that I didnt get that name until I started this LP.) They still self-destruct, so dont attack up close. Use magic.

The voices in my lid said youd return.
Now Joshua and Estelle can have matching outfits!

You came back! I knew you would!
Army Boots have three more points of defense and one more point of move then our old, store-bought boots. As is the law with sneakers, Estelle has first dibs.

Hey, close my lid! What, were you born in a barn?!
There have been rumors...
Anyway, the Flamberge is a pretty powerful weapon for Kloe, giving +50 Str (20 more than her old weapon). Its strong enough that Kloe is our hardest hitter.
From a statistical standpoint, that is. Joshua and Dual Strike will still do more damage.

The roof. Its got a nice view of the ocean.

<Insert treasure here>
Thats not how it works. We take treasure. Someone else inserts treasure. Not sure who.

Range 1 boosts the effective radius of area of effect spells. This is pretty useful, especially for Kloe, since La Tear(a) has a pretty small radius.
I dont end up equipping it for a while though, because for some reason I thought it increased the casting distance of spells. And Ive never had a problem with that, so I figured it was worthless. Of course, the reason I never had a problem with that is because spells have infinite range. Whoops.

Its empty! Treachery!

You seem to be laboring under the hope that something else will magically appear in this empty chest. Let me quash that for you right now.
This chest doesnt only dish out delicious chicken, it also dishes out harsh truths.
(Hot Fried Chicken restores 700Hp and cures seal.)

So, when do you plan on giving me my stuff back?
Again, not how this works.

Never equip Scent. It has some good elemental values (x3 Wind, x2 Space), but it causes enemies to charge at you as soon as they spawn. Its incredibly obnoxious.
With that done, weve looted the entire place. Moving on!

Hey, thats a thing we did.
Karl: I've lost a prototype, and you might run across it there. Im planning to go back to Zeiss very soon. Please, hurry...

Handed over Zero Shot (X).
Karl: Whoa...! H-how...?! How did you get your hands on this?

Karl: In Aidios' name, thank you so much! Ohhh...I don't have the words! I could give you each a huge hug and a kiss!

So polite.
Karl: Even the manly girl with pigtails turned me down... *sniffle*

Karl: Most certainly. It's being actively worked on at the Zeiss Central Lab. It's not ready for public sale and distribution yet.

Karl: Are you interested in weaponry? Ha, I guess that's a stupid question. As bracers, of course you'd be interested in them. Well, then, let me give you this quartz as a token of my appreciation. I'm sure it should come in handy.
Received Attack 2 Quartz.
Attack 2 boosts Strength by 10% and reduces Defense by 10%. It goes straight on Estelle replacing Attack 1.

Like hell we cant.
Karl: Oh, please. It's the least I can do. And of course, the guild will pay you for your time and effort, as well.

Karl: Certainly. You needn't worry. Right from the Central Lab's coffers to your wallets!

Karl: It's quite all right. You should simply accept your reward at times like these. Again, thank you for what you've done today. I'm sure you'll hear from me again, should anything else come up.
And another one bites the dust. Were almost there...

Tobias: Oh, this is about the Maintenance Kit, no? Your timing is exemplary! Will you be able to make the delivery post haste?
Hastily is the only way we do things.
Im not sure how to do something postily.
Tobias: Well, then... This brick of a thing is all yours!

Tobias: Are you daft? I'm telling you it's heavy! Very, very heavy! Here-- feel for yourself!
Received Maintenance Kit.
Tobias: You okay with it? No bone fractures forming, to your knowledge? It's filled to the brim with replacement parts and every tool you can imagine for replacing an orbment light of that size.

Tobias: Indeed. To Vogt, the lighthouse keeper. He's expecting it. Its contents are quite valuable, so please be as careful as you can.
Tobias: ...I still can't believe it. Such responsibility! Such strength! Such grace! Ah, youth!

Tobias: Jean told me about you two, but seeing for myself just how peppy you are lifts my spirits to the sky.

Tobias: You're young, that's what you are! And naturally, I was worried entrusting something so valuable to potentially reckless youths...but I worry no more!

Tobias:, no! You've got it all wrong! I just meant that I wasn't sure how old man Vogt would take it.

Tobias: What, you know Vogt?

Tobias: Ha ha ha. He leave the door open again? Either way, you know what I'm talking about, it seems! Just try to understand where he's coming from. Being a lighthouse keeper is lonely work, so a little eccentricity is to be expected.

Tobias: When he was a fisherman, he used to down plenty of drinks at Lavantar. Now that he lives at the lighthouse, though, he rarely gets a chance to have his favorite drink. It's pretty sad. I'd really like to go ahead with getting him what he wants, but...
Tobias: ...well, I've probably said too much. Either way, don't let the old man's unpleasantness get to you, okay?

Tobias: Nothing in particular. Once you're done, I'd like you to return here. Take care, and I'll see you later.
We could head straight for the lighthouse, but last time Vogt gave us a lot of grief about LOVE and COMPASSION, and damn it! Were going to show him weve got what it takes, and hell have a mancrush on Estelle instead of Cassius.

Primo: Is that so? I figured as much, from the look of that bag. The old man went to the lighthouse a long time ago. I guess he's still doing okay...

Primo: He's a fisherman. He loves his drink and he loves to gamble. He especially loves a good Azelia Rose, which is a cocktail made with fruit juice. He's missed around this place... We'd love to see him again, but he never comes down to have a drink. It's a rough job he has.

Primo: Oh, right... So, if it's no trouble, would you mind bringing him one?

Primo: Why, one of those cocktails, seeing as you're heading to the lighthouse an' all. I'm not making a formal request or anything. If it gets to be a pain to carry, you can just dump it out on the way.

Primo: Great! Just take it to the old man.
Received [Azelia Rose].
Primo: It could really use something salty to go with it, but I don't have anything like that right now... This season's great for Manoria's specialty, salted anchovies. Ah, well. Guess it's just the drink, for right now. See you later, then. Good luck.

The games given us another hint here: We need to get Vogt a Spicy Anchovy too. I buy at least one of every new ingredient, so I already have one. Since Im so on the ball, were ready to deliver.
Later, at the lighthouse:

Vogt: Huh? Aren't ya them kids from before...?

Handed over Maintenance Kit.
Vogt: Yep, everything's here all right. I appreciate ya bringin' this all the way over here.

Vogt: Ohh?

Handed over Azelia Rose.
Vogt: Oh, my, my, my! It's Azelia Rose! I used to drink this all the time while munching on anchovy dishes.

Handed over Spicy Anchovy.
Vogt: Ohh! OHHHH!! You've even brought me some munchies to go with it! What thoughtful bracers ya are! Man, this takes me back. How are Primo and the others? Are they doing well?

Vogt: I...uh...won't? Well, blunt or no, thank ya for the concern. I value that even more than anchovies! ...So does this mean you're startin' to understand what it means to possess a caring soul?

Vogt: Well, I thought ya did a fine job today. O' course, you could always do better. Oh, that reminds me... Wait right there for a moment, if ya would.
Vogt: I have something for ya. Something I once used a long, long time ago... I'd be pleased as plum if you'd accept these for bringing all of these things out here for me. They may be a little old, but like me, they'll still do the job, sure as the day ya were born!
Received Work Helmet.
The Work Helmet is an accessory that boosts Defense by 3.
Received Gladiator Headband.
You only get the Gladiator Headband if you bring both the Azelia Rose and the Anchovy. It boosts CP recovery by 10%, which is really useful. Especially since there arent many good accesories.

Vogt: Absolutely! Not like I'll be setting sail for wild, exotic lands again anytime soon! ...Anyway, thank ya for bringing this stuff all the way up here. Now, I'd best get back to work. I've basically been playing hooky this whole time we've been talking! I stay here any longer, and somebody's bound to notice!
The multiple shipwrecks were their first clue.

And there we have it. Sort of. We actually have one more sidequest left, but Ill just put it into the next update. This ones getting a bit long.
Next time: We meet an old