Part 33: She prefers the title, [Evil Genius]
Welcome back. Last time, we did some more sidequests! They were pretty fun. Now, its finally time to head to the Jenis Academy and show off our overACTING TALENT.
First, weve got one last sidequest to attend to.
Amelia: Um, are all of you with the Bracer Guild?


Yeah, we are... I guess you must be Miss Amelia?
Amelia: That's right. I've been waiting for you.

The assignment said something about an escort mission? Guarding someone who's headed into the mountains?
Amelia: Yes, that's right. I want you to protect my uncle. He's going through the Krone Trail.


Oh, he's traveling to Bose, right?
Amelia: No, not exactly. He wants specifically to go TO the Krone Trail.

Huh? How come? Why would anyone want to just go there?
Amelia: He said something about looking for some rare plants up there... I'm sorry. I don't really know what he's talking about.
People have done stupider things for rare plants.

Ah... Okay, then...

Well, I think we should ask him directly, then.
Amelia: Indeed. Please wait a moment. I've already called him.

I have a feeling this isn't going to go well.
Whats the worse that can happen?
We could all die, but thats what Retry is for.

Krone Trail is an exceedingly dangerous place. I can't imagine anyone specifically wanting to go there.

No kidding. We'll never know if we don't ask the man, though.
Amelia: Well... It looks like he's already set out.


Set out... For the Krone Trail, I assume?
Amelia: I think so, yes.And I'd asked him to at least wait until you showed up... I don't know what made him decide to just leave on his own like this...

Hmm... That's not good... not good at all... Why would he go there alone? It's like asking for a monster to eat you.

It'll be even more dangerous in the dark... He should really be off the pass by sundown.
Amelia: *sigh*... I'm sorry. You came all this way for basically nothing.

Oh, don't worry about us. We're fine.
Amelia: I'm really sorry. I'll have a word with my uncle as soon as he gets back.
Now, we could leave her uncle to die, but that wouldnt be very Bracer like of us, now would it?
Onwards to the Krone Pass!
Unless there are multiple reckless middle-aged men wandering the Krone Pass, I think weve found our mark.
Havent we seen that name before...?
Orvid: Help! I need help!

Come on, Joshua!

The Boiled Egger Rs are incredibly outdated enemies by this point, you shouldnt have any trouble scrambling them.

Theyve learned Estelles Egg-splosion technique, but theyre not very good at it.

More like by a hair's breadth.

Were you hurt, sir?
Orvid: Not at all. I am quite all right. Thanks to you I came out with nothing more than a few scratches...
Orvid: Hmm...? Now I could almost swear I've seen you two somewhere before... The girl's homely face is especially familiar...
Not only is the name familiar, but the jerkish attitude is too!

...H-homely? Hey...! But now that you mention it...
Orvid: Oh, I remember now. You're that country girl from Rolent.

You're that conniving merchant who was searching for those toxic mushrooms!
Right. This guy.

Estelle...he was a client, remember? Tone it down a bit...
Orvid: Hmph. It looks like even now you still haven't learned how to show the slightest courtesy. It's exactly what I'd expect from someone raised in the boonies.

How about you just shut up? You nasty food maniac! No doubt you were out here hunting for more bizarre ingredients, right?
Orvid: Hmph! I've already gathered the valuable wild vegetables I came here for. These exotic delectables are FAR more unique than even that Firefly Fungus. Heh heh... With these in hand, my next business deal is sure to be a success.

Back up, buddy. What do you mean by [next business deal]?

Ha! That Firefly Fungus didn't work out for you, did it?!
Orvid: There just happened to be no demand for them at the time. That's all. End of story.
Its always nice when people you dislike fail. Or am I just a petty person?

Um, Estelle. When he mentioned the wild vegetables, did that bring anything to mind?

Oh, right!

Amelia, who we met at Manoria Village.
Orvid: Amelia, you say? That's my niece, but what does she have to do with any of this...?

Eh...? Which means that you're her uncle?

It certainly looks that way.
Orvid: Why? Has she done something?

Actually, Amelia asked that we provide your escort... But when we arrived in Manoria you had already left.
Orvid: Hmm, is that so? I guess it wasn't very nice of me to take off like that. But, it couldn't be helped. I had to come up with a real eye-catcher before my next business deal...

And because of that, you almost ended up being some monsters' next meal. I'm pretty sure you can't do business deals while in the belly of a monster.
On the other hand, negotiating from the inside of a monster could make for a good intimidation tactic. Nobody tries to haggle a monster down 10%.
Orvid: Mmm...

Once you get back, you should apologize to Amelia. I'm sure she's worried sick about you.
Orvid: All right, fine... I promise to talk to her after my next business deal in Grancel is done.

I think that would be a good move on your part, too. Okay, let's get going. We'll escort you back to town.
Orvid: You have my thanks. I am in your hands.
Orvid: I am greatly obliged to you for today. I do hope that the matter from earlier can be forgiven and forgotten. It would seem that we are united by fate. When next we meet, I hope we can see one another as business associates, rather than mutual nuisances.

I'm okay with it... What do you think, Estelle?

Hmm... Sounds good to me!

So we're all on good terms again...

To future successes.
Orvid: I'm very glad to hear you say that. Then perhaps we'll meet again on the next job.
And thats that. Were done pretty much every sidequest Chapter 2 has, so its time to get on with the plot.
After we get out sweet, sweet rewards. We finally move up to Bracer 4th class, getting a Strike quartz for our troubles. Strike is a fire quartz (x3 Fire) which gives its user a 10% critical chance (A critical has 1.5x the effect of a normal move, just like when you get a critical as a turn bonus.)
Alright, I think Ive said it like 3 times by now, but this time I'm serious. Were going to the Jenis Royal Academy. Right now.
As you may be able to tell, the Jenis Academy uses the theme from a later location.

I like it here. It seems so nice and relaxing.

Perfect type of environment for studying, I'd say.

Ha ha... Well, everyone's in class at the moment. It'll get pretty noisy, if you just wait around a little while. We're having the campus festival soon.

Ahh. So I guess people are busy preparing for it.

Correct. I want to introduce you to the head of the student council, but she's in class... So, I'll take you to the dean's office first.

Why there?

To meet Dean Collins. He's in charge of the whole academy. His office is on the first floor of the main building, to the right.

Got it.

Well, let's go meet the dean, then.
Let's! Although if youre anything like me, you completely zoned out when Kloe gave you directions. So lets start looking!

That cant be right.

There we go.

Ah, hello, Kloe. And who might you be?

It's nice to meet you, Dean.

We're from the Bracer Guild.

But you're so young. Very impressive, indeed. Are you, by any chance, here because of the fire at the orphanage?

Yes, actually...
Kloe explained the entire situation surrounding the fire to Dean Collins.

I see... That's terrible. I wish I could do something to help... Well, first, there's the matter of cheering up the children. Perhaps I could start there.

Yes, sir...

In that case, I will work on the play with Estelle and Joshua.

I think that's a good idea.

Estelle and Joshua, I wish you both the best. Do what you can.

Y-yes, sir!

To the best of our meager ability.

I'm letting the head of the student council handle the matter of the play. Her name is Jill. She can tell you far more about it than I ever could. I'll see about setting up dorm rooms for you.


Im looking forward to Trails in the Sky: The College Years. Next stop: Tijuana!

Well, the campus festival IS almost upon us. I'd imagine that you'll need to rehearse every day for long hours. And if that's the case, you'll need a place to sleep, will you not?

Oh, okay.

That would be greatly appreciated.

Ah, lessons seem to have concluded for the day. Why not go and introduce yourselves to the president, then?

Yes, sir.

We should go to the student council room next. It's to the right of the main building, on the second floor of the clubhouse.

Okay. Let's go.

The budgets for all of the concession stands have been checked over... No problems with sending out the invitations...

The main thing left is the play... We still have to find someone or the play's in trouble.

I just have to say, there's no way you're doing it. If I hear one more comment about how ugly a costume is...

Don't say it... I don't want to even think about it.

I heard about the fire. It must have been awful.

Were the matron and kids all right?

Yes... They're fine, for now.

The orphanage was burnt to the ground, though...

I see...

Well, try to keep your spirits up. Fretting won't do anyone any good. The best thing we can do is make the play something the kids can enjoy.

Yes, Matron Theresa gave us the same advice. So, we'll give it our best.

With your help, I'm sure everything will turn out fine.

To think I was stressing about it just a few minutes ago. Who are your friends?

Nice to meet you. My name's Estelle.

I'm Joshua. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

So you must be the ones Kloe spoke of before!

Ha ha. I told you I'd bring them here. They'll be helping, too.

Oh, that's a relief! I'm glad to meet both of you. I'm Jill Radnor. I'm the head of the student council. I'll be directing the play.

And I'm the vice president, Hans. It's nice to meet you both.


Good to meet you, too.

Hmm... Y'know...


With bracers here, maybe we can incorporate stunts. Are you any good with a sword, Estelle?

Weeeell... My father mainly trained me on the staff, but I'm not hopeless, at least.
It was decided Estelle hitting herself in the face with a staff would be much better than the alternative.

Okay, then that settles it. You'll have a big sword fight with Kloe.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...a sword fight?!

She means in the play, of course.

There's a duel between the two knights at the climax of the play. It's a really powerful scene. Perfect for the final act.

We don't have any girls who can use a sword well enough to compete with Kloe, much less make it look good. She beat every guy in the fencing tournament and took the top spot.

Oh, wow!

She actually beat out Hans in the final match.

Thanks for reminding me, Jill... It's not that I'm no good. It's just that Kloe is waaay better.

I-I'm still only an amateur... I don't think I'd be any match for a professional like Estelle.

And again with the modesty! But hey, if you need my help, I'm your girl.

We can do it, Kloe! ♪

I'm sure we can. Thank you.

Ha ha... You know... A duel between two female knights ought to be pretty unique.

Female knights? They're going to be playing the two MALE knights.
Welp, good luck Joshua.


But that leaves us without a role for Joshua...
Youre going to need it.

Oh my, whatever shall we do? He deserves to play a "crucial role" in this.

Yes...a crucial role... I think we may have just the part for him...


Umm... What kind of play is this, exactly?
Hey, thats the name of the show chapter.

It's a famous story, set in a time where there are nobles and commoners.

A princess is courted by both a knight of royal blood and a commoner.

In spite of their different social classes, the three have been friends since childhood. As you can imagine, this leads to complications between the nobles and the commoners.

And there's a great happy ending to the whole thing.

Hey, that sounds like fun. ♪

So then... Why are the girls playing the guy roles?

It's just something to make the production more interesting this time. Having guys and girls switch roles, that is.
These switched gender plays seem to be a somewhat common Japanese thing, although I feel like the biggest goon imaginable when I pretend to actually know anything about Japan based on anime/manga, so uh... dont take my word for it.
If you want an example if it though, Wandering Son is a great (recently finished) manga that features it, and although Im getting off topic by now, you really ought to read Wandering Son.

Really...? Wow...and the teachers are okay with this?

[End sexual discrimination! Be free of gender roles!] Put in that light, the teachers loved the idea.
Rolent seems like a nice place
Also, I just recently said only Estelle uses symbols in her dialogue, and now Jill goes and proves me wrong. Im never going to say anything again.

Jill, you're incorrigible.

Yep, though she says she prefers the title, [Evil Genius.]

Ha ha ha. I'm totally up for this.☆

Hey, hold on a second! From what you're telling me, then...

...the [crucial role] you need me to play is...

Yep, you're really doing us a massive favor here.

Umm... Ha ha ha... Im sorry, Joshua...

I figured that if we're playing knights, we'd be all armored up.

Well, armor and a helmet won't work so well if we want people to see you ACT. That's why I decided to arrange things so you'd be dressed more like the Royal Guardsmen.

Ohhh, I got it.

It's perfect for Kloe. She's petite.

I think it suits you, also.

Ha ha... Really? Say, why are we dressed in different colors?

Because I'm playing the Azure Knight, Oscar. You're playing the Ruby Knight, Julius. It makes the play more colorful.

Ahh, okay then... So what about Joshua...?
Hans: Come on, Princess. This way.
Joshua: W-wait... I'm not in the moment yet!




If you're going to say something, say it... Don't leave me in suspense...

Well, how should I put it...?

I'm shocked.

You look beautiful...

Indeed. Such poise.
Even Hans can use hearts now? Im never right, am I?

Heh heh...This is just as I'd hoped... I think everyone will be pretty pleased with the casting.

Come on, everyone! Let's make this play one to remember!

Thank you... ♪

But that means you and Jill are in the same room. You two must be close.

Ha ha... We have been, ever since we first started here.

And as roommates, we're pretty much inseparable!

By the way, I have a proposition for you...


Want to be an honorary best friend of mine? After all, we're going to be working together! You don't mind, do you?

Ha ha ha. Of course not!

Not superseding me, I hope! We're a best friend trio, right?

Yeah, of course we are!

My new best friends, Jill and Kloe!


Looks like it's just us girls in here. This will be fun. No need to worry about boys' prying eyes while we're here.

You make it sound so dirty!

*sigh* You're so innocent.

Oh, that's just mean. Just for that, I'm not baking you any sweets.

Oh, well, pardon me. I apologize for offending you, Ma'amselle Kloe.

Nope. Try again.



What's wrong, Estelle? What's with all the staring?

Ha ha ha... It's no big deal. I've just got a little green monster on my shoulder.

What do you mean?

I have some friends back in Rolent... But the most we ever did was have sleepovers.

I think it must be nice to have someone close, living under the same roof with you.

...What do you think, Kloe?

I'm not sure... I don't really understand what would make you jealous, Estelle.


I concur. I almost want to ask where you get off saying something like that.

Why would you say that?!

Oh, come on... You've got a traveling companion, don't you? (A pretty nice looking one, to boot...) Who you've also, I don't know... lived under the same roof with?

Uh... Are you talking about Joshua?

That's kind of a silly question...

You've got a hot guy with you all the time, and you're jealous of us living in an all-girl household? I'm playing a tiny violin for you. Like, minuscule in size.
You see? Everyone wants a piece of Joshua. Also I love the comment about the minuscule violin

Shows what YOU know...

Joshua's more like a big brother to me. Us living together is more like a family thing.

Oh-ho...a [family thing,] she says. I wonder if Joshua feels the same way.


I bet that's not what a guy his age would think. It's gotta be tough for him to always be around a pretty girl like you...


Enough, Jill!

Jill has a bad habit of picking on people.

Pfffffft. If we're gonna start talking about bad habits...

Is there something you'd like to say?

Nope. I'm good.

Umm... Ha ha ha... Come on, don't mess with me like that.

And really...Joshua? I mean...c' way!


Oops! I just remembered, I have to give my daily report to the teacher before bed.

So, goodnight, ladies. Sleep well.

Oh, right... Estelle? If you'd like, I can lend you some of my pajamas.



Sure, that sounds great.
Next time: The campus festival! May involve spending ludicrous amounts of money on jellybeans.
Since this is a fairly short update, have some stuff I've been meaning to post but never got around to:
Rolent art:
Bose art:
Ruan art:
The game uses these pictures as the background for the main title screen.
Here's an annotated map of Liberl, so you can see where everything is relative to each other (since it doesn't come across as well in screens.)