Part 34: They're the ones who taught me the real value of family
Welcome back. Last time, we finally made our way to the Jenis Royal Academy to help with the class play. Of course, because the play is apparently being directed by Tobias Funke, the boys are playing girls and vice versa. Beatrice!
I love this moment. Lots of personality without any dialogue.
If JRPGs have taught me anything, and theyve taught me everything, the answer is fantastic.
Everyone was having such fun that time seemed to fly by.
And the day before the festival...

Perhaps fate always intended for us to meet in so base a fashion.

If nothing else, for our beloved princess!

We would cleave a path through fate with our own hands... But at this moment, my words and her smile seem lost...

Has fear clutched your heart, Oscar?!

But what is this passion that pierces me to the quick? Though I have no wish to fight you again, it would seem that I am left with little choice.

Take up your sword, and we shall let fate decide!

Yes! And may the Goddess above see our spirits as they truly are! Come, then! Let it be done!

No iambic pentameter? This play is a disappointment already.



I finally got through the scene with no mistakes!

Ha ha. And a convincing performance it was.

Ha ha ha. I've got nothing on you, though. I don't think you've flubbed a single line.

Well, I've been familiar with this script for a long time. I think I learned it at about the same rate you're going.

I really appreciate you taking the trouble to rehearse.

It's no big deal. You've kinda been my guide through it all. I think you would make a great bracer, personally.

Ha ha... You flatter me.

I hope Matron Theresa and the children will enjoy it...

Ha ha... They really mean a lot to you, don't they? They're like your family.


I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?

No... You're exactly right. They're the ones who taught me the real value of family... Both of my parents died shortly after I was born.

The camera zooms in for a soliloquy*.

But I really had no idea what having a family was like.

It was ten years ago that I met the matron...

Ten years ago... Was that during the Hundred Days War?

Yes... That was when I came to Ruan. Everyone I knew had scattered trying to escape the Imperial forces... Matron Theresa and her husband, Joseph, took me in and cared for me.


After the war ended, we waited several months for word to come of my relatives... She and Joseph were so kind to me... That was when I first understood...

...what it must be like to have a mother and father. And how it must be to have a family to be with.

I quite like Kloes character. Its easy to overlook the more low-key characters when youve got rascals like Estelle and Olivier running around, but I think its worth taking a moment to talk about them. She gets some pretty good characterization as the game goes on (unfortunately, we only heard part of it now, so Ill need to pick up this avenue of discussion later), and is pretty likeable otherwise. She manages to be kind-hearted and sweet without coming across as particularly naive or a pushover. She also has bird-telepathy, which will always be kickass.


I'm sorry... I've been rambling... You must be bored to tears.

No...not at all. Let's really show everyone tomorrow how it's done!


I was worried before, but I'm really excited now. Jill and Hans sure have worked hard on this, haven't they?

Ha ha... Yes, indeed. But I think Joshua has really been the biggest help. I never expected him to be such a good actor.

Y-yeah... He acted all uninterested, but he sure plays the role of the spoiled princess well.
Thats... not much of a compliment.
Wait, maybe thats his secret past! Hes actually a spoiled princess!
...okay probably not.

He definitely nailed the mannerisms. I've seen professionals turn in worse performances. Does he have any experience in theater?

Hmm... I don't really know much about his life before I met him... Whatever went on back then, he's never wanted to talk about it...

Oh... I'm sorry... I don't mean to pry.

Ha ha ha... Don't sweat it. He's always been the type to be good at whatever he does.

He's always so calm and collected. Sometimes he gets flustered, though, and that's when he's really cute.



Perhaps our roles should have been reversed...
If you want the color co-ordination to go straight to hell, maybe.
This comment actually made me realize that in costume, Kloe and Estelle have the classic orange/blue color dynamic going on. This thought made me realize that if you ignore the black hair, so do Estelle and Joshua. Neat!


Julius and Oscar. Somehow I think you would have preferred to play Oscar...

Uh, how come? Well, maybe. I mean, Julius is the son of a noble, and I sure don't know anything about that...

That's not what I mean. It's more about...umm, you know...the ending...

Oh... You mean how Oscar gets...
Someone speculated in the thread that Kloe had roped Joshua into playing the other lead (opposite her) in a romance. They were kind of right, but they forgot that while hitting on Joshua is the (inter)national pastime, so is pairing up Estelle and Joshua. The two balance out.
Also they assumed Joshua would be the male lead, and we saw how that panned out.

Well, that's true...

W-well, at least it's just Joshua... And hey, do you mean you wouldn't like kissing Joshua?

D-don't be ridiculous!

Still, it does seem rather risque...

C-come on. You're starting to sound like Jill.

And besides, Joshua just sees me like a little sister.

Does he...?

He's always treated me like a little kid, especially with my dad around. It drives me nuts... Anyway, there's absolutely nothing like that going on!
Do you hear that silence, Estelle? That's the sound of nobody being fooled.



Rehearsal's over, and you're still practicing. That's some dedication you two have.

Ready for the big duel scene?

J-just leave it to us! It'll be flawless!

Really...? I look forward to seeing it.

Anyway...were you looking for us?'s the last day that you two will be staying with us in the dorms, right? I was thinking we could have a big dinner to pump ourselves up.

Hmm... Maybe...

Yeah, let's do it!

I think it sounds like a great idea.

By the way...wasn't Jill with you?

She was called away by the dean some time ago... I'll go check on her.

I'll come with you! You guys can go on ahead to the cafeteria.

Okay. Let's go to the cafeteria.

As you wish, boss.

Don't call me that...

Sometimes it worries me that he doesn't really let people get close...



Oh, it's nothing...

Okay, then. Let's go get changed. It'd be kind of embarrassing to walk around like this.

I have to agree.

Want to go meet up with Jill?

All right. Lets go to the deans office.
Before we go to the Deans office, theres a small window wherein we can help set up for the festival around the campus. Doing this adds some extra BP to your reward for the main quest. However, just like in real life, setting up for a festival is kinda dull. Unlike in real life it involves fighting monsters, but still. Dull.
So Ill be skipping them for now, and putting them in a small extra update. Look forward to it! Or dont. I did just call it dull.
Still, before we head to the Deans office, theres an optional scene we can get to continue this developing drama.
Hans: Plus she's really up-front about things and seems low-maintenance, which always scores big points with me. On the other hand, I don't get the feeling that there's a beating heart under Ms. Millia's chilly exterior. But man, there's something about a woman wearing a pair of glasses that suits her...
Joshua: Well, far be it for me to challenge a strongly-held opinion... But wouldn't that also apply to Jill?
Hans: I-It's not just about the glasses. Mature women just have this glamour to them!
Joshua: Ha ha...feeling a little anxious, are we?
Hans: Never in my life!

(Didn't they say they were going to their seats? What's this all about? Boys can be so hopeless sometimes.)

(Well, Joshua's in on this conversation, too... I'm kind of surprised.)
Hans: far have you gone with Estelle? I KNOW you're not going to tell me you haven't done anything with her.
Like I said, everyone likes pairing them up. Admittedly, I think Hans is just a bit of a perv teenager.
Joshua: Sorry to disappoint you, but you have an overactive imagination. What am I supposed to say? Not that it would be any of your business, mind you.
Joshuas cool as a cucumber though
Hans: don't say. I just figured you two would make a good couple. So if you've given up on that, what's your plan of attack on Kloe? You might have to practice, but if you'd straighten up a little, you could be a good match for her.
Yup. Teenager.
Joshua: And what's that supposed to mean...?
How awkward.

(You wanna get out of here and go on to the dean's office?)

(Y-yes...we need to meet up with Jill. )
We've been in school for an update and our lives are already Degrassi

That's our dean. Always level-headed.

Ha ha ha. You flatter me.

Then, I assume I can entrust the list to you?

Yes, sir! I'll take care of it!
I wonder what theyre up to? Probably something sinister. Theyre a villainous sort, Jill and Dean Collins.

No, no. We were just finishing up. Actually...

Dean! Don't say anything! You'll spoil the fun tomorrow!

Uh, what? You're acting all suspicious...

So, what are you plotting this time, Jill?

Heh heh heh... You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Anyway, what's up? Do you need me for something?

Yes, actually...
Kloe explained that an evening feast had been planned for the next day in anticipation of the play's success.

Oh, that sounds fine.

I'm just hoping and praying that the festival is a big success. Let's give it all we've got!

Ha ha. Barring any major complications, I think tomorrow will go just fine.

Yes, sir.

C'mon, Jill. Let's go to the cafeteria.

That was fast.

Whew...thanks everyone!

Thank you, Jill.

Hey, we've been waiting for you. NOW are you ready to order some food?
The day I say no to that question is the day Ive truly lost my way.

Oh, man. My stomach cries out for nourishment! Finishing up the play and having to run hither and yon like a madman really works up an appetite.

Ha ha...but that all ends after today, right?

You're right. I've gotta get motivated! Got the new job to deal with and all...

Wait, what? What new job?

Yeah, I'll tell you about it later.

Let's go out there and stir things up! We're going to make this festival a huge success! I'll be counting on you, Estelle. You too, Joshua!

Oh, I'm all over it!

We'll do our absolute best.
At the end, they all raised a toast (with soft drinks) to the success of the play.
Afterward, they returned to the dorm and went to bed early, in order to be prepared for the busy day ahead.
And on the day of the festival...

The lights are just right...

Okay! Looks like we're ready to unleash our masterpiece!

We'll be opening soon. We've got a bit before everything starts, though. Go have some fun in the meantime.

I'm gonna stuff my face with something from every food stand out there!

Looking around is fine... But if you eat too much, you'll be too full to move in the play.

Y-yeah... I probably shouldn't overdo it. Hey, aren't you guys gonna come with us?

Can't. We've still got student council business to deal with. You'll be fine. Go have some fun.


What student council business? And didn't you say the same thing yesterday? Is there something I can do to help?

We're fine, I promise. All you need to do is show Estelle and Joshua around. Aren't the pipsqueaks gonna be showing up soon?

Oh...right. Sorry...

We'll have time enough to go out and enjoy the festival.

Oh, yeah...and, Joshua?

If you see any hot girls out there, I expect you to beeline it right back here and tell me, got it?
What little there is to be had.

Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Tall, gorgeous, sensual, charming... Did I miss anything?

My friend, I couldn't have said it better, myself. ♪

Hmph... Men.

Seriously. Talk about one track minds...

Ha ha...
Womans Voice: The 52nd Jenis Royal Academy campus festival has begun!
It's easy to only point out the battle themes and such, so I'm going to do something different and say that Go in Good Cheer is one of my favorite tracks. It's just so gosh darn happy.

Well, this is the famed Jenis Royal Academy, after all...

Ha ha. Well, we are expecting a lot more visitors this year than usual.

All right, its finally here. Come on, Hans! Lets go!

All right.

Well be in the student council office, so come see us if you need us.

Sure thing. Best of luck, you two.

Works for me!
Lets explore this cultural festival! Estelle said she was going to cram her face, and come hell or high water there will be face cramming.
Theres a lot of food being sold at the Festival that cant be bought anywhere else. Make sure you buy at least one of everything, so that you can learn those sweet, sweet recipes. recipes are sometimes sour.
Rainbow Jellybeans restore 25CP. CP restoration (on top of some healing) is super useful, and so I literally spend a quarter of my money on Jellybeans. I buy 20 total.
Theres a reason you never go shopping hungry.

What brings you two here?
Were smacking you for the god damn pun you made earlier, thats what! Well punch you so hard youll be Letten the Air out of your lungs.
...Oh god. Ive become what I hate.

Hi, Nial... Are you here for business or pleasure?

Lots of people in the entertainment industry were invited. Did you ever find a link between all those bits of information you found?

I wonder... Actually, before I get into that, Im hungry. I think Ill go fetch me some grub.
A lot of NPCs weve met over the course of the game have made their way to the Academy for the festival. Lets go talk to them.

Has much changed since then?

As you can see, Im feeling quite well. You look to be in good health, also. I expect that today will be quite enjoyable.

Good afternoon.

Hi, guys. Jean told me whats been going on. So, youre just helping out wherever youre needed?

Heh heh... more or less.

Are you working as security or something?

Basically. The alumni here tend to be Liberlian celebrities from all walks of life. Every year, they're all invited back. Thus, the need for heightened security.

Wow... I wonder who else went here. The whos who of Liberl, I guess...
If we head down the hall, we can get one answer to that question.

Its good to see you both again.

Oh! Well, if it isnt Estelle and Joshua!

Mayor Maybelle, too?! What are you two doing here?

Ha tell you the truth, I actually graduated from here. I always make a point of going to the campus festival each year.

Oh, okay. Thats cool.

But enough about me. How have you two been doing? Are you here on guild business?

Heh heh...well, actually...
Estelle told Mayor Maybelle what had been going on.

Oh, so youre helping out with the play?

Ive always found them to be slightly tiresome. Ha ha...but if youre going to be on stage, I certainly dont want to miss it.

(Ugh...Id really rather not have anyone I KNOW in the audience for this...)
Dont worry, theres only a couple of people you know. Like the Mayor, and Carna and Theresa and Nial and the other Mayor... and this lady.

(I believe she was with Colonel Richard in the Sky Bandit hideout.)

Ha ha... the Colonel often spoke of coming to visit... He still has his hands full at the moment, though. Im sure hell be free to drop by in a while.
Oh, and maybe the Colonel. Everyonell be there!

As the queens nephew, I ought to give it a thorough inspection.

Ha ha ha...Im sure that the students will consider it a great honor.

(Was the old fart even invited?)

(I imagine he was. NOT inviting him would have just been asking for trouble...)

But please consider your words when among the public.
Weve talked to pretty much everyone, but were not quite done yet. We find something... interesting in one of the classrooms.
So basically, we can test a bunch of peoples compatibilities with one another. Its a jokey feature, all the answers are pretty generic horoscope-type things. So Ill just show off the only couple we all care about.

Nial and Olivier.
Tester: Those two are in grave need of expressing their feelings to one another, or they risk a serious argument. A prolonged argument will lead to a painful and reluctant separation. Today is a day that is, perhaps, better spent among a crowd than in each others exclusive company.
You two can make it work, I know it!
We can also find out everybodys birthdays and thus age (how does the machine know?)
Estelle: 8-7-1186
Joshua: 12-20-1185
Schera: 5-14-1179
Olivier: 4-1-1177
Kloe: 10-11-1186
Nial: 11-25-1172
Dorothy: 1-22-1182

If we select the same person twice, bad things happen.
And bad things unhappen.
To advance the plot, we head to the Clubhouse.

Well! Estelle and Joshua. This is a pleasant surprise. I trust youre doing well?

Were you invited here for the festival?

Sadly, no. I'm here on other business. I've come to investigate a new discovery within the Sapphirl Tower. I was hoping that the academy could provide me with some useful materials.

Wow, you're really dedicated.

Ha ha...well, I have to be. Research hasn't made me wealthy, so I'm fueled by pure enthusiasm.

On a related note, the academy's curriculum is divided into a few courses, isn't it? Will you be putting on an exhibition, as well?

Yes. There are three primary courses, but we're just involved with the social studies display. The students' research publication is printing the announcement.

Hmm, I see. I recall my own days as a student. So, where is this research publication made?

Ohhh, okay. This must be your first time at the academy, right? Huh...let's see. How to explain...?

Indeed. The campus is fairly littered with buildings.

If you'd like, we can just take you there.

That WOULD be helpful...

...but I'd hate to spoil your fun here.

Oh, it's fine. We're not doing anything major right now.

I see. Well, in that case, I would greatly appreciate you showing me to the exhibition hall, whenever you have time. I'll be waiting for you right here in the cafeteria.
Were ready whenever he is, so we talk to him again.

I certainly wish my own meals only cost this much.

You've truly saved our bacon, so to speak. This looks like smashing fun.

It was my pleasure to help, sir. Social studies is my favorite subject, so I didn't mind working on that at all.

Umm... That one's always been a little tough, for me.

*sigh* I wish I could focus on a single subject like that.

Being a bracer requires knowledge in so many different areas of study.
Show off.


Ha ha. Well, then you should come see me, and soon. Thank you very much for showing me around.
With that done, its time to head back down the stairs to continue the plot.

Heya, kiddos! Glad you could make it! ♪

Are you having fun?
Polly: Yeah! It's awesome! ♪
Daniel: I ate so much candy I puked!
Mary: I told you not to be such a pig...

Ha ha... Is Matron Theresa with you?

Yep, she's talkin' to those people over there.

Here she is!

Matron Theresa!

Good afternoon, Matron.

Thank you very much for inviting us here today. The children and I have enjoyed it greatly.

Hey, Miss Kloe? When's your play thingy supposed to start?
Mary: We've all been looking forward to it. ☆

I see... Well, you'll have to wait just a little bit longer.

Did you know that Miss Estelle is going to be in the play with me?
Daniel: Really? That's gonna be so cool!
Polly: Are you gonna be in the play, too, Mister Joshua?

Umm... Well, how to put this...

Ha ha ha! Watching this is as entertaining as the play.

Oh, by the way...are you guys still staying in Manoria?

Yes, through the continued good will of the innkeepers.

That said, however...



There are pretty dresses and suits of armor...
Mary: Pretty dresses?!

Suits of armor?!

Ha ha... I guess I have your attention. I'll give you an exclusive sneak peek at them, before the play even starts.
Daniel: Yaaaaaay!
Polly: I wanna go, too!

(I'll be backstage. Come when you're ready.)

I didn't want to speak of this in front of the children.

You mean...

Yes. I've chosen to accept the mayor's offer. We will impose upon the Manorians no longer.

I will tell the children today, after the festival.

I...I see... That's sad...but I suppose you have no choice.

*chuckle* Please, don't look at me so... Grancel is easily reachable by airship.

Moreover, I can look for work while I am there. If I save enough mira, I'll be able to rebuild the orphanage, some day.



Now, then... Let us find the children, shall we? I would imagine that they're a bit much for Joshua to handle on his own.
Welp, seeing as how hes gone, I guess they were.

I wonder if I could wear it...
Mary: Not with how short you are. I wish I could try on a white dress.


Where'd Joshua go?

Mr. Joshua? He left after he brought us here. He said, [Wait here until the girls arrive.]


Is something wrong?
Polly: Hee hee... I's knows. Misser Joshua went lookin' for th' guy with silver hair.

Silver hair?
Polly: Yah! He helped us get outta th' fire before. His hair's all shiny and pretty...


S-so he's been seen on campus?
Polly: Uh-huh. Just for a second, doh. Misser Joshua was sure surprised.

Polly, you dummy. Why didn't you come and tell any of us?
Polly: Cause I was eatin' a crepe!
Thats as good a reason as any.


I know... I'll be right back, Matron.

Yes, that's fine. Kloe, would you please go with her? Don't worry about us. We'll be fine.

By your leave, Matron...
Daniel: Hey, you're going, too?

Yes... I'm sorry.

We'll see you at the play.
Next time: Our socks are knocked off.
*I know its not actually a soliloquy.