Part 36: Madrigal of the White Magnolia
Welcome back. Last time, we had some good times at the Jenis Royal Academy! Like when Kloe told us her parents had passed away.
...Wait. Okay, maybe they weren't all fun. But we got to practice for the play, and enjoy ourselves at the campus festival. Apparently the silver-haired man who rescued the children was also enjoying himself, because Joshua caught sight of him and now he's hot in pursuit. What should we do?

Good idea Estelle!

I don't know who that guy with the silver hair is... But even without meeting him, he totally creeps me out!
Estelle knows her JRPG cliches, I see.

Just a moment, please.


I need to ask you something. Did you see where Joshua went?


I don't think I'll ever get tired of that. Wait... Is he headed...? the old school building down the back road, yes. Shall we?
Shall we talk to people? Great idea Kloe. Joshua can take care of himself.
Oh god, there's a fire too!?

Don't tell me something's wrong...

Oh, no... it's no big deal.

Okay... all right, then. Just be sure and let me know if anything pops up.

I can't imagine it will come anywhere near to the splendor of Grancel's theater... But this is official business, after all. I suppose I will go see it. If I must.
It'll knock your socks off. Estelle said so.

And it's based on the old classic, [Madrigal of the White Magnolia,] huh? Sad to say, I'm not so sure that a bunch of students can pull that one off...
Socks. Knocked. Opposite of on.

Yes. All present and accounted for.

Good. Hopefully, they'll be able to forget about all this nastiness, at least for a little while.

With any luck, Joshua hasn't died while we talked up the town. We shouldn't push our luck too far though, so onward to the old schoolhouse.

You need to stop making us worry about you! I almost had a heart attack when I heard you went chasing after some guy with silver hair.

Um... How did you know?

Polly told us. I guess she saw you...

Ah. She's a pretty sharp-eyed kid.

I did follow a man matching that description out this way... But I guess I lost him.

Oh my...

He must have been pretty talented if he managed to give you the slip. Any idea who he was?

...I'm afraid not.

I don't think it was our arsonist, though. I tailed him as long as I could.

I see...

By the way, why'd you run off by yourself?

My thoughts exactly. You could have at least left us a message...

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you.

Wh-who said I was worried? I was just pointing out the importance of teamwork...

Ha ha ha... You're a terrible liar. Not five minutes ago, you were in a total panic.

I...I was not! And hey, you were pretty concerned yourself!

I, um...

Ha ha... Thank you, both of you.
Woman's Voice: All play personnel, please report to the auditorium right away. Once again... All play personnel, please report to the auditorium right away. Thank you.

Oh, yeah... It's almost time, isn't it?

Yes, we should get into costume. The play will start soon.

All right, then! Let's do this!

Oh... What about that guy with the silver hair?

Hmmm... I suppose that all we can do is let Carna know and warn her to keep an eye out.
Thirty minutes later...
Oh man, that's a large crowd 
Wait no it's not.
All 40 of them

Okay, now I'm getting kinda nervous.

You'll be fine, Estelle. This is what all the rehearsals were for.

Besides, once we start up, you'll forget they're even there. You're the type who can only focus on one thing at a time, anyway.

Just one thing at a time, huh?
Estelle and Joshua really do have a great back and forth. It says a lot that the dialogue between the two ever-present leads still makes me laugh after multiple playthroughs and 33 updates. And it's not saying that I'm incredibly easily entertained.


Okay, okay... You two can have your little spat another time.

*ahem* This year's campus festival is already a big success. Though we have many esteemed individuals here, such as the duke and the mayor, we can't afford to be intimidated.

So just remember our number one rule and you'll be fine. If you're gonna puke... do it off stage!

We've done a good job of keeping the festival lively, so far...

Now, let's close it out with a real bang!
Woman's Voice: The student council proudly presents, [Madrigal of the White Magnolia.] Enjoy the show...
Alright, before it starts, I'm going to take the chance to talk about the play.
The play is a pain in the ass to LP. I had to make a bunch of new portraits and song banners and so many gifs
. This is my not so subtly way of pointing out how much effort went into this thing. There are 34 portraits just for Estelle, Kloe and Joshua in their new digs, around 8 of which are brand new (i.e, they aren't just old expression in the new costume, but entirely new expressions never used outside the costumes). Then, there's the soundtrack. Yes, the play has a soundtrack. An eight track soundtrack. Admittedly, they're all fairly short loops, but it's still impressive.
Furthermore, the presentation of the play is quite well-done too. It does a good job as coming across as a sort of cliff-notes version of an actual play, instead of just showing off a brief scene supposedly from a play like they might have done. It's fairly easy to imagine how a full-length version of the play might have gone, and the whole thing has some nice dramatic blocking and lighting and even a fight scene. It also contains some decent world-building. It's cool stuff, and so I'll be quieter than normal for the rest of it.

Liberl was still a land of nobles and aristocrats.

But commoners, too, held some power, and they were prodigious traders that grew more influential with each passing year. During this period there was much friction between the classes, and the nobles and commoners clashed often. As time went on, these clashes intensified.

The intercession of the royal family and the church failed to end their squabbling...

The stage was set for a final conflict... A year had passed since illness stole the king from his people. Our tale begins on an early spring evening, in the rooftop garden of Grancel Castle...
Make note of the backgrounds in the play, because there is a good chance we'll end up going to any place that's mentioned by name.

The street lights shine on everyone... Each bright with their own happiness.

And in spite of that...
Maid Laurel: Please, don't you think you should be going to bed soon, Your Royal Highness? Staying up so late can surely do you no good.

It's all right. If I should fall ill... If that happened, then perhaps I could avoid becoming the last ember in this dying flame we call Liberl...
Maid Rainey: Please, do not speak of such things!
Maid Laurel: Your Highness, you are the most exalted individual in Liberl... If you were to take a husband, you could take control of the kingdom.

I will not marry. Despite my father's wishes, I shall not consent to it.
Maid Rainey: But why, Your Highness? You have two fine men as suitors, after all...
Maid Laurel: One is Sir Julius, of the Chivalric Order of the Imperial Guards... and the eldest son of a duke.
Maid Rainey: And Sir Oscar. Commoner though he may be, he has been recognized often in his battles against the Empire.

...No one knows better than I the quality of their characters...

Oh, Oscar...Julius... How am I to choose between you?

(Ha ha... I suppose that Jill has put a great deal of thought into this reverse-casting business.)

(Indeed, ma'am.)

(He plays his role well, but the two maids leave much to be desired.)
Also everyone in the audience of this play is very impolite and whisper their annoying commentary throughout the whole thing.
It's kinda like me with the LP
Actually, they use the interludes into the audience as a means of skipping to a new scene. It works really well, because the transition works smoothly and it makes it feel like there's more to the play that's left unseen.

How we spent our boyhood days in this alley, running about and pretending our sticks were swords?

I could never forget, Julius. In those days, it was all so simple. With you and with Cecilia alike. I treasure that time greatly.

I would always conspire to play with her in secret, only to discover another had been doing the same...

Indeed, fair Cecilia was like unto our very own sun.

But her light would dim with each day that passed. The nobles and the commoners... The fury of that conflict could never have been avoided.

The Princess' grief is easily understandable...

Cruel fate mocks us so... For it is our very existence that has brought her such sorrow.

(I hate to say it...but the guy kinda looks cuter than the girls...!)

(Ha ha... Hush now, and watch the show.)
Duke Radmont: The commoners' impudence can be tolerated no longer. If they should forget their place and no longer view us as their superiors... Liberl's power structure would surely fall into ruin.

It is as you say, Father... But it has been only ten years and ten days since the eastern republic was founded.

Already, the commoners grow in power and influence there, do they not?
Duke Radmont: What is ANYTHING, if commoners and nobles alike should cast all tradition aside? Better we should fall to our knees before the Empire's military, and concede to their will!

You let the commoners get all high and mighty, and your whole society collapses...

(Your Excellency...perhaps it would be best to keep our voices down...?)
Chairman Claude: With your connections to the royal family, we can learn a great deal about the nobles. That would give us a great advantage, and we could seize the initiative.

But, Chairman... I cannot consent to this. I could never use Cecilia for political gain.
Chairman Claude: Ha ha... Always putting others before yourself, I see. Even though the chance now presents itself to make men and kings equal...
Chairman Claude: If you would refuse, it will lead only to a bloody uprising and subsequent revolution. The royal family, and surely the nobles as well, would disappear into the shadows of history.

I had severe doubts about this, ever since I first heard about the reverse-role gimmick.)

(Ha ha... The students have all put a great deal of work into this, it seems.)

(The young bracers have had no small hand in this, either... )

I cannot simply allow Julius and Cecilia to die...

As for myself... I know not what I should do.

It may be spring, but you'll surely catch your death if you sleep out here.

It has nothing to do with being a knight...but rather simple concern.

I would have to be quite the young fool not to see what I must do...
Drunkard: You've got that right.


Agh! My arm...
Drunkard: Now, if you'll be so kind as to sit still...

Curse you, assassin! Who sent you?!
Assassin: Just a noble who wants you out of the picture. He wanted it badly enough to pay me up front-- and pretty well, at that. All you need to do is die!

(So, up next we should have...)

(Whoops... Almost got so wrapped up that I forgot about my work.)

Long has it been since you have entered my sight, fair Princess.

Yes, Julius... It truly has. I cannot help but notice that Oscar is not with you today... Back when my father yet breathed, the both of you were oft spoken of by the maids of the court.

As you well know, Your Highness, the kingdom is in the midst of a crisis most dire... And as such, he and I may never be as close as once we were.


I confess, I come to you today to ask a favor.

What favor would that be?

That you would allow he and I...

And that the victor shall be granted the great honor of becoming your husband.
Music Stops

...these two close friends have finally decided on a duel. The Princess now realizes their determination and keeps silent.

And on the day of the duel...

Two knights step into the Grand Arena of the royal city. Many have come to witness it... Commoner, noble and all social castes in between.

...But conspicuously absent from the proceedings is the one over whom they fight: Princess Cecilia herself.

Perhaps fate always intended for us to meet in so base a fashion.

If nothing else, for our beloved princess!

We would cleave a path through fate with our own hands... But at this moment, my words and her smile seem lost...

Has fear clutched your heart, Oscar?!

Perhaps. But what is this passion that pierces me to the quick...? As I see you with blade drawn, I feel as though I've been waiting for this moment...

...we shall let fate decide our outcome!

Yes! And may the Goddess above see our spirits as they truly are! Come, then! Let it be done!

En guarde!
The game is really quite good at making some pretty good fight scenes out of the assets they've got. There's another one later in the chapter I like better than this one, although it's much shorter. There's a lot of sound-effects that go with it to help sell the scene, but unfortunately I can't show those because video isn't an option for me.

I should say the same of you. But still, you seem to hesitate!

Perhaps the tales of your acts of valor against the Empire were grossly overstated!



Oscar...your arm...!

I've had worse. 'Tis but a scratch.

Neither of our blades connected with flesh. Not even a glancing blow... Your wound...was struck prior!
Duke Radmont: Ha ha ha... I'll thank you to cease slandering my good name! Are you implying that I instigated this? it true...? Did you...?

It's all right, Julius. My own inexperience has brought this about.

Besides, I've received far worse on the field of battle.


I will put everything I have behind my next strike.

I intend... I intend to kill you.


Very well. I will wager it all on my next strike as well.

He who lives, when all is said and done, will inherit the responsibility for all.

And he who dies will watch over it all, from the realm of the spirits. Such is also the pride of a knight.

Ha ha... I suppose it is.


Music Stops

Cecilia, why... were you not in attendance?

Oh, Oscar... Julius... I did not wish to observe a duel between the two of you. I felt I had to find a way to put a stop to this fight.

Praise Aidios that I arrived in time...



Hear me, all in attendance... Dismiss me...and set aside your differences, please... Are we not all of Liberl? And do we not love this land? There is so little that separates us from one another... If you would but take your foe's hand... surely we could find a peaceful resolution.
Chairman Claude: You need say no more...

My vision fades... But what of you two...? Will you not do as I ask?

Your will be done, my Princess.

At your side...

Strange... Everything is floating... When I was young... I would sneak out of the castle... down to the alley... Oscar... Julius... you both always... had smiles for me... I love... your smiles...

So...please... don't ever...stop...

Princess...? No... This cannot be, Princess! .
Maid Laurel: I just don't understand why she'd do such a thing...
Duke Radmont: Our Princess gave her life, that we might stop this unending dispute... Compared to that sacrifice... what a trifle is the pride of a nobleman... Had we not been fighting, it would never have come to this.
Chairman Claude: Only now, when it is too late, do I see our folly... Is this the fate of all men with their spirits still shackled to their flesh? Aidios, great Goddess of the skies...we now know of your great resentment...
Woman's Voice: But your spirits still know more of freedom and nobility... Such contempt for it lies only within you, yourselves.
Commoner: S-so beautiful...
Aristocrat: A more beautiful voice I have never heard...
Royal Pontiff: It's amazing...! Aidios Herself has graced us with Her presence...!

The Goddess...

Aidios: Hear me, young knights. I have observed your contest. You are both courageous and strong...yet something vital within you is broken.

It is as you say...

Our own immaturity is what invited this fate upon us...
Aidios: Chairman... Has your hate for the nobles and the monarchy blinded you to the fact that we are all but men?
Chairman Claude: ...I am ashamed.
Aidios: Duke... You know your sins better than anyone else could...
Duke Radmont: ...
Aidios: And you...all the rest of you... who have simply watched these events unfold... There is something fundamental within you that is lost as well... Strike your hand upon your breast and think well upon this...
Aidios: Ha ha...and it now seems that you have each remembered your hearts. As such, perhaps hope yet remains for Liberl. So long as you never forget the lessons learned this day.
Music Stops
Maid Laurel: She has vanished...
Princess Cecilia: ...Mmnnn...



Oh, my... Julius... Oscar... Have you both been called up to heaven, as well?
Royal Pontiff: It's... It's a genuine miracle!
Maid Laurel: Oh, praise Aidios!!

Wha...? Why are the two of you here...? And the duke... and the chairman... So then...I'm not dead...?
Duke Radmont: Almighty Aidios! Aidios has given Liberl back its beloved!
Chairman Claude: Praise her for her benevolence!

Oscar... Julius... Um...what happened?

Nothing that you need concern yourself over, Cecilia...

The conflict is at an end... I believe that everything will be all right.

You're being naive, Oscar. We still have a duel to finish, do we not?


No... You still intend to fight?

On the contrary... This match is concluded. And besides, this fool managed to get hit on his sword arm.

However, that does leave us without a clear victor. Once he has recovered, we can begin once more, on even footing!

Wait, Julius!

Don't misunderstand me, Oscar. I have not given up on the Princess. Once you are healed, our duel will continue, but with blades of wood. Just as when we were boys.

I see... Ha ha... Very well, then. I accept your challenge.

Have neither of you any regard for my own wishes?

Y-you are mistaken...

You, My Lady, shall judge today's match. And I think it only fair for the victor to be granted a kiss. Surely, everyone waits with bated breath for it.

...Very well.
Maid Laurel: Don't they look marvelous together?

But no matter.