Part 37: We've got big trouble!
Welcome back. Last time, we tried to hunt down our mysterious silver-haired hero, but he gave us the slip and we cant keep looking, because the show must go on. And go on it did (it was pretty great).
Admittedly, since it was a high school play, acclaim basically means the audience didnt hate everyone and everything involved in the production.
And with its conclusion, an announcement went out that the campus festival had reached its end. The crowd began to disperse and leave the campus, each person wearing a look of contentment.

That was one fine play, if the director's allowed to say so!

At first, I thought people would make fun of us with the roles switched like that... I'm so glad they took it seriously.

Agreed. The costumes worked out pretty well.

I wouldn't want to have to wear mine again, though. Corsets are like some form of torture...

Ha ha... No kidding. Well, it was all for a good cause. And just wait 'til you see how many pictures the photography club took... The ones of you ought to be particularly popular.

*sigh*... Give it a rest.

The ones of Estelle and Kloe won't exactly drive people away, either. The guys always go nuts for the junior girls.
Namely, Jills Evil Scheme fund.



Hm...? Estelle? What's wrong?

Huh, what, where?! What are you talking about?

Nothing important, really... You've been spacing out ever since the play finished. Are you okay?

Well, that fight scene was pretty hard work. It's no surprise that you're tired.

Do you feel sick? We can take you to the nurse's office...

I'm fine, really! I deal with fatigue every day as a bracer.

I'm just trying to get my head back in order is all...

Oh... Estelle... You don't mean...

N-no... Nothing like that at all...

Aaaagh! I promise, I am perfectly all right!


Ha ha. Thank you...
Mary: You were really great, too, Miss Estelle!

H-hey, now... Mary...
Polly: An' Joshua wuz sooo cute! ☆

Um...ha ha... Thank you...

It was great fun for us all. A play about love and friendship buffeted by the winds of a tumultuous era... It was so moving! The fight scene was intense, and though one could only expect it to end in tragedy... had such a heart-warming conclusion.

I thought it was splendid.

Well...with praise like that, I'd have to say it was worth the effort.

Oh yeah... Hans?

...Oh, right! Almost forgot!

Huh? What's up?

It's...nothing bad, don't worry. I'll be right back, so just... keep doing what you're doing!
That... doesnt exactly inspire confidence.

Um, okay...?
The pair walk out of the room.

Kloe... Your friends are on the student council, then?

Yes, they were in charge of the production of the play.

I see... I must thank them, then.

The children will have many fond memories of Ruan.



I've made up my mind... I will tell them my decision when we return to Manoria. And then tomorrow...we'll take the first steps.

Whoa... So soon?!

Hey, whatcha talking about?
Mary: Clem! You shouldn't listen in on grownups' talk.
We kinda were talking right in front of them. I think this ones our fault.

It's okay, Mary. But I think we should probably return to the inn.

We can have dinner, and continue our discussion over there.


Now, then, Kloe
and you too, Estelle and Joshua. I'm afraid we'll be taking our leave.

Thank you for today. It was a lovely play.

Oh, hold on a sec. Jill's coming back any moment, and she'll probably want to say goodbye before you go...
Jill and Hans have also used the gap between screens to sneak back into the limelight.

It's a pleasure to see you again, Matron Theresa. I must apologize for not coming by earlier, to thank you for taking the time to visit.

You needn't thank me...

The festival was magnificent. I'm grateful for the invitation.

Yes, the students were magnificent, weren't they?

I was trying to think of a way that we could help...



Yes, sir.
Jill handed Matron Theresa a bulky envelope, sealed with the Royal Academy's crest.

What's this...?

We took up a collection for you. It's one hundred thousand mira. Please use it to help rebuild the orphanage.
It would have only taken 100,000 mira? We spent a tenth of that on jelly beans.
Are we bad people?

O-o-one hundred thousand mira?!

That's impressive...

But how...?

Well, we have the duke, as well as the mayor of there are some celebrities here. Thanks to them, we were able to collect far more than we would have, otherwise.
The Duke went on some tangent about bootstraps, and so everyone pitched in just to spite the ass


No, I couldn't! I can't accept this!

I don't see why not. The festival collects donations for charity every year.

People donated specifically to help rebuild the orphanage.

But... I... It's too much...

Please accept it, Matron...

But... Kloe...

I realize that you're overwhelmed.

But think about it... With that much mira, the rebuilding could start, and you wouldn't need to go to Grancel.

You wouldn't have to give up your herb garden.


She speaks the truth. Joseph would want you to accept this... for the children. You needn't focus on the amount... just what can be done with it.

You're right... I...I don't know how to show my appreciation...

*sniff* That's awesome...
Estelle getting teary in the background whenever something sad goes on is my favorite recurring thing

Yes, that should settle that.

H-hey... What's this about going to Grancel? Did something happen?

It's okay... There's no need to worry. You've all been through so much...

I-it's really not that big a deal... But...why are you crying, Matron?
Mary: Don't be silly, Clem... Those are happy tears.
Estelle and Joshua joined the other students in cleaning up after the festival. By the time everything was done, the day had given way to evening.

But we had everything set up for you to be able to stay... I mean, the festival just ended and everything...

Ha ha ha... Sorry, but we can't. Since we're still apprentices, we can't go too long without checking in at the guild.

We'd like to give our report before the day's out, if we can. So you'll have to excuse us...

Is that so...?

Oh, well... Guess I'm on my own tonight. It sure is going to be lonely in bed without you.
Hans is my favorite NPC, after all the other NPCs I have said are my favorite NPCs.

Hans... Would you PLEASE give the tasteless jokes a rest?

Estelle, don't listen to him.

Oh... Ha ha ha... A joke...

It's never boring with you guys, I'll give you that much. I hope you'll get the chance to come see us again.

And stay for a couple of days... and nights.

Er...sure. We will... Thank you.

We'll stop in again soon.

Ha ha... Well, let's get going. We'll lose the daylight if we don't hurry.

So you're headed to Manoria, Kloe?

Yes... There's a lot I want to talk to the matron about. She said it would be all right for me to stay over at the inn with her and the kids tonight.

I hate that you won't be here after the festival.

Ah, well. What can you do? I hope you have a good time.

Isn't it kind of risky for them to be carrying around that much money?

Oh, don't worry about that. One of the other bracers escorted the whole lot of 'em back to the village. Her name's Carna.

Apparently, the dean made a special request.

He never misses a beat.


Stay healthy, you guys. Here's hoping you guys do great with your bracer studies!

Yep, you can count on it!

Best of luck to both of you, as well.

Mmmm... We only had a few days at the academy, but it was great fun!

Well, other than class, anyway...

Yeah. It might sound pretty un-bracer-like, but...

...even though we originally came out on assignment, this whole experience felt more a vacation.

You got that right. Man, the students sure do live it up.

Ha ha...

Kloe looks around her.

What's wrong?

Nothing... It's just that I can't sense Sieg nearby... I wonder where he went...

Maybe he's just looking for dinner?

Yes...that may be it. I'm sorry. I'm just being silly.

Please, allow me to come with you as far as the coastal road.

Sure! It'll be fun.
That all wrapped up nicely!
What should we do now? I propose we find Agate, and doodle on his face. We missed our chance back at the start of Chapter 2, and Im still steamed about that.


Thank you so much for the last few days.

Ha ha problem. It's been fun!

Take care...and say hi to Matron Theresa and the kids for us.

Don't worry, I will.

You're from Manoria, aren't you...?
Music Stops
Zack: You guys are *huff* *huff* bracers, right? We've got big trouble!

What kind of [big trouble]?
Zack: *gasp* *wheeze* H-hang on a sec... I need to catch my breath...
Zack: ...Whew.
Next time: The arsonist, revealed.