Part 38: You deprived those children of their smiles... for that?
Welcome back. Last time, we...
Actually, why don't I let this guy do my job for me this time?

Hey! Are you all right?!

Keep your cool... this is no time to go fainting on us.

I-I'm sorry...
Zack: O-okay... They were apparently assaulted by some strange group on the way back from the campus festival. The kids are okay, but Matron Theresa and that bracer lady got knocked out.

Y-you mean Carna?! No way!

They must have been highly trained...

Zack: I would have contacted the guild, but communications are down at the inn. I didn't have much choice other than to run all the way here.

I see...well, thank you for your help.

If you can manage it, would you go on to Ruan for us? We've got to hurry to Manoria.
Zack: Okay, will do!

All right!
All right! Let's head to Ruan!
What, you thought we were going to Manoria? That would make sense.
We have a chapter of Carnelia to get.
Matilda: If you've got a smile on your face all your life, it kinda loses its meaning. But the fact is, we're alive. I wonder why we have the fondest memories of times that we'll never see again... Well, that settles it. I'm going to have to give you this book.
Received Carnelia - Chapter 5.
We can try to head back to Manoria now, but our way is blocked by another Jabba.

Except this time there's three Jabbas (and friends). We sic Joshua on the Stove Plants, so that we don't confuse ourselves into an early grave.

His buddies are outdated enemies from the start of the chapter, so they'll do miniscule damage before dying.

The Jabba themselves are a bit tougher; they heal and do decent damage in a single attack. Still, they're weak to water, and Kloe's all water, so...

Get fucked, we've got more important things to do.

Mary: Miss Kloe...


Thank goodness you're all safe...

Pardon me, but what about the others? How is Matron Theresa?
Carla: They haven't woken up, though, which has me a little worried.

If I may, then, I'd like to see them.

No doubt about it... Someone used sleeping powder.

S-sleeping powder?

Yes. There's still a faint hint of it in the air. It's probably the kind without side effects, so there's no real need for concern...


Hey, Clem. Can you tell us what happened?

Mary: I'll tell you... We were walking along the coast road with the bracer lady...and these strange guys in masks showed up outta nowhere. The bracer lady fought them for a while... but they surrounded her. She fought 'em to save us and Matron Theresa... That's why...*sniff*

There, there... It must have been so scary...

They...they took an envelope from the matron...

I wanted really bad to get it back...

Mr. Joshua... I couldn't help her...

Don't think that way, Clem. I know that Matron Theresa would just be happy that all of you are safe.

That's why you mustn't blame yourself.

But I...I...
Mary: *sob*...*sniff*...

I don't believe this! Who would do such a thing?!


Whoever it is...must certainly be skilled at hiding his or her presence. After all, the bracer wasn't alerted, and Matron Theresa is unconscious...


I get the feeling that this was very deliberate. I'd say that the criminals were probably targeting the donations Matron Theresa had on her. If we find the money, we'll find the culprit.

Yes, you're probably right.

You seem a little calmer than earlier...

Yes... In order to help the matron and the kids, I must compose myself. Regardless, we must find who did this as soon as possible.


I heard what was going on at the guild. Looks like you've gotten wrapped up in one hell of a mess.

Hey! Don't make light of the situation! Carna got hurt, too!

I know quit your yapping.

Carna's no amateur, either. It'd take someone pretty skilled to beat her. How about you give me a quick rundown of what's been going on here?

Joshua and Estelle told Agate the whole story about the donations for the orphanage.

Huh... All right, then. There's definitely something weird going on.

Weird how?

Well, here's the thing... You know that Raven gang that was hanging out at the warehouse? They're all gone now. Warehouse is empty.


They must be the ones who assaulted Matron Theresa!

I'm not so sure about that. I really doubt they'd have what it takes to get the upper hand on Carna.

Yeah, that's true... They talk a big game, but I don't think they could back it up.

Yeah, give 'em a single hard look and they shut right up. However, today they're suddenly nowhere to be found. Couple that with today's little incident, and what do you get? Like I said, something weird is going on.

Even if they're not directly responsible for the fire, I do feel like they're involved, somehow.

Yeah, but this ain't the time to go checking that out. Come on, greenhorns. Let's go.

What are you talking about?

Where are we going?
You think she'd have figured it out by now. The "I'm going to beat you up now" part is her favorite part, after all.

You slow in the head or something? Obviously, we're going to the seaside path where the crime happened. How those idiots did it doesn't matter right now...

We've gotta focus on finding some clues as to where they are!

Ah... True.

Understood. We'll help.

Bah... This is no good. How are we supposed to search in the dark?
A cry rings out in the night.

Hey, what was that sound?
It's Sieg, the wonderful gyrfalcon!

Oh, Sieg. Where have you been?

That's Sieg. He's Kloe's gyrfalcon companion.

Whew... As long as he's friendly...

Screeee! Scree, scree!


Thank you, Sieg.


Now I've seen everything.

So, missy. What did your friend there tell you?

The whereabouts of the ruffians who assaulted Matron Theresa, evidently. It seems that he saw the attack.

Ha ha ha! That's a good one...

Nice going, Sieg!

Yes, most impressive.


Now wait one damn minute! You mean to tell me you actually believe that load of bull?
Hey now, don't doubt the awesome powers of bird telepathy.

We've seen him communicate several times.

Hey, if you don't believe us, you don't have to come along. Come on, guys!

All right!


W-wait up, you punks!

C'mon, are we really following that thing? If this is your idea of a joke, it's not funny!

It's not a joke. The matron and the children are like family to me...

Hmph...fine, then. I thought you were yankin' my chain, but...I guess I'll tag along.

Geez, why don't you say what you REALLY think?

All that aside, we need to get going after Sieg.
Agate is done being a wet blanket, so we're free to take off after Sieg..
Before we head off, we can examine our wet blanket for the first time. Agate is a mass of HP and Strength, with decent to mediocre stats otherwise. (He's around on par with Estelle and Joshua for Defense, Dexterity, Magic Resistance, SPD, and surprisingly enough, Magic.)
That said, he still won't be doing any casting, since Agate's orbment line-up comes with a twist. Agate's orbment is divided into a grand-total of three lines, meaning he can only ever have a max of three quartz in a single line. This makes it quite a bit more difficult for him to access higher-tier magic, which combined with his high strength means if a guy has a giant fuck-off sword, let him use the giant fuck-off sword.

The Varenne Lighthouse... It belongs to the city of Ruan. If I remember right, there's a man who lives here all alone...

This appears to be the place. I'm almost positive that the ones who attacked Theresa and the children are here in this building.

Which means that there's a high chance the perpetrators have taken over the lighthouse.

And from the looks of it...that seems to be the only entrance. I guess that all there is left to do is to check it out for ourselves.


Now hold on there a minute, girl...

I want to see the truth with my own eyes.

What the hell are you talking about?

I want to know why someone would do such a horrible thing like that... So please...take me with you.

I can see where you're coming from, but...

Oh, come on! Don't act all stingy now! The only reason we knew about this place to begin with was because of Kloe.

And I can guarantee she can handle herself. So, at least, you don't have to worry about her getting in the way.

Estelle, Joshua...

Fine... Have your way.

But I hope you remember that these guys are the ones who put Carna out of commission. Make sure you don't let down your guard.

I'll keep that in mind.

Well, I guess it's decided then.

All right... Let's hurry and check the place out.
It might seem somewhat odd that Agate acquiesces to letting Kloe tag along after kicking us off the case for the exact same reason, but I think it fights. Agate "I carry a big sword and yell a lot" Crosner doesn't strike me as the model of professionalism, and so him changing his mind here makes it more clear that kicking us off the case earlier was something more personal.
If I say anything more and I'll be getting ahead of myself, so let's go and storm this lighthouse.

Aren't they the ones from before...?

I swear, if I wasn't looking at them with my own eyes right now I'd never believe it...
The Raven Gang members' eyes are blank and emotionless.


Where are they getting this strength from...?!

This is just perfect... Now I don't know what kind of drugs you're smoking...

But if I have to beat some sense back into you I will!
We're fighting the Ravens once again, except there's only three this time.

These aren't your ordinary Ravens, though. They've got more HP, more Defense, more Strength, and just all around more Gumption than before. The leader of the gang (in this case Dean), can still use Embolden to fully revive one of his allies, Shakedown to reduce your defense, Invigorate to buff an ally's strength, and Soul Infusion to restore 200 HP.
Proof that they're tougher than usual: Normally, they'd be dead after that.
(This is Kloe using Diamond Dust, an AoE Water spell with a chance of causing freeze. While it's effective area is small, it targets tiles, not enemies, which can let you maximize the amount of enemies affected.)
They also have a new trick: No Mercy. It takes a long time to charge, but the name is pretty accurate, as it does really heavy damage.
Still, our victory is in the cards, even if Joshua is a little too unconscious to celebrate it with us.
The thing about this fight is that Estelle/Joshua/Kloe/Agate is actually a really great party. Joshua and Agate deal heavy damage, Estelle basically do anything, and Kloe heals and casts. If you play to their strengths, you shouldn't have much trouble.

These guys are 100 times stronger than when we dealt with them at the warehouse!

They appear to be acting rather strange... I wonder what's going on.

Hmm... It looks like they're being controlled by someone.


I'd say it's some sort of special hypnotic induction using a combination of drugs and suggestion. This allows the person controlling them to draw out their maximum physical potential.

C-can someone really do that?!

Of course, but they'd need to be pretty skilled to even attempt such a thing. And I can only think of one group that could pull off something like this...

You have an idea who might be responsible?


But there's no time to talk about it now. Let's head upstairs. The real perpetrators should be up there.

All right, let's go!

Here they come again!

It looks like we don't have any choice but to put them down the hard way...
The great thing about Agate is that if you ever have 50 CP, he can instantly pull of an S-Craft on his turn (by using Wild Rage to trade HP for 50 CP, then breaking the turn-order with his S-Craft.)

Ahem... right. As I was saying, this talent of Agate's combines well with Kloe, who specializes in healing damage procured while yelling super hard to get yourself pumped up.
It was at this point I began to wonder if Agate could actually yell himself to death.

Yes, yes he can.
God damn it Agate.
The battle was already won at this point, so even with Agate "I'm so stupid I literally yelled myself to death" Crosner dead, victory is ours.
With them dead, we can move up a floor and find ourselves in a brand new fight. (Fight may be exactly same as the first two.)

I'm really sorry about this... I really don't want to fight with anyone being controlled, but...

This isn't the time to be holding back.

We don't need to kill them, just knock them out!
A lucky Hell Gate means we do that quite literally, fainting both of the non-dead Ravens.
Like that, they're exceptionally vulnerable, so we net an easy win.[/i]
We can head for the next floor, but things are a little different this time.
Gilbert... no

Now we'll be able to blame this mess on those punks and everything will work out perfectly.

Yes. You've handled things nicely. But just to make sure... You haven't left any incriminating evidence, right?
Black-Clad Man: Ha ha. You've got nothing to worry about there. And even when those fools regain their senses, they won't remember a thing. The lighthouse keeper shouldn't wake up until morning either.

I'm relieved to hear that. With this, the matron of that orphanage should give up on her dreams of rebuilding it... And the series of incidents along with this arson will end up looking like the work of those lowlifes. We can get two birds with one stone. It's perfect.
Black-Clad Man: We are glad to see that our clients are happy with our work. However, if you don't mind me asking, what's the benefit in destroying that orphanage...? That's the one thing I've been having a hard time understanding.

Hmm-hmm-hmm. If you really want to know so bad, I'll let you in on the secret. The mayor intends to transform that entire area into a series of very, VERY upscale vacation homes.
Congrats to Tax Refund for calling this in the thread. Those mystery novels payed off!
Black-Clad Man: Interesting...

A scenic seaside area not far from Ruan City... What more favorable geographic conditions could there be than that for a vacation home? We'll build lavish estates there and then sell them off to the highest bidders. That's been the mayor's plan all along.
Black-Clad Man: Now, that's a ritzy plan if ever I've heard one. But, I still don't get why it was necessary to burn the orphanage to the ground.

Ha ha, think about it. Imagine trying to sell a luxury estate to someone with a ramshackle place like that marring the view. Not to mention all the little brats running around close by and making a ruckus.
Black-Clad Man: I see... Something like that would definitely cut their value in half. But instead of going to an extreme like that, why not just buy up the place?

Ha! You didn't really think that stubborn woman would sell off the land left to her by her late husband, did you? And if we were to haul away the burned out remains while they were away and built something in its place, there's not much they could do, could they? Heh heh heh... And since they have no money to rebuild the place, they'll have no choice but to accept their fate.

For something like that...? You hurt Theresa and the children and burned their memories to ashes... You deprived those children of their smiles... for that?

H-how did you know we were here?! But before that... what are those lowlifes doing downstairs?!

Too bad for you. They're taking a loooong nap. Tsk. And to think that the mayor was behind it all. Plus some faces we've seen before seem to be involved, too...
It's been a while, but we met the Black-Clad Men briefly in Chapter 1, where they had a rendez-vous with Josette and Kyle on the shore of Valleria Lake. (See Update 20.)
Black-Clad Man: know who we are, do you?
Black-Clad Man 2: We have been...briefly acquainted with that redheaded bracer before...

Ha! So running off like dogs with your tails between your legs and siccing some monsters on me means we're acquainted, huh? But now I've finally got you where I want you.
He's referring to the attack on Krone Gate at the beginning of the chapter here.

K-kill them! Kill them all! Now that they've seen my face I can't let them walk out of here alive!

It's unfortunate that you've fallen this far, Gilbert...
Black-Clad Man: Well, since this is a request from our client, I guess we'll just have to comply.
Black-Clad Man 2: Let's see what you've got, bracers.

That's exactly what I was thinking!

Just because you're 'hired help', don't think that you're any less responsible...

I think it's time to make you taste the power of the Heavy Blade!
Ugh, I take it all back, you're just the worst.
The Black-Clad Men get their very own battle theme. It's good stuff.
One of the Black-Clad Men opens with their signature move; Shadow Weaving, which deals good damage and delays its target's next move. These guys are fast too, so even two on four we don't really get the action advantage.
The Black-Clad Soldiers have decent HP, but nothing too extreme.
Their Shadow Weaving does decent damage, but this comes back to bite them in the ass, since it also restores our CP like no tomorrow.
Sandbagging ho!
Murder ho!
As you can see, the best strategy is simply to eat as many Shadow Weavings as you can, and then counter-attack with extreme S-Craft damage/healing.

In accordance with the laws of the Bracer Guild, you are hereby placed under arrest. Give it up and surrender.

Black-Clad Man: You're pretty tough, I'll give you that... Going toe-to-toe with you hasn't disappointed me at all.
Black-Clad Man 2: Ah, the lieutenant's going to be mad. He warned us about this. We shouldn't have been as careless as we were.

The lieutenant...? Do you mean that guy wearing the red mask who was negotiating with the Sky Bandits?
Black-Clad Man: I'm surprised you know about that. It looks like you dogs from the guild are better at sniffing things out than we thought...

Your insults are pretty funny considering we just gave you a serious beat-down. Now hurry up and throw down your weapons and surrender!
Black-Clad Man: Sorry, but we can't do that.

Wh-what do you think you're doing?!
Black-Clad Man: Don't move. Come any closer and this guy's brains are going to be splattered all over this place.

Wh-what is the meaning of this?! What do you intend to do by threatening your employer?!
Black-Clad Man: You're wrong about that. You are not our employer, the mayor is.
Black-Clad Man 2: But whether it was you or the mayor here, the outcome would've been the same. We only cooperated with you because we shared a mutual interest...
Black-Clad Man: And we could care less whether or not you live or die.

P-please... Don't shoot! Don't shoot me!

Cut the tears and the crap. Don't think you can get away by trying to fool us with a show like that...

Gyaaah... My leg! Aaaaah, my leg!!



Looks like they were serious about what they said.
Black-Clad Man 2: If this isn't enough of a show for you...

H-he has nothing to do with this!
Black-Clad Man: If his life means anything to you, then I suggest you back up... Let's see... Like over by the stairs.

Seems we don't have much of a choice...
Black-Clad Man: And it looks like this is where we bid you farewell.

Don't think you're getting away this time!

These guys were seriously prepared for anything!

I'm leaving you to take care of that idiot steward and the rest.


I'm going after these guys! The rest of you report to Jean and ask him for further instructions!

Time to have some fun!

All right, me too!

Hold on, Estelle. Didn't you just hear what Agate said? We can't just forget about Gilbert and those guys from the Raven Gang.

That's right... And though I think Gilbert got what was coming to him, he is still hurt.

Oh, all right...

I hate to say this, but I guess we'll have to leave the rest up to Agate.
Music Stops
And by the time the mayor's steward and the group of delinquents were safely locked up in the Manoria windmill shed, morning had already broken...

That's fine with me, but are you sure you'll be okay?

C'mon, I just got a whiff of sleeping powder is all. It all happened a little too fast for me to remember who attacked me, though... Pretty shameful, I know.

Don't beat yourself up over it. You still managed to fend off four attackers.

The children are safe thanks to you. I can't thank you enough.

Ha ha... Well, I guess there's that, at least.

Still, will Agate be okay facing them on his own?

I know he's tough and all, but it still worries me.

Y-yeah... If they somehow manage to get the drop on him...

For now, we just have to trust that he knows what he's doing. He's been after those guys for a while now.

He knows how they work, so I think they'll have a tough time taking him on.

Yeah, I guess you're right. We'll just have to focus on what WE can do.

You're right. You're exactly right. I'll hang on to the donated money until the matron wakes up. If those guys want it, they'll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers! You can count on me. I'll be fine, so you go on ahead.

All careful.

Let's go, guys!

He was just pretending to be all kind and everything from the start!
Dalmore might just be the biggest dick we've met so far! That's an accomplishment!

Um... I've been kind of wondering about this... but will we be able to catch the mayor this time?


She raises a good question... This may be difficult. The Bracer Guild has a non-interference policy when it comes to government affairs. And since the mayor is a flunky of Ruan, catching him might be possible, but holding him is another story.

Hold on just a second! Doesn't anyone else find that strange?!

It is funny, but the law is the law. That's why the guild can have branches anywhere, even in the Erebonian Empire.

Yeah, but still...

Anyway, let's just get to the guild and talk to Jean. I think he'll have some useful advice for us.



I'm fine! Don't worry about me. We just need to make the man in charge pay his tab!

Yes...that's right.
Once we get closer to Ruan, the game interrupts us again.

What is it, Kloe?

Well, are you two going to the guild? I just remembered something I need to can you go on ahead without me? I'll catch up to you shortly.

That's fine. Are you going back to campus, then?

Yes... I think I should report in to the headmaster, and let him know what's happening.

Hm...okay, I got it! We'll be waiting for you at the guild!
Kloe produced a notepad and pen and began scribbling furiously.

This ought to do it.
Carnelia - Chapter 5
This chapter contains ~worldbuilding~, but if you haven't been reading Carnelia it's not enough to be worth starting for, so uh... stay the course, I guess.