Part 39: I want you out of here, NOW!!
(This update is pretty big file-size wise, so click the Update banner to get a link to the post on its own, if you want that. I'll be doing this for all future updates.)
Welcome back. Last time... was pretty intense, let's just say that. We found out Gilbert and the Mayor (assisted by the mysterious black-clad men from Chapter 1), were behind the arson. Unfortunately, the black-clad men escaped, and the Mayor is above the Bracer guild's jurisdiction to arrest. Furthermore, Kloe seems to have a hidden agenda, because apparently there isn't enough going on as it stands.
The game automatically takes us to the Bracer Guild after the scene with Kloe last update.

It's just hard to believe that Mayor Dalmore is behind these recent events. Hmm...this is certainly a major incident...

So, you think the mayor can be caught?

Well... I'm afraid it's going to be rather difficult. The only way it'll really happen is if he can be caught in the act.

I figured as much...

You can't be serious! So we just have to allow a corrupt mayor to stay in power?!
Also known as "business as usual".

Now, now. There's no need to panic. The Bracer Guild's hands may be tied, but the Royal Army can get him.


Estelle, Joshua. I'd like for you to go to the mayor's estate and question him. It doesn't matter if he gets angry. I just want you to buy us some time.

And you'll contact the Royal Army in the meantime?

Ha ha...precisely. I'll contact Leiston Fortress HQ with the orbal communications system to request assistance.

I don't like having to rely on the army, but I don't see any other option...

Okay, once Kloe catches up to us, we'll go see the mayor at once.
Ten minutes of sitting patiently, followed by five of Estelle playing the poke Joshua in the face game later.

Sorry for the delay...

Not at all! Perfect timing, in fact.
Poking Joshua gets boring fast.

That was pretty quick for a run to the campus.

Um, well... I'm pretty fast on my feet.

So...what's the plan?

We were just talking about going to the mayor's estate. We have to stall him with an interview while the Royal Army is contacted.

Ah... I see.

I hope I didn't overstep my authority...
Do you have the authority to be cryptic? Because if so, then you're golden.


Um, so will you be coming with us?

Oh, yes. Please allow me to accompany you.

We'll be counting on you to contact the army, Jean.

Just leave it to me!
Our goal may be to stall, but it's not quite the time to start on that. So we head straight to the mayor's estate.
Here's a better view of it; it's a pretty big place. I guess Dalmore wouldn't fit in a smaller house.
Because he's a gigantic ass.

Man, this place is huge.

Is he really doing all that nasty stuff from a place this nice?

I don't think that really matters.

Mayor Dalmore is originally from a large family of nobles. think this estate has been passed down for generations.

Okay, so the estate wasn't paid for in blood, at least. That's... something!

Anyway, we need to find him and question him.
Flora: I'm terribly sorry, but the mayor is currently attending to some guests... Perhaps you could come back another time?

What...?! Now hold on, just one second...

I'm pretty sure we know who the guest is. It's Duke Dunan, isn't it?

Flora: Why, that's exactly it. Have you received an invitation as well?

Yes. It came directly from the mayor himself. I apologize for the inconvenience, but would you mind...?
Flora: Now that I take a closer look, you appear to be bracers. If circumstances demand it, then please, go on up. The mayor and duke are in the banquet hall on the second floor.

Excellent. Thank you for your help.
Flora: *blush* Oh, yes... With so many guests arriving, I really must prepare some tea. Please, pardon me.



Oh, nothing...


I was just thinking how impressive it was that you knew the duke was here.

Oh, it's just a matter of asking the right questions. He's planning to sell vacation homes to the rich, remember? Duke Dunan might as well have a bull's-eye target painted on his misshapen head...


That's smart thinking. Where'd you come up with that line about the mayor inviting us?

It wasn't a 'line'. He did invite us over, the first time we met him. [If those Ravens start making trouble again, feel free to drop by and let me know,] or something like that.

Oh... That's right.

Ha ha... So he did invite us.


Well, why don't we head up to the banquet hall?
I don't think the equivocation is really necessary, I'd be completely fine with busting in without his permission. Hell, I think I'd prefer it.
But whatever. Permission or no, it's time to bust.

Ruan would be the perfect place for a vacation home. I think I might stay for a while.

Ha ha... I had a feeling you'd think so. I'll see to it that you get the finest place available, my Lord. I believe you'll be quite satisfied.

Ha ha ha... You're quite the smooth talker.

But good. Money is no object. Prepare me an estate that is worthy of your future king. Make it as splendid as your holdings here.

Pardon me, my Lord, but wait a moment... The Queen asked you to consult with her before spending such an amount of--
Phillip, your life seems like the worst thing

Silence, Phillip! I am to be your next king! Such purchases are everyday for a man of my standing!

Yes, of course... Well said, Your Excellency. We can get a written contract together shortly. But first, one more drink...
Like I always say, important decisions are best made drunk.
Of course, I only say that when I'm drunk.

Ohh ho...

*hic*... What do you people want? You look...kind of familiar...

Oh, it's you...!

Hi, Mr. Butler. We just dropped by to talk to the mayor. No biggie.

This won't do... If you're here on guild business, you should speak with some semblance of manners. I'm in the middle of an important discussion, so why don't you come back later?

I apologize for our rudeness, Mayor. We intend no disrespect. We simply came to report to you that we have identified the arsonist.

Ah, that... Well, then I suppose...

My Lord, would you excuse us for a moment?

*hic*... No... Say what you're going to say here. This sounds interesting.


It's okay! Maybe the duke will have something to add. It won't do any harm for him to hear this, will it?

Well, if we must... While we're on the subject, it seems that Matron Theresa was attacked again last night. Could the arsonist be linked to that?

It seems very likely. Unfortunately, the attackers are still at large.

I see... Still, at least you say you know who they are now. So, who did it?

Hmm, who indeed? It's exactly who you think it is, Mayor Dalmore.

Ah, I see... That's quite a shame. I was hoping I could make them see the error of their ways before it was too late. I suppose that was a vain hope on my part.

Huh? Who are you talking about, Mr. Mayor?

What do you mean, [who]? Why the Ravens, of course. They've been in hiding ever since last night...

I'm sorry, sir...but they aren't responsible. This time, they claim to be victims themselves.


So, without further ado... The culprit is...
The Duke, obviously! I don't know how, but it was definitely him!, Duke Dunan!


Y-you must be mistaken!

Estelle...I'm seriously beginning to worry about having you as my partner...


Hee hee... Okay, maybe I'm wrong!

Anyway, the real culprit is...


We already have Gilbert in custody, and we know everything. We also have proof that you stole the money donated to restore the orphanage YOUR lackey set on fire. Can you deny that charge?

N-nonsense! Do you think I know those people in the black clothes?

Well, now...that's a little strange. We didn't say anything about black clothes.
That's a bush-league mistake there, Dalmore.

*gulp* This is absolutely ridiculous! Gilbert was acting alone!

You don't know when to give up, do you, old man?

We know that you were plotting to build vacation homes on the land the orphanage occupied. Do you still deny the charges laid against you?

Persistent little brats! But I've had those development plans in place for ages! They're just part of Ruan's city planning! What reason would I have to be so impatient that I'd resort to criminal acts?!

And right when we fumble the ball, Nial picks it up and goes for the slam-dunk.
...I'm not a sports guy.
Seriously though, I love how everything comes together here.

What are you doing here...?

I figured I'd come to the mayor's place to do some investigating... when I see you two going in. The whole thing smelled fishy, so I decided to sneak in.

J-just who the hell are you?!

Oh, I'm a reporter with the Liberl News. The name's Nial Burns. Actually, I've been checking into the city's financial affairs recently. And what do I see, but that Mayor Dalmore here has been diverting funds from the city budget lately...
This all is what Nial's big lead from the beginning of the chapter was.

I... That's... They're funds for the expansion project...

I'm not buying it. You haven't even started construction. I thought it was kind of strange, so I dug deeper, and found links to the airship company's services. Now, that was quite the little surprise. One year ago, you took quite a few trips to the Calvard Republic.

I...I was just sightseeing...

A reasonable claim. But the truth is that you've amassed a nice, big debt over there, am I right?

!!!'re losing me. How?

By using town funds to speculate in risky commodities, in the hopes of cashing in. Buying goods when they're cheap, selling them with they're high. That kind of thing.

Oh, I get it. So, how much did he lose?

From what my fellow reporters over there told me... Something to the tune of 100,000,000 mira.
Now that? That's a shitload of money. We're never going to have anything near that.

That's a hundred times the amount donated to the orphanage's rebuilding...
Joshua's good at a lot of things, but not math. It's actually a thousand times the amount.

I can certainly see why one might turn to crime over an amount that high.

*hic* A hundred million...

I'm pretty free with my spending, but I've got nothing on you.


This isn't a competition, you know...

Now that you mention it... He took funds from the city budget to pay off his debts and stave off any questions. But I can't understand why he would turn to arson and theft to build his vacation homes.

It just all seems so...random.

...Hmph. Where is your proof?

Go ahead and run your story, with all its wild speculations. I'll sue you and the newspaper for libel!

Suddenly confident, are we?

And you all!

I'm the mayor!! I want you out of here, NOW!!

Hmm, I guess he's right.

He knows his rights.

Mayor...may I ask you one question?

What now?! What is a student of the Royal Academy doing, associating with such people...? Disgraceful! Return to campus at once!

Kloe looked Mayor Dalmore directly in the eyes, her expression cold and stern.


Why did you not use your own assets to pay off your debt? One hundred million mira is certainly a lot of money... But I think that House Dalmore surely has enough assets to settle the matter. This estate, for instance? It would easily sell for at least a hundred million mira.

D-don't be ridiculous! This estate has been handed down in the Dalmore family for generations! How could I ever simply let it go?!

The orphanage was no different. For many it was a place fondly remembered. No one has the right to destroy something like that.

How could you do such a thing?

You care for no one but yourself... More than being the mayor, or being the head of House Dalmore...

You pitiful man...


Ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha... You have quite a way with words, young lady... but let's see if you'll change your tune in a few minutes!
Music Stops

Wh-what the...?

That smell...!
Apparently Dalmore also raises monsters in his house. Just when you think the guy can't get any worse.


M-my Lord!

Unbelievable... You actually keep monsters as pets...?

Heh heh heh... Everything you think you know will die with you here...
Your tombstone will read "Everything you think you know".

Don't worry. If there's anything left of you I'll dump it in the river.

H-he's crazy... fighting freaky monsters part of the 'stalling' plan now?

Well, at least now we can arrest him for trying to kill us. I'm sure the other stuff will stick, too, after this.
That's such a positive way of looking at things. Sure, he's trying to kill us, but at least we can throw him in jail for it!

I bear you both no ill will...

But I will not allow you to harm anyone!
Let's rumble. Fango and Bronco (henceforth Bango, as my mind refuses not to make the rhyme) are easily the toughest boss yet.
They don't have any fancy tricks whatsoever; they just hit like a runaway semi.
They can also cause faint and poison with their attacks, both of which are a major nuisance.
Furthermore, Bango resists Magic, while Fango resists Physical attacks, meaning throwing out AoE spells won't work nearly as well as it usually does.
Kloe should always be healing, when I decide to have her cast Stone Impact instead Joshua finds himself dead. Even if nobody is hurt, she should still cast La Teara, because by the time she casts someone will be in desperate need. Since La Teara has a small range, you really want to keep your units clustered, especially since Fango and Bango only have single target attacks. That said, their attacks also cause knockback, for the express purpose of separating your units and interfering your healing attempts.
The Revive spell only heals 100HP, so reviving food (like the Azelia Rose) are really useful for getting back on your feet (especially since they don't have any cast times).
Things go south in the heat of battle, and Kloe finds herself seperated from the rest. This is basically a worse case scenario, as you need to choose between healing Estelle and Joshua, then dying herself, or keeping herself alive at the cost of Estelle and Josh. Luckily, Kloe just got 100CP, so she can Radiant Plash herself.

I rarely move for the express purpose of changing positioning, but it's definitely worth it here, to keep the team together.

Estelle gets ganged up and killed, but both monsters are near dead, so if Joshua kills one we should be fine.

Or not. Killing either Fango or Bango buffs the stats of the monster left behind. If we'd killed Fango first, Bango would have received a Str and Agi buff instead.
Still, I knew this would happen, so Fango is near dead already. We should be fine.

Or not. The AGL buff makes them take a lot of turns.

Commence sand-bagging. Fango immediately kills Joshua after this, so Estelle is just going to keep reviving him (with 100HP reviving balms), until he wastes a turn attacking her and both can be brought back to high HP.

It's close, but we eke out a win

How could you do this?

*huff* *huff*... You're one to talk!

In accordance with Bracer Guild protocol, and this time with authority, we're placing you under arrest. Surrender and you will not be harmed.

Heh heh heh... You leave me no choice...but to use my trump card!


A wand...?

I...I can't move!
The background keeps pulsating blue, as shown in the GIF.

D-did he orbal art?

N-no... This has to artifact!

So what the hell is that?!

Well, well. Your knowledge is impressive, Miss Rinz. This is the Chronos Rod, an artifact which happens to be a family heirloom. It can completely paralyze anyone within range in the blink of an eye.

Th-that's crazy...

How does the church not know about such a powerful artifact...

Ha ha...with a tool crafted by the wise ancients themselves, what else would one expect? Tactical orbments can't even begin to compare to this. Sadly, it only has that one function.

Heh heh... You should consider this an honor.

Who are you calling [smart-mouthed]?!

Perhaps I'll save the intelligent girl for last...?


Heh heh... Now, what was that you were saying about [authority]? You could plead for your lives. It might help, but I doubt it...

To you? Yeah right!

Keep your filthy

What's that?

Keep your filthy hands off of Estelle... Don't you...harm a single hair on her head...



Y-you certainly talk big for someone who can't even wiggle his fingers... Fine! I'll start with you!

I'll never let you get away with hurting him!!



Music cuts out, replaced by loud pulsating sound


Damn it... If I could just reach my camera...
You might be an alcoholic chain-smoker Nial, but you're a damn good reporter.

I...I can move again...

Estelle...what was that black light?

I don't know... But the light was the same...

I-impossible... My family heirloom... My artifact... It's broken!!

It hardly matters...since you've played your last hand.



...I will NOT be taken in!

After him!


Hey, wait up! I can't let a story like this get away!

My Lord... Are you all right, my Lord?
Nial brings up the rear. It turns out a diet of alcohol and cigarettes isn't exactly conducive to a thrill-inducing chase.

It's Mayor Dalmore's yacht!

Hey, wait!
We get to commandeer a boat!? Again!? This is the best day.

This craft is small and lightweight, so we have the edge, it seems.

Take this!
I'd like to point out Estelle just blocked bullets with her staff 
This entire sequence is so action-packed, I love it.


Hah! That'll teach you not to underestimate a bracer!

Joshua, flank him on the right!

Roger that!


Whoa! How'd he get so fast?!

The wind is blowing towards open water! It's catching his sails and giving him a boost!

Not good. At this rate, we're going to need a yacht.
I guess you could say we're going to need a bigger boat.
...I'll see myself out.

Say what, now?!

Ha ha ha! It looks like Aidios smiles on me today! I bid you farewell, brats!

You've gotta be KIDDING! We were so close!

He's going to get away... There must be something we can do...
Music Stops

I guess I have no choice but to head for the Empire...

Or, if I lie low for a while, maybe [he]...

Is it the Royal Army? No... the coat of arms is wrong.
Woman's Voice: Her name is the Arseille.

That blue-and-white uniform...are you Her Majesty's Royal Guard?

Precisely. I am the company commander, Julia Schwarz.

Mayor Morris Dalmore of Ruan... I'm placing you under arrest for arson, robbery and embezzlement, among other charges.

This is a dream... It has to be...
Just in several nicks of time too late!

Jean called the Royal Army for reinforcements... But how'd they get here so fast?

Ha ha...

Ho there, bracers! Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! Please, let us handle this matter.
Next time: The best track in the game.