Part 40: You are not...quite so different from me.
Welcome back. Last time, we confronted Mayor Dalmore at his estate. With the help of our good friend and terribly out of shape reporter Nial, we found out that Dalmore was massively in debt because of some risky real estate business in Calvard, which was why he needed money fast. Things almost went horribly wrong when Dalmore busted out a artifact, freezing us on the spot. However, the Black Orbment our old man gave us activated, disabling the artifact, and the chase was on. The scoundrel almost escaped, but he was eventually apprehended by the Royal Guard. Serves him right.

He apparently can't remember anything regarding the past few hours very well, if he remembers them at all. He's also drawing a complete blank about the arson and robbery.

R-really...? Kinda like the leader of the Sky Bandits...

Maybe it's related to those men in black from before.

Well, even if he can't remember, the crimes are pretty clear-cut. It should go without saying that we'll be checking out his steward, too.

If we uncover anything, we'll be sure to let the Bracer Guild know.
Man, she is way cooler then Morgan ever was.

We appreciate it.

By the way, Lieutenant, I have a favor to ask.

What might that be?

Would it be at all possible for me to get on board that ship, as well? It's supposed to be the most advanced airship ever to come out of Zeiss. It'd make for a great story, and I really need one.

I'm afraid not.

The Arseille was only just completed, and she's slated for a test flight soon. I must ask that you not comment on her at all until she's officially unveiled.

Wha...oh, come on! You've got to at least give me something about the mayor and his steward being arrested.

Don't worry. The facts of the story will be given over to the royal news agency. Until then, please refrain from reporting any of this.

*sigh* ...What choice do I have?

All right, I can do this! I can write a story with even the barest scrap of info! I've got to hurry back to the agency and put these events to paper!

Ha ha... Would you expect any less?

I'm told that the Liberl News' circulation has increased dramatically, of late. I hope he's not planning to write a big propaganda piece...

What do you mean?

Never mind...


Colonel Richard...

Oh, I remember you...

I presume that you are the new bracers the guild spoke of?

Err... You're the Colonel Richard that Jean got in touch with?

Yes, I received word at Leiston Fortress, where the royal forces are stationed. I got here as quickly as I could, only to find that the crisis had passed. Excellent work, Lieutenant Schwarz.

Th-that's very kind of you, sir...

Ha ha...still, I wonder... What would bring the guards from the Royal City here? And so quickly... Perhaps you know of a route so secret that even our Intelligence Division is unaware of it?

S-surely you jest...


Ha ha. Come now, Captain. This is hardly a time to pick a fight.

I was simply admiring the proactive stance of the Royal Guardsmen. It's good to have you on our side.

If it please you, Lieutenant, we'll take over the investigation from here, and move matters to Leiston Fortress. I believe the mayor will be well attended to there.

Yes, sir. I understand.

Now, if you'll excuse us. Ladies and gentlemen of the Bracer Guild and Royal Guard...and the young lady in the uniform.


Fate willing, I think we shall see each other again.

And with that, I bid you farewell.

Hmm-hmm. Safe travels, everyone.

...but did the Colonel look like he was eyeballing Kloe to anyone else?
Turns out the Colonel is big ol creeper.
Weve all seen his hair. We knew it was coming.

Oh...w-was he?


I'm sure it's just because he doesn't see students very often in his line of work. I wouldn't make too much of it.

Oh, ha ha... Um...I'll bet you're right. That's probably it...

Hmm...that's not the impression I got at all...

...I'm certain that he's just as surprised as you are.

It's hard to believe that bracers so young would be so capable. He might be scouting you out to become part of the Royal Guard.

Oh, come on. Don't flatter us. We had a lot of help on this case.
Like, uh... Agate? He did yell himself to death, and that was pretty funny.

You needn't be so modest. You're not full-fledged bracers yet, but I presume that you wish to become so.

Well, yes, we're in training for it.

We intend to travel all over the country before the Queen's birthday celebration as part of our preparations.

I see... You're partaking in self-study, then.


We must be leaving soon. I hope that our paths will cross again.

Y-yes, ma'am!

We'll be looking forward to it.

...Thank you very much.
Fanfare blares out.


Royal Guardsmen Warship, Arseille... prepare for takeoff!

Yeah...and a state-of-the-art ship, to boot. But I guess you'd expect as much from the defenders of Her Majesty, the Queen.

Ha ha...true.

Lieutenant Schwarz sure is cool, though.

I think so, too.

Ha ha... What an odd coincidence.

Well okay, but thatll make reporting this whole affair a lot harder!

And the Arseille was there, too? She's supposed to be cutting-edge.

It's too bad I just work the info desk. I'd have liked to see that.

I never figured you for the military enthusiast.

Still, didn't you end up speaking to Colonel Richard?

Yes, he was on duty at Leiston HQ. I don't know how the Royal Guardsmen got there so quickly, though... I guess there's a lot more cross- communication in the military than I thought.

Amazing that they manage to communicate at all given how many agencies there are. Regular army, Border Patrol, Intelligence, the Royal Guard... It must be pretty complicated.

Cleaning up after an incident like this will be a major undertaking... What will happen to the administration of Ruan from now on?

Yeah...since the mayor's been arrested.

I'd imagine they'll be sending in someone as acting mayor. And if Dalmore is found guilty, elections will probably be held.

Plus, reparations will probably be made toward the orphanage.

Really? Thank goodness...

All of this is thanks to Estelle and Joshua. Thank you so much...truly.

Come don't have to be so formal.

We just did what was right. Plus, it wasn't just us. Agate played a big part.

Jean, have you received any word from him?!

Yes, but unfortunately... I'm afraid he wasn't able to capture the men in the black robes. They were not alone, apparently. Agate was ambushed.


Is he all right?

Yes, he managed to defeat them. I believe he gave chase, and they're on their way to Zeiss. By now, he's probably well outside of Ruan.

W-wow. Talk about hardcore...

Well, he's got plenty of experience, after all. He'd been chasing those black-robed characters for a while. I think they're related to a job your father asked him to do.

Dad asked him?!

And Agate just...did what he asked?

Ha ha...Well, the one to put Agate of the Ravens in his place was none other than Cassius himself. And whatever he might like to claim, Agate stood no chance against him.

Whoa, seriously?!

Cassius really beat some sense into him, and Agate's too stubborn to simply say thanks and leave it at that.

Ah, I get it... Maybe that's why he's so abrasive when it comes to us.

[Abrasive] barely covers that guy's attitude...

*hmph* Guess he's not so high and mighty where Dad's involved, huh!

Ha ha...

Oh, speaking of your father...

Something wrong?

Um, what about that black orbment that lit up and saved our lives at the mayor's estate...?

Oh yeah, that's right!

I wonder what that was all about...

That orbment may have saved our skins, but it was still weird...

An unusually-colored orbment, huh? What can you tell me about it?

Estelle explained that it, along with a memo, had been in a package addressed to Cassius.

I gathered that you'd received it from Cassius, but I had no idea there was such mystery behind it...

Hmmm... From [K] asking about a [Professor R]... Could it be...?

You know what it means?!

Not...specifically. I've got a hunch, but nothing to back it up. But if you want to know more about its origin, I'd suggest going to Zeiss.

Why Zeiss?

As you should know, Zeiss is famous for the manufacture of orbments. There must be someone there who might know something about your orbment.

Makes sense... We may never learn more about the Black Orbment without consulting an expert.

But we still have more training here to finish...

Ha ha...well, about may want to prepare yourselves.



Ha ha. You had to have seen this coming! I mean, you got a recommendation from Bose after the Sky Bandit incident...
Seriously. We solved a major case and got a Mayor arrested. What on earth has Melvin done? I bet he never even found those dentures.

Given your crucial roles in all the cases recently, I see no reason not to award it. Your assessment and reward have been prepared.
We get some big bucks, and advance to Class 3, netting us a Deathblow 1 quartz. Deathblow 1 is a time quartz (x3 time) which grants a 10% chance of inflicting instant death with your attacks.

Wow... All this on top of the pay for performing in the campus festival?

Thank you for everything you've done for us.

Come,'ve earned it. I confess, I'd also like to see you advance as quickly as possible. I believe we'll be able to make the best use of your talents this way.

Ha ha... Thank you, Jean.

We'll do our best to live up to your expectations.

Congratulations, both of you! It'll be kind of lonely here without you, though...

You're right... It'll be tough to say goodbye.

Oh...please don't mind me. I'm just being selfish.

Will you please tell me when you find out what day you're leaving? I'd like to see you off, at least as far as the Air-Letten checkpoint.
Three chapters down, two to go. Chapter 2 isnt my favorite chapter, but there is a lot to like about it. Ive already mentioned how well done I found the play to be, and the chapter also introduces and develops Agate and Kloes characters, who are some of the more important party members. The entire ending sequence, from the confrontation with the Black-Clad men to the end, is also a lot of fun, with some nice set-pieces (like the boat-chase scene).
That said, the chapter does keep in somewhat of a holding pattern from Chapter 1. The Black-Clad Men show up again, but we dont learn much more about them, and the only real development with the Black Orbment subplot is that it does something, which isnt a huge revelation.
That said, were going into Chapter 3 now, where some of the disparate plot threads established in the Prologue through Chapter 2 start to come together, and the overarching plot starts to take form. Look forward to it!
Black-Clad Man: Stubborn bastard!

I guess you're finally taking me seriously. Good. I was getting sick of playing tag with you fools.
Black-Clad Man: He's not going to give up until he's dead...
Black-Clad Man 2: What a stubborn idiot... Does he really think he can beat 2-to-1 odds?

Ha ha. I think I already have.
Black-Clad Man: What...?!

Every fight takes spirit. You lose that, you've lost everything. And I figured out exactly what kind of spirit you losers had when you took off with your tails between your legs.
Black-Clad Man: S-silence, guilder dog!
Black-Clad Man 2: We can handle you. You're in for a painful death!
Black-Clad Man 2: D-damn it... We can't get caught now...!

Heh. Okay, how about you just surrender and give me your full confessions? Starting with who you are and what you're after.
Black Clad Man: C-commander!
Black Clad Man 2: You came for us!

You fail to report in as appointed, and this is why?
Black-Clad Man: W-we have no excuses.
Black-Clad Man 2: We've had a lot of interference...

I get it... So you're the man in charge?

Ha ha... Only of this particular scene. Allow me to apologize on behalf of my men. Could I persuade you to overlook this incident?

Huh? Okay, repeat that...

I said that I'd like for you to overlook this incident. We never had any intention of running afoul of the Bracer Guild.

Don't make me laugh. You think I'm just going to look the other way, and let you get away with what you did?!

Ah, well. I had thought it a generous offer, personally. Certainly a fairer price than death.

Return to the rendezvous point at once.
Black-Clad Man: Y-yes, sir!
Black-Clad Man 2: Thank you, commander!

Son of a...

Heh, fine. The target may have changed, but as long as I have one... You look like folks who have some important information, after all...

Ha that what you want?

Bring it on!
Silver Will is my favorite track in the game, which means a lot when youre talking about a Falcom game. You should definitely listen to it, unless youre at work or in class and cant listen to music, in which case get back to work you lazy bum!

You have an irrepressible passion, but a great weight bears down upon you... You are not...quite so different from me.


...What did you just say?

You have overcome your own weakness. I see it in your eyes.


Ha ha ha, fine then. I don't know who you are, but I think I like you...

We both share a hatred of the unskilled, do we not? Perhaps we could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement...?

You're in for one hell of a beatdown!

Music Stops

You think you can mess with the guild?

Wh-what the...?
Agate sensed something faint from the dark forest beyond.
No matter what you do, the Masked Mans lines come in slowly, like so.
Mans Voice: And a heavy heart makes for a light blade...

Why don't you come out from hiding and say that?!
Man's Voice: To become a true warrior, you must be ready for anything.
Man's Voice: In order to live as a must forgo all anger and grief.
The presence in the trees seemed to have vanished.

Forgo...? How the hell am I supposed to do that...?
I really like these post-chapter scenes (the post chapter 1 scene, if you dont recall, was Olivier and Schera on the way back to Rolent). For the most part, the game tends to center the camera around Estelle and Joshua, and so its always interesting to see a scene that completely abandons this, and shows something thats not really related to them all. It helps to sell the impression that theres a lot of interesting things going on the in the background of the world, and that Estelle and Joshua are only a smaller part of a greater whole. Putting them into the void between chapters is also a little meta-touch to the narrative that helps cultivate this impression.
The scenes themselves tend to be quite well done, for a variety of reasons. The scene after Chapter 1 featured the revelation that Olivier is an operative for the Empire, and that Cassius is apparently one of the most influential men in the country. The scene was just saw is basically our first real introduction to the Masked Man, and it also has a surprisingly impressive fight scene (that sword jump
) set to the best track in the game. The scene after Chapter 3 is equally impressive, but thats not for a couple months.
Next time: Chapter 3!