Part 41: Because of you, I know how to be brave.
Welcome back. Last time, we wrapped up most of our business in Ruan. The Mayor and Gilbert were taken into custody, and we received a recommendation from the Ruan Branch, meaning we're free to continue our cross-country trek. Our next stop is Zeiss, where somebody might know something about the mysterious black orbment.
Oh, and Agate got into a duel with the mysterious masked commander of the black-clad men. (There are a lot of mysterious black things in the plot right now.)

Could be. Want to kill some time at the tavern?
I'm sure Nial would appreciate the company.'s nice out, so I think I'd rather just wait here. I doubt I could ever get tired of the view of the river.

Yeah, no kidding.

Pretty amazing considering the uproar after Mayor Dalmore's arrest...

Well, a seated mayor has never been arrested before. Try to imagine if Mayor Klaus was arrested in Rolent.

Yeah...that would be a real shock...

But when I think of it that way, the people of Ruan almost seem... Cold. I mean, they were clearly surprised by what happened...but not a single person was truly shocked, far as I can tell.
Politician corrupt, news at 11.

Well, you have to remember, the mayor of Ruan has always been selected by bloodline alone. He wasn't elected to his position by the Ruanians. And that probably makes all the difference in the world.

Yeah, that's true. The people of Rolent appointed Klaus mayor because they liked him, and trusted him... Dalmore's getting what he deserves, but I still feel kinda bad for him.


Oh, Sieg!

I'm sorry... *huff* ...that I'm late.

No problem. We just got here, ourselves.

Don't tell us you ran all the way here... You really didn't need to rush.

I couldn't let you two go without seeing you off. Thank you very much for contacting me.

Kloe...I keep telling you, you don't have to thank us.

You too, Sieg. Thanks for coming.


Ha ha. Well, then...shall we be off?

Okay... We need to use the south exit to reach Zeiss, right?

Yes. There's a checkpoint on the southern road there called Air-Letten. You can set out for Zeiss from there.
We beat up a duke there! (Or at least, that's how I choose to remember it.)

Roger that.

Okay, let's go!

Before we leave, we can say our goodbyes to all the colorful characters we've met over this chapter.
Baring the ones in jail, of course.


Are you feeling better?

Fit as a fiddle. I'm back at work, as of today. I wish I had some way to pay you back for all the trouble I put you through.

Oh, come on...

Once you become full-fledged bracers, come back to Ruan. I'll be waiting for you.
Heading upstairs...
Melvin: What's going on...?

It's not so much that his crimes are unforgivable, but I think he might be too... I pray that he will come to regret straying from the path.

It hasn't been so long, but there's been lots going on, both good and bad. It sure is good to see you two. Once everything really settles down for good, we can all focus on our futures. I hope you have fun when you go to Zeiss.
We're not staying the night, Hans.

I read in the Liberl News about Mayor Dalmore and his dirty little schemes. I guess that's why he acted all innocent and benevolent when he gave his donation at the festival. And he was even nasty enough to attack the matron afterwards! He must really be rotten to the core...
Hey, wait, we don't know her!
Purity: I'm looking around for stuff to help me with the novel I'm writing. All the books I've been reading lately have really inspired me to write something of my own. Here, take a look at this one. I found it particularly moving.

Yeah...we've gotta go to Zeiss, actually.

Oh, I see...

We're all greatly indebted to you, for all that you've done. It pains me that I can't repay your kindness like you deserve.

I'm really just glad that all those kids are happy again.

Estelle... Please, be well and safe on your journey to Zeiss.

Thank you, ma'am. We wish you all the best.

On behalf of everyone, thank you.
Speaking of the kids...
They seem to be doing fine
Anyway, we're almost done. We've still got a crotchety old man to visit, lest he somehow tear a hole in space time to chew us out from afar.

It WAS pretty crazy. Speaking of which, how are you holding up?
Vogt: Hmm, I admit I was a tad fuzzy until just a bit ago, but the ol' noggin's back to normal now. Right as rain, I'd say.

It looks like the anesthetic has completely worn off, then. Luckily it was a pretty harmless dose to begin with, so there shouldn't be any lasting effects.

That's a relief to hear.
Vogt: Well then, I guess it's time I get back to my work.

Don't overdo it. You may feel fine now, but you just got over the effects of the drug.
Vogt: Hm, ya just may be right. Then I guess this old man'll take a few more breathers than he normally does. That should do the trick.
And there we have it. Onwards to Zeiss, and onwards to adventure!

We can't leave without returning it.

Umm... We borrowed it from the bar in the harbor, right?

Oh, the Aqua Rossa?
Damn it! Adventure postponed.
Squaro: Ah, thank you. So, did the Goddess smile upon your rod today? Just let me know if you get hungry. I'll cook you the best meal you've ever had.
Adventure back on!
Roadrunners? This is a great adventure already.

Unlike Wile E. Coyote, we can take care of him pretty easily.

We also run into some Gourd Bears, which don't do much damage but faint, a Corn Mover, which attacks at a range and poison, and a Flying Moth...

Which can petrify. Get hit again and you're dead, which would be pretty darn embarrassing for a random encounter!


You can actually revive yourself out of battle, which I really like. I know it makes absolutely no sense, but it always annoys me in an RPG when my only character who can revive dies and I don't have any reviving items.
We get a better view of the waterfall, now that we're visiting for plot and not sideplot.

The view here is breathtaking. Certainly doesn't feel like a checkpoint, that's for sure!

Actually, I hear that a lot of visitors come here to see the waterfall.

Really? Ruan sure has a lot of beautiful places. Contrary to whatever the duke might think...


But I think Rolent is also a nice, relaxing place to live.

Oh, you've been to Rolent?

Yes, I've been to all five of the great cities.

Oh, that's right... Zeiss is up ahead... You'll be surprised how charming it is.

Hmm... Really?

Sounds like we're in for some fun.

All right. Why don't we get the paperwork started, then?
That's not fun at all, though!


We were wondering what had to be done to obtain permission to enter Zeiss.
Specialist Cromwell: Ah, okay, then. Step right up! I'll take care of you. Be aware, though, that once these procedures have begun, you will not be allowed to leave the checkpoint. Are you okay with that?
Of course we are. Ain't no looking back now.

Yeah. Go ahead, please.
Cromwell: Then please start by signing these documents.
Estelle and Joshua signed their names to the documents.
Cromwell: All right, everything looks to be in order. Is the young lady there not joining you?

Oh, I only came to see them off.
Cromwell: Ahh, very well, then. You'll be able to accompany them as far as the mouth of the Kaldia Tunnel.

Thank you very much.

What's the Kaldia Tunnel?
Cromwell: It is the main road that joins this checkpoint to Zeiss. The path is a long tunnel that passes directly through Kaldia Hill. underground road...

That'll definitely be a first for me, too.

I think it's called the Lhotse Waterway. It was made a very long time ago.

Yes, and it's linked directly to the Valleria Lakeshore.

Pretty impressive, given that they did it without any orbments to help.

So, what's that over there...?


So, you're going to be traveling around the kingdom, right? We might be able to meet again in Grancel.


I'll be going back there when the Queen's birthday celebration starts. Some of my relatives will be there, so I have to join them.

That's just a month away, isn't it? I think we may actually be in Grancel around that time.

So, then... Once you're done with your family stuff, contact the Grancel guild branch. If you do, we can try to meet up.

I certainly will.

Estelle and Joshua... I can't thank you enough. I won't ever forget everything that you've done for me.

C-come on... Don't be so formal!

We're in your debt as well, for many reasons. I'd say we're pretty even.

What a thing to say...

When...when we confronted the mayor... I said some terrible things. [You care for no one but yourself...] But...I was no different.


I've been running away from the reality of my own situation for a while now. To the orphanage...and to the Academy...

But the two of you taught me something. You helped me find the courage to hold my head high... and find the strength to protect what matters.

Because of you, I know how to be brave.

I...I don't really get it... but if we were able to help you, I'm happy.

Ha ha... Cheer up, okay?

We'll see each other again in Grancel!

Yes... Absolutely.



That was a joke. I mean, Grancel's pretty far away! I don't think those wings would hold... Besides...your home is here...


Ha ha... Sieg isn't just any bird, you know. I think he'll be there.

I'm sure.

Ha ha ha. Sieg's just full of surprises, isn't he?

Well, then... Shall we be off?


Hey... Good luck to both of you on your journey. And I'll be praying for you to find your father.
I'm sure he'll show up whenever it would be most inconvenient.


Thank you!

You two take care!


Yes, I think so, too. We'll see them again.
Music Stops

You're done with your duties at Leiston Fortress?

Yes. It took longer than I had anticipated. Pardon my rudeness, but I've come to get your report on the incident.

Thank you for your service.


Hey, now... Settle down, Sieg. Have you been fulfilling your duty as escort?


Ha ha... He's always been very helpful. Isn't that right, Sieg?

He's certainly chipper.

You're to report in there.


...I'll be leaving school for a while. I need to say goodbye to my teachers before returning to Grancel.
Next time: Speak softly, and carry a big gun.
Liberl News - Issue 6
Carnelia: Chapter 6