Part 43: Dark Thingy of Impending DOOM
Welcome back. Last time, we headed to Zeiss, in our quest to examine the Black Orbment and possibly find out who the mysterious Proffesor [R] from Cassius's letter is. On the way, we met Tita, an adorable little engineer from the Central Factory. Anyway, now we've got ourselves a fancy letter of introduction to the Factory Chief.
Oh, and SC is being localized. I know it's technically not something that happened in the game, but I'm still excited.
Hazel: Welcome to the Central Factory. Can I help you?

We... are from the Bracer Guild!

We'd like to meet with the factory head, if we may.
Estelle reached into her pouch, paused for dramatic effect, then flourished the introduction note to meet the factory chief. Joshua looked stoic and tried not to roll his eyes.
Hazel: I-I...see. Just a moment, please.
Hazel used the intercom, keeping one wary eye on Estelle all the while.
I want to buy the narrator a drink. Secret best character.
Hazel: Sir? I'm terribly sorry to bother you during your...
Hazel: Yes...yes sir. The people from the Bracer Guild are...
Hazel: ...
Hazel: Yes sir. Right away.
Hazel: Factory Chief Murdock will see you now. His office is upstairs on the second floor.

Nice. I didn't think he'd see us so quickly.
It was the dramatic flourish, obviously.

Let's not keep him waiting.
An elevator trip later, were busting into his office.

Uh, yes! Its nice to meet you, sir.

We're sorry to bother you at work like this.

The Bracer Guild... and Cassius in particular... have done a great deal for me in the past. It would be rude of me not to welcome his children.

Huh?! You know Dad?!
Who doesnt, really?

I guess you might say that. He was my benefactor.

It's no exaggeration to say that the Central Factory produces the finest orbments in the land. Naturally, the confrontations over our craft have never really stopped. Whenever we had a problem, we'd always contact the Rolent branch and have him come over.

I... I see...

Heh. That explains all the 'business trips' then.

And now, my benefactor's kids come to visit me themselves. So what can I do for you? I'm happy to help.

Hee hee... Thanks, sir.

Well, it's kind of a long story...
Joshua and Estelle explained to Murdock about the events surrounding the mysterious Black Orbment.

I see... Well, then... Would you mind if I had a look at this orbment?

Sure, no problem.
Estelle produced the Black Orbment and handed it to the factory head.

Hmm... Well, this certainly is an oddity. It's obviously made from modern materials, but the caliber isn't inscribed anywhere.


You mean the numbers that are carved into the orbment's frame?

Exactly. It's almost unheard of for an orbment to be produced without them. That's not just in Liberl, either. Most other nations on the continent are the same way. It's been a tradition dating back to when the orbments were first invented, fifty years ago.
This seems to hold up outside of the plot too. Im sure you recall that most of the standard orbments are basically of the form [Effect #] (like HP 2), meaning the 2 is presumably the caliber. Some, like Strike or Blind, dont have a number in-game, but who knows? Maybe all the status effect orbments are Caliber IV, or something.

Huh... You don't say.
Estelle took out her combat orbment and eyeballed it suspiciously.

...You're right. There are numbers, right there. Crazy.

*sigh*... You mean to say that you've NEVER noticed, in all this time?

Oh, you hush!

But seriously, is it really that strange for one to have no caliber on it?

It's pretty much a part of the production process, and that goes for any orbal factory. It's as if this one were a prototype or something...

If so, I'd imagine it wasn't made to entertain at birthday parties, if you take my meaning.
Estelle is the next Shakespeare.

Of course, I can't say for certain without looking inside.


What is it?

Bah... I can't find the maintenance cover. And now that I really look at it, it has no seams to it at all. How the hell was this thing made? Hmmm... I don't see any way to check out the inside of it.

Aw, man...

Would it be possible to cut it open?

That might work, yes... ...but I'd hate to just break something belonging to Cassius like that.
After 16 years, I imagine Estelle is pretty okay with it.



Maybe we should let that professor handle it.

Oh, right...the one mentioned in the note...

Yeah, he should be able to tell us something.


There was a note that was included with the orbment.
Estelle showed Murdock the note that was in the package for Cassius.

[Please ask Professor R to do an analysis...]

You wouldn't happen to know who this [Professor R] is, would you?

Well, let me think... From the letter R, and the people that Cassius knew... It must be Professor Russell.

I thought so.

Who's Professor Russell? And wait a second... How do YOU know this guy?

I don't, but I know OF him. He's pretty famous in Liberl for his orbment-crafting skills.
It would annoy me that he never really mentioned it, but if you think about it, it honestly didnt really make a difference. We werent investigating the orbment until after the incident in Ruan, and ever since weve come to Zeiss information has basically been dropped in our lap (so weve never been lacking for a lead). I cant imagine anything would have changed if Josh shared his hunch. He would have mentioned that R probably meant Russel, everyone would have agreed to see him when their Bracer training brings them to Zeiss, and then hey! Exact same situation as were in now.
If you're observant, you can actually notice this slightly early, as the most recent issue of the Liberl News mentions Professor Russel by name.

Hey, you know your stuff.

...but Professor Russell was his apprentice of sorts. Forty years ago, he brought the orbments and his knowledge back, and that's why Liberl is a technologically advanced nation.

You might say that he was the father of the Orbal Revolution.

Wow... Now, that IS impressive.

Man, I had no idea that Dad knew anyone like that.

Even so, it worries me a little that you'll be letting the old prof...uh, handle this orbment. We have no idea what it is, really...


Well, how to put this... For good or ill, he's a certified genius. At one time, his scientist's mind was so active that it brought about scores of new inventions and changes.

Not least of which was when the orbal airships were first developed...


(Uh, what's with the far-off look...?)

(I guess that a lot's happened...)

*ahem* Sorry.

Well, I'm sure that he'll be able to figure this thing out. Go find him and ask him about it. It can't hurt.

Thanks, Chief!

Where should we go to find him?

Hmmm... Hold on a moment.

Testing, testing... Ah, good. Actually, I've been looking for you. Sorry to bother you, but can you come here?

All right. I'll be waiting.

What, did you just call the professor, or something?

Oh, no, no. He actually has a private workshop in town. He has all the latest technology at his disposal, so I know he can figure out something about that thing.

Wow... He really must be a genius.

...Wait. Then who did you call?

His granddaughter. She works here at the factory. I'm sure the child will be happy to show you the way.

The [child]?
If you were paying close attention to when Tita joined the party, you already know whats about to happen. Her status had her down as Tita Russell, so its Tita. Shes about to walk through the door.

The she is.


Oh... Estelle and Joshua?

You mean that you know each other?

Yeah... We only just met a little while ago, though.

So then, I guess that she's the professor's granddaughter?


Tita. I've been talking with Estelle and Joshua here... I'd like for you to show them the way to your house.

To see Grandpa... Okay, I will.

I appreciate it.

Ah, yes. If you learn anything new, I'd love it if you came back and told me. As an engineer, I'm extremely curious to know more about this.

Ha ha ha. Sure thing.

If you'll excuse us, then...

It's no wonder you're so comfortable with orbments.

Hee hee... Oh, come on... I'm still just studying under my grandpa...

Oh, by the way... Do you bracers have business with my grandpa?

Weeeell...sort of.

The situation is kind of complicated.
We want him to do a science for us!

We can explain everything once we see your grandfather.

Oh, okay.

Um, my house is in the southwest corner of town. Get off the escalator and go straight until you reach the south entrance...

Then turn to the west and there it is.

Got it. Well, let's get moving.
Sounds simple enough! Lets find the place.
uh crap. Must have made a wrong turn.
Unless he lives on the top floor of the Bracer guild.
I dont think he lives on the top floor of the Bracer guild.
Wong: You? Now?
Gundolf: Yeah, just a little one. The army kind of asked for me I'm off to the capital. It's not just you, anyway... you've got those two juniors. Put your heads together. You'll be fine. I won't be gone more than a couple of days or so.
Wong: Yes, sir... I'll do my best.
Gundolf: Good. And relax.
Gundolf: Who's this? You guys have good timing.
Wong: ...Excuse me?

What? Y-yeah, we are.

I'm Junior Bracer Joshua.

I'm Estelle.
Gundolf: Estelle, Joshua! You've shown up at quite a convenient time!

Excuse me...are you on your way to the capital?
Gundolf: Yeah, I was. A small...request... came up. I'm leaving things here in Zeiss to you two and Wong for the time being. Don't burn the place down!
Howabout flooding, looting or massive power outages? I just want to know the ground rules here.
Wong: ...So, yes. We could use your help.

Sure. You can rely on us!

We'll do our best.
Gundolf: It's settled then. I'll leave things to you all.
Cool! This impacts nothing!
Okay. Weve got it this time.

Wow... nice place.

Professor Russell is here?

No, I think he's in the workshop.

We should go and say hi, then.
Russell is at his desk doing... science? Lets call it science.

Grrrr... Okay, maybe this way...
I really hope its science.

Uhh... this is the professor?

My name is Estelle Bright, of the Bracer Guild. We actually came to get your expert opinion on--




Ah ha ha! I did it! It's finally complete! That's right! Who's the man? I'm the man! Yes, I should start testing it at once!
Russels character art perfectly captures the idea of a loveable, highly-eccentric science-man, and thats exactly what he is.

Wh-what the hell?!

I-I'm sorry, Estelle... Grandpa kinda goes into a trance when he's working, and he doesn't really notice what's going on around him. I think he just finished up the device he's been working on for the past few days.

Ah, I see. He really is something.

Oh, he's SOMETHING all right.

I'm so embarrassed...
We head downstairs, in hot pursuit of the professor.

There are some people here who need to talk to you.


I need your help with compiling the data from these tests.

Um, but, Grandpa...

This new invention will actually block a biosensor orbment's detection faculties. It emits a unique orbal force field that deflects the energy that a biosensor sends out when it scans.

Oh, really?

Yes, really. Since when do I overstate my own accomplishments? Now, come on! We've got testing to do!

And then - just like her grandpa - Tita ignores us in the name of science. Its both adorable, and its a good establishing character moment. Shes more socially aware than her old man, but deep down, shes just as obsessed with research as grandpa

Never mind, Estelle. I think we should just let them be for a little while.

Hey! You, with the black hair!

Who? Me?

Who else? On the upstairs bookcase is a notebook titled, [Orbal Energy as Applied to Force Fields.] Go get it! Go on, be quick about it!

A-all right.
Joshua runs off. Have a spine

Wait... Joshua...!

Hey! Young lady! You with the antenna hair!


Quit farting around and make some coffee!
Okay, maybe I shouldnt have called him loveable. Curmudgeonly, maybe?

Why should I have to make you coffee?!

I take it black, by the way. I want it clear as mud!

You're not hearing a word I say...

*sigh* Fine. Whatever!
Estelle runs off, to make some coffee as bitter as she is right now.

All set, Grandpa!

Just as fast as ever!


Who? ...Come to think of it, I do vaguely recall a couple of young folks... Murdock sent along some fresh faces, then, I presume?

After many small (but relatively harmless) explosions and some singeing of the eyebrows, the day gave way to evening...

Ha ha ha! Sorry about all that. I just assumed you were both new employees at the Central Factory. So it's only natural that you wound up being drafted as assistants.

Grr... This is no laughing matter. Especially since the only thing you had me helping with was making coffee! Girls can bang metal parts together, too, old man!
And how! They missed an opportunity for some eyebrow-less portraits, though.

Relax, Estelle. We got some valuable experience out of the deal, in the end. How often does one get to participate in startup tests on a brand-new type of orbment, after all?

Well, now. You're a bright lad, then, aren't you?

Want to give up this bracer nonsense and start up in the field of orbal engineering?


I'm really sorry, guys... I guess I got caught up in the moment, too.

You don't need to apologize, sweetie.

But I thought the [Father of the Orbal Revolution] was going to be some really amazing man... Not some old fart with attention deficit issues.

Ha ha ha! Please, you're too kind.
Id hate to see what Russel considers mean.

So you really do know our dad?

Yes, from way back when. I've known him since his army days, some 20 years or so.

I've met him, too. He had the really nice mustache, right?
Yes, yes he did

Weeeell... I don't know if I'd call it [nice,] so much as [suspicious-looking.]

And, in the end, it's probably best that you-know-what was entrusted to us.

Yes, I have to agree.


What are you talking about? And what was it you wanted my help with?

Estelle explained to the professor the whole sequence of events surrounding the black orbment.

...I see.

Wow...a pitch-black orbment...

Yes. Quite intriguing. And with no inscribed caliber or seams... Look at that frame, too...
Professor Russell produced a cutting tool from his belt.
Without a word, he pushed the blade's edge against the outer shell of the orbment.

Wait, what are you doing?

It's a special alloy steel cutter.


Just as I thought...

Here, take a look.

Estelle, Joshua and Tita peered intently at the black orbment.

There's not even a scratch...


The frame is made from some type of metal that I've never before encountered. Opening it up for a closer look is going to be quite the task, I think.

Th-that's just crazy...

If we can't find some way to open it, we'll be right back to square one...

Well, I can certainly spend some time on trying... But first, I think that maybe we should put it under a measurement scan.

A what, now?

That huge piece of equipment you saw when we were working on the experiment. It can gauge orbal energy activity in real time.

...You're making my head hurt with your techno-babble. Just tell me what using that thing'll accomplish.

To put it in layman's terms, it'll allow us to see what this orbment is supposed to do. Beyond its ability to shut down all other orbal activity within a certain range, of course.

And that should give us a major clue.


Grandpa... Shouldn't we have lunch, first?


Estelle and Joshua, you're both welcome to join us. I can't promise it'll be anything special, but...

Sounds great to me!♪

We'll even help with prep.

All right. Come on, then. I've got a bit to do while lunch is prepared.

Noooooo! I wanna see it, too. No fair working when I'm not around.

My house, my rules!

(Now I see where she gets it...)

Estelle, if you'll put the orbment on the stand...


Yes, thank you. Are you ready, Tita?

All set.

Good, good.

Now commencing orbal force measurement test on...the Black Orbment.

[Black Orbment]? Is that what we're calling it?

Kind of a simple name... Why not something cool like... Dark Thingy of Impending DOOM?
Estelle follows the Calvin school of naming theory, I see

No, no. Simple is best. Anything longer than [Black Orbment] would just be annoying to say.
Ill make sure to call it the Dark Thingy of Impending DOOM, dont you worry Estelle.

Awww... Look at her. She's all anxious to start.

Huh...? Oh, hee hee...

All right. Let's begin. Tita, if you'll activate the scanner, please?


Put all measuring equipment on standby...


Okay, from here on out is the real deal. Since no direct input or output was detected, all we can do is measure how the central crystal circuit responds...

Now let's see just how much this contraption is really worth!

You're sure in a good mood.

Aaaaand CLICK!

Neat... It's all glowing and stuff.

I get it. It's putting a major strain on the crystal circuit...

There, there...

Tita! Any readings?

Y-yes... But they're kind of weird...


The tachometer needle's shaking like crazy.

Ah... N-now it's spinning around the dial!



What's going on here?!


It's that same black light from before!

We switch to a nice, idyllic view of Zeiss.
I think we broke it 
What did Gundolf say about power outages? They were fine, right?
People make their way into the streets, although theres thankfully no looting.

We have to shut it down!

Don't you dare! Just a little longer and we'll have something...!


What in...

Bah! We have no choice, then! Terminate the experiment!
Music Stops

Th-they're back on...


Let's see the readout... Nothing. It didn't record anything. And the only thing that kept working was the scanner on which the Black Orbment sat, but even that, well... As for everything else...

Fine... All the lights are back, like nothing happened. No one's panicking or anything yet.


But just what the hell was all that?


...was what I would dub the [Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon.]

The what-down?

You mean how everything inside all the orbments just stopped working at once.

So the Black Orbment did this?

Yes, I've no doubt.

But I would never have dared to guess that its effect would be so extensive. Hmmmmmmmm... There's definitely more to this than I expected.

Interesting! Most interesting, indeed!

Only YOU would think causing a blackout over an entire city is [interesting]...

The feeling is NOT mutual! Every single time you invent something, it means trouble for ME. What the hell were you up to that would cause all of the power downtown to go out?!

How rude. It's not even my fault this time. See that, there? That's the Black Orbment, and IT caused this.

Is that the...

Okay, I get it. If that's the root of this, then it's genuine extenuating circumstances.

Ahh, nuts. You got me...

Are they always like this?

This is so embarrassing...
Next time: Thanks, Étienne Lenoir!