Part 44: That's...kind of creepy, Estelle.
Welcome back. Last time, we found out the mysterious Professor R was actually Professor Russell, Titas grandfather. The old curmudgeon and young not-curmudgeon helped us examine the Black Orbment Dark Thingy of Impending Doom, which in this case means we accidentally set off a fantasy EMP and took out power to the entire city. Whoops!
Its morning now though, and it seems like there wasnt much looting during the power outage. Which is probably a good thing. I imagine looting is a lot of paperwork.

I was surprised enough at the town, but I really wasn't expecting to deal with anything like that.

Ha ha. No kidding.

But back on the subject of the black orbment... It's much more powerful than I'd ever imagined possible.

Yeah... What's the prof gonna do, now that his equipment's gone all kerflooey?
Im sure he has kerflooey insurance.

Good morning... Quite a big day yesterday.

Hee hee, no kidding!

Did you guys sleep okay?

Yep, like babies.

Is the professor already up?

Oh, he left for the Central Factory early this morning.

He said something about how the black orbment absolutely must remain a secret.

Wow. I guess the factory chief guy is a real glutton for punishment if he let the prof in there.

We really appreciate both of you taking the time just to look over something a couple of relative strangers brought you.

Oh, it's fine, really. Grandpa and I will study just about anything that catches our eye.

I should go to the factory, myself, once I'm done with breakfast. What do you plan to do?

I figured we'd stick around. I wanna know what's really going on with that orbment.

Maybe there's something we can do to help.

Yay! Then you can come with me!

Uh-oh! I almost forgot about the soup!

Just a second, you two! I'll bring you breakfast as soon as I make sure it's edible, and not on fire!

She could be like a pet, cheering us up whenever we're feeling down!

That's...kind of creepy, Estelle.
Estelle thinks Tita is the cutest thing since a gorilla making friends with a kitty, and it never gets old.
Estelles stomach of iron strikes again.

Off to the Central Factory!

Before we do that, I'd like to check in at the guild. I think it might be best to report on what happened yesterday, just to be on the safe side.

Well, okay... Hey, Tita... Would you mind if we stopped by there on our way?

Sure, go ahead.

When you are ready we'd like your full report on it.

Business as usual, Kilika?
Joshua explained the details of the orbal blackout.

I see... So the orbment that was sent to Cassius in secret was in fact something dangerous... The guild is very interested in these developments. We need to continue working with Professor Russell for the present.

We thought you'd say that.

When we have more information we'll contact you immediately.
There are some new sidequests available, but like always those are going in their own separate update.
So for now, lets make like a worker in the industrial revolution and work incredibly long days for shit pay go to the factory.

Ah, hello, Tita. And you two are here, as well, I see.

Heh heh... What can I say? We were worried.

So, what are you working on?

Well, as you can see, I'm trying to cut into the Black Orbment... but it hasn't been going very well.

What seems to be the problem?

Perhaps a demonstration is in order...

Whoa... What's THAT thing?!

It's a circular saw. It's made of a special alloy that can cut through basically anything...

That outta do it, then. stopped...

I thought that might happen...

It's on a smaller scale, but it's the same phenomenon as yesterday.

It seems like the Black Orbment is blocking the functionality of the other orbments. Interfering with them, in some way. And I doubt it was solely made for the purpose of killing the lights.


But, Grandpa... Doesn't the effect spread like it did last night?

Yes, good thinking. This interference with nearby orbments seems to spread out, moving from orbment to orbment, like chain lightning.

I'd put the range at about five arge. But if there are no orbments powered on within that range...well, then that's where the effect stops.

I see... That makes sense.

However, even with that knowledge, there's no way to know why it causes machines to simply stop without getting a look inside it. It's very troubling.

Is there any way to destroy the thing? Maybe with a good scream and a really hard whack?

Don't be ridiculous. Didn't you see the big saw do exactly nothing to it just a moment ago?
Please. Were tougher than a saw.

Well, yeah...

Anyone thought of trying fire? Maybe it'd melt down in a blast furnace or something.

If we did that, the insides of it would melt, too...

Oh, yeah. Well, it was worth a shot.

...Actually, it might work.


You know of a way to burn it open?

No, that's not what I meant. Orbal power...that which drives orbments to work...can't be used for this problem. We'll have to find a way that doesn't rely on any orbal energy.


Is there even such a thing?

It's a device that burns fuel to generate energy. The idea's been around for a long time, but it's very inefficient when compared to an orbal engine.

However, all you need to work on them are standard tools.


I get it... Fire is the key.

But, Grandpa... I've never even seen one of them.

I'm pretty certain that there's one under study in the Central Factory workshop.

Oh, you'll need to get fuel, as well.

Like oil or something?

No, it's called gasoline. It's extremely flammable. There's likely a tank or canister of it stored in reserve. Hmm... Yes, it should do the job.
I kinda like how were using real world technologies as a backup. It think it helps to sell the authenticity of the world, by showing that real world techs were invented and considered, just abandoned in favor of fantasy world energy sources. Orbal Energy being much more efficient than the Combustion Engine also helps explain the idyllic, seemingly high quality of life that Rolent has.

I'll start getting the tools ready!

I'll help...

Is there anything we can do? I mean, I can't do anything super-technical like Tita can...

Well, you could go and get the engine and gasoline. It's going to be heavy, but you bracers should be strong enough to move it.

Okay! Leave it to us!

So... Where would we find these?

Hmm? Let's see...

Don't tell me that you've forgotten...

I've forgotten.

He just said not to say that!

U-um...Estelle? If you look in the Operations room, you could probably find them.

What the heck is an [Operations] room?

It's a room with a bunch of orbal computers. It's on the fifth floor. We store all kinds of information there for safekeeping.

Wow... I didn't even know there was such a place.

Then I leave it in your capable hands.

*sigh* Making coffee, fetching stuff... Well played, old man. Well played.

Oh, well. Let's go find this Operations room thingy.
Indeed! I think we can do this.

Finding a replacement for him isnt going to be easy.
Okay maybe we cant. Take two!

This has to be the [Operations] room.
Travis: I haven't seen you before, so you mind telling me what business you have in here? My name's Travis, senior engineer and supervisor.

Nice to meet you. We're with the Bracer Guild.

We're here at the request of Professor Russell, so if--
Travis: Professor Russell?! H-he's not in trouble again, is he?
Only kind of.

[Again]...? You really don't have much faith in him, do you?
Travis: No, I mean... I realize that he's a genius. He was the one who developed the Capel unit, after all. But even being acquainted with him results in no end of trouble. Tita, on the other hand, is an incredibly sweet girl. Just an all-around good kid.

Ha ha... Yeah, I get what you mean.

But I don't think we have time to stand around talking, in this case.

We need to find where the Central Factory stores its equipment.
Travis: Oh, is that what this is all about? In that case, go right ahead. I'll show you how it works.
Travis: These days, they mostly get used to assist in airship navigation...but this one is equipped for the fastest general-purpose data processing in the world. It can be used for anything, from calculating material density to information retrieval. Now, for information retrieval... You have to use this front panel to select that mode. That will send the signal through the wiring and allow you to access the memory orbment. There's a quartz inside that trains a rapid light pulse on it, you see. Then, it simply extracts the data you want. So, I trust you know how it works now?
Obviously. We are super smart and competent bracer who definitely isnt lying.

Yep! No sweat!

I'm impressed, Estelle. You're way better with modern technology than I am.

All that stuff went completely over my head.
Travis: Well, heres the setup. You change the mode with this panel. I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time.
I wouldnt bet on it!
Okay, maybe you should bet on it. It seems pretty straightforward.
Anyway, most of this is just world-building stuff, which will go in the Extras section.

What were here for is the gasoline and the Combustion Engine.

Wow... It's like a magic box or something.

Orbal computers are really something.
Travis: As I understand it, Professor Russell's teacher, Professor Epstein, was responsible for the original concept. But it was Professor Russell's talent that made an idea into reality. *sigh* If only his presence of mind were on par with his intelligence.

Ha ha... Well, Aidios isn't one to bestow two blessings on one person.

By the way, where can we find the guy who has one of those combustion engine-thingies? The maintenance chief, right? Where is he?
Travis: He's currently overseeing the airfield, so you'd have to go there to speak to him. Also, the gasoline is likely in orbment manufacturing, in the basement. Talk to the staff there. I'm sure they'll be happy to get it for you.

Maintenance Chief Gustav is down at the airfield, working on a combustion engine... And the gasoline is in the basement orbment manufacturing facility.

Thanks! You've been a big help.
Travis: Think nothing of it. Let me know if you need anything else.
We could always use a couple hundred mira!
But youre probably not good for that.

We have a small favor to ask.
Faye: What's that? May I help you?
Estelle and Joshua explained the task set to them by Professor Russell.
Faye: You need gasoline? I think we have a tank of it back in storage somewhere. I'll check for you.
Faye: This is Faye. Got a request down here. We still have that tank of Calvard gasoline there in the warehouse, right? Can you send some down?
Faye: Yeah, enough to carry. Thanks.

The conveyor belt beings moving.

Faye: There we are.

Is THIS gasoline?

So that's what [sending] is.
Faye: Neat, isn't it? This conveyor belt system isn't just for ordering goods. It's an entire network that connects the whole facility.

Faye: Professor Russell invented it. Originally it was just a series of tubes for sending products back and forth... But the professor completely rebuilt the system into something a lot more useful. Of course, getting all of the infrastructure in place was a gigantic pain in the...

Ha ha. I can only imagine.

We have to be on our way. Thank you for your help.
Faye: No problem. I don't know what you're using it for, but be careful with that gasoline. It has a tendency to...fireball.
I think telling her that drastically increases the chances of a fireball. Because fireballs are (lets be honest), kinda kickass.
Moving on.
Gerald: The westbound airship just departed a few moments ago...

No thank you. We don't need an airship right now. Actually, we need to talk to... Gustav, was it?
Gerald:You mean the maintenance chief? He's not here at the moment...

What do you mean, [not here]?
Somewhat self-explanatory, tbh.
Gerald: He went to Leiston Fortress two or three days ago. Some kind of repair emergency on a military patrol ship...

Leiston Fortress?

As in, the largest base in the Royal Army, out by Lake Valleria? Up in the north part of Zeiss?

Wonderful. He won't be coming back from there anytime soon. So what do we do about the professor's request?
Gerald: I don't know anything about that, but actually the chief is on his way back. He just sent word to us...

Oh, hey, airship!
Gerald: Speak of the devil...
The airship lands safely, which is much better than the alternative.

Hold the phone. Since when are public airships orange?

No, that doesn't look like a regular public airship. The shape is wrong and it's got work arms all over it.

Now that you mention it...
Gerald: That's a Central Factory vessel, the Leibnitz. It's the same model as the public transports, but it's had several modifications. It's used for large scale maintenance and transport.

Huh! A flying factory... Then, the maintenance chief is on that airship?
Gerald: That's right. Now's your chance. You need to talk with him, no?

We do. Thanks a lot.

Yes, thank you.
It would be polite to maybe give him a second (Im sure its been a long flight), so lets...
Bother him now!

The Leibnitz has a mountain of parts stored in her. It's dangerous, so stand clear.

Actually, we're looking for someone...

Isn't there a maintenance chief by the name of Gustav on this ship?

What do you want with me?

Oh! Well, that's convenient.
Estelle explained that Professor Russell had asked them to find and borrow a combustion engine.

Ahh, you're running errands for Russell, are you? But a combustion engine, huh...? Well, you've got good timing. I'll give you that.


Hang on a second...
Gustav walks off.

Looks like it.
Received Combustion Engine.

Yow... You weren't kidding.

But we can still manage to carry it...

Heh! You've got some spirit to you, for such a young girl.

Ha ha ha! I like it.

Ha ha... Thanks.

It's a pretty interesting little coincidence... That old fart wants this thing right after I got it back from the military.


From the military...?

Yeah... This thing was on loan to them for a little while. They were using it for some kind of research. As a matter of fact, I only just got it back today.

Huh... Lucky for us!


What's wrong?'s nothing.

Now that we've got what we need, why don't we take it back to the professor?

Sure thing.

Thank you, Mr. Maintenance Chief!

Sure, sure. Give my regards to the old man.
We will!
(We dont.)


Thank you...
Handed over Combustion Engine.
Handed over Gasoline Tank.

You weren't kidding about how heavy this thing is.

Yes, your brute strength was most useful, girl!
Estelle is the brawn of our group. Joshua is the looks.
We dont have a brains.

Perfect timing, too, as I've just finished preparing the tools. All that's left is to set up the engine and put gas in it.

If you'll go and put on the finishing touches, Tita...?

Yes, sir!

Wow... This thing is really clunky-looking. Are all of these engines like this?

Yeah... It converts the energy given by the burning gas to power the tools.

So this way, they don't need orbal energy.

Indeed. Now let's not dawdle... Let me flip the switch.
It seems that saying ...aaaaand CLICK is Russells favorite part of the job.

Jeez. This thing sure makes a racket.

It's definitely a lot louder than orbal engines.

That's one of its drawbacks, yes. But I doubt we need to fear activating the Black Orbment this way. Let's get started.



That's some serious sparkage...

Okay, shut it down for now. We've seen how much physical punishment it can take...and how much punishment our ears can take, as well!
Estelle and the others crowded around to get a closer look.
A tiny scratch is faintly visible.

That's...that's IT?

That's incredible...and with the special alloy saw, too.

Whatever it's made of, it's tougher than anything I've ever seen.

But if we keep at it, I believe this would work. We're going to go through quite a few saw blades, though.

So it's going to be a real test of patience, then.
This part is a little slow, but I do like how our reaction to the mystery macguffin is to research the shit out of it.

Of course I have. Remember who you're talking to.

Anyway, what is it? Is something wrong?

Remember that message I brought you from the hotel in Elmo? The orbal-powered pump that supplies the hot water for their spa has broken down. Since they can't make any money like this, they'd like for you to come and try to fix it.

Agh, you must be kidding! Damn it! Of all the times for this to happen...

If you're that busy, why don't you send another engineer over?

No... That pile of junk is at least forty years old. The younger techs have no idea what to do with anything that's not state-of-the-art.

*grumble* What a pain in the--

Grandpa... Maybe I could go over and do the repairs, you think...?



You took me there to help with maintenance before. I think it'll be fine if just I go.

Mm. I'm sure you'd do a fine job on the repairs... That's not what concerns me.

Agreed. There are monsters out on the roads...
Isnt that what the giant gatling gun/cannon is for?
Or did she make that toy herself?

But we can't just leave Mrs. Matilda like this.

If that's the problem, why don't you let us handle this?


It's a bracer's duty to ensure the safety of Liberl's roadways. Therefore, seeing that Tita arrives at her destination safely is our responsibility.

Well, that's another story. If you're all with her, then we don't need to worry.

Hm. All right, then. Thank you.

Umm... Are you sure this is okay?

Don't worry about it. Kids shouldn't sweat the details so much.

If you're ready, then let's go.

Th-thank you... Thank you both.

Okay, Grandpa...and Mr. Murdock. We'll be back soon.

Take care, dear.
Next time: Sidequests! Or: The best day of Estelle's life.
Capel Unit:
The databanks of the Capel Unit has some interesting world building stuff. The Establishment category is definitely worth reading, and the rest has some interesting content too.
Universal Tech: