Part 45: Chapter 3 Sidequests (1): Estelle's favorite day.

Welcome back. Last time, we continued our investigation of the Black Orbment. So far? Zilch, nada, nothing. So we're going to leave the Professor to his research, while we go and run some errands in Elmo Village.
We're also going to leave Elmo Village to it's own devices, and do some sidequests instead.

Sidequest time!
Also what the fuck Ben, you are the worst client.

Ben can go eat a bag of a potent ingredients dicks, we're helping someone else first.
Terry: If you're looking for Ray, he's out to lunch.

Terry: Oh, I see. Well, thank you. I'm glad you're here. My name's Terry. I'm a researcher here at the Central Factory.

Terry: Likewise. Getting straight to business... I have a task for you. Do your schedules allow for it?
No, but we'll do it anyway.

Terry: Oh, certainly. But first, here.
Received (Alpha) Strega.

Terry: Yes. The Strega Corporation is conducting research on new projects to bring to market. This particular test requires you to wear these prototypes around to various places. Upon the successful completion of this test, all that will remain is to put them into production.

This sidequest is best summed up as Estelle's favorite day. (Hence the title, which came after this comment)

Terry: Y-yes...?

Terry: Yes, it's the Strega Corporation's newest product... Didn't I just say all this?

Terry: Uhh... Are you all right? Why the sudden prayer...?

Terry: you might say she has sneaker-mania, then? I was just a little taken aback by her reaction...

Terry: Hmm... Well, you certainly have spirit. A scary amount, in fact. So will you do the test? Please don't pray at me again...

Terry: I-it's all right. Please, proceed.

Terry: Yes, that's correct. From the Elmo spa to the Wolf Fort, all the way to the Sanktheim Gate. And when you feel you've tested them out properly, bring them back to me. The layer between the sole and insole is my responsibility, so I have to see how it holds up.
Would you say it's your sole responsibility?

Terry: That, at least. Now, see if you can wear them out.

We can basically do this sidequest as we take care of other business, which is convenient.

We can also find an Acerbic Tomato in the same room.
I like how the sidequests are set-up in Chapter 3. It's possible to do a lot of dovetailing, meaning you don't really need to run back and forth all the time if you plan ahead.

Anyway, I don't like him, but we've got the potent ingredient he wants, so...

Ben: Please, let me see.
Ben: ...Hm? May I see that tomato for a moment?
Handed over Acerbic Tomato.
Ben: Let's have a taste...
Ben: ...AAACCCKKK!!! *pthbbttbtbttt* What IS this? It's terrible! My taste buds have been VIOLATED!
Serves you right.

Ben: Hmmm... Well, it sure can't be eaten as is... But it certainly has an interesting flavor and scent. With the right preparation, it COULD be a useful ingredient for cooking...maybe.

Ben: No... I've found that strongly bitter foods tend to be very good for one's health... when they don't kill you, anyway. And traditional Zeissian cooking calls for some VERY strong ingredients.

Ben: Yes, but wait there for a moment.

Ben: Here. You can be the first to try out my newest dish. Consider it thanks for introducing me to such an amazing food.
Received Tomato Sandwich.

Ben: All right. Be sure to eat it while it's still fresh or it won't flay your tongue properly! As for me, I need to get back to work. Thank you for your time and effort.

Quest [Potent Ingredient] completed!
The tomato sandwich heals, and more importantly, restores 40CP. Which is a lot of CP.
With that done, we take our sidequesting outside of the city limits.

You have found: zilch, nada, nothing...

You have found: The missing link.
The missing link is nothing? Do we have some creationist treasure chests on our hands? Admittedly, sentient treasure chests would be a half decent argument for creationism.

Off to the side of the road, we find the Haulage Vehicle from one of the sidequests.
Bruno: Yeah, looks like it. This WOULD have to happen in the middle of nowhere like this.
They're like a meter from the main road.

Wong: Hey, you're...wait... Estelle and Joshua, right?

Bruno: You know these two?
Wong: Yeah, they're fellow bracers.

Wong: So what brings you here?

Bruno: Hey, now that I get a good look at you... You're Tita, right? You on another errand for the ol' prof? It must be tough, being that guy's gopher.

Wong: I'm afraid so. I was escorting this transport vehicle to the Wolf Fort... but we only got this far before it broke down.
Bruno: I think the problem's in the orbal engine. It started rattling, and then before we knew it...well, here we were.

Wong: Well, at least the guild knows about us.

Bruno: M-Monsters?!

Bruno: Wh-whoa!
Wong: Stay back, Bruno!
Bruno: Okay!

Wong: A-all right!

Use magic on the armor rabbits. That's really all there is to it.

Like so. Fire Bolt EX is the lowest tier AoE fire spell. It hits medium radius centered around an enemy.

It's always magical when Flicker lines up perfectly.

The Rabbits don't do much damage, but they have one obnoxious trick. They have a charged craft, Hoppity Bop, which has a chance of one-hit K.Oing.

Still, we have a much more obnoxious trick. White Gehanna destroys everything.

Wong: Indeed. And no casualties.
Bruno: Oh, man... My life flashed in front of my eyes.

Wong: Good question. I think our first priority should be to get our vehicle moving again.

Bruno: The manager of the transport vehicles is Prometheus from the Central Factory. He'd probably know where we can get the replacement parts we need. But we'd have to go all the way back to Zeiss for that...
Welp, good luck with that! We've got sneakers to walk in.
Wong: Ugh... I just don't know. What do you think, Bruno? Back to Zeiss, then?
Bruno: It probably won't do any good, but I want to try getting it to start for a little bit. If it starts, we're golden. If not, back to Zeiss we go.
Wong: That works... Gotta stick with it, huh?
Bruno: You know me...
Wong: So, I guess that means that we're going to try holding out here for a little bit.

Wong: Don't worry about us. If things start to look too risky, we're heading straight back to town. And you watch yourself on the way to Elmo, okay, Tita?

Bruno: If you get a chance, let Prometheus know what's up, okay? I'm pretty sure he's in the Central Factory, third floor Design Room.

Our next sidequest is literally a couple of seconds north-west.

The Cronociders seem tougher than they are. It's pretty easy to commit Cronocide.
...Have I already used that pun?

They use Golden Armor a whole lot, which buffs their Strength and Defense. Again, this makes them seem tougher than they are. Because their AI is pretty much terrible, and they tend to use Golden Armor even when they already have the buffs applied.

Even at 400 a pop, I've already done this much damage by the time they actually attack me once.

Now one's dead and two are fainted, and I've still only been attacked once. They're also not very fast.

The areas surrounding Zeiss are much more open than the normal overworld zones. There's a lot of plains offroad, which makes finding every chest a pain.

Just now, I remember that Joshua recently learned a new Craft. Cloak and Dagger attacks with a 20% chance of inflicting instant death. I've never used it much, since I was always under the impression it only did as much damage as a normal attack, meaning against most enemies Double Strike would be the better option mathematically. (Since the damage done by a second attack is generally more than 20% of an enemies remaining HP.)
In actuality, it turns out C&D does a decent bit more damage than a normal attack, meaning it has a definite niche against susceptible enemies (like the kinds you find in chests.)

Tita and Estelle team up, and turn the fight into an absolute shutout on our part. If they'd gotten a chance, these nice fellas would have fought exactly like the Crop Munchers from the prologue. This time, there was no mercy on our part.

The chest is oh so very empty.
The Long Barrel is a pretty neat accessory. It boosts the range of the standard attacks for any gun users (i.e Olivier and Tita), which is helpful, since it lets Tita and her paper-thin defenses stay further out of the way while she attacks.

If I don't include a chests bonus text, it's because it's the same as a previous chest in the area.

This chest is the exact same as the last. It's exactly as easy.

I feel so...empty inside...
Sorry about that! The Black Bangle grants immunity to sleep.

Third time's the charm! (So are the other two times, it seems.)

The chest guessed it...empty.
One of these days it won't be.
One of these days.
Anyway, the Sapphire Talisman turns your attack and defense water-based, like the previous talismans. (Talismen?).

Eventually, we make our way to the first of our walking-related goals: The Wolf Gate. The Wolf Gate is the border with the occasionally mentioned Calvard Republic, meaning we never actually need to visit it.
Brahm: ...*sniff*...Nnnn...*hic*...
Brahm: ...*sniffle*...*SOOOOOOB*...

Brahm: Huh...?!
Brahm: Uh... Did I just say that out loud?

Brahm: Crap. I even said her name?!

Brahm: Wait... You know my Faye?

Brahm: Bracers? That's perfect.

Brahm: Yes. It's just a personal errand, but I want you to do a job for me. Would now be a good time?
No, but that hasn't been stopping us all day long.

Brahm: R-right... I, um...want you to deliver a letter to Faye for me. She and I are seeing each other... But we hit kind of a rough patch, and we didn't part on the best terms. But I want to make it up to her. That's why I wrote the letter. Could I persuade you to deliver the letter to her? Just whenever your work takes you to Zeiss.
Sounds easy enough! Deliver a letter, save a relationship, break in some sneakers. All in a day's work.

Brahm: Really?! That's great! I have it right here... Please take care of it.
Received Letter to Faye.

Brahm: N-no, don't worry about it. It's good to get a female perspective, sometimes. ...So, a letter alone won't do it, huh...?

Brahm: Great idea...but I didn't get anything to give her. Damn it. I can't just go shopping while I'm on duty.

Brahm: Uhhh... I hate to ask, but... Could I also get you to pick up something to go along with the letter?

Brahm: Right. You can buy something in Zeiss. Get the gift and deliver it to her along with the letter.
Alright, but there's like a 50% chance it'll be sneakers. You good with sneakers?

Brahm: Faye's usually in her work clothes, working with all that loud machinery... But I really want to get her something cute, that'll speak to her feminine side.

Brahm: I, uh... I think that'd be kinda babyish for her...

Brahm: I'll go ahead and give you some money to cover the cost. It's not much, I know, but please get something for her.
Received 1000 mira.

Brahm: Yes. I think it'll work out. Thank you for this...really.
You're kind of a mediocre boyfriend Brahm, but whatever. We were on the way back to Zeiss anyway.

The Wooly Knit-Hat is the right choice, as the description hints. Brahm actually shorted us 200 Mira (bad boyfriend), but we'll make up the difference in the name of love.

Faye: Hm? What is it?

Handed over Letter to Faye.
Faye: What... Wait... Is this from Private Brahm at the Wolf Fort?

Handed over Woolly Knit-Hat.
Faye: Oh, how cute. I see, now. Finally... I know he still thinks about me... But I just wish he'd come sooner... Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you for taking the time to deliver it to me.
Faye: Well... I should get back to work.

Another day, another relationship saved. That puts us at one so far. Anyway, next quest.

Prometheus: Aye, that's me... What can I do for you?

Prometheus: Well, let me think... Sorry, but I haven't the foggiest notion.

Prometheus: Aye, but that was years long past. I did carry out that task, but I switch duties from time to time. So in other words... I don't know exactly who you'd need to talk to...but it's not me. I'm very sorry.

Prometheus: Is that all? I have a lot to get done.

Prometheus: Excuse me, then.

I hate when we need to work hard.

Alright, factory entrance it is.

Rudi: I really am just no good.

Rudi: Hmm? Oh... It's just that my superior is kinda peeved at me. My...very beautiful superior...
She's not single buddy, we just made sure of that. If you'd wet our beaks earlier, we might have been able to fix that, but well...
Rudi: ...So, did you want something?

Rudi: An orbment for a haulage vehicle, eh? And what are you planning to do with it?

Rudi: Ahh, okay. No problem. You're just looking to swap it out, then. That shouldn't be too difficult.

Rudi: It's the only one I've got, so make sure you don't lose it along the way!
Received Drive Orbment.

Rudi: You folks be careful, too.

Alright, let's go help Wong and Bruno!
...Eh, maybe later.
Next time: More sidequests, and an old friend. (It's not Nial this time!)