Part 46: Best. Job. Ever.
Welcome back. Last time, we got to wear some awesome sneakers. It was the best day ever. We also did some other non-sneaker related sidequests, which were fun (we saved love!), but not as fun. We left off having gotten a new drive orbment for Wong and Bruno, so let's...
...Do something else first. They can wait a bit longer.
Before we start though, I want to take you on a journey. A magical journey to sidequest in a future update, which involves a certain book.

A Cat-English dictionary, to be specific. Although we could have already done this sidequest by now, unlike the current sidequests we're working on it doesn't expire until near the end of the chapter, so I end up doing it much later in the chapter. And since I don't want a fourth party member to mysteriously join our party, I'm not messing with chronology. That never ends well. As for why this is important, well....
Miriam: This time, you're not getting away...

Good afternoon, Dr. Miriam.
Miriam: Oh, good afternoon. Oh, my. So many of you.

We saw your posting on the bulletin board. Heh, might help if we introduced ourselves, huh? I'm Estelle, junior bracer.

And I'm Joshua. Also a junior bracer. We heard that there might be a case for us here.
Miriam: Yes, I'd certainly say so. If you can, it'd be ideal if you started your investigation at once... Do you think it'd be possible?
I love cases almost as much as Estelle loves sneakers. Let's do it.

Okay, then.

I know this is urgent, but can you provide us with any more details?
Miriam: Well, it's not a complicated tale to tell. Someone took the cigarettes that were in this cabinet.

This is a medical office. Why would you even have cigarettes here?
For when medicine gets stressful. So always.
Miriam: Under my supervision, this factory has observed a no-smoking policy for the last several years. Any confiscated tobacco is kept in here.

Which would mean that anyone who's had anything confiscated is immediately a suspect. Since what was taken probably belongs to that individual to begin with.

Yeah, you're probably right.
Miriam: I'm inclined to agree. It took so much work to get the smoking ban established... If I just let this go, it will completely undermine the entire policy.

First of all, we should talk to the people that were smokers to begin with. Would you happen to know who that would be?
Miriam: My first suggestion would be Supervisor Travis, from Operations. He's always been a heavy smoker. Plus, he's never really accepted the ban, so I'd say he's got motive.

Hmmm...okay. Sounds like a good place to start.

...So I'll make a note of it.
Estelle seems very surprised at her own decisions.
Miriam: There's also Hugo, in the Design Room. I think he's currently arranging a meeting in the first floor lobby. The people who've worked here the longest tend to be the smokers.

Ahh, okay...

So... There's Travis from the Operations room, and Hugo on the first floor. Is there anything else you can tell us? If not, we can go ahead and get started...
Miriam: Well, I don't know if it will be of any use to you... But there was an eyewitness.
Unless he was blind and eyewitness is a kinda cruel way of saying it, I think this case might be open and closed.

...?! Uh, yeah, that might be a lead.

And who was this eyewitness?
Miriam: He's right behind you. Antoine...?
Okay Japan, seriously, cats do not say that. Everyone agrees it's meow, where the hell is nyago coming from?
Anyway, we have a cat dictionary, so we can translate the lil' guy. Unfortunately, all the funny translations are in later updates, but it's still fun.
Antoine: (Hello.)
Miriam: I DID say that I wasn't sure it would actually help.

That you did.

B-but Antoine's a really smart cat. He might remember who took the cigarettes...
Miriam: Indeed. If you bring him along in your search, he might provide you with a useful clue. He may not have as good a sense of smell as a dog, but it's still quite impressive.

That's the hope, anyway.
Miriam: If you bring along some Fresh Milk, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to follow you. In light of the lack of other clues, I'd like to try.

Sure, it can't hurt.

If we find anything of note, we'll be back to let you know.
Miriam: I'll be waiting. Whoever did this absolutely must be caught.

Here you go, Antoine. Some nummy milk.

This is my favorite sidequest since we get to use a kitty to solve mysteries.
Antoine: (This is it.)
Antoine joins the party, and so the case is afoot. No wait apaw.
Travis: Did you find what you were looking for?

Oh...uh, yeah, we did. We're just looking for something different now.
Travis: Different...?

Yes. Some cigarettes were taken from the clinic.
Travis: Heh. Someone actually did that? I imagine you're being kept pretty busy.

Have you been in the clinic at any time today?
Travis: No, I haven't. I've been here all day. You're welcome to search the room, if you want.

Hmmm... Well, he doesn't SEEM suspicious...

Yeah... I think he's a dead end.
Travis: Well? Am I still under suspicion?

Oh, right. What do you think, Antoine?
Antoine: ...Nyao? (...What's wrong?)

No reaction...

So much for that, then.

Sorry to have taken up your time. We'd appreciate your future cooperation with our investigation.
Travis: Sure, no problem.
Next suspect!
Hugo: Sorry, but I'm in the middle of something important. Come back later if you need me.

(Hmmm... I don't get the feeling that he particularly wants to be questioned.)

(Oh, yeah... Any reaction out of Antoine?)
Antoine: ...Nyao? (...What's wrong?)


(Hmmm... I guess neither of them is the culprit)

(No clues to be found...)

(As it stands, we should keep on looking. There may be a hint somewhere in there, like Dr. Miriam said.)

(Hmmm... I guess you're right.)
Antoine: (Hold up.)
To solve this case, we need to walk by Murdock's office on the second floor.

Antoine: Nyaya~~go! (Hold up!)

...Does anything seem strange about this door to you?

This room is...

...Yeah. Unlikely, but let's head on in and make sure.

All right.
Antoine: Nyaa~~o. (This is it.)

Ah, Antoine. Why are you so fussy?
Antoine: Nyaa~~o. NYAA~~O! (This is it. THIS IS IT!)

Looks like we found the culprit.


What are you talking about?

Mr. Murdock, you went to the clinic today, didn't you?


N-no... I didn't.

We're currently looking for the cigarettes that were taken from there. Would you mind if we searched this room for a bit?

S-sure... Go ahead.

Okay. We'll start immediately.
We examine the back door of the room.

...In there?
Antoine: Nya~o. (Yes, that's exactly right.)

Let's try to find the key. It's gotta be in here somewhere.

Sure thing.
There's nothing of interest. Apparently no one was considerate enough to hide some money here. Alas.
The system messages for this sidequest are great.
There's nothing of interest. Sadly no one seems to have left any exciting or incriminating papers for you to find.
There's nothing of interest... except you notice that someone has chewed rather industriously on the ends of these pens.
Found Back Room Key.

Ha ha... Found them!

Which would likely mean...

No... Mr. Murdock couldn't have...

Well, it's a shock, that's for sure. I wouldn't have suspected...

This is all just one big misunderstanding! I was just going to take one quick puff, then put the rest of them right back in the clinic!

Chief Murdock... I think you ought to come and explain this to Dr. Miriam.
Miriam: I never would have suspected YOU, of all people.

I... I'm sorry. I just needed a smoke. I can't really explain it any other way than saying that the craving got the better of me.

Dr. Miriam... I really am sorry.
Miriam: Mr. Murdock... You know perfectly well that the rule has been in place for quite some time.

Y-you're right. Coming up on ten years now.

Huh? Oh, yeah... So where did this sudden, uncontrollable urge come from, then?

Honestly, I'm not so sure, myself. After we had that orbal power outage, I've heard no end of complaints from the townsfolk... I guess that it just got to be too much, and I needed a smoke to help cool me down. *sigh*...

I-I'm sorry... This is all because of what Grandpa and I did...

No, no, Tita. You haven't done anything wrong, so don't apologize. This doesn't really even have anything to do with the professor.

Maybe you should take a little break or something?

It seems to me that this was all because of too much stress.
Miriam: I do understand your situation, Mr. Murdock. I think that I'm willing to forgive and forget, in this case.

Wha...? R-really?
Miriam: Instead... I'm going to insist that you take a decent break. You're just going to ruin your health, if you go on like this.

You're right... Once things settle down a little bit, I'll plan on using some of my vacation time.

I'm still sorry for this whole mess, though.
Miriam: It's water under the bridge. You need to focus on your health.

I will. I guess I'll be going now...

It's not like he was trying to cause any trouble or anything.

Be that as it may, the factory is still his responsibility.
Miriam: Well, that much is true... Now, I really must thank you all. You've handled this case brilliantly.

You're welcome.

I think half the credit has to go to Antoine, though.

Hee hee. Yeah, no kidding.
Miriam: Ha ha. I'm glad my suggestion bore fruit. I trust you'll be nice to him if you should meet again.

Of course!
Miriam: Well, thank you again for your help. I'll be certain to call upon you again, should another incident arise.

Glad to help. I think we'll be on our way, then.

See you later.
We've done everything there is to do in the factory for now, so we head to Wong's rescue. It's always sad when a great procrastination comes to an end, but we need to do it eventually.
Wong: Welcome back. I don't suppose you found us a replacement engine, did you?

We sure did.

Sorry we took so long.
Bruno: Oh, really? That's a huge relief. I tried everything I could think of to get this thing started... But it was all for nothing.
Wong: We were just about ready to give up and return to Zeiss.

Really? Well, we made it just in time, then.

Let's go ahead and get the vehicle fixed.


We'll have this orbal engine swapped out in a flash.
Wong: Go for it.
Bruno: I'll help.
Bruno: Let's give her a whirl.

...Yep, she's good to go.
Bruno: Nice. Now we can finally get that cargo moved. Your grandpa MUST have trained you. You're young enough to still be going to Sunday school, but you're amazing with machines.

Hee hee...
Bruno: Well, we're gonna get out of here. You guys be careful.

We will.
Wong: We'll talk again. Thank you for your help.

Take care.
And we're almost done.
Next we head to the much talked about Leiston Fortress for sneaker reasons.
After that, we make for the Sanktheim Gate (between Zeiss and Grancel.) This is the last of our sneaker related goals, meaning we're free to head back to the factory. (Throw in a quick trip to Air-Letten for extra BP).

We've done plenty of walking.
Terry: Ah, thank you. If you'll just let me examine the shoes for a moment...
Terry: ...Impressive. The soles are extremely worn down. It looks like I selected poor materials in its making. Yes, I'd call the test a huge success.

Whew... That's a relief. I was afraid you were going to say that you needed us to do more walking.

Hee hee... Thank goodness.
Terry: So there were no problems? No sudden slips or the material going rigid...?

Nope. It all went fine. They fit great and were as comfortable as a worn-out, old pair of shoes. True Stregas, through and through.
I wish I loved anything as much as Estelle loves sneakers.
Terry: Ah, yes. You're a big fan of the Strega brand. Perhaps I should give you a gift, then... Since you exceeded my expectations in the test, I'll give you an equivalent bonus.
Received (Beta) Strega.

A-are these what I think they are...?
Terry: They're a reference copy of a new product line. It hasn't been announced yet, but they should be available in stores soon.

Are you sure it's okay for us to have these?
Terry: Yes, we've already passed this phase of development, so I don't need them anymore. I'd rather they be on the feet of someone who can appreciate their true value.

We got to help with development AND got a brand new pair of pre-production sneakers in the process. Best. Job. Ever.
Terry: Ha ha... My sentiments exactly. Thanks to your efforts in testing, my research results are sure to be certified.

Good luck with your work. I can't wait to see the next new product.
Terry: Yes, I'll be reporting these results to my boss, right away.

Thanks for everything.

See you later.
And we're done.
Reporting all these sidequests brings us to second class, netting us a Grail Locket. The Grail Locket prevents all status effects, which is super useful (and near essential for a certain optional fight.)
With all that hubbub out of the way, we can finally head to Elmo.
It's empty! Diabolical!
Tita had an S-Craft in the wings, so we clean up easily.
You must be awfully optimistic if you think more treasure is going to appear in this chest.
Nah, I'm just in it for the system messages. Anyway, Hit 3 is a Mirage (x5) quartz, which boosts dexterity by 15.

Err... what's that smell? Joshua... did you...?

Oh, that's just the sulfur in the water.

I guess that's just what happens when the water pours out of the hot springs, huh?

Ugh...really? Smells like someone left eggs out in the sun for a year.

Well, if I hold my breath, it's not too bad, I guess.

It's not as strong as usual, though...

Maybe it's tied to the pump breaking down. Want to go ahead and see about fixing it?

Oh, the key to the pump shed is back at the inn. Mrs. Matilda has it.

No problem. To the inn we go.

Mr. Murdock just got in touch with me a little while ago. Is it true that the professor is making you do the repairs while he's off doing Aidios-knows-what?

I-it's not like that... He was planning to come here until I said something about it...

Awww, well, bless your heart, child! But you know you spoil that old coot, don't you? He's always been the sort to completely lose himself in his research, given half the chance.

Um, ha ha ha...

(Energetic old granny, isn't she?)

(Well, she obviously knows the professor.)

Oh, let me introduce you... This is Estelle, and this is Joshua... They're with the Bracer Guild, and they're looking out for me.
She's kinda like our pet.


It's nice to meet you.

Well, what do you know? Please, do pardon me. I'm the owner of the Maple Leaf Inn. You can call me Matilda. Russell and I have been friends since we were knee-high to a grasshopper. Tita here is almost like my own granddaughter.

Ohh, okay.

Hee hee...

Oh, right. Mrs. Matilda... Is the orbal pump really broken?

I'm afraid so, dear. I think the forty-year-old beast may finally be on its last legs... Ah, well. I wanted to replace it at some point, anyway. Can you handle it, Tita?

You betcha.

Okay. Just a sec.
Received Pump Shed Key.

Just go north of the village square, up the hill. The pump shed's right there. I really appreciate it.

So this is the pump shed?

That's right.

Well, let's try that key.
Used Pump Shed Key.

You'd never know it was so old, from how well-maintained it is.

Hee hee... Well, I think my grandpa comes in at least once a year to keep it running well.

Forty years ago, people didn't really know much about orbments... they used them because they were new, and cool, and made their lives more convenient...but installing and maintaining them was pretty tough.

Ah, okay. So this place probably has some sentimental value for your grandfather, then, I guess.

And that's why it's kept in such good condition.


Oh, it's fine. This is a one-person job, anyway. You guys should just go to the inn and relax.

It might be the cavitation and water hammer...

Ah-ha! It's a surging problem!
The adorablest engineer

Apparently not. Maybe we should take her advice and wait at the inn.
I'm sure the plot will come up with something to entertain us while we wait.

She's hard at work. We figured we'd probably just get in the way, so we'll stay here.

Ha ha ha. Well, you just might be right, at that. She's almost as talented as Russell himself.

Hard to argue with that after watching her at work.

I'm just amazed that she's working at the Central Factory at her age.

And no matter what, she's always so sweet...always has a smile for everyone. But get her in front of a machine, and she'll tinker with it for hours. She loves it. She's just a fine girl.

But still...

What's wrong?'s nothing.

What's gotten you all frothing at the mouth?
Ed: I...well...wanted to ask you something. Did that lady from Grancel leave?

Hmm... A lady from Grancel...? Oh, the guest from yesterday. She went out for a walk, but she hasn't come back yet.
Ed: I thought so... Ugh... This is awkward.

What? Isn't she in the village?
Ed: Umm...weeeell...actually... I saw her by the village gate. She said she was going to go and take in the scenery, or something...

Out on the plains? She'd have to be a fool to go where all the monsters are...
In that case, I already have a few theories as to who it will be. (It's always someone we know.)

You complete idiot! Why didn't you stop her?!
Ed: I did! I mean, I tried! She just wouldn't listen! I don't know how seriously she took what I said, but I'm worried.

Ummm...pardon me?
Ed: What? Are you new guests?

Do you remember what time you saw that lady by the gate?
Ed: Hmmm... I think it was right around noon? At least, that's about when I got back.

Noon... Yeah, I think we can catch up with her.

We should get going, before it's too late.
Ed: Huh...?

Well, we're bracers, if you couldn't tell by looking.

We'll head out into the plains and find this girl. Don't worry.
Ed: No kidding?! What a stroke of luck! Yes, please!

You've no right to even ask for their help!

But fine. The guest's safety is paramount! I hate to impose on you two, but please look after my guest.

Will do!

We'll be going now.

The plains road is so wide... Where should we search?

No kidding. Plus, the scenery's so nice that it's a little distracting.

Most likely, she's somewhere away from where the road's paved.

Oh, man... Well, that's going to be REALLY safe, isn't it?

But hey, no biggie. Let's find her and bring her back! Hopefully with all pieces intact...
That's the dream!
Dreams never come true 
Anyway, this conversation can kind of trick you, since it's actually really easy to get to where you need to go. Just head directly west for like 20 seconds.

Did you hear that...

Whatever it was, it's not far.
Girl's Voice: Aidios! Daddy! Mommy! Niiiiaaalll! Help meeeee!
Unless you're being attacked by a vicious two-six of liquor, I don't think Nial would be much help.
Also hi Dorothy.

That voice sounds suspiciously familiar...

Could just be your imagination... but let's hurry!

C-c'mon, puppies... Can't we talk about this? I don't think I'd taste very good... I mean, I sleep at least twelve hours a day, and I eat a lots of veggies, and my skin's all smooth.
The idea is to get them not to eat you Dorothy.

...Uh. Wait, does being healthy make me seem yummier?
Monster: Grrrrrrr...!!
I think it's about time for the jump in rescue.
That'll do

Huh? You two...

No need to worry, Dorothy.

...What were your names again?
Fuck this noise. Rescue officially off.

Ugh... Yeah, it's the same old Dorothy, all right...

...We're Joshua and Estelle, of the Bracer Guild.

Ha ha... I'm just teasing.

(Aidios, give me the strength not to leave her to the beasts...)

Estelle, on your guard!
The Attack Doberman are a fairly easy fight. They tend to bunch up, which makes them susceptible to crowd control artes and crafts. They don't do too much damage either.
Throw around some White Gehanna, add some healing, and baby, you've got yourselves a murder stew going.

Did they look familiar to you?

Yup. They're the monsters who attacked the checkpoint on the mountain pass. I wonder what they're doing out here...

Oh, how lovely! You bracers are very impressive!

I never would've thought I'd see you here.

Do you think...maybe...we were destined to meet again?!

Fate is a fickle mistress, all right...

So, uh, Dorothy... Are you staying at the inn in Elmo, by any chance?

Why, yes... HEEEEYYY, how did you know?
Joshua and Estelle explained that the owner of Elmo's inn had requested that they bring her back safely.

Oh, I see... Well, isn't that just terrible?

Uh-huh... As if you care about anyone else's problems.

So, what brings you out here? A little cross-country hiking, maybe?

Tsk, tsk, tsk... You mean you don't even know THAT much? *chuckle* I see that you haven't gotten any more insightful in our time apart.


The answer is actually that I'm looking for a photograph that the newspaper needs for a special edition. Oh, and by the way... Nial's the one who assigned me this task.

I see... So it's work.

Okay, but why would you be looking for that HERE? Oh, forget it! This wears me out faster than fighting any monster ever did.

Aww, poor Estelle! Did you get hurt in battle? Pain, pain, go away! Come again some other day! ...Or not at all would be better, I guess...

(Wow. It's rare for someone to get under Estelle's skin this badly...)

Estelle, why don't we head back to Elmo? Maybe Tita's done fixing the pump.

Yes... Let's go back...

And I think Dorothy will be coming back with us.

Huh...? But I wanted to stay and take more pictures...
Next time: The plot gets going, never to truly get ungoing again.