Part 47: I guess all I can do... is have faith in him.
Welcome back. Last time, we finished up some sidequests in Zeiss (it was the greatest day in Estelle's life, for we got pre-production sneakers), and then finally made our way to Elmo to do some repairs. This got sidetracked, as things are prone to be, and we ended up saving Dorothy from some monsters.
Estelle came to kind of regret that.
Anyway, this is a long-one, but ending things where I do sets up every other update for the rest of the chapter to end and start at a great point, so buckle in.

Oh... Look, there's steam coming out!

Hey, you're right!

*whistle* Now, we can finally use the spa! Yay! Life is good again...

Kinda overstating things a bit, aren't you?

Do you really like the spa that much?

Heh heh... Well, yeah. There's absolutely nothing finer than a tall glass of fruity milk after a hot bath.
That does sound pretty nice.

Now, I'm going to go ahead and get in.

Guys...? Thanks for coming to help me earlier! I have all my hands, and toes, and bits because of you two!

Man, she can be such a ditz.

Well, that's Dorothy for you.

Anyway, let's get back to the pump shed.

Okay. Tita's probably still there.
Hopefully, because I'm all rescue missioned out.

Hee hee... Yeah, I just finished. I just have to make sure that the hot water's going where it's supposed to...
Or else we might have another Everyone Gets Scalded Disaster of 1190 on our hands. It's a very self-explanatory name.

So, what was the problem?

Well... The pump itself wasn't the issue... The crankshaft on the impeller had corroded and broken. I switched it out with a rust-resistant one, so everything should be fine now.

Cool. Nice work.

Shall we return to the inn and let the hostess know?
We can't get rewarded if we don't, so let's!
We can buy some Fruity Milk first. Dorothy wasn't lying, this stuff is good. +30% Speed without cast times? Yes please.
The Specialty Eggnog is great too, restoring 1000HP and reviving.

Thank you, Tita! The pump's pumping like it was just installed yesterday!

Hee hee. Really? Please think nothing of it.

Well, haven't you grown into such a well mannered young lady? And thank you two for helping us out with that guest, as well. You guys know everyone, it seems.

Ha ha, I guess we do...

What happened?

A little bracer business.

You two have my thanks. As a way to pay you back, I'd like you to stay here free.

No way! Really?

Ma'am? We didn't tell my grandfather we were going to stay here...

Nonsense. I heard from Russell a little earlier. He said the job would take him until tomorrow to finish, and he asked if you could stay here.

Grandpa said that?

What a sweet old guy!

Well, if he said that, then I'm afraid we have no choice but to impose for the night.

Come right in. You can put your things in the Yuzu room on the second floor. It'll be some time before dinner, so go take a dip in the hot springs.

You want us to take a bath before dinner? I thought people took their baths before they went to sleep.

What are you talking about? This is a HOT SPRINGS resort! People expect you to jump in the bath in the morning, at lunch...whenever!

I'd be okay with three baths a day here.

R-really? Well, I like baths as much as anybody, but it sounds a little bit much for me.

Ha ha. Shall we go put our bags in our room, then?
All right! Let's go to the hot spring!
...Don't look at me like that. I swear, it's not that bad.


Mrs. Matilda told me that she was born off to the east. She moved to Liberl with her family when she was little. The village has a lot of people from the same area.

I THOUGHT this village had a kind of unusual vibe. I'll bet the food here must be really good.

Yeah. But before that, why don't we check out the spa we've been hearing about?

Hey, yeah!

Did you want to join us, Tita?


We can go after we put away our luggage.

So, where's this spa, now?

Oh, there's a separate bath behind the building. It's a big open-air bath.

You mean it's basically outside, then.

Oooohhhh, that sounds neat!

Look at the Eastern-style garden. Very nice.

Did you come here to soak in these heavenly waters, too? I just love it here. It's so spacious and comfortable. I just wish staying in the hot water didn't make me dizzy after a while.

Have you been in here this whole time?!

Oh, yeah. It just feels sooooo good.

And who are you, little girl? I don't think we've met before.

I'm Tita. It's nice to meet you.

Tita, huh? You can call me Dorothy. I'm a photographer for a magazine in Grancel.

Really? Wow, that must be a great job.
Yeah, you get to hang out with a chain-smoking alcoholic, and get attacked by monsters regularly. Fun! (Not at all sarcastic).

Hee hee... It is pretty awesome.

Oh, right. Estelle, you guys are staying at the inn, right? Why don't we have dinner together?

Sure, sounds okay.

Would you mind waiting for us?

Sure. I'll have some fruity milk in the meantime. I'll see you guys soon.
Dorothy leaves.

E-Estelle... This is the men's bath! We have to go to the woman's bath.

Oh, okay. They're separated.

Ha ha. How silly of me. I need to change my clothes.


I believe this is goodbye, for now.

Okay! Seeya later.

Scuse us!

Waaaay better than I ever thought it would.

I'm not like Dorothy, but I could see getting seriously addicted to this.

Ha ha... I already am. When I was little, Grandpa used to always bring me here.

Oh, that leads to the open-air bath I was talking about before. It's huge! I'll bet it could fit ten people at once.

Wow, cool.

Whoooo... I feel like I could dissolve in this. All this traveling has worn me OUT.

Have you been doing all your traveling on foot? Why not take an airship?

Ummm...for training, I guess. My dad always said it was super-important...

You mean Mister Cassius...?

Yeah... Schera was another student of my dad's. He told her all the time that she should travel by foot. [Your feet will guide you to that which you must protect,] or some such.

Whoa, cool...

Yeah, he was big on impressive speeches. But he knew how to back them up when he had to.
I do like how despite all her grumbling at needling at her old man, Estelle does actually seem to respect him.


Ha ha ha... Sorry. Didn't mean to get all gloomy on you.

I'm in training, too...and it's not like worrying will do me any good.

I guess all I can do... is have faith in him.



Mm? Something wrong?, I'm okay.

Oh, yeah! I had something I wanted to ask you.


Okay, dish! You can ask me anything.

Um, err, well... Are you and Joshua married?
So fun anecdote from my life, which unlike any other time I've talked about my life in LP, is actually true. Literally right before I recorded this segment of the game, I was seeing my cousin's (rather young) daughter with my mom, for the first time in a while. My mom's close with the lil' tyke, but I've only met her a couple of times when she was really young. So she ends up asking if me and my mom were married.
The moral of the story is that kids are good at two things: Making me feel old, and asking awkward questions.



What about me and Joshua?

I...was wondering...if you and Joshua were married...


B-but you have the same last name... You don't look like each other at all, so I didn't think you were siblings...

We don't look alike because we're not blood-related! O-our names are the same because Joshua was adopted!

Ohhh, okay...

Hee hee, sorry. I had it all wrong...

B-boy, did you ever... Besides, he and I are both only sixteen. Marriage is a subject for waaaayy off in the future.

R-right... I guess you wouldn't get married so young, no matter how much you love each other, huh?
You're just amazing at making things awkward Tita



Whaddya mean, [Really]? Uh, sweetie... Do you get that kind of vibe from watching us, or something?

What kind of vibe? we're together. As in, TOGETHER together. Like, lovey-dovey, hot, can't-keep-our-hands-off-each-other together.

Oh... Well, no... But, but, you're always with each other, and you're comfortable with each other, and you almost finish each other's sentences.
Not each other's sandwiches though. You don't finish someone else's sandwich.

Well, I can't argue with that. But don't you think that could just as easily be how family and close friends act? And anyway, even if we ever did feel like that toward each other...

(And why am I getting so embarrassed by these questions? I always handled them fine before...)

Estelle...? Your face is all red...

Ack! It's nothing! No reason at all! I-I mean, it's because the hot water's so effective! Yeah! It just gets the blood going, and staying in too long can make you dizzy!


W-wasn't there an open-air bath here I suddenly want to try it out! Let's go!



(What the hell was that all about? I've never even thought about Joshua like that before...)

( ... )

(AARRGGHH, stop it, Estelle! This isn't like you!)

I love that the bath is open to the outside.

Mmmm...and it's big enough to stretch out and really relax in...

You see me doin' the butterfly stroke, buddy?!


Ha ha... It's kind of awkward to be around you like this.


B-but hey, the hot spring works even better than I'd expected. It's good for injuries, and it really helps work out any muscle stiffness. Just the right idea for a bracer, really...
She's signalling in Morse Code now. I think we broke her.

Uh... I... I'm kind of surprised at how calm and collected you are, given the circumstances...

Ah... I... Uh...

I almost suffer through a heart attack, and all for what? A false alarm!

I'm... I'm sorry...

Listen. The open-air bath is unisex. Is there not a sign, clearly saying that, in the dressing room?
Matilda has no tolerance of JRPG shenanigans under her roof.


...I think what she's trying to say is that she didn't notice it.

First of all, getting caught starkers once or twice isn't such a big deal that you need to go screaming your lungs out. And I've heard it said that a woman's skin gets prettier when you show it off.


BUNCH. OF. CRAP. I wasn't out to show off anything for anyone!

Well, whatever, then. Why not make up and just try to enjoy the baths? This place was intended for family members to be able to bathe together, from the get-go. Now, I'm off.

Grrr... Joshua, this is all your fault!

How do you figure THAT?

I mean, it wasn't ME who shrieked like a banshee. Nor did I flake out and completely miss the sign in the dressing room.

Y-you shut up! You think you're so cute! Well, you're not!

Oh, is that how it is?

Well, fine. It's not as if it means anything to me whether or not you think I'm cute.

Wh-what did you say?!

I'm making a point. Screaming at someone who looks at you... I never would have even dreamed that you'd react like that.

Uh... Well, I...just wasn't... It was bad timing, okay? I didn't mean that I'm disgusted at the thought of being in there with you or anything...

No, no. I wouldn't want you to put yourself out.

I'll just be on my way, so you two can be alone.

[Put myself out...]?! I can't believe you sometimes, you JERK!

Heh... Look who's talking.
Just make out already you two, geez. Even the twelve year old sees it.


Don't you dare laugh, Tita!

I still don't get why I'M the jerk...but whatever...

I... I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to embarrass you.

It's okay... I'm sorry for laughing. I just...well, I'm a little envious.

E-envious of what?


I don't have any siblings... so I don't have anyone to fight with or make up with. Grandpa's always nice and never mean to me... Mostly because my mom and dad couldn't be there...


You don't mean to say that they're...

They've been out of the country working as orbal engineers for a long time. I guess they're somewhere that orbment technology hasn't really hit, yet... I'm not even sure how many years it's been since they last came to Zeiss.

I had no idea...

You must have been lonely...

Not really... I have my grandpa, at least. And everyone at the Central Factory is always super-nice to me.

But... I still get a little jealous when I look at you two. Hee hee... I'm probably just wishing for something that I'll never have...



I've got an idea.



From now on, I'll be your big sister! And Joshua can be your big brother.


*sigh* Always with the grand, sweeping gestures...

Oh, come on. Are you seriously complaining?

No... I feel the same way you do. I have no objections, as long as Tita's okay with the idea.


Th-thank you...both of you... I don't know what to say... I can't stop smiling...

Well, that settles it, then!

Treat us just like you would a normal brother and sister! I give you permission to make fun of Joshua as much as you like!
It's a family tradition.

That's right. Estelle is fair game to make fun of, too, in that case. You can talk to us just like when you talk to the professor, like family.

B-but... Is that really okay...?

I... I'll try. I promise.



So this is a new beginning for all of us.
And now let's never talk about that again.
Nah, I'm kidding. Although as a goon, I'm contractually obligated to dislike any hotspring scene in a JRPG, I actually do really like how it ends. Tita is kinda adorable, and Estelle "adopting" her is intentionally both funny and sweet when you remember that the Bright family has an established past of adopting new kids into the family. The rest? Meh. I get what they're going for (and since the game's graphics are pretty dated it's not fanservice, if that's doing anything for you I'm more impressed than creeped out); more specifically, they're trying to show that Estelle changing how she views her handsome black-haired companion isn't an instantaneous thing, but it's handled too awkwardly here.
This is by far the worst of it though, which is nice because outside of the occasional awkward moment (which are actually used well later on) Estelle and Joshua's interactions and relationship is actually quite well done. Said romance subplot is also responsible for one of my favorite scenes, but as I often do, I'm getting ahead of myself. Also, before I move on, I will say that it's interesting that during their little spat, it was our perpetually cool as the other side of pillow friend Joshua who was being (let's not mince words here) kinda pissy.
Anyway, my therapist says I can only talk so much about Hot Spring scenes in JRPG, so let's move on. This pretty much marks the end of the brief lull at the start of Chapter 3. Things are pretty consistently interesting and exciting from here on out. Let's get going!
Oh, right. Dorothy.
This was followed by an enjoyable game of cards, after which they returned to the spa.

We really appreciate everything.

Ha ha. I'm just glad you were able to relax a little. And, Tita. You certainly seem to have enjoyed yourself.

Hee hee... Is it that obvious?

You all seem closer than you were yesterday. Must be the magic of the springs!

By the way... What happened to that girls with the glasses?

Hmm... I think she's still in bed. We called for her, but she didn't answer, and we didn't want to barge in.

When Dorothy does wake up, please give her our regards.

Certainly. Tita, I'd like for you to tell Russel something for me, when you seem him next. Tell him that I said he needs to focus on the rest of his life, beyond all the 24/7 research.

Ha ha... Okay, I will.

Take care of yourself, Mrs. Matilda. And you need to come visit, too!

Sure thing, hon.

The baths are always waiting.

You can count on it.

And we never would have come at all, if the pump hadn't needed repairing. So I guess we owe our thanks, Tita.

But...I...I didn't do anything...

I should be thanking you for everything yesterday. It was...really fun.

Heh heh... Glad to hear it.

I guess that means we're even!

Yep, I guess it does!

Shall we return to Zeiss, then? The professor might be done with taking apart the Black Orbment by now.

Oh, yeah... We do still have that to deal with.

I'd completely forgotten.

*sigh* Why am I not surprised?

Ha ha...

Hi, Dorothy. Finally decided to rejoin the world of the living?

*huff huff* No fair, you guys! How come I got left behind?


Didn't you say that you were sticking around to get more shots for a story?

Oh... Did I?

Whatever! I just hate being left out. Don't you, Lil' T?

Uhh... Are you talking to me?

Where'd THAT come from?

I just wanted to give you a nickname. You don't like it?

N-no... it's all right.

Awesome! Thanks, Lil' T!

*sigh* You really are lost in your own little world...

Oh, well. You can come back with us to Zeiss, if you want.

Hee hee, now you're talking!

Okay, then. Want to give this whole "leaving" think another shot?
Let's! Maybe we'll get back to Zeiss without interruption.


Whoa... He's huge...

It's a b-b-b-bear!

...Bear? Um, okay.

You don't need to worry about me. All I want are some directions. You wouldn't happen to know where Elmo's hot springs are, would you?

Oh! Well, we just came from there, actually.

It's just down the road, south from here.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the information.

Oh... You...


Hmmm... Could it be? Is it possible...?

Is...what possible, now?

Oh, sorry. It's nothing important. Take care.

His clothes looked Eastern, so I figure he must be foreign.

Well, Zeiss IS right on the border with the Calvard Republic. He might've come from there.

I bet you're right. Mrs. Matilda told me about people who live way off in the east.

Oh, right... I think Kilika is from the east, too.

And he was so HUGE. I was super-surprised!

Ha ha... I guess he does kinda look like a bear.

But he doesn't act like any bear I've ever seen. He looks like he studies martial arts.

How can you tell?
She's just racist.

Well, I'm a martial artist, too. He wasn't just big. He looked like he'd trained his body like crazy.

Indeed. And his legs were like tree trunks. He might be a master, just like Estelle's read about.


What's the matter?

Maybe I'm just losing it, but I thought I heard something...

You're not losing it. At least, not because of that. I heard something too, but far off. From the direction of the factory.


Oh, no... What do you mean?!

I don't know... We'll just have to go and see.
It's hard to see, and the panning background ruled out a gif, but smoke is billowing out of the factory while various workers run out.

Well, you're all right. That's what's important.

Okay, that's every section, right?
Hazel: It's all the full-timers, at least...

There was some kind of gas leak inside the building. Everything from the fifth floor down is full of fumes!

Don't tell us there was a fire...

I doubt it, since the extinguishers haven't been set off. That doesn't mean I've been able to figure out why this is happening, though.

E-excuse me, Chief. Where's my grandpa?

Ah, that's right... Miss Hazel, is everyone accounted for?
Hazel: W-well... We're fully staffed today, but Professor Russell isn't among those evacuated...


What?! You mean he's still in there?!

Let us handle this, sir!

We'll figure this out.

Th-thank you.

I-I'm going, too...!


I know a lot about the Central Factory... I can show them the way.

Okay... Come with us, then. Stay close!


Umm... Would it be okay if I came wi--


Sorry, but we need you to stay back.

Gee, thanks for taking the time to think about it... But hey, what can you do? Just be careful, okay?

If the professor is there, he's probably in the third floor workshop. I'd check there first.

Got it!
Before you head in, you can talk to one of the NPCs to receive your choice from a Celestial Balm, a Petrify Quartz, and a Proxy Puppet (one-time revive accessory, breaks after effect activates.) I forgot this though, so we get nothing. Anyway, let's head in!

Huh... Not so bad that you can't breathe, though.

This haze is... probably a smokescreen for something else, I think. There must be a smoke canister nearby...


But why would something like that even...

I can't speculate on why... but if we can put out that canister, the smoke should clear quickly enough.

Professor Russel is in the third floor workshop, right?

Y-yes... At least, I think so. Grandpa sometimes gets so wrapped up in his research that he loses sight of what's going on around him.

Well, let's get to the third floor.
We head to the basement (via the stairs, the elevator is out of commision), to find...

Looks like a smoke canister... Like that one the Sky Bandits used before.

Wow, that was cool!

There are probably more canisters like this around. Let's find them, and I'll take them apart.
So yeah, there are a bunch of smoke canisters spread throughout the factory. Dismantle them all for extra BP. Try to imagine it, since we're skipping the boring stuff and heading straight for the third floor.


So why is the machine still on?

W-we should turn it off...

Where could Grandpa have gone...?

It's not just him... The Black Orbment is gone, too. You don't suppose...

What are you doing here?

I should be asking you the same thing. I heard about the disturbance here, so I came to check it out. Lo and behold, you got here before me. Will wonders never cease? You incompetents keep sticking your noses where they don't belong, someone's gonna come and cut them off.

Grrrr... Are you ever NOT a jerk?!
Once, in 1198.

Umm... I guess you know him?

His name is Agate. He's a senior bracer.

Hey, hold on a second.

What's a kid doing here?
Agate glared at Tita.


Hey! She hasn't done anything, so lay off!

Bah. So damn much I could say, but I'll hold off...for now.

So what the hell's going on?

Here's the situation...
Joshua explained to Agate how Professor Russell had gone missing.

Smoke canisters, huh? Certainly explains the stench around here.

We ain't got time to waste, though. We've gotta find the professor, and fast!



Man's Voice: All right. Let's get out of here, then. Are you all set?

That voice!

Come on! It came from the elevator!

It's THEM!

Black-Clad Man: Wha... A-Agate Crosner?!
Black-Clad Man 2: Oh crap... Go go go!

We almost had them...

N-No... Why'd they take Grandpa...?

Let's take the emergency stairs down. It looks like they're trying to get out of the factory.

Yeah, if they get away, there's no way to know if they'll take the tunnel or just try to lose us in town.

Move your asses, kids!
Next time: We move our asses.