Part 48: We'll cut down anyone who gets in our way!
Welcome back. Last time, we had some hot spring shenanigans, but we don't really care about that. What we care about is the Central Factory being attacked, and Professor Russel being kidnapped by the Black-Clad Men.
Before we chase after them, we want to examine the Operations Room.

What's a [Capel]?

It's the name of a type of operations orbment developed by the professor. An orbal calculator, if you will. It looks like the core's been removed...

You think our 'friends' stole it?

It's the most likely scenario.
With that done, the chase is on!
I appreciate the welcome back party, but I'm not seeing any men in black. Or any sign of a struggle.

Good, you're all right. When the soldiers showed up, I thought something serious had happened.
Uh... something very serious did happen.
I'm not liking where this is going.


Hold on a second! Soldiers? Not guys dressed in black?

No idea what you mean. They were dressed in blue and white military uniforms. Polite enough, but... I got the feeling they didn't come from the Air-Letten checkpoint.

They definitely seemed like Royal Guardsmen to me. I thought they looked so cool that I snapped off a picture.

Royal Guardsmen... Huh?!

The ones who took away Mayor Dalmore... But why would they be here...?

U-umm... They weren't with my grandpa, were they?!

With the professor...? N-no... They did have some really big baggage with them, though...


It had to be them! No doubt about it!

If they changed into military uniforms in the elevator...

Dammit! It's the oldest trick in the book, and they pulled it off!

Wait... Wait just a minute! What's all this supposed to mean?

We'll have to fill you in later. Which way did these soldiers go?

T-towards town...and they moved like they had a purpose.

We're going after them!

No WAY I'm letting them get away!
Music Stops
But in the end, they could find no trace of the men who had taken the professor. The incident was reported to the Royal Army, and a unit was sent to Zeiss from the stronghold at the lake, to aid in the investigation.

Nevertheless...this is major. This would appear to be a clear-cut case of terrorism.

In Aidios' name...terrorism...

The smoke canisters were set up to create a diversion, while one of the kingdom's greatest minds was abducted... To say nothing of the vast array of technology that was stolen. This deed will not go unpunished.


So, what kind of plan does the military have up its sleeve?

We already have Air-Letten, the Wolf Fort, Soldat Army Road and Sanktheim Gate performing inspections. There's no way that the culprits are getting out of the Zeiss Region.

Wow... You really mean business.

Ha ha... Well, Intel's job is to help us mobilize as quickly and efficiently as possible, in times of emergency.

I do have one question... What do you think about the terrorists having masqueraded as Royal Guardsmen?

Yes... It's very unsettling.


You took photos of the criminals making their escape, did you not? We would greatly appreciate it if you'd give us that photo quartz to be processed as evidence.

What?!'s my big scoop!

The Royal Guardsmen are the pride of Liberl's military. A photo of their involvement in such an incident is a very serious, and sensitive, matter. I also must ask that you not post any news about this until we know more. This is in order to protect the honor of Her Majesty the Queen.

This isn't a formal request, but the entirety of the Royal Armed Forces would greatly appreciate it.

*siiiigh*... Fine, I guess... Once you figure out what you need to know, you'll give it back, right?
Nial wouldn't have given up the photos 
Admittedly, Nial may not be the best role model. Or even a good role model. Bad might be reaching.
Dorothy reluctantly handed over the photo-quartz exposure to Captain Amalthea.

Thank you for cooperating.

Ain't happening. I've been chasing those guys in black since way before any of this started. Military honor or not, I got no reason to stop now.


*sigh*... You leave me no choice. Please, proceed with your investigation. That said, this is with the condition that you report your findings back to Intelligence at Fort Leiston.

Fine with me. And if you learn anything new, you report it to the Zeiss branch, okay?

Very well.

And with that, I must take my leave.

She's Colonel Richard's right hand man...err, woman?

Yes... It looks like she came here as the colonel's direct representative in the investigation.

Heh... Well, I'm just fine with not rubbing elbows with the military.

Anyway, it looks like the culprits are hiding out somewhere in Zeiss. The sooner we report in at the guild, the sooner we can start searching outside of town.


Wait a second. How come you're not telling us not to follow you this time?

Because I can use you. Why else would I want you along?

You're a real peach, you know that?

No big deal, though. It's just more training for us.

Thanks for having us.

Yeah, yeah... Just stay alert.

We're gonna go now, Chief.

All right... Take care.

Do what you have to in order to save the professor.

With that, Agate joins the party again. He's pretty much exactly how you remember him from Chapter 2. We can buy him a better weapon at the store though. We find an even better weapon in a chest soon, but meh, I've got cash to spare.
Onward to the Bracer Guild.


It's you...

I haven't seen you two in some time. You're doing well, I hope?

Professor Alba? What are you doing in Zeiss? Tell me you got an escort this time...
The only escort Alba needs is adventure

Never mind that. We've learned the whereabouts of the criminals. This gentleman is an eyewitness.



Hmmm... I thought what I saw might be significant. Good, then. I'm glad I came. Anyway, I'd been doing field research on the tower, up until a short time ago.

You're talking about one of the Tetracyclic Towers, right?

It'd have to be the Carnelia Tower, north of the plains road.

Yes, and I saw several soldiers enter the structure. I initially thought them to be members of the Royal Army, but... They seemed to be sticking to the shadows, and I heard them mention something about a kidnapping and an escape route. I was greatly unsettled by the whole matter, so I came directly here to tell what I saw.
What would we do without your propensity for reckless self-endangerment, Alba?

These soldiers... What kind of uniforms were they wearing?

Let me think... It was a blue and white uniform. Very sharp-looking. Just as one would expect from Her Majesty's native land. Even the military dresses stylishly.

That's gotta be them... C'mon, we have to hurry to the Carnelia Tower!




Take me with you...!



Hey, runt.


There's no good reason for us to bring you along. Use that brain of yours for some common sense.

B-but...!! Grandpa was kidnapped! I... I have to...

Time is mira, kid, so let me put it to you straight.

You're just gonna get in the way. You stay behind.


Hey, hold on a second! Where do you get off, talking to her like that?!

Oh, shut it. You know I'm right. We can't afford to pick up some amateur's slack... Much less a goddamned kid!


Joshua! Don't just stand there! Say something!

I'm sorry...but I'm with him on this. There's not a chance in the world that those men aren't expecting us to be on their trail. As much as I'd like to have her with us, it's just too dangerous to bring her along.



...I'm sorry, Tita. I guess we can't take you...



Leave her be, for now. The best thing we can do for her is to save the professor.

I know...but I just...

TODAY, people...

Yes. May the fortunes of war smile upon you.

It seems that something major is going on... Please, take care of yourselves.
We're not going to take care of ourselves, we're going to take care of them
First, we've got a bounty to care of. I probably should have done this with Tita and Agate, but meh. It's not a hard fight.
Also, note how much CP Estelle and Joshua have. Staying at Elmo gives you 200CP, meaning you can pretty much cheese any encounters you want in Chapter 3 if you're patient enough to walk all the way there.
The snakes have three tricks. They can attack and poison, they can use Venom, which basically attacks and poisons again, or they can call for backup. None of them are very strong, but they call for backup a lot, so you need to wade through a lot of snake here.
It's easy wading, though. Since there's always going to be a lot of snakes on the field, crowd control is pretty important here.
It can become a pretty drawn out fight, but you're in no real danger of losing if you keep your wits about you. And if you don't have much wit to keep about, then just come with a fourth party member.

Are the kidnappers really holding the professor here?

Yep. Look at the big jumble of footprints. If you need a hiding place, this would probably be a good place for it.

Look out!
We're pretty familiar with the Attack Doberman by now. Same strategy as always, really. Throw a chainlink of sausages then run use lots of area of effect and crowd control artes to clean up.

This is basically the same fight as when we rescued Dorothy, except now we've got Agate, who hits like a truck. The kind of truck that makes the news when it tips over, not a tiny pickup truck.

Oh, maybe...
No wait, it's a video game, that can't be right. Let's try the last one.

They're tied somehow to men in black clothes?

Got it in one. They were probably brought here so the emo-dorks could use them for practice.


Ever since I started checking these guys out, I've gotten attacked by monsters constantly. Ain't no way that's a coincidence.

I see...

So...that means that the checkpoint up in the mountain pass was attacked because YOU were there?!
I... may have prematurely connected those dots for you in Chapter 2. Sorry!

I guess. It was your old man who assigned me this gig in the first place. It ain't like it's been a night at the strip club for me, either.

Strip club, huh? How very...YOU.

Ah...anyway... This reminds me. Jean mentioned something about that, right? Can you share some details?

*sigh* A little before the whole Sky Bandit incident, they started showing up and making trouble. I had to put off some work that really couldn't wait. An [easy] job, he says. That old man always plays innocent.

(That is so very Dad...)

And after the last couple of run-ins with them, there's NO WAY I'm giving anyone else the satisfaction of catching them. I especially want to get that one little bastard...


Which would be whom?

...Never mind. Let's just arrest these guys and rescue the professor.
Go to the Wolf Gate to get a Chapter of Carnelia. I realize I could have edited things so I picked this up before visiting Carnelia (tower), but I feel like this sums up the whole ~Carnelia (book) Experience~ much more accurately.
Bruno: Maybe I should wait a little and come through later. Read a book or something. ...Do you guys like to read. If you want, you can have this one. I'm done with it.
Received Carnelia - Chapter 7.
Bruno: This book is pretty good.
Anyway, heading back to Carnelia.
The encounters here are familiar. We have a palette swap of an enemy from Chapter 1, now weak to water, and the same EP draining ball thingies every Tetracyclic Tower has had.
An Empty chest is a tragic thing indeed.
Ah-ha! You again!
The Black Coat is new armor. It will protect you better than your old armor.
The Robber Trapper encounter has been tweaked somewhat. They've been spaced out, so that area of effect artes are much less effective (White Gehanna can only hit two, and only a single spell in the game has the range to hit three.)

Agate's new craft, Draguna Edge, attacks in a line, penetrates defense, and impedes casting. It's downright perfect for these fights, since it keeps Agate out of the self-destruct zone, and can stop the Robber Trappers' only form of offense.
The best way to handle these fights is to have Estelle (or anyone who can cast Water) use Blue Impact, while Joshua and Agate use Flicker and Draguna Edge to delay the enemy offense.
The chest is decidedly empty.
Mind 3 is a x5 Water Quartz which boosts magic by 15%. It goes on Estelle, to replace Mind 2, but it doesn't teach her any new spells.
No soup for you!
As before, if I don't include a chest's bonus text, it's a repeat. Or I just forgot to examine it and I'm too lazy to go back.
Hmm... Still empty...
Attack 3 is a x5 Fire Quartz, which boosts Attack by 15% and reduces Defense by 15%. It goes on Estelle, replacing her Attack 2. No new spells though.
...That sounds familiar.
An empty chest. Epic fail.
Say, haven't we met before?
You ever been to Vegas?
Attempts at comedy aside, the Demi-Handers are a new weapon for Joshua.
Way to be thorough, hero!
Aw, shucks. The Cavalier Killer is a new weapon for Agate. Let's see if we can round out the trifecta.
It's... empty. This is not entirely unexpected, right?
A man can dream, can't he? Anyway, the Octavian Staff is a new gun for Tita.
...Okay, it's a new weapon for Estelle. Everyone gets upgrades!
We'll need them, because it's time for a rumble! (And a pretty tough one, to boot.)

Hmph... Finally got you cornered.
Black-Clad Man 2: Damn guild dogs... You just won't let it go, will you?!

Getting out of town using those disguises was pretty impressive, I'll admit. But your endgame was pretty weak.

You may not have thought anyone would actually come here, but no such luck. Now, how about you play nice and just let Professor Russell go free?
Black Clad Man: ...

In accordance with the laws of the Bracer Guild, you are hereby placed under arrest. It's too bad we couldn't find the guy in that stupid mask... But I think you'll tide me over.
Black-Clad Man: D-don't mock us! We'll cut down anyone who gets in our way!
They open with a Shadow Weaving, and set the tone for the rest of the fight. This is a much tougher fight than the one at the end of Chapter 2. There's more enemies, they hit harder, they're sturdier, and there's only three of us. With Shadow Weaving delaying your attacks, it can be pretty easy to get buried under a mountain of enemy turns.
Oh, and they brought guns. One of the three Black-Clad Men can use Barrage of Bullets, dealing area of effect damage. I opted to use S-Crafts instead of healing from the initial assault, which was a poor decision. Look at the turn-order, I'm about to get buried.
We were buried, but we managed to dig our way out, thanks to all the Specialty Eggnog I bought at Elmo.
Or not. Between Shadow Weaving, and KOs, the Black-Clad Men take seven turns in a row and curb stomp my entire team.
Let's try this again. This time, more healing, and more White Gehanna. The two key components of a balanced murder.
We still suffer some casualties, but our sandbagging goes better, and White Gehanna is a life-saver, incapacitating one then two of the Black-Clad Men.
Black-Clad Man: But...have you forgotten about our prisoner?

You guys are unbelievable! Don't you ever know when to give up?!

You wanted to use Professor Russell's intellect, right? Are you really willing to harm him?
Black-Clad Man 2: Sh-shut up!
Black-Clad Man: We can always give it a shot!

Whadda bunch of whiners. Just admit you've lost, already. The Royal Armed Forces have mobilized. There's nowhere for you to hide.
Black-Clad Man 2: Heh heh...
Black-Clad Man 1: Ha ha ha...

What's so damn funny?
Black-Clad Man 2: Oh, nothing... It's just that we had thought you competent for a second there. And's almost time.

A rumbling sound is heard.


Estelle, look out!

I hear it!

Of COURSE it's an airship. CHEATERS!

Shit. This was their trump card?!
Black-Clad Man 2: Ha ha... Now, the shoe's on the other foot. Though we'd gladly have killed you all here, we never intended for you bracers to get involved. If you just hold your tongues and observe, you may escape with your lives.

Wha...?! Now listen, you jerk...

(Estelle... I think we should do what they say.)

(What are you saying...?!)

(Playing things by the book here is just going to leave us open. The second they make a move with the professor, we rush them.)

Black-Clad Man 2: ...Looks like you've given up. Ha ha... A wise decision on your part. Now, if you'll excuse us...



Damn it! She followed us?!

Let my grandpa go! Or're g-gonna be in big trouble!

Oh, no...




Black-Clad Man 2: S-sorry... I thought she was gonna take out the ship...
Black-Clad Man: Forget about it. Now, pull back! We're getting out of here!

Wait a second!



All right... For now, we should return to Zeiss and regroup. We need to report in to the guild about that airship.

R-right... Tita... I know you're hurting...

Why...why'd they have to take him...? It's so mean... Why...?

Hey, runt.



I told you'd just get in the way if you followed us. You being here is what screwed up our shot at rescuing the old man. Are you planning to accept responsibility for that?

I... I... I never meant...

Plus, your little stunt with that peashooter wound up putting your own life at risk. Nothing gets on my nerves more than kids like you, who can't resist poking around where they have no business.


...s-so...sor...ry... *sniff*... Waaaahhh...

Hey! You don't have to be so mean! Hell, her grandpa was just kidnapped!

Why do you think I said all that? Hey...kid. While you're still wailing away, have a listen.

...*sob*... *hic*...?

Are you okay with things as they are? Are you going to accept that you can't help your granddad and just give up?

Okay...then shape up and get some courage. You can cry and scream all you want, but first, you gotta learn to stand on your own. Learn to take care of yourself before you run off tryin' to rescue others.


If you can't do that, then don't you EVER get in our way again. You can just crawl into bed, pull the covers over you, and cry like a baby.

...Hell, that'd probably be the best thing for all of us.



I... I'm okay, Estelle... I... I can stand up for myself.

I'm...really sorry. It's my fault that those men got away.

Goofball... You don't have to apologize.

Right. We're just glad you're all right.

Thank you both...

Um... Mister Agate...?

What? Before you start your griping, just remember I'm not a complaint department.

Um... Th-thank you for saving me before.

And...for cheering me up...
Awww, Agate made a new friend

I-I wasn't trying to cheer you up! That's called [discipline for a whiny brat]!

Ha ha... Okay.

You were just crying, so why are you grinning at me now?! D-damn crazy kid...

You really ought to learn to accept someone's gratitude when it's offered. I think you just like being difficult.

No, I think it's more a matter of him being shy.

Ohhhh, that makes sense.

Oh, shut up!
If anybody bought Agate's tough guy act he'd be nearly insufferable. Instead, he just becomes a mentor to children everywhere, and gets no respect from anybody else.

Whatever... We should head back to the guild. It seems to me that those guys have some kind of boss who's calling the shots. I don't like it...but I think we're gonna need the military's help.

Yeah... You're probably right.

Best if we hurry, then.

Wh-what's wrong?

It's nothing. Just... felt a little dizzy for a sec.

Maybe from when you protected me, earlier?

That's right...!

You did get shot... but I thought you blocked it...

Just a scratch. It's no big deal.

B-but... It's my fault...

Listen. I get worse injuries than this from shaving.
That's because you insist on using your giant sword to do it!



We met you on the way back from Elmo...

Ha ha... And I appreciate you helping me on my way. I must say that it seems more than mere happenstance that we meet again on the road.

By the way, did you make it to the hot springs in Elmo, sir?

Indeed I did...but please, there's no need to be so formal.

Oh, but it does seem to be my first meeting with your friend there. Ah... he seems a bit green around the edges. Is he well?


Whoa... What's with your face?!


Shut it... I said I'm... fine.
Carnelia - Chapter 7