Part 49: An Evil Penguin?
Welcome back. Last time, we goofed somewhat in our rescue attempt of the professor, and now he's on an airship to god knows where. Also Agate is dead. Or injured. Or something. I dunno, who cares, It's Agate.

Wh-what's wrong with him?!

One sec!

Not good... His pupils are starting to dilate. I think there may have been something on that bullet...

Y-you mean...he's been poisoned?!

Hmm... That appears to be the case. The pupil dilation could be an indicator of some kind of botanical neurotoxin.

You're probably right. I can't be absolutely sure... but I think his life may be at risk if we don't get him some help.


Enough talk! Right now we have to get him to a doctor! Tita, is there one nearby?!

Th-the Central Factory...! There's a clinic on the 4th floor!

Hm... Then please show me the way there. I will carry the young man.

A-are you sure?!

My body is well suited to this kind of task. Let me handle the heavy lifting. And besides...we appear to be in the same business.

We are...?

You mean...

I have yet to introduce myself.

I am Zane Vathek... of the Calvard Republic guild.
Miriam: It looks to be some unique form of neurotoxin. My usual array of antidotes won't work on something like this.

U-um... What's going to happen to him...?
Miriam: Well, he's a fighter, so I think he'll manage to hold out... But in all likelihood, the longer he stays in this coma, the greater the risk of death.



Sorry I took so long. I had to report in to Kilika. She passed the info on to the military, so if anything comes up, we should find out soon.

Okay... Thank you.

Hey, where'd Zane go?

Apparently, he and Kilika know each other. They had a lot to discuss.

I see... Well, they are both Easterners.
That's racist.

So... How's he doing?



Not so well, then.
Miriam: Unfortunately, I'm not so well-versed in poisons that I can counteract the effects without knowing the ingredients. But Father Vixen might be able to help...


Father Vixen?

Um... He's a priest in Zeiss.
Miriam: He's built up a substantial knowledge of medicine by tapping the Septian Church's millennium-old archives. He's particularly learned in pharmacology. He may be able to devise some form of remedy to counteract the poison's effects.

Ahh, I get it. The priest in Rolent is also really good with this stuff.

It's certainly worth asking about. It's late...but let's see if going to the church will net us anything.

The church's role in medicine is a kind of neat background detail. We've already done a sidequest to that effect back in Chapter 1, and if you read the item descriptions for healing items, it mentions they were created by the Septium Church. If you recall the church's role in sealing away artifacts too, the church starts to seem fairly interesting. Or at least more interesting than just being evil would.
Vixen: What brings you here at this time of night?

Oh, Father! Please help us save Agate!

Tita, calm down a second!

Father, you see...
Joshua explained Agate's poisoning and the details of the poison itself.
Vixen: I see... Hmm. This is troubling.

Is there anything you can do?
Vixen: Thankfully, we do have a treatment here at the church for virulent nerve toxins. It doesn't nullify the poison, but it does boost the patient's immune system so that he can better fight off the effects on his own. Sister Kiera, you're familiar with the medicine I refer to?
Kiera: I am. But the ingredients...

You're out of the ingredients?

What do you need, and where can we get it?
Vixen: Zemuria Moss is what we've called it. It's a species of bio-luminescent plant. It should grow deep in the Limestone Cave inside the Kaldia Tunnel. We've sent bracers to collect it in the past.

The Kaldia Tunnel... We went through there when we came here to Zeiss!

This should be a snap!

Then let's go find some of this Zemuria Moss.
Vixen: What? You two?

Yes, Father. My two friends here are bracers.
Vixen: I see. That makes things much easier. At any rate, go back to the guild and talk to the staff before going to Limestone Cave. There might be some record from earlier collection trips.

Got it!

Let's go.
We do just that. (I can't be expected to come up with a pithy comment everytime we go somewhere

Zane! I didn't know you were still here!

Thanks for carrying Agate earlier.

We're in your debt.

Ha ha. Think nothing of it. Always glad to help a friend.

So... How is Agate's condition?

Joshua relayed what they knew about Agate's current condition and the [Zemuria Moss.]

Hm... Then he is in greater danger than I'd imagined.

If you need Zemuria Moss... One moment while I check the information the church supplied...

Ah, here we are. It can evidently be found in the northwest area of the Kaldia Limestone Cave, at the shore of an underground lake.

Northwest, limestone cave, underground lake... Got it.

You might as well put it in the notebook.

I've heard it said that the monsters in that place are quite strong. I'd advise you to assemble a team of four veteran bracers before attempting this.

Fuh... Four veterans?!

That's going to be difficult.

Hmm... In that case...


Oh. Do you not wish to accompany them?

No, I didn't say that...

Oh, never mind! You're just as frustrating to deal with as ever.

You flatter me.

Well, it wasn't intended as flattery!

Are you going to come with us, Zane?

Yes... That seems to be the path that destiny indicates. I'm setting off for Grancel tomorrow, but I can certainly accompany you until then.

That's plenty of time! Thank you!

We appreciate it.

U-um... Excuse me...? I... I don't suppose I could come?


I know that sometimes I slow you down... But...

Agate's hurt because he protected me... I feel like I've got to do something to help...


Hey, Joshua? What do you say? Can we take her with us? Pleeeeease?
Who will cheer us up when we're feeling down without her? Joshua? That guy's a bummer!

Do I have a choice?

Okay, Tita. Do you promise to let us take the lead and not do anything rash?

I-I promise!

That's enough for me. Do you mind, Zane?

It's fine by me.

Good to have you with us, little one.

Th-thank you, sir!

Well, if that's all settled, then let's get to that limestone cave!

First, we'll have to take the Kaldia Tunnel from the Central Factory basement.
With that, Zane joins the party. Zane has two jobs, and two jobs only. Making hits, and taking hits. He's got excellent strength and defense, and while he can't match Agate's sheer damage output because his crafts aren't as offensively orientated, he makes up for it sheer not dyingitude. Speaking of crafts, he's got five. Macaroni painting, coloring Taunt, which is actually pretty effective on Zane because he's the guy you want taking hits; Distend, which boosts his own strength and defense by 30%; Composure, which restores 800HP and cures all status effects (targets himself only); and Smite, which attacks with a chance of causing confuse. He also has his S-Craft, Disable, which does large damage to a single target.
That said, he's by far the least magically inclined party member, with his orbment divided up into a whopping four lines. He won't be using magic, so just give him whatever buffs you want. As of now, he's got Earth, which is good since it boosts his already solid defense.
As you can see, he's a pretty well-rounded front-liner, which will be a nice on our spelunking adventures. Speaking of...

The monsters I sense inside are ridiculously strong, though. They ain't gonna go down without some serious punishment.


Sweetie, if you're scared, maybe you should just go home? You don't have to prove anything.

I-I'm okay... It's scary, but I'll be all right.

Besides, we have to get that Zemuria Moss, right?

Right. So, shall we head out? So, grows at the edge of some underground lake?

Apparently so, yes. And that lake is supposed to be in the northwest part of this cave.

Hm... We should be extra careful as we make our way through. Don't want to lose our bearings, after all.

Where are we?

And where are we going? I feel like I've been in this cave forever.

I used to have a life before I was in the cave. And a name. I no longer recall either.

I am one with the cave. The cave is life.
Okay so the Limestone caverns are a pain. They're that ever annoying combination of fairly large, somewhat labyrinthian and dark that makes navigating them pretty difficult.
Fortunately, fairly large in Trails is actually still pretty small (like three or four zones), and if you remember your goal is to the north-west things become somewhat easier.
This is the same fight as the one for the G-Impact, except now we have four party members instead of Estelle and Joshua.
Also Tita had an S-Craft in the wings, and if my time in Antarctica taught me anything, it's that penguins don't stand up well to Gatling Guns.
Found: Nada. Zilch. Zero.
EP 3 is a top shelf quartz. It boosts Max EP by 15%, and has an elemental value of x3 Time, x3 Space, and x5 Mirage. Basically, slotting it will almost certainly give you enough Mirage and Space for all your needs, and gets you closer to some sweet, sweet time spells. It goes on Joshua, replacing EP 2.
The chest is empty... Nefarious!
The chest is empty? Madness! Madness? MADNESS!

Huh... Now that's a nice view.

Uh-huh! And in a cave, no less!

Looks like we've found the cave lake. The Zemuria Moss should grow somewhere around here.

Okay! Let's get cracking.

Maybe that glowing stuff is the Zemuria Moss.

Hmm... I wasn't expecting the moss to be so pretty, either. Why does it glow?

Probably because it has a lot of the components that make up septium. Come on, let's gather it up, so we can return to Zeiss.
Harvested Zemuria Moss.

Looks like we're all set!

Well, let's head back to town and deliver it to the priest.


Hold up.


Estelle is about as impressed with the obvious filler boss as I am


Ha ha... I guess that's the ruler of the cave lake.

I don't think we're getting out of here without a fight!
This is a... very strange fight. It's an obvious filler boss, in a game that's always been willing to just not have a boss unless they have an actual plot reason to have one. It's also not that challenging once the adds are dead, but it's got a lot of HP and good resistances so it'll take a while regardless.
Its main move is Thunder Breath, which damages and inflicts seal on an area. Zane getting sealed will basically shut him down, so if you're smart he'll have an accessory preventing it (I am not smart, I am never smart.)

It can be a good idea to take a turn to move Tita out of the way: She can still attack from afar but is much less likely to take damage.
Once his adds are dead, just wail on him until he eventually croaks.
Once he's at low HP, he'll spend a turn charging and use Sonic Boom. Taking into account the charge time it doesn't do very good damage, but it can still one-shot Tita easily. If Zane gets sealed, it might be a good idea to have him cast Earth Guard on her, since he has it with his default loadout and it's not worth casting offensively.
He can also heal himself once he's nearly dead, but that just delays the inevitable.

It... it was kinda cute, but still scary...

Phew... I guess we drove it off.

We shouldn't waste any more time, though. Let's go before it decides to come back.

Hmm... Yes, that would probably be best. This moss is supposed to go to the church in town, right?

Yeah, let's hurry!
Quick, let's all go to church! (I don't get the chance to say that often.)
Vixen: You have it? I'm impressed you were able to get it so quickly.

Can you use this to make that medicine?
Vixen: Yes, yes. Of course. I need to mix it in the back. Come with me, if you'd please.
Vixen: Oh Great Goddess, we call on your will to shape and purify the power distilled within.
Vixen: ...It is ready. Here. Take this.
Received Arve Sovereign Serum.

What a pretty color!

Do you...drink this?
Vixen: Yes. Mind you, this will not destroy the poison. It will only boost the patient's immune system so that it may deal with the toxic agents itself.

Hmm. How very...Eastern.
Vixen: Yes, it does share some of its origin with the more esoteric cures of the East. Go.Take it to your friend.


Thank you so much, Father!
Quick, let's all go to the hospital! (Thankfully, I don't get the chance to say that often either.)

The priest gave us the medicine!
Miriam: Really?! I knew he wouldn't let us down!
Handed over Arve Sovereign Serum.
Miriam: I see... This will stimulate his natural immune response. It's worth a shot...
Dr. Miriam used an oral syringe to administer the medicine to Agate.
Miriam: ...


Aidios, please...





Whoa! Why's he screaming like that?!

It's okay... I think he's going to be fine.


The medicine is beginning to take effect. It hurts, and it's rough on his system, but he'll recover.
Miriam: Ha ha... Exactly. This should take him out of any immediate danger from the neurotoxin.


B-but...he's in so much pain...!
Miriam: Yes, and he will be for the better part of a day. But he'll be all right. He's going to pull through and make a full recovery.
Late into the night, Estelle and the others slept in shifts to watch over him.

Now where's that spare towel... Ah-HA!
Agate: ...Urraaahh...

He's sweating like crazy... I need to dry him...


A-Agate! Are you awake...? I'll bring you some water...



Th-thank the Goddess... There... you are... I'm... right here... Don't be... scared... Just... just...


Tita put a hand to Agate's forehead, confirming his fever. She wiped his brow and laid a cool towel upon him. Gradually the pain left his face, and his breathing grew less ragged. Soon, all was quiet and calm, and he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Whew... Thank goodness...

But... Who's Mischa?

Hey, it's okay. We really appreciate all your help.

Are you taking this ship directly to Grancel?

Yes... There is much I must do. If I weren't expected there, I would gladly remain, and do my part to help resolve this kidnapping incident.
I'm sure you'll run into the Black-Clad Men somewhere. And when you do, take a swing at them. For Agate.

Forgive me, little one.

D-don't be silly... You've done a lot for us. Thank you so much...

Ha ha... And I appreciate you saying so.
Woman's Voice: All passengers please go to the departure gate.

Oops... Time to make my exit.

You betcha! Oh... How long are you going to be in Liberl?

I couldn't say for certain... but probably until the Queen's birthday festival.

Maybe we'll see you there.

Until then, take care.

Same to you.

Maybe they've learned something about that airship from before.

Yeah, and they might have some intel from the Royal Armed Forces.

What are you going to do, Tita?

Umm... I think I'm going to look after Agate. Since he hasn't woken up yet, I don't think he should be left alone.


That's fine. Let us take care of finding the professor!

I'm sorry. All I ever do is cause trouble for you...

Would you listen to this kid? Where's that old spirit? Buck up, sweetie. We'll sort this out.

I think it's a great idea for you to stay with him until he wakes up. We trust you to take care of him.


I'm kinda surprised that she cares so much about a guy with absolutely no manners, though.

Well... Come to think of it, you two are pretty similar to each other.


I have NOTHING in common with that jerk!

How about your tendency to go off half-cocked, or how soft-hearted you are?

He talks like a big jerk, but he's always trying to protect others. I think that Tita sees that.

Grrrr... Well, I can't really argue with that...

Fine. Let's just go see what's up at the guild. Until Agate's up and about again, we've got plenty we can investigate.

That sounds fine.

Good morning.

And to you both. Has Zane already left?

Yes. He took an airliner to Grancel some time ago.

I wish you could have come to see him off. Speaking of which, do you two know each other, somehow?

A bit, quite some time ago.

But that's beside the point. Have you noticed the strange current in the air? The winds are shifting...

Hey, no changing the subject!

...Wait, we are talking about the weather, aren't we?
Congrats on not knowing what a metaphor is, Estelle!

Have you learned something about that airship?

Not a thing. But I believe this disquieting atmosphere is related to the Royal Army mobilizing. For one thing, I've sent a message to the army headquarters at Leiston Fortress, but there's been no response. Secondly, all the mandatory inspections throughout the kingdom have been lifted.

What?! What's THAT all about? This isn't about another turf war, like with the Sky Bandits, is it?

No... It would be strange for them to call off inspections, if that were the case. If they had caught the culprits themselves, surely they would have sent word around.

Maybe there IS something in the air...

Incidentally, I've not been able to contact the Intelligence Division at Leiston Fortress, either. It is possible that the Royal Army has some sort of internal issue going on...

[Some sort of]... Oh, WAIT! The stuff that Dorothy shot!

The picture of those guys in black wearing the Royal Guard uniforms...

Speak of the devil, and yea verily...

Wow... What an ordeal. I finally got in touch with my editor's office, and Nial happened to be there. When I told him about giving up my photo-quartz to the army, he just about blew his stack! It's soooooo unfair!

...Which means they haven't given it back yet?

Right! I mean, how rude is that? And after I'd gone to the trouble of going to Leiston Fortress to get it back, too!

Wow... You've got some fire to you!

Hee hee... Well, I guess I have to have one redeeming trait, right? Anyway, I didn't have any other option but to just take a picture of the fort for the paper! It does make for a great shot, though... It lights up all pretty at night.

You took a pretty picture. Of the fort.

Not to mention, you're supposed to obtain permission to photograph any part of a military installation.
Meh, what's a little light treason in the face of a good picture?

Come on... It's not like it's that big a deal. Here, take a look. I just developed it.
Dorothy placed the photo on the counter.

Heeey... That IS a pretty nice shot. So this is Leiston Fortress...

Wow, Dorothy... You've really got a good eye for this.

...Wait a sec...

What's wrong, Estelle?

It might be just my imagination, but do you see anything there, on the top right?


...You're right.

It's not very clear, but there's definitely a small shadow there.

*whistles* You've got a sharp eye, Estelle. I mean, I took the picture, and I didn't notice that at all.

Well, it is just a silhouette. Maybe it's an army ship?

...No. That's no guard ship... This is that small airship from before.


It's the same silhouette as the ship that the professor was taken away in.


The Liberl News - Issue 7:
This is the second time the news has blamed a crime on both the Jaegers and the Dragon (the last being the hijacking of the Linde). I think "Fuck it, it was the Jaegers and/or the Dragon" is Nial's go-to when it's 8pm on a Friday and he just doesn't care anymore.