Part 50: I don't know how much more mind I have left to blow.
Last time, we managed to save Agate's life which is good, I guess. Tita's happy about it, at least
. Afterwards, we checked in with the guild, where Dorothy showed us a picture she took of Leiston Fortress (somewhat illegally!). Said photo happened to include the airship that kidnapped the professor, flying right over the fortress. How do you feel about that, Estelle?
That about sums it up, doesn't it?

Why would THAT ship be anywhere near here? This IS a Royal Army installation, isn't it?

Calm down, Estelle. There are plenty of possibilities to consider before we go jumping to conclusions.

Maybe we should go straight to Leiston Fortress and ask what this is about.


I see. You intend to put it to them directly. Provoke a response, perhaps?

Do you think that would be a bad idea?

Not at all. You have my authorization. This has the potential to be a huge disaster. Whatever might be going on there, this matter must be handled delicately.

Eeeep... You're starting to scare me, Kilika.

But you're probably right. We have to handle this VERY carefully. Hey, Dorothy? Can we have a copy of this picture?

Sure. After all, you guys have done a lot for me.

Thanks! I owe you one!
Received Dorothy's Photograph.

If you intend to go to Leiston Fortress, you'll need to leave via the east entrance and take the Ritter Roadway. When you reach the three-way fork in the road, stay on the northern fork and you'll eventually wind up in front of the fort's main gate. Please use the utmost caution.

Roger that!

And now we're off, to poke the metaphorical bear (or literal bear if Leiston Fortress has some badass security) and try to provoke a response from the military. Man, shit got real fast. Not that I'm complaining.
The way is blocked by monsters, as ways find themselves prone to be.

We've got the Bloody Saber, a relative of Fango and Bango from Chapter 2 to deal with, as well as two Attack Doberman and two Wild Dozers, some new enemies.

Never go after the Bloody Saber first. Not only does he heal from attacking you, meaning it's a huge uphill battle, but he'll also use Death Throes to buff everyone else when he dies.

The Wild Dozers are kind of annoying, because their default attacks delay your turns.

We've only got two characters, so there isn't much room for grand strategy. Heal, use Flicker and White Gehanna to try and counter the action advantage, the usual. I do something new, though. I buff Joshua's speed with Clock Up EX, which boosts his speed by 50%. It takes forever to cast, but with only two characters a 50% boost to speed is a much larger proportional increase in actions then with four, so it's especially useful here.
Well timed S-Breaks are as useful as ever, especially since you've got five enemies worth of attacks funneled onto two people, meaning you'll have plenty of CP going around.
It's empty! Heinous!
On the way to Leiston Fortress, which totally isn't a reskinned version of the path to Haken Gate, we can find some chests.
It's empty! Outrageous!
Double-dipping is against the rules.
Leiston Fortress is one of my favorite location tracks, not only is it a good track, but it sets every scene that it gets played over really well.

It's gotta be several times as big as the Haken Gate, don't you think?

Yeah... You may be right. It was apparently the primary base of the counteroffensive in the war, ten years ago.

Oh, okay... That's pretty impressive. Well, let's go inside and see if we can talk to whoever's in charge.


What is it?

Nothing... It's just that you're not acting like your usual timid self. You're starting to remind me of Dad.
Timid? Did you mistake Estelle for literally any other member of the cast?

Oh, come on. It's not like I'm not nervous. But after General Morgan how bad can it be?

Ha ha... I guess you're right.

I wonder if he's still at the Haken Gate...?

That's strange... There's usually a gatekeeper outside, at least.

Um... Where'd that come from?

Probably a speaker.
Man's Voice: This is Leiston Fortress, HQ of Liberl's Royal Armed Forces. This place is off-limits to civilians. I'm afraid you're going to have to leave.

(Hmmm... They SOUND polite, but...)

(Yeah... I think they're just being extra-cautious.)
Man's Voice: *sigh* Can you two hear me?

Sorry, but we're not civilians. We're from the Bracer Guild.

We're here to discuss the matter of the Central Lab being attacked. Could we please speak with the individual in charge?
Man's Voice: Are you actual bracers, then?

If you don't believe us, you can inspect our emblems. You can see them, right?
Man's Voice: Indeed. You appear to be the genuine article. However, I regret to inform you that the C.O. of this base is currently away. Perhaps you can come back another day.

No commanding officer? Well, that sounds sloppy.

In that case, anyone from the Intelligence Division will be fine. We have information that must go to either Colonel Richard or Captain Amalthea.
Man's Voice: Very well. Wait there.

Whew... It's like pulling teeth with these guys.

Yeah... I wasn't expecting security to be quite THIS tight here.
The gate begins opening.

Well, someone's here at least...
Eat your heart out FF, we've got our own Cid.

I am Major Cid, Garrison Commander of Leiston Fortress.

I'm Estelle Bright, of the Bracer Guild.

And I'm Joshua Bright, also of the Bracer Guild.


Is something wrong?

N-nothing... Pardon me.

On to business. You mentioned the attack on the Central Labs? I'm very sorry... but no one from the Intelligence Division is currently here. If you'd have a message, I can deliver it for you.

Hmmm... That could be a problem.

(Okay... Time to shake things up...)
We can pick any of them, but not only is the last one the only one that's entirely true, but it also hides exactly how much we know. There are plenty of possible leads other than "you guys have him." We don't want to overplay our hand.
I may be putting too much thought into a choice that doesn't matter.

*sigh* And here we found a lead on the airship that took away the professor.

You what?!

What? Why do you look so surprised, Major?

Oh... I-it's nothing. We've just been searching for it, too. So...what is this lead, anyway?

Take a look at this...
Handed over Dorothy's Photograph.

This... This is Leiston Fortress, isn't it? How did you get this picture...?

Now, now... No need to get worked up. Look at the top-right corner of that picture.

Let's see...

What the...?!

That's obviously not the silhouette of a military patrol ship, is it?

And it's the spitting image of the airship that took away the professor.

... Indeed... this is a grave matter. Thank you for your cooperation. I'll send a report to the Intelligence Division straight away.

Huh...? Hey, wait a minute! Is that it?

Is what it?

I mean... Don't you think this is weird? Why would the suspects' ship be hanging around HERE?

It's embarrassing to admit, but I'm afraid that it's entirely my fault. We have been aggressively searching along the border, so security wasn't as tight at home as it should have been then. And if this airship fled to the north, it's possible that this whole matter may have been a plot by the Empire.



I'd like to know just one thing. Where, exactly, ARE all of the intelligence personnel right now?


That's classified. I'm sorry I can't say more.

...but don't you think this all kinda smells a little funny?

I know... But without any concrete evidence, pursuing this lead won't do us any good.



What the...?
Major Cid: What...? Did that phenomenon start up again?

(Joshua, that's...!)

(Yeah, I think that's exactly what we needed.)
You mean as kidnappers? Because, yeah, that's pretty bad.

It looks like the gate mechanism isn't in the best of conditions.

Indeed... That's a real problem.

Maybe you could get some folks from the Central Labs out to repair it? I'll bet that someone like Professor Russell could have it good as new in no time flat.

Y-yes. I'll keep that in mind.

Be sure to keep any careless civilians away.
Sentry: Sir! Yes, sir!
Sentry 2: Understood, sir!

That said, you two can be on your way. I'll be certain to take that photograph to Intelligence. Now, if you'll pardon me.
He leaves, leaving us no other choice but to leave as well. If only he'd forgotten to post guards. But I guess the only army man we can expect gross incompetence from is Morgan.

Especially if that little malfunction we just saw is what I think it is. was probably that same phenomenon.

Which would mean...

The professor is being held prisoner inside!

(Shh, Estelle! This isn't the place to be discussing that.)


(For now, let's get back to Zeiss and see what Kilika has to say. If we have the chance, we can call for the lab chief.)

A-are you absolutely certain?

Miss Dorothy's photograph and the shutdown of orbal power in the gate... These two things, combined, make the conclusion inescapable.

B-but the Central Factory has been building a relationship with the Royal Army for several years. And now I'm expected to believe this...?

It's not as if the internal command structure of the military is all run by a single entity. The people who attacked the factory were seen escaping, and they looked like Royal Guardsmen. That in itself is a clue.

Oh, and that would mean...
Answer 1 is also acceptable, albeit incomplete. Answer 2 displays a crippling inability to comprehend things that happen.

The Royal Guardsmen are being set up?

My thoughts exactly. This may be some form of internal conspiracy within the Royal Army.

Mmm... This is unpleasant to think about. But how could the professor get caught up in something like this?

Good to see you back on your feet.

It was a little weird, waking up in a strange place after being put to bed like some baby.

Oh, for the love of... Everyone was worried about you, all right?

Are you sure you're okay with moving around so soon?

Yeah... Sleeping so damn much didn't give me any other option than to recover. I'm feeling pretty much back to normal.

B-but, Agate... You should probably rest some more... You just got the poison out of your system, and the doctor said--

I just said, I'm fine. I've been training for years. It's not that rough on someone like me.

Mmm... *sniff*...

I won't overdo it or anything until I'm back to normal. That cool with you?

Hee hee... Okay.

Damn kids...

Ha ha ha... Even the mighty Agate is no match for Tita.

I guess it's hard to say no to someone who's kept a constant vigil over you and nursed you back to health.

Ahh, shut up.

Getting back to the point... It looks like a lot's been going on while I've been out of commission. Mind filling me in on the details?

Estelle explained that all signs pointed to Professor Russell being held captive at Leiston Fortress.

I still can't believe that Grandpa's in there...

I wouldn't have thought those goons in the black clothes were army types, either...

Heh... And suddenly, I'm feeling better than ever. What say we go and settle our debts?

[Settle our debts]?

Ain't it obvious? We sneak into Leiston Fortress. We'll bust the prof out, and they'll never know what hit 'em.

Ahh, okay. Like settling everything in one big stroke.

I'm afraid it's not that simple.


Article Three of the guild code: [Bracers and Non-Involvement in Military or Political Matters. A bracer will recognize a nation's sovereignty, and may not interfere with nor arrest any person of national military or political standing.]

Or to put it more simply, as long as the army is playing dumb about this, our hands are tied.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding.

No way... That doesn't make sense! You mean that we can witness a crime, but if it's done by a soldier or a politician, we just have to pretend we didn't see anything?!

Essentially, yes. There is, however, a loophole. Article Two of the guild code: [Bracers and Their Duty to the People. In the event of unjust imperilment of citizens, the bracer's sworn duty is to bear the responsibility for the citizen(s)' safety.]

Do you understand the significance of this?

I see... The professor's not a politician or a soldier. He's a civilian, whom we're sworn to protect.

S-so then...

The rest hinges upon you, Mr. Murdock. In this case, we are obligated to oppose the Royal Army and save Professor Russell. Will you help us?

...Stupid question. The factory needs him... Ah, hell, all of Liberl needs him.

Go and get him.

No need to thank me. I owe Professor Russell for all he's taught me.

And so we have adequate justification to proceed. Bracers Agate, Estelle and Joshua...

You are hereby ordered to proceed to Leiston Fortress and rescue Professor Russell. It is not as above-board as you may be accustomed to, but it is the request of the Bracer Guild, nevertheless.

Now you're talking!


Heh. Bring it on! If we're doing this, we have to figure out how we're getting in there. Leiston Fortress is pretty damned famous for being impossible to break into.

That's true. It's easy to say we're going to do it, but putting it into practice is going to take some serious planning. There has to be some way of getting inside.

Unfortunately, the security there is nigh unto perfect. Approaching from the lake would likely be impossible, since it's monitored by a network of orbal sensors.

Heh... I figured as much.

And a frontal assault would be tantamount to suicide.

Hey, Mr. Murdock? You know that orange airship that goes to Leiston Fortress?

Yes... That's the Leibnitz. It makes periodic stops to inspect the equipment at the fort to make sure it's performing properly.

Is there any way we could sneak into the fortress on it?

No. All of the crew members go through a thorough security check as soon as they land. It'd be impossible to just sneak away.

How about stowing away in the cargo?

No good. Each container is scanned with a bio-sensor for living creatures, and they check each and every one. Plus, those sensors were designed by Professor Russell himself. They can even pick up one little mouse in a huge mass of stuff.

Hmmm... Well, damn.


What is it, sweetie?

Don't you remember?! Grandpa's invention! From when I was showing you around!!

Lemme think...


When we were helping with the experiments on a new type of orbment, right?

Yeah! It produces a force field that can disrupt the bio-sensors! We can do some tests, and we'll be fine... We can move around however we need to!


I had no idea the professor had ever made anything like that...

Where is this device, then?

I guess it must be right where he left it, in his laboratory.

Then we have no time to lose. Hurry and retrieve this device. In the meantime, I will gather and collate whatever data I can on Leiston Fortress.

Got it. Thanks.

I'll leave the arrangement of a delivery via the Leibnitz to you, Mr. Murdock.

A-all right. I'll talk to Gustav. Just come to the airfield when you're ready!
There are some sidequests that don't expire until we head to Leiston that I haven't done yet (so that I wouldn't have two straight updates of nothing but sidequests in a row again), but I'll post them later, so as not to ruin all the momentum we've built up.
All that you need to know is that we get an Impede 3 quartz as a reward (80% chance of impeding enemy casting), which lets Estelle use Aero Storm, a top tier Wind spell with the largest effective radius in the game. Moving on.

It's gotta be here somewhere.

Umm...maybe in a corner of the lab or the second floor archives? Those are where Grandpa usually tosses stuff from his old inventions.

Eccentric old coot... But whatever. Let's just find the damn thing.
Found it! Wait damn it Estelle, that was my transition.

That's the orbment that was in our experiment, all right. So...can we use it?

I think so. If everything performs to specs, then it'll keep a biosensor from working right.
Found Detection Jammer.

All right. Back to the guild, then. Kilika's probably finished collecting intel on Leiston Fortress by now.

Now, what I am about to show you is not to be spoken of to anyone else.
Received Leiston Fortress Map.

Heh! Well, would you look at that.

These are the schematics for Leiston Fortress?

Wow... It sure is big.

And Grandpa's in there somewhere...

Isn't the layout of the fort a military secret? How'd the guild get its hands on it?

The guild has ways of obtaining information. It is best that you not know.

We must all memorize the layout of this map.


The guild and the Royal Army have always maintained good relations, across all nations. It is absolutely crucial that we not cause any ill will. The guild can ill afford hostilities with the army. Do I make myself clear, Agate?
I like how she only asks Agate. Nobody else.

Heh. Yeah, I guess.

But if I see the men in black clothes, they're going to have a hot date with the business end of my sword. Soldiers or not, I've been looking for them so long now that I think they'd be offended if I DIDN'T kick their asses.

Do what you must. I just ask that you take no lives.

Estelle and Joshua. Legally, I should not entrust a task like this to junior bracers.

Whoa, whoa, wait a second! I don't like what you're driving at.

We're already a part of this. Please, allow us to see it through to the end.

I thought you might say that, and I don't intend to stand in your way. But it must be said that you answer to Zeiss. As such, if worse comes to worst, I will accept full responsibility for your actions. You needn't worry.
Even the barely important NPCs get to be cool


I'm sorry... We've caused so much trouble for you.

Now, then...Tita. Since you're not a bracer, I have no authority over you... but are you truly set in your course?


Yes, ma'am. I am.

You don't mean...

Umm... I'm the only one who knows how to operate the device. So... I'm going with you.


Well, it is a very complicated orbment...

I'm sorry... I don't want to cause any trouble, but I have to go, too.

You gotta be shittin' me.

Listen, pipsqueak. I ain't hearin' this crap. What the hell are we supposed to do with a kid on a mission this dangerous, huh?

B-but... You need me to operate the device...

Then forget that idea! We'll find another way to sneak in!


All right, enough. Lighten up. Why are you so goddamned stubborn?

You wanna run that by me again?

Tita's ready, and she said she wants to help. And her help will make it easier for us to sneak in. All that improves our chances of getting the professor out safely. I want to know why you're so against it NOW, of all times.

You little... Have you even thought about her being a civilian? And a KID, besides? And you're okay with putting her in danger?
I know it's a JRPG and we need a reason to have all party members on deck, but I've gotta say, Agate makes a good point.

I don't like it any more than you do, but we'll keep her safe. We're bracers. That's our job.

You sure talk a big game, for a rookie.

And what does experience have to do with this? Bracers aren't the only ones who feel that some people are worth protecting.

Isn't supporting that ideal what we're supposed to be all about?


Estelle... Joshua...

U-um...Agate...? I'm sorry that I make you so mad. But my grandpa is everything to me. All I want is for him to be okay... so I'm going to do everything I can to make sure he is.


Besides, you helped me when I needed it... So let me do the same for Estelle and Joshua...and for you. I swear that I'll be good... and I'll follow orders.

Please... I'm begging you!

Oh, sweetie...

I didn't realize you'd put so much thought into this...


Hmph. I don't buy it. If you really want to help us that badly, without getting in our way... then follow orders, and stay here. You got it?


But we really don't have any other way to get in there... I'd rather not do this.

Truth be told, I can think of a few thousand things I'd RATHER do, but I'll let it slide, this once.


Thank you, Agate!

You got no reason to thank me. You fall behind, you get LEFT behind. Just so you know.

A-all right!

I swear, one of these days... By the GODDESS, you're a jerk! Why can't you just be nice and appreciate what she's saying?

Settle down, Estelle. He's just the type who speaks, ah... 'colorfully' when he's embarrassed. It's a defense mechanism.
Oh Agate. No one will ever take you seriously.

Both of you, SHUT IT.


Ha ha... Now, I trust that the matter has been settled.

The Leibnitz will soon be ready to set off. When you are ready, please proceed to the airfield.

Will do!

Later, Kilika. Take care of talking with the army for us.

I have appropriate responses lined up, should they decide to question us. Aidios keep you. Please be careful.
We don't know the meaning of careful

Yeah, we can go any time.

Is the Leibnitz ready, too?

Yeah, you were lucky that last-minute military order came through like that. We were just about to head out to Leiston Fortress. We can take off any time.

Any time? Won't it be hard to leave without, you know, the ship?

Estelle, look down.

...Oh. Do we have to, um, jump?
If you want to die, sure!

*giggle* No, we don't.

Wha-... What the...?!

What's happening to the flight deck?!

What, didn't you know? This place's got enough secrets built into it to blow your mind.

To be honest, Agate...

I don't know how much more mind I have left to blow.

You probably have more left than I do, Estelle.

And all of this? It's all...

I know. It's all Professor Russell's handiwork, right?

Tita, your grandfather is something else.

I think I'm starting to see just how true that really is.

Howdy, Tita. I already heard everything from Murdock. Hard to believe what happened to the professor.

Guess it's up to us to help him out of it.

Th-Thank you!

Yeah, we owe you.

Not at all. I'm the one who owes Professor Russell. Okie dokie. We're ready. Are we ready to liftoff?
Let's go go go!

All right! Let's load up! We're off to Leiston Fortress!

Please...bring Professor Russell back home safely.

And...take care of Tita.


No sweat!

Let's go, then.

Oh! Chief! Were Estelle and crew aboard that last ship?

That's right... How did you know?

The guild tipped me. And there's biiiig trouble brewing, if what my editors told me rings true. I wanted to let them know before they left...

Wh-what kind of trouble...?

I shudder to think how much worse the situation can get...

Weeeeeell... This is totally off the record...