Part 51: Grand plans...but what will come of them?
Welcome back. Last time, due to some terribly poor (great for us) timing on the Black Orbment's part, we confirmed the Professor had been taken to Leiston Fortress. We quickly devised a plan to sneak and break him out, by hitching a ride on a supply vehicle to the fortress. Just after we left, Dorothy came hot on our heels with some troubling news: Members of the Royal Guardsmen in Grancel were arrested for treason.
Looks the opposite of comfortable!

I hope all of you are REAL close friends. It's going to be a tight squeeze for four people.

Really? It looks big enough.

It's only half as big inside as it looks. Gotta have cargo in there for camouflage's sake. Ha ha ha... Think of yourselves like the filling for a doughnut.

That's...not encouraging.

We'll be fine. It's all a matter of how you approach the situation.

It'll get the job done, but I wouldn't want to take a vacation in there.

Oh, right. Say, got any orbment facilities here or anything? I'm a little off-kilter, so I want to change things up.

We have an on-board factory, of sorts. You're welcome to make use of it.

I'll go, too. My orbment could use a little tune-up after all it's been through! This way, Agate.

Uh, all right.

It won't be too comfortable in that container, so you oughta get some rest while you can.

Sure thing.

Thank you.
Before we can continue the plot, we've got to talk to everyone on the ship.
Faye: This changes so many things. If they notice the container's fake, it'll ruin the rescue and expose our troops. I have GOT to concentrate.
Igor: You son of a... hurry up and get us back on-course! Every minute you play around is putting Professor Russel in greater danger.
Rehmann: Just shut it, old-timer! I can't concentrate with you barking in my ear like that.

I'll just run a quick diagnostic on it...

Um, this isn't...

But wow, you just light all up around some new gadget.
Antoine: (These nails are bothering me.)
We even brought the kitty! Best rescue operation ever
Wilmont: The factory chief not telling us sooner didn't help either. Show a little trust!
Now that we've done that, we head onto the main deck.
Hey look, it's a trail in the sky

It's been a really long time since I was on an airship.

No kidding. We didn't exactly have time to go sightseeing on the Sky Bandit ship.

The circumstances aren't so different, but it doesn't feel like we're in any immediate danger. I'm not constantly bracing for impact, at any rate.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of something like this happening in Liberl, though. It feels like the start of something really big.

My thoughts exactly. The Sky Bandits were [sic] the ones in black, and they were involved with the mayor of Ruan behind the scenes.
This feels like a typo, it should probably read "were with", or something to that effect. Unless the Capuas were literally the men in black, and the Masked Man is going to take of his mask and it'll be Josette. (I'd be super okay with that.)

If we can learn more about them, we might be able to get a solid lead.

Not to mention... why Dad disappeared like that...


Well, while we're saving the professor, we can look around for clues!

The metal part of the slot connectors got loose.

Anyone ever tell you you're a busybody? If I wanted mods that simple, I could do them myself.

But, hey... thanks.

Ha ha... You're welcome.

Oh... By the way, how are you feeling? I hope you don't feel all yucky.

Yeah, I'm fine. You really don't have to worry.

If you really want to worry about someone, worry about yourself. Now's the time to back out, if you still want to.


Don't get me wrong. I ain't telling you not to come. It's just... aren't you scared?


Even though we're doing this for the old man, we're still breaking into a military base. Most kids would piss themselves at the idea of doing something this major. So, how come you're all carefree about it?

Um... Well, I'm really scared out of my mind...

...but I have Joshua and Estelle with me. And you're here, too... Not being alone makes it easier, so I don't have to think about how scared I am.

Hee hee... Maybe that's a little stupid...


Ha ha. A [little]? Try [incredibly.] Anyway, worrying is just a waste of time.

Hee hee... Sorry.

Umm... Can I ask you something?

Where'd this come from?

I, um... I was just wondering... Who's Mischa?

...How do you know that name?

Uh, I, um... You called me that when you were poisoned...

...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.

Nah... It's nothing I'm ashamed of.

Mischa's my kid sister.

Oh, wow. You're a big brother?

How old is she? Older than me?

Well...sort of.

She must be about your age.

...? I guess you haven't seen her in a long time?

...Work keeps me busy. I go home to see my parents maybe once a year.

Oh... Poor Mischa...

What's that supposed to mean?

I just think that if I had a big brother, I'd want to be with him all the time.

I bet she feels the same way.


Well, you might be right. If I was more reliable, maybe I'd be with her...

It means she's probably dead.
...I made myself sad, poor guy
Crew Member's Voice: All bracers to the cargo hold.

Looks like it's time.

Hi, Estelle...

Didn't you hear the announcement?

We'll be arriving soon.

Yeah, I'm all done getting ready.

Did you get everything you need, sweetie?

Yup, you betcha. I even tested the timing. I think I should be able to handle the bio-sensor, so leave that to me.

Well, now. That's encouraging.

We're counting on you, Tita.


Why don't we head down to the cargo hold?

Looks like you've got everything set up.

I'm all done with disguising the container.

If you just open it up, all you'll see are these plates that are used for fixing ship hulls.

Heeeey, that's pretty cool.

This ought to fool the bio-sensor and allow us to sneak in.

So, all that's left is for you to pile in. Are you folks ready for this?

Of course we are!

I was born ready.

Okay, then you'll need to get in one at a time. Once you're all inside, I'll close the hidden door.

Understood. I'll go first.


...? Estelle? Are you okay?

I-I'm fine!

Turn your head this way.



U-um, Joshua... I don't know about holding this pose...

W-we've just got to deal with it. Otherwise, we'll never get all four of us in here.

R-right... Yeah, we have to do this.


Next up is Tita. Agate, you're in the back. We should all fit if we do it that way.

Okay. In I go!

Aww... Tita, you're all warm and snuggly. Mmmm, and you even smell kinda sweet, like fresh milk.

H-hey... Don't hug so tight... I kinda can't breathe.

Heh heh heh... It's not that bad, is it?

Hmmmm... My, what squishable cheeks you have!


Estelle... Quit playing around.

Okay, now I'm getting nervous.

Hey, kids. Make a little room.

There... Is it too cramped?

N-no... I'm okay. I can hold out...

Don't be stubborn. If it's too uncomfortable, just say so.


Okay, man. I think we're set.

Gotcha. I'll close the door.

Just be patient and stay calm. Good luck, kids.

Hello, Chief Gustav. I'm sorry to make you come all this way. That said, however, I'm impressed. I wasn't expecting you to get here so soon.

The Royal Military is one of my best customers. You folks are always a priority. Not to mention, the order sounded pretty urgent. I already finished maintenance on the patrol ship. Did something happen?

O-oh, nothing significant... Just your usual military matters. Ah, yes. I've heard about the attack on the Central Labs. I've recently come into possession of a clue which may help us wrap up this matter within as little as a few days.

Oh...? That's excellent news. Professor Russell is one of my greatest inspirations and benefactors. I hope he hasn't been injured...

N-no... You can relax on that score.

Oh? How can you be so sure?

It seems that the abductors are demanding a ransom for the professor's safe return. That would suggest that he's unharmed, so I don't think that's a concern.

I see... Well, it looks like the Royal Armed Forces have this well under control. So are you planning to do another container check today?

I trust you, but regulations must be adhered to.
How often is it that the antagonists get screwed over because they trust the good guys? Sorry about this, Cid!

All right, grunts! Get to work!
Soldier: Roger that, sir!
Soldier 2: Roger!
Whenever they walk up to a crate, a beeping noise rings out.
This time, a different, less good beeping noise rings out. You had one job Tita!
Soldier: Looks like it's alive, whatever it is!

What...?! What is this, Maintenance Chief?

H-hey now. I have no idea. You sure your equipment's in working order?

Of course it is. It's a Central Lab-made bio-sensor.

Well, if you say so. It's probably just a mouse or some such. Hardly worth making such a fuss over, is it?

Regulations are regulations.

Surround that container, men!
Looks like we've been made. Guess we've got no choice but to fight our way in.
...Actually, that sounds kinda fun.


Oh, it's just Antoine. When did you sneak off, huh?
Antoine: Nya-o... (So, we meet again...fleshy thing...)

Okay, so what's with the cat?

His name's Antoine. He lives at the Central Labs. I'd guess he sneaked onto the Leibnitz.

He certainly gave ME quite a shock.

False alarm, I guess.
Antoine: Nyaon? (Who are you?)

Well, I suppose that one can't blame a cat for being a cat. Hey, you. If you like it here, you're welcome to stay for a while.
Awww, Cid's not such a bad guy.

Hey, now. Don't try to tempt him.
Antoine: *Fumyaaa...* ...Nyaon. (*yawn* ...I'm tired.)

Ha ha... Too bad.

Still, that bio-sensor is a pretty impressive piece of work. If not for it, Antoine would have been packed away in storage.

Well, it IS of Central Lab make.

All right, men. Check the other containers.
Soldier: Yes, sir!

We'll bring the containers in tomorrow, so you can return to the barracks for now.
Soldier: P-pardon me, Major... but how long is the current emergency command structure expected to last?

Soldier 2: Th-that's right! We're army, sir. Why do we have to associate with them?

It's not that I don't understand what you're getting at... But it is not the place of a soldier to question the orders of a superior officer.

Besides, you never know who's watching or listening. Discretion is a must at all times.
Soldier: Yes, sir...
Soldier 2: Understood, sir.
Guard Officer: Captain Amalthea has come and wishes to speak with you, sir.

I see... Very well.

I suppose I'll have to see what the little vixen has to say.

You okay, Tita?

Yeah... Just a little fuzzy in the head, is all... But I'm glad we got the equipment to work.

Yeah, nice job.

It was a tight situation, literally, but you stepped up.

Hee hee... Thank you, Agate. But I think I spooked Antoine.

Yeah, he was right in the next container over. I thought we'd be discovered for sure.

I think the chief put him in there on purpose. That false alarm got the soldiers to relax. He kept a cool head, though.

Ha ha... I guess the chief's pretty tough in his own way.

Definitely a man not to mess with. Now... We ought to get moving.

We're somewhere close to the airship port.

We need a plan, or else we'll never find the professor. So, Estelle... Check the map and tell me which way we should go.

Huh? Wh-why are you asking me?

Call it a test of how observant you are. Time's short, so let's have your answer.
No tricks here. The research guy is in the research wing. It's exactly as easy as it seems.

Well, well. Color me surprised.

Hah! Just leave it to me.

Great job, kid, but don't get cocky.

What's your take, Joshua?

I agree with her. Since it's a standalone facility, it's probably the best place to make use of the professor's talents.

I think you're right.

We don't have much time, so let's go check it out.

Agate, do we have an exit strategy?

Oh, right. The lake on the other side of the airship port has a wharf.

Once we get the old man, we can steal a boat from there.

Okay, got it.

I like how well planned this entirely operation is. We've got maps, exit strategies, exploitation of loopholes to get legal clearance to act, and higher-ups covering our asses. It helps make the whole thing more immersive than your typical "steal a uniform, break in" that shows up in so many JRPGs.
Begin breaking in!

I know them...

The airship from the tower...

I THOUGHT they must be military... They look nothing like the regular soldiers, though...

They're probably a special force, here to practice covert ops. It's no wonder that they're so tough.

S-so is my grandpa in there?

It's looking more and more likely. But if we try to take them on here, we're going to have a rough time of it.

You're right... If we cause a disturbance, we'll get swarmed by the soldiers inside.

Isn't there some way we can get inside without getting spotted?
Let's find out!
This'll do.

No... there are iron bars over the windows. If we make any noise, this is going to get even tougher.



Richard... no

Your work on finding a means of controlling this [Gospel] is of great help. On behalf of the Intelligence Division, I extend my deepest gratitude.

Hmph... I should have known that you were behind all of this. Colonel Richard... Chief of Intelligence... Hard to believe you once served under Cassius...

Ah, yes. You and he were friends, if my memory serves me correctly.

We've been looking for him, actually, although we've yet to pin down his exact location. If you have some idea of where to base a search, we'd be happy to have that information.

I don't know. Not that I'd tell you if I did.

Ha ha... Well, no matter. If, perchance, the Gospel were to be delivered into his hands, then I'm afraid that would present a problem. However, even if he were to show his face now, he would have no means of stopping this current.

The Black Orbment...or the [Gospel,] as you call it... I just want to know what you plan to do with it. Scratch that... First and foremost, I want to know where you even acquired something that bizarre.

Well, let me start with your first request. Our intentions... well, they will become evident, very soon. At that time, Professor, we'll be happy to release you. All I ask is that you wait.

And you're going to just let a witness to your crimes go free... I assume, then, that you intend to do something on a grand scale.

Ha ha... I'll leave the particulars up to your fertile imagination. That said, come the dawn when everything is realized, you will assist in our research. This invention will bring Liberl riches like none ever before seen.

Not interested.

Please, Professor, allow him to finish before you give your answer. It would truly be a pity if 'she' were to come into some peril, and you were unable to help her.

Tut-tut, Captain Amalthea. It looks like your renowned powers of persuasion are not as elegant as they once were.

Ha ha ha... Pardon me, then.

One might say that she has a unique sense of humor. I don't want any misunderstandings between us, but you must understand that we are only soldiers. You have my word that no civilians will be involved. Save for you, of course.

So you're doing this out of some twisted sense of patriotism? Then, this Black Orbment that shut down orbal power... I have to confess, I don't get what you're planning.


He wants no interruptions.

No, it's all right. Give me your report, Lieutenant.

There's been activity in Grancel. As you've read, the white wings were caught in the net.

My goodness...

Ha ha... Check and mate.

Major Cid, see to the professor and make sure he's comfortable.

...Yes, sir.

I'll get you set up with any of the standard amenities.

Hmph. I'm fine.

I used to believe that you were different from the others... that you were a good, upstanding man. Apparently, I greatly overestimated you.

...My apologies.

But you've been abducted by rebels, you see. Rebels against the Queen. Nameless, unknown rebels. Stress that fact, and I might even let you write a letter to your granddaughter...

...As you wish.

Plus, it looks like he wants to find my dad.

Yeah... I wonder what that's all about. And who was that masked man?

Of COURSE that bastard would show up now.

I really wanted to settle the score with him, but I've got a job to do, and that takes precedence.

Since the window's a no-go, we'll have to take out the guards. Let's make this quick and clean!



Joshua? Hey, you listening?

Um... Estelle?

A-are you okay?

Hey, snap out of it. It's not like you to freeze up.

S-sorry... I just spaced out.

Are you sure you're feeling okay?

I'm fine. It's no big deal. We have to take out the guards by the entrance, right?

Yep... So let's get a move on.
Black-Clad Man: And to be left here, guarding an old man...
Black-Clad Man 2: *grumble* The colonel's put in so much work for the kingdom, and for our dream... I guess that's the mission of those Intelligence-led Special Ops guys.
Special Ops Soldier 2: Agate Crosner?!
I like how Agate is basically the boogey-man to the Special Ops guys. I like to imagine they tell stories about finding Agate under your bed and in your closet.

You're too damn slow!
Remember how I mentioned that bathing at Elmo gives you 200CP? Guess who took a bath before infiltrating the fortress? 


I'm not sure pumping them full of lead is exactly in the spirit of not causing any casualties, but if anybody causes a fuss about it we'll just take another bath. Show 'em what for.

At Level 23 Joshua learns Black Fang. Black Fang is Joshua's second S-Craft, and it's basically the first step to me winning the game. Black Fang attacks every single enemy, so it's fantastic for clearing out encounters with multiple enemies (which is, as I'm sure you've noticed, most of them).

I've been using the term S-Craft and Break pretty much interchangeably, because up until now, they were. Now that Joshua has two S-Crafts though, it's important to note the difference. Only one S-Craft can be set as an S-Break; your S-Break is the only one that can be used at any time. Your second S-Craft has to be used directly from the Craft menu on your turn, so set whichever you like best as your S-Break. I don't set Black Fang yet, since it's only the first step to trivializing everything. The second step comes soon.

It's no fun when someone gets back at you for making a fool of him, huh?

It's not good to carry a grudge, you know...

Now it's a race against time. We have to get the professor out as quickly as possible.



Tita?! I must be dreaming...


*sniff*... *sniff*...

So this isn't a dream? And you lot...

Hey, Professor. You don't look like you're feeling so hot.

The factory chief, Murdock, asked us to come and get you out of here.

I'm impressed... You actually sneaked in here?

So much like your father... Not a lick of common sense between the two of you.

Hey, old man. Sorry to interrupt your little vacation, but we need you to get ready for a jailbreak. We don't have a lot of time.

Who are you? You look like you came from the wrong side of the barn; I can tell that, at least. You have a head like a chicken.
Most people give Agate no respect. Russell takes things a step further and manages to give him less then no respect

A chi--

Ha ha ha! Nice one, Professor.

Gr-Grandpa... You shouldn't say mean things like that.

This is Agate. He's a senior bracer over Estelle and Joshua.

Well, now... I had no idea.

Come to think of it, I think I've heard Cassius mention your name before. Something about a bad seed who was always sulking about one thing or another, I believe...

I'm about this far from wringing your neck, old man!

Now, now, calm down.

Professor, we'll have to save the explanations for later. For now, we need to get you out of here. Is there anything you want to bring with you?

Hmmm... Can we carry the Capel unit? If we leave it behind, I know that these fools will just misuse it again.


I wasn't able to discern its physical composition, but I did have some success with the control method. Which means that these fools will be able to cause that phenomenon to reoccur, whenever they want.


I'm sorry, Estelle and Joshua. After you went to all the trouble of bringing it to me, I wish I could offer a more comprehensive analysis.

Try not to worry about it. All we can do now is focus on what's important, and that's ensuring Tita's safety.

Besides, it's our fault that you two got caught up in this to begin with.

For the love of AIDIOS! We don't have time for you to give speeches! If you're all set, then we have to GO! Get your asses in gear! Move as fast as the old man's slipped disc will let you!

Oh, very clever... I haven't let any young man beat me yet, and I'm not about to start now!

C-come on, both of you...
Let's mosey!
Special Ops Soldier: Ungh... agh... You think... we'll just let you escape?
A siren blares out. And keeps blaring out. Throughout the rest of the update, just imagine a siren. Fake an emergency if you want to add some authenticity to the experience.

Wh-what's that?!

Guess the jig is up!
...That's a lot of soldiers. We may have trouble on our hands.

Get out there and start searching, men! Platoons one through four will go to the airship port and the docks and establish a blockade! Five, six and seven will search the barracks, watchtower and research facilities, respectively! Platoon eight will accompany me to headquarters!
Next time: Closing out Chapter 3.