Part 52: We all have something to protect...
Welcome back. Last time, we commenced our operation to break into Leiston Fortress. One breaking in later, we found out that Colonel Richard had been commanding the Black-Clad Men all along, and has been seeking the Dark Thingy of Impending DOOM The Black Orbment for reasons unknown. I thought you were cool Richard. For real this time. Him, Amalthea and Lorence then departed in their airship, leaving us to rescue the professor. Oh, and then one of the soldiers we beat up raised the alarm, mobilizing the fort. Things could have gone better.

Looks like theyre putting the squeeze on the airship port and the docks...

The major knows what hes doing.

Heh... What else would you expect from the C.O of a fort defense regiment?

Wh-what should we do...? Where do we go?

Well, leaving by the docks is going to tricky...

We need to avoid the guards and find another way out!
And now we have a stealth mission! Yay!
Its actually not that bad, because its an optional stealth mission. Your only reward for solid snaking it is extra BP, and since theres so many ways to fuck up BP it doesnt matter at all unless youre specifically going for max BP (which, by the way, has no actual impact on this game, and since SC will almost certainly be on the Steam its actually completely worthless.) Life proves me wrong, but Ill be playing it on Steam so my point kinda stands.
Ill be doing it regardless. Not that Im bitter, or anything.
Its also an incredibly easy stealth mission. If you hug the wall, no one will notice you, and the Command Center (your goal) is a very short ways along the wall you start next to.
Maybe therell be a secret tunnel in the basement? Cant have a fortress without a secret tunnel!
Turns out its the jail.

Hey, Dalmore and Gilbert! Hows life? Hopefully horrible, you both suck.
The Capuas too! Theyre decidedly cooler.

Sounds to me like someone's breaking in.

Say what? Who's breaking in?

Nobody's allowed to break in 'til we break out! NOBODY!

Easy, bro. You know your simple little escape plan won't ever--

Wow. It's a lot bigger than the dungeon at the Haken Gate.



You guys are--?!

You're those punks from before!

Well, then... Um... Long time no see?

Oh, okay... You guys are being held here.


Umm... err... How have you been?
Its always nice to catch up with an old friend.

Hey! We don't need your damn pity! The only thing you're good for is handling a pole, air-for-brains!

Jeez... I was just trying to be polite. If it'll make you feel better, insult me all you want.

Wh...WHAT?! Don't try to play it cool!

Uh... I'm assuming you know these folks?

They're the Capua Sky Bandits. They hijacked that airliner.

Ahh, I've heard stories about them. They use a very high-powered airship, don't they?

I've heard it's of Imperial make, but I'm curious about the specs.

Y-yeah... It's got a top speed of 2300 selge per hour.

Er, I mean, why should I have to answer your questions?!

My. Aren't WE petty?

Gr-grandpa... I don't think this is the right time for asking about that kind of stuff.

Now wait just one damn minute. Why are you bracers here in the first place? Are you the cause of that siren?





...Well, sorry we intruded.
And then we just abandon them

Come to think of it... Those guys have some connection to the men in black, right? But they got arrested by Colonel Richard, which means...

Maybe the colonel's trumping it up as one of his accomplishments. And maybe Mayor Dalmore was used in a similar fashion...

Hmph. And yet, I somehow just can't seem to muster up any sympathy for him.

We're wasting time here. We've got to find another escape route.
Id actually forgotten they explained what the Special Ops Soldiers were doing in Chapter 1 and 2. I ended up reaching the same conclusion myself, but now I feel like a chump for spending time thinking about it.
Anyway, as long as were talking about Chapter 1, theres actually a decent amount of foreshadowing that the Special Ops Soldiers were military operatives working under Richard. If you recall, our protagonists realize that the Capuas had an inside source in the military right after Morgan arrests them. Some people in the thread suspected Morgan himself, but as you may remember, this plot thread was never actually resolved.
Except at the end of the Chapter, where Richard shows up to steal our thunder, with no actual explanation of how he found out where the Sky Bandits HQ was. We only found it by stowing away on the Capuas airship, and we were one-step ahead of the military the whole way. This is the most blatant foreshadowing, but theres actually a much more subtle piece. Right before the Capuas rendez-vous with Lorence, we can read the book Hundred Days War, which mentions that Leiston Fortress is on the bank of Lake Valleria. Right after this, Lorence and the Special Ops meet up with the Capuas on the Valleria Shore, coming in on a boat from the lake (presumably coming straight from Leiston.) There was also the brief scene where Gustav revealed the military had been using the Factorys combustion engine, pretty soon after it was established there was no good reason to use a combustion engine except to examine the Black Orbment/Gospel (the thread did catch this one, though.)
Anyway, lets try and escape. We cant go back into the prison to poke at Gilbert and Dalmore like animals at the zoo, unfortunately.
Soldiers Voice: No, and I've searched the barracks top-to-bottom!
Soldiers Voice: Same goes for the watchtower!
Soldiers Voice: ...All that leaves is headquarters. While we're there, we can report to the major that we've gone over the place with a fine-toothed comb.

Uh-oh! I think they're coming this way!

Shit...and this is a blind alley, too.


Hey, did you hear something?

Y-yeah... I think it said, [This way.]
Mans Voice: ...There's no time! You don't want to be caught, do you?!

I don't think I misheard that.

We don't have a choice! We might as well give it a shot!

Hey, Joshua... Do you recognize that voice?

Yes... it sounds familiar.

Hey, now... This room is...

Hmph... Well, I dont know what hes intending, but we dont have any other choice but to keep going.
Awww, I knew you were a good guy Cid.

I knew it...!

Lock it, just to be on the safe side.

Got it.

Didn't Colonel Richard order you to keep me locked up?

...I'm very sorry about that.

He's already seized control of the Royal Armed Forces by using his position in the Intelligence Division. The general who was in charge was given the choice of ceding power, or being imprisoned himself. General Morgan is currently being held at the Haken Gate.

That stubborn old man?!

This is getting serious...

You two want to fill me in on why we suddenly care? What does it matter if the military chain of command is that easily broken?

Unfortunately, observance of military regs has been breaking down, ever since the end of the war. Particularly since the top brass haven't stopped embezzling and accepting bribes. Colonel Richard just took advantage of the situation.

I see... So he was able to make use of the weaknesses in the military command to seize control.

Precisely. With General Morgan in custody, that leaves Colonel Richard as the man in charge of the entire Royal Armed Forces.

Th-that's horrible...

What about Queen Alicia? Doesn't this all mean that command over the military finally belongs to the throne?

Mysteriously enough...Queen Alicia has kept silent on the matter.

Tr-treason?! Lieutenant Schwarz, too?!

Apparently, the attack on the Central Factory was perpetrated by Guardsmen in disguise. There's even photographic evidence, as I understand it.

Dorothy's pictures...

That... That just doesn't sound right!

The factory was all messed up, and Grandpa was kidnapped... Agate was almost killed...

You can't just go around blaming people for something like that!

...I really don't know what to tell you. You never disobey a direct order from a superior officer... but since I never voiced my objections, the fault still lies with me.

However... I was hoping I could make up for it.

You've had a tough time of it, ain'tcha?

Hmph... Well, if all that you've said is true, then I suppose I can forgive and forget. I had been prepared to brain you with a wrench and soften up that hard head. Pity.

I-I'm sorry.


It was a joke, dear.

Okay, I've got everything... but what are you planning to do now? Do you want us to take you with us, at least until the heat dies down?

No... I have a means of getting far away, safely. And I want all of you to leave this room and get out of this stronghold.

Leave this room? Is that wise? You know, good guys inside safe room, bad guys outside safe room.
Even in times of danger, Estelles mastery of the english language remains intact.

Ah, I get it... There's an escape hatch, right?

Ha ha... Very astute, boy.

Makes sense, for a military control room. Not bad. Not bad at all.

This emergency escape hatch leads to an underground aqueduct. There's a boat set up there, so you should be able to use it and escape.

Legally, even my telling civilians about it would net me ten years in prison. But even if military regulations won't forgive me, I think Aidios probably will.


All right, we'll use it.

I'll go down first. Then the old man and Tita.

Estelle and Joshua? I want you to watch our backs.

Got it!

Roger that.

Farewell, Major.

Umm... well... Thank you very much!

Thank you for everything, Major.

We're in your debt.

You don't need to thank me. To be honest, I was expecting this since the moment I first saw you.


You mean when we met at the front gate?

Yes... As soon as I heard your last name. After all, you are the children of Colonel Cassius, are you not?

Colonel Cassius...

You mean my dad really had a rank that high?!

Richard may be a colonel now, but he served under your father back in those days. Your dad was a real hero. Ten years ago, he fought off an entire battalion of soldiers in an aggressive war against the Empire.
I dont think this is supposed to be entirely literal, but knowing Cassius, I bet it is

Being as you're his children, I'm not surprised that you found out the truth and came to help the professor.

I... Really...? But he never said anything about being any kind of military hero...
Soldiers Voice: The intruders have been spotted in the dungeon! The last likely place for them to be is in central HQ, sir! Your orders?


Come on, you need to go.


Excuse us, then...

That scared the living daylights out of me! What's the deal with the slide?

Looks like some kind of secret waterway. Come on, let's catch up!

This way!

You're late! What took you so long?

Sorry... You just sounded like my dad for a second, there.

All right... Hang on to your hats!

Looks like they haven't started patrolling over here yet.

Major Cid may be keeping them busy.

But if we waste any time here, we're probably going to have to deal with a pursuit force. We've got to get the professor somewhere safe or else...


E-Estelle...? Joshua...?

Oh, it's okay. No need to worry. I promise, we'll be here to protect both of you.

...No. You two fall back.


What do you mean?

The Intelligence Division knows my face all too well by now. Same goes for Tita and the old man. But they've got no idea you two are involved, unless ol' Cid blabs.

So I'm getting out of here and taking them with me. We'll lay low for awhile somewhere safe.


I understand. The fewer people implicated in this, the better.

In fact, I never wanted Tita to get wrapped up in this in the first place. When I think about them taking hostages to force cooperation, it makes the most sense for us both to get out of here.


Whoa, whoa, wait just a damn minute! I can't go along with this! How is this protecting them? Right, Joshua?

Actually...I think Agate's right.


According to the theory of retreat and cover, the more people there are together, the greater the chance of detection. Which means that Agate will stand a better chance of helping them get away on his own.

I understand how you must feel, but for now, we really need to do what Agate says.


Nice one, Joshua. Exactly what I was getting at.

Now, I need you to be a good girl and withdraw.

Wait, I... I get your idea, in theory...


You don't agree, and I can see it written all over your face.

Soooo, how about I send you on an important mission instead? Something I certainly can't do myself, given the circumstances...


First, I want you to go to Grancel. Then, you must speak with Her Majesty, Queen Alicia, in Grancel Castle.

I must WHAT?!

What's this all about?

The aforementioned [Black Orbment]... It originally somehow fell into Colonel Richard's hands.

He referred to it as the [Gospel.]

Gospel? As in, religious teachings?

Heh. That's certainly an ominous-sounding name.

Apparently, this [Gospel] was taken from the Intelligence Division, but by whom, I couldn't say. After that, I'd wager that it was probably sent out in a package, addressed to Cassius. However, Intelligence caught wind of our little...umm...blackout from before.

They must have realized the Black Orbment was involved and here in Zeiss. I suspect that was their true objective in attacking the factory. They came to retrieve this [Gospel.]


I see... That explains a lot.

Colonel Richard has some kind of plan to use it in the capital. Unless I miss my guess... something very bad is coming. Her Majesty must be informed of this at once.

You mean the shutdown of orbal power?

No... Perhaps, if it's used...

I'm sorry. Anything more I say would be pure conjecture. Regardless, the Queen must be made aware of this [Gospel] as soon as possible. I'm more concerned with that than with my own escape.

*sigh* I swear...

When you put it like that, I feel like a jerk for wanting to say [No.]

If you'll allow us, we'll accept your request.

I appreciate it.

U-umm... Estelle... Joshua...

We've got to part ways for a little bit, Tita.

I'm sorry... I'd hoped that we could stay together.

N-no... You don't have to apologize.

You've just helped me so much... And you've treated me like a little sister...

*sniff*... I...


Thanks for helping my grandpa... A-and...*sniff*... thank you for being my friend.

I... I love you both...

I love you too, sweetie...

I wish we could take you with us... Thank you so much.


Parting is such sweet sorrow and all that, but we have no choice. Maybe you can save the tears for when we see each other again, you know?

*sniff* You can be a real jerk...

But...I guess this is where we part ways, too. A lot's happened, but you've taught us so much by letting us work with you. Thank you, Master Agate.

Don't call me that! It creeps me out!

Bah... You really are your father's daughter.

Hey, Joshua. Don't get too worked up over this. Just keep your wits. You're good in a fight, but there's a lot more than that to being a grownup.

Hmph. Not that it's any of YOUR business...

Just leave it to me.

You take care, as well. Take care of Tita and the professor.

I will. All right, then... Let's get a move on!

Farewell, children of Cassius...!

S-stay safe! Both of you...!

You too, Tita!

Aidios be with you! Be careful out there!

What should we do now?

Please, exit onto the Royal Avenue from here, and head to Grancel. My men are causing enough of a diversion that security should be stretched pretty thinly. If everything looks okay, you keep on to the Bracer Guild... without getting spotted.

I understand...oh. But what about you...?!

I'll hold the enemy off here. I should be able to buy you a little extra time.

No... No, you can't! I can't go on my own... I'll fight at your side!

We all have something to protect... I will stay here, for my convictions and my duty...

...and most importantly for you, my lady. Forgive my impertinence, but you are of paramount importance to me. I will guard you with my life, and I ask only that you remember me as your friend and confidant.


I understand, Julia.

But please, promise... Promise me you won't do anything reckless... and that we will meet again in better circumstances and take tea with my grandmother.

I'll bake for you... I'll try a new recipe, and bake you something sweet and delicious!

I look forward to it. Now, please hurry.

Sieg! Look after her for me!

Well, now... They've finally caught up.

Heh... I think you underestimate me.

I, Julia Schwarz...commander of the Royal Guardsmen...

...will not yield!



I'll be all right. I want you to go back to see to Julia. I can't bear to just leave her...


Thank you...

I have to get to the Bracer Guild quickly...


Isn't now around when Estelle and Joshua were supposed to arrive in town...?
A low rumbling sound is heard.

If I could have a quick word with you...?

Heh heh... but so fascinating a shade of black it seems.

Mueller, my boon companion! Have you come all this way, all the long roads from the Imperial capital just to see me? How delicious! On what wind did you fly hither?

I'm here because I've had to follow your stupid ass all over goddamned creation. Do you have any idea how much time this has cost me?

Please, my dear. Don't hide behind such base profanities. Your lips spit venom, but the fire in your eyes show the depths of worry that drove you onward to my side. Love... it is truly blind!

That doesn't even make...

No more words, dear Mueller! Fly! Fly to my embrace!

I came here because I'm trying to bring you information...that YOU asked for. But I'm guessing you'd rather hug than talk.
Mueller is almost certainly Oliviers friend from the post-chapter 1 scene.

Lo! I am hoist with my own petard!

Very well. Let us talk.

Yes. Like SANE people.

*sigh* As you wish.


No? No.

All right. No clowning, then.
Oliviers trying his hardest to make up for his absence, I see.

You're making me stupider just by being around you. Okay, I'll tell you. Just stop opening your mouth and making sounds come out of it.


Regarding the guy we were talking about before... I managed to pick up his trail. From what I found, he was at the Imperial Bracer Guild until about a month ago.


Over the past several months, all of the guild branches in the Empire have been attacked, one after another. Seems he was supposed to be investigating why.

Attacked, you say... I should think it unlikely, but might these have been perpetrated by some military unit, somewhere?

You picked up on it, too... It's not the world of ten years ago anymore, though. As far as I know, no military force has been given marching orders. I'd bet that someone hired the Jaegers to pull this off.
And finally, the Jaegers become relevant. Theyve come up a lot in the supplemental materials (The Liberl News, and Carnelia especially), and Ive always been trying to draw attention to it when they do. Its kind of neat, since if youve really been immersing yourself in the game youre probably already pretty familiar with the Jaegers, but if you havent this is the first time they come up, and it works pretty much just as well either way.

Anyway, our boy's trail stopped for a while, right when that case was solved.

Hmmmm... Oh dear, oh dear. I took such pains coming to Liberl, and 'twould seem that I was following a wild goose

I guess so. But if the man we're after isn't here, there's no real reason to stick around, is there? That storm you were talking about is going to be worse than expected. A lot worse. You should come back to the Imperial capital before you get caught in it.

Ha ha ha... ever a jester! How could I bear to part with the opportunity to play a role in the finest opera ever?


Tell me you're not actually thinking of...

Sadly, the lead is unavailable, so the understudies must be used.