Part 53: Extra: Chapter 3 Sidequests (2): Books, books, books.
Extra: Chapter 3 Sidequests (2): Books, books, books.Before we head into Chapter 4, we have some unfinished business to take care of. If you recall, right before we broke into Leiston Fortress, I mentioned that there was some sidequests left to take care of that I was postponing until the end of the chapter for pacing reasons. We're going to do them now, although there aren't that many so this'll be a little shorter then usual.

This is actually a very special update: It's the very last sidequest update of the game

Constance: Oh... You're very late. I didn't think you were going to show.

Constance: Well, shall we get started, then?
I don't see why not, you've got the whole update!

Constance: Yes, that's right. It's turned out to be much more of an ordeal than expected.

Constance: I'll explain that in a moment. Beforehand, though, I've a matter that I would like you to help settle. Consider it a favor, if you will.

Constance: The Archives loaned out some books out to various Central Factory departments... Sometimes they keep them past the due date and don't pay the fees. First, I'd like you to get our books back.
We're in the middle of a massive political upheaval and we're playing librarians?
...Sure, why not?

Constance: Let's see... They should be in the third floor Design Room, and the fourth floor Lab and Clinic.

Constance: Yes. Please come back once you have them.

We're going to get a lot of books this update. I'll put them all at the end of the update.

This is just after Agate returned from the brink of death, so we ought to give Miriam a visit.
Miriam: I told him...!

Miriam: I give up. Well, you bracers are supposed to know your own limits. Do what you like. Just... be careful.

Here's where we find the translation for all of Antoine's talks.

Reading Tommorow's Cooking teaches you the recipe for Bouillabaisse Plus, which restores 600HP and 30CP, which is pretty great. As with every good recipe, it uses some rare ingredients, but not so rare you'll never cook it.

Handed over Septium Optic Annals.
Handed over Tomorrow's Cooking.
Handed over Kitty-Talk for Dummies.
All of the books have been returned!
Quest [Temp Librarian] completed!

Constance: We have all of the books again. I thank you for your assistance.

We had a walkthrough, after all.

Constance: That's good to hear. In that case, perhaps I should go ahead and ask you for help with my favorite type of work.

Constance: Just like before, we need some overdue materials returned. The book in question is called, [The Erbe Woodpecker.]

Constance: Yes, as a matter of fact. ...Take a look at this.
[Approach the man of stone standing in silence within the mountain village pond, and ye shall receive.]

Constance: It was written on a card that was taken from the book. I imagine that it's some kind of hint as to its whereabouts.

Constance: Evidently so. It's the sort of trick that researchers used to play on each other long ago. I have no idea what would possess someone to hide a book, of all things. But we certainly have our fair share of unusual characters. It's not surprising that any of them might follow such a bizarre custom.

Don't worry, you're unusual in a good way

Constance: Anyway, I leave this matter in your capable hands. Please, bring the book back.

Constance: I'm afraid so. But the guild sent you, so I have every confidence in your ability.

Constance: You may have to search every nook and cranny in Zeiss, but I'm sure you'll find it. I'll be waiting here. When you do find it, please bring it back to me.

Constance: Ha ha... I look forward to seeing you again.
I think it's pretty obvious. Do you guys know where it is?
...I kid, I kid. Mountain Village Pond is actually pretty straightforward when you think about it, but seriously, the internet exists. Why would you think about it?

Our goal is the hot springs in Elmo Village. While you're here, you might as well take a bath so you can obliterate the Special Ops at Leiston (like I did!)

Handed over The Erbe Woodpecker.
Quest [Temp Librarian Plus] completed!
Constance: Oh, my. This is, indeed, the right book. Thank you for finding it.

Constance: To be honest, I thought it was going to be a wild goose chase. I'm quite impressed that you actually managed to find it. Now I know I can leave the rest of the work in your hands.

Booo, Librarian, boo. No more books.

Constance: Traditionally, the researchers would hide three books. This leaves us with two still yet to be found. ...Did I not tell you?

Constance: Hmm... How odd.
Ugh, you're just the worst Constance (good news Agate.)
Constance: But you're already aboard the ship, so to speak. So, I hope I can count on your full support until the end.

Constance: No need to worry. The next book's hint has no words.
That might just be worse.

Constance: The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes. See for yourself.

Constance: The name of the book in question is [Hertz's Adventure (2).]

SC being confirmed for release kind of ruins it, but back when it was in translation limbo this was unintentionally pretty funny.
Constance: Well, I hope this gets you fired up to find it.

Constance: Well, best of luck. I'll be waiting here, as always.

This one's tougher.

In the Tratt Plains, there's a zone that has nothing but a treasure chest, as well as one large pillar surrounded by four smaller pillars. If you remember it exists, the hint is pretty obvious, otherwise...

Constance: Did you find the book, by any chance?

Handed over Hertz's Adventure (2).
Quest [Temp Librarian Plus 2] completed!
Constance: Yes, this is the genuine article. And that leaves us with just one left.

Constance: Ha ha... I'll spare you the teasing this time. The last one is entitled, [31 Cypress Trees.] And here's its card. It's got more of that unusual writing on it.
[Ah, you (3)1 cypress trees Nestled atop this Grassy Hill! afflictions of far-of(F L)ands draw Nigh Unto me like wine BARRELs tumbling lightly down a soft incline as I drift into Reverie, Enveloped within the resonance of the tolling Bell!]

Constance: Is this your specialty or something? Well...your task is the same as before. May Aidios herself speed you on your way to success.

...Yeah don't look at me. I have no goddamn clue either.
The internet man says...

The Sanktheim Gate!

[You have done well. Though I know you not, I salute you for coming so far. Allow me to introduce myself. I am a quartz researcher, and the criminal who hid the three books.
I have used the riddles as a way to find someone intelligent, to whom I could entrust my work... And you lived up to my hopes and expectations remarkably.
Consider the enclosed quartz your reward. Take care when examining it. Thank you for all your time. I truly hope that my quartz will prove useful to you.
P.S. If you have found this package by sheer embarrassing... and, LUCKY YOU!
Please return it to the 2nd floor archives of the Central Factory.]
I like how it acknowledges how any random schmuck could stumble upon this. I like to imagine that all random items found in barrels and crates and dressers in JRPGS are actually the end-game of a giant riddle game, tragically cut short.

Found Impede 3.

Like I mentioned back before we went to Leiston, Estelle gets the Impede 3, learning Aero Storm. I'll show it off soon.

Constance: Perchance, have you...?

Handed over 31 Cypress Trees.
Quest [Temp Librarian Plus 3] completed!
Constance: Yes, this is definitely it. I'm impressed. You actually found all three books.

Handed over the note and quartz left behind by the thief.
Constance: Hmmm... Perhaps this is a clue as to his motivations. Still, regardless of the reason, you've done a great deal for me. You can keep the quartz for yourselves. In return for my having taken up so much of your time.

Constance: Yes. That's the lot.

Constance: You've worked so hard that there's really nothing left. Ha ha... I'm very grateful for your help. Now I can just relax for the time being...

Constance: Oh, it's nothing.
I think I hate you, Constance.
Constance: Thank you again. Feel free to come by any time.

Books, books, books!