Part 54: You are welcome, squishy pink thing.
Welcome back. Last time, we successfully managed to break Professor Russell out of Leiston Fortress, with the help of Major Cid. Not included in the breakout were the Capuas. Sorry guys! Still, things aren't exactly looking all aces, as Colonel Richard and his Intelligence Division managed to take Kloe into custody. Our goal now is to head to Grancel and see the Queen to pass on Russell's message, while he, Agate and Tita go into hiding.
And finally, we're in Chapter 4. I'm generally of the opinion that every chapter is better than the previous chapter (except 2 and 3, which are both good for different reason), so I've been waiting for Chapter 4 to come around for the entire LP. It's a fantastic closer to the game; it has some my favorite fights, favorite set pieces, and favorite scenes. It's also a pretty great last chapter to a first entry in a series, it wraps up all the plot threads that would have been unsatisfying to leave dangling, while leaving (and introducing) some excellent threads for the sequel to pick up on.
In conclusion, Chapter 4 good, get excited.

And you even got the logic unit back. I don't even have the words...

Thank you...both of you...

Well, we didn't really do all that much. Really, we were just there as backup for Agate.

If you really want to express your gratitude, I'd suggest you direct it toward him, since he kept the professor safe.
Yeah, but you don't thank Agate. You make fun of him. I thought this was established?

I certainly will. It'll be nice when all this craziness ends...

All we can do now is put our faith in Agate.

It does seem that Colonel Richard has something in mind for Grancel, however. He means to use that black orbment...that thing he called the [Gospel.]

Yeah... I don't know exactly what it's used for... But we've been asked by the professor to talk to Her Majesty about it.

Ouch. That's when you know things have gotten very, very serious.

I'm pretty sure that the professor is on good terms with her. It's not unusual for him to have access to top secret information.

Anyway, that's the gist of our request from him. Unlikely as it sounds. Kilika? Do you think it would be safe for us to go to Grancel, given the current climate?

There's currently no evidence to suggest that you were involved with the security breach at the fort, so it should be fine.

Indeed, I'd advise you to go there before a full investigation is begun. It's quite likely that a thorough search of the Central Factory will be performed.

Agreed. Which means that now's the time to figure out what to do about it.

I wish both of you the best of luck on your journey. Please be sure to deliver the professor's message.

You can count on us! Consider it in Her Majesty's hands.

Take care of yourself, Mr. Murdock.

Yeah... Now's not the time to let my guard down with the army around. So I'll be off now. Safe journey to you.

Well, then... I guess there's no time like the present, huh? We should try to get an audience with Her Majesty, as soon as we can.

If that's the plan, we need to take the next airliner out. It would take us half a day to reach Grancel on foot. An airship would only take an hour.

Yeah, that's true... I kinda thought it'd be cool to walk all the way around the kingdom, but oh, well.
We've already walked five hundred miles, don't tell us we don't get to walk five hundred more

All right. Wait just a moment.
Kilika is using the telephone, if it isn't immediately obvious. And even if it is immediately obvious, she's still using it.

Bracer Guild...

Good Afternoon. Always a pleasure.

Yes... If you would, please. Two to Grancel... Right... Yes, bill it to the usual account.

Thank you. Goodbye.

...? What was that all about?

Was that the reception desk at the terminal?

Yes. You now have guaranteed seats on a Grancel-bound airliner. We are paying your way, so all you need to do is check in. Also, take this with you.
Sneakers, kitty-english dictionaries and all-expenses paid business trips? Man, being a bracer would be the best.
Received Recommendation.

Whoa, wait, what?!

Th-this really isn't necessary... You've already done so much for us...

The tickets are simply a business expense, related to delivering the professor's message. The letter of recommendation is for the superlative job you did in rescuing the professor. Accept it, and be proud of what you've accomplished.

R-right! Thank you, Kilika!
If you've yet to miss a single point of BP, reporting the main quests for Chapter 3 just brings you into Class 1. Our reward for Class 1 is the Gladiator Belt. The Gladiator Belt boosts Str by 10 and reduces Defense by 10, which on its own would be the very definition of underwhelming. However, it also automatically restores CP during a fight, at a rate of about 3 every time anyone does anything. This basically turns whoever has it into an endless fountain of CP. Give this to Joshua, and you'll be able to use Black Fang at either the beginning of every fight, or a couple turns in. Basically, Joshua's job is now to murder everyone and everything.
It's worth noting that this is an incredibly early point in the game to get the Gladiator Belt. On my first playthrough, I never even saw it, and on my second I didn't get it to well into Chapter 4, even though I had done nearly every sidequest.

Thank you...for everything.
I'll say! Murdering people using spells and physical attacks and all that junk was just so inefficient.

Ha ha... I believe I said before that this is simply my duty.

Now...your flight leaves at 11:00. You'll want to get to the terminal before then, so as to have time to check in. Aidios keep you. Be well in your travels.

We will!

Thank you, again...
Before we leave, we can go and visit everyone we met over the course of the chapter. Except, uh... Zane's in Grancel, Russell and crew are on the run, Gustav is nowhere to be found, Cid is probably in jail, and so it turns out we don't really know anybody.
We're so alone
Look what we've been reduced to. Talking to portaitless NPCs.
Gundolf: I know it's not the ending you're looking for, but we ought to trust Agate on this. He'll be able to get those scientists out of there safe.
At least we still have Murdock

Don't worry about us. Even if someone got in, they'd have quite the welcome waiting. You need to get to the capital.
Not that he has much to say.
So let's make like a tree and go.
Wait that's not right. Oh well, we're here, it's too late.
Gerald: I heard from Kilika. Shall we get you all squared away?

That'd be great, thanks.
Gerald: Please fill out these forms with your names and addresses.

Thank you.
Estelle filled out the boarding papers.
Gerald: Okay, here are your tickets. Make sure you show these when you're boarding.
Received Boarding Pass x2.
Antoine: (It's been a while. How have you been?)

Hey... Yesterday must have been rough on you.
Antoine: Nyao-n... (Yes, that's right...)

You scared me half to death! I hope you take some time to think about why what you did was wrong.
Antoine: Myaon? (What did you just say, o' hairless one?)
These cat comments are the best, and entirely representative of what cats are actually thinking.

Nope, not listening.

Ha ha... I think he's playing dumb.

Oh, well. I guess we do owe him some gratitude. Thank you, Antoine.
Antoine: Mya~uun. (You are welcome, squishy pink thing.)

The factory chief told me that the rescue went off without a hitch.
What did you do, Gustav?!

So I just wanted to say thanks on behalf of everyone here.

Ha ha... Well, we couldn't have pulled it off without you and your crew's help. Tita was so surprised that I thought her eyes might pop out.

So that really WAS on purpose?

Ha ha ha! Well, to fool the enemy, sometimes you have to fool your allies first.

So...what business do you have at the gate?

The professor asked us to go to Grancel.

We're a little early for the eleven o'clock flight.

Yeah... Well, it also looks to be a little late.

There's still time to drop off your bags, so I think you can take it easy in town for a bit.

Hmmm... That sounds like fun.

What's going on? Did something happen?
Gerald: Perfect. You're all here. To be honest, we've had some trouble.

What kind of trouble?
Gerald: Well, we received a communique from the airship corporation... It looks like the ship will be arriving a few hours late.
For everything that's different in Liberl, something stays the same.



Okay, just what's going on here? More Sky Bandit trouble?
Gerald: Well, something like that anyway. Seems to me that the terrorists staged an ambush, to disrupt the Queen's birthday festival. All ships are grounded at port while the military conducts inspections.

(Th-that would mean...)

(They're probably looking for the professor's group...)
Gerald: Which means that the ship that's bound for Grancel is being held up in Ruan. Apparently, a military guard ship is coming here from Leiston Fortress, instead.

Ahh, I get it. But if that's the case, you're going to be extremely busy soon, aren't you?
Gerald: No kidding. I've got to explain the situation to the customers. Which means that you two have a good chunk of time to kill. Just thought of something... If you want to wait at the Bracer Guild, I can get in touch with you there.


Thank you very much.

If the military's coming here, I know they'll want to check out the Leibnitz. I'd better have a talk with the factory chief.

Yeah, if they check up on what happened yesterday, that won't be good.

Be careful, whatever you do.

Ha ha... I ain't so senile that I need a couple of punk kids to tell ME to be careful.

Take it easy, you two.
And with that, Gustav walks off. Don't get arrested Gustav, you're a cool guy.

Yeah... This could put the airliner in danger.

We've got time, so maybe we should take the highway.

Aw, man... And it's been so long since I last got to ride on an airship, too. This is all your fault, Colonel Richard!
(It's actually only been like two updates. Still, I'm always up for a good "Thanks, Obama Colonel Richard.")

Well, try to look at it as an ongoing opportunity to advance your training.

So I guess we need to cancel our reservations at the reception desk.
Gerald: I told you before, I don't know when the ship's leaving. If you'd just wait at the Bracer's Guild...

Um, actually? There's been a slight change in plan.

I apologize for the timing, but can we still cancel?
Gerald: Sure, that's no problem. As long as it's before your flight arrives in port there's no cancellation fee. We just need to get your tickets back.

Great. Here you go.
Returned Boarding Pass x2.
Several loud honking sounds are heard.
Gerald: Hey, that's a military patrol vessel. It's here early...

Well! Gotta go, bye!

First, I believe I shall go see the factory chief. I have to admire the colonel for planning all of this.

If we waste any more time here, those Intelligence Division people will catch up with us. We should head to town while we have time.

Okay. Umm... We take the east road to get to Grancel, right?

Right. And the Sanktheim Gate is to the north, along the Ritter Roadway. Pass through the gate, and you're right by Grancel.
And we're here.
...God damn it Estelle, this is the last time we follow your directions.
Orta: We keep them for a while, but hardly anyone ever comes to claim them. I was just about to toss this book in the trash. Oh, you want it? You promise not to let my C.O hear about it. I'd be in some serious trouble if he found out.
Received Carnelia - Chapter 8.
And now we can head to Grancel.

It looks a lot like the Gurune Gate, back in Rolent.

Well, both gates cut through the same wall. Ahnenburg Wall completely surrounds the Grancel Region. It was built almost a thousand years ago, but it's solid enough that it held off the Imperial forces.

It sure looks like it'd take more than a few guns to knock it down.

Still, it looks like a tourist attraction. One where you could climb up to the top and check out the view...


Ha ha... So you're planning to get up there and sprint all along the walls, are you?

I-I didn't say that!

I was just thinking'd be nice for us to have a nice, quiet lunch together. Just the, um...two of us... And just...uh, talk about whatever...

??? Isn't that what we always do, anyway?

*sigh*... Never mind. Let's just get the paperwork done and move on to Grancel.

Uhh... Okay, maybe it's just me... But are you mad about something?

It's just you. Let's just go in and forget this whole conversation.

(Girls can be so difficult...)
I think this one is a definite example of man's greatest weakness, Josh - missing incredibly obvious signals. Someday, you'll look back on this and smack yourself. And I'll know exactly what it's like
Wayne: We need you to fill out some paperwork before we can let you go on to the capital.
I hate paperwork, but I like capitals, so I guess we'll do it.

Okay, can you give us the paperwork?
Wayne: Thank you. Please sign here. Please let me know when you're ready.
Estelle and Joshua filled out the paperwork.
Wayne: What is it with you kids these days? Are you brave or are you just crazy? Are you on some kind of hiking date on the highway?


A...a d-date?!

Ha ha, it's nothing like that. We're brother and sister.

Wayne: Funny, you don't look like siblings. But you do have the same last name, I guess. Okay, you're ready to go.


Estelle...? You seem very...preoccupied... all of a sudden. Are you okay? Do you want to stop and rest?


No. I'm fine. Let's just get to the capital.

If you're sure...
Wayne: Well, if you two aren't on a date, are you going to see the Martial Arts Competition?

Martial Arts Competition...?
Wayne: Hmm, wrong again? There's an annual Martial Arts Competition, held in the royal [Grand Arena.] It was originally only for the Royal Guardsmen elite, but now it's open to any willing fighter.
What with the whole "arrested for treason" thing. It's always great when large-scale political turmoil works out for the little guy.
Wayne: I believe the preliminaries are starting this afternoon.

Ha ha. That's definitely right up your alley, Estelle.
Wayne: The Queen will be there in person, so the admission fees are being discounted... If I weren't working, I'd be there myself by now.

Ha ha. Sorry to hear it.

Of course, I'd rather be participating than watching. See if all this training's paid off yet or not...

I can imagine. But if they've already started the preliminaries it'll be impossible for you to get in. We've got a job to finish, too, don't forget. You'll just have to make do in the stands.
spoiler: we participate.

Hmph. Too bad.
Wayne: ...

S-sir? Is something wrong?
Wayne: That emblem on your chest... I didn't notice because of your age...but are you two bracers?

That's right.

Is there a problem?
Wayne: No, not a problem...exactly. Geez. I never thought...
Wayne: C-Commander!
Dale: Is there a problem here?
Wayne: W-well, sir... It's just that...these two... they're...bracers, sir.
Dale: Bracers, huh?

Dale: You two. I'd like a few minutes of your time, if that's all right.

We do need to get to the capital...
Dale: Is that so? The capital... May I ask the nature of your business in the capital?

What? Well, we've got a...job.
Dale: What kind of job?

The professor,!

I do I put this?
Literally any other way then the way you've chosen would work.

I'm sorry, but we have an official guild contract. Our business with our client is a private matter.
Like that. That would have been good.
Dale: Sounds suspicious to me. I'm afraid you're going to have to explain yourselves.

Look, I don't see what the big problem is...
Wayne: Well, we received information from Military High Command. The Royal Guardsmen have revolted against the Queen and are staging terrorist attacks. And it seems that some of these terrorists may have disguised themselves as bracers. So we're under orders to detain anyone claiming to be a bracer, pending investigation.
Dale: Specialist, that's enough! We're sorry, but we're under strict orders. Until we can confirm your identification, you're to remain here at Sanktheim.

You can't be serious! Why do...

Why, you're...

I've been waiting for you! If you've finished your paperwork, let's get going.


I apologize, Professor. It seems we've hit a small snag that might delay our departure somewhat.
Dale: Just a...just a moment here! Who...who are...?

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Specialist of Archeology, Professor Alba. I am from the Principality of North Ambria and am here in Liberl for investigative research.
Dale: Have you processed this man's identification?
Wayne: Yes, sir. His passport checks out and the Grancel History Museum will vouch for him as well.
Dale: I see...then everything appears to check out. I apologize for the delay, Professor Alba. So what relationship do you have with these two?

Well, they're bracers. They've saved my life quite a number of times. So I decided to have them accompany me to the capital.


That's it, all right...
Dale: Hmm... Well, it seems you have enough proof of your identity. I apologize to you both for the misunderstanding.

No, no, it's not a problem.

We know how it is to have strict protocols. No hard feelings at all!

I mean, you started playing along so fast with the professor! I thought I had forgotten our assignment for a moment.


I had hoped you'd catch on a little bit quicker though...

Excuse me for the poor performance, Mr. Silver-Tongue!

Not all of us can just lie with such a straight face... *grumble* *grumble*

What was that?

Never mind.


Ha ha. Sorry to surprise you. It just seemed you two were in some trouble, so I spoke up. Should I not have?

Oh, no. We were definitely in some trouble back there. Thank you, Professor Alba.

We appreciate your help.

My way of returning the favor.

Still though...what was that argument all about anyway? I heard something about some terrorist attack?

It seems there's a gang of criminals out there who have been causing trouble while disguised as normal citizens. And the two of us were suspected of being in said gang.

Yeah, can you believe that? I swear, every single person in the military has a massive stick up their...
I'll say! It might be hard to take Richard seriously after that mental image.

By the way, I heard that the incident at the Carnelia Tower wound up getting...complicated. How did that turn out for you?

Hmph...well... There were a few loose ends, but for the most part we managed to get things done.

I expected you'd do well. I could tell you two had the beginnings of great bracers in you from the moment we met. I'm happy to see I was right.
Well aren't you just a sweetheart
(We're still going to charge you for bodyguard services.)

Aww, we don't deserve that. We've still got a lot to learn.

We're still in training, as it is.

But, Professor...what brings you to a place like this?

Naturally, I'm on my way to the capital. I was originally going to take a ship, but I've found myself short of funds... Oh well. Archaeologists need to exercise, too, so the walk should do me good.

Ha ha ha... *sigh*...

You don't have to beat yourself up like that. But sure are poor.
Just like in real life! I guess just because you're a wise man, it doesn't mean you're a rich man.

Especially Archeology. Any money I make goes straight to the next excavation.

That's too bad.

But we sure were lucky running into you back there. Do you want to come along with us to the capital?

Now just a moment, Estelle. I'm sure the professor is very busy with his own...

I'd love to! The road to the capital can be dangerous, so having you two nearby would be a relief. Not that it's all that far to the capital anyway...

Well, if you don't mind, then we would be honored.

It's settled then.
We can head a small ways down the road before we get interrupted by plot. Plot is pretty damn rude, I've gotta say.

(Looks like an army unit...)
Soldier: No tourists are allowed at the Erbe Royal Villa. Did you not see the ordinance that was just posted all over the city streets?


Actually...we're not citizens of Grancel. We just recently came here, by way of the Sanktheim Gate.
Soldier: Travelers, eh...? Hard to believe anyone would want to walk on the highways with terrorist activity going on... Talk about reckless.

Umm...setting aside the terrorist discussion for a second... What's the [Erbe Royal Villa]?

It's a small palace to the east, where the royal family resides. I was given to understand that the townsfolk often went there to relax...?
Soldier: Sorry, but it's off-limits for now. The army's using it as a base of operations for investigating the terrorist activities.

You don't say...
Soldier: The roads nearby aren't off-limits...but I'd suggest you keep away, just to make sure no one mistakes you for one of the bad guys.

Personally, being told not to go somewhere just makes me want to go and see what all the fuss is about. What do you say? Want to go poke around and see what we can see?

Umm... It's not that I'm not curious...

We did just get that warning, so I think it's best to hold off. There may actually be terrorists, like the soldiers said.

Well... I think the Intelligence Division is just using the Royal Guardsmen and bracers as scapegoats...


(You really need to not say things like that out loud. If someone overhears you, then we're apt to get caught up in it.)

(Y-yeah, you're right...)

??? Intelligence what now?

Umm, err, let's see... Sorry. It's nothing.

Anyway, let's head on to the city.

*sigh*... Oh, all right. You kids are no fun.
One of these days Alba, you're going to get us all into big trouble. Still, that day is not today, because this is the end of the update.
...So uh, you can go now. Make a post if you want. Update's over. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
Carnelia - Chapter 8