Part 55: LRW, for short.
Welcome back. Last time, we tried catching an airship to Grancel, on our quest to meet up with the Queen. Unfortunately, due to the whole large-scale political turmoil thing, we ended up having to abandon that idea, and head to Grancel on foot. We had some difficulty crossing the border (see previous sentence), but Professor Alba bailed us out. Thanks!
As thanks, we're going to take him on an adventure! Not a great adventure mind you, it's just a book, but I think Alba might actually be into that.
For the record, we've found ourselves at the last checkpoint, the Gurune Gate. The Gurune Gate completes the circle, connecting Grancel to Rolent. We can't go home again though, meaning Carnelia is our only reason to be here.
Selborne: I'll give you this as a souvenir. Ha ha, don't mind that it's a hand-me-down from me.
Received Carnelia - Chapter 9.
Selborne: Because of the size of this place, patrolling it is one of the biggest challenges. Since all the tourists are concentrated in the Royal City at the moment, this place is a bit more relaxed, but... If one of the terrorists were among the tourists, we'd have no real way of knowing. It's a little scary!
You could even be talking to them... right now!
Anyway, we could argue semantics about whether or not we're actually terrorists, but that time would be better spent heading to Grancel.

Dad used to take me here a long time ago, but was it really this big then?

Well, it is the biggest city in the kingdom. Grancel Castle's just past the main road. That's where the Queen lives. There's also the Grancel Cathedral, the Grand Arena, and all the embassies for the surrounding nations.

Huh... You don't say. You sure know a lot about this city. You must have been here before, right?

Yes... When I was little.

My... No matter how many times I see it, this city still amazes me with its beauty. The Imperial capital's more simply laid out, and the Republic capital is bigger... ...but neither feels as elegant and refined as Grancel does.

Ha ha... Glad to hear it. Most foreigners who visit say the same thing.

Which reminds me... What do you plan to do now, Professor? Are you going to be okay with staying in a hotel?

Ha ha. I have something else in mind. I intend to go bug the folks at the History Museum.

Oh, cool. Grancel has one of those?

They find ancient artifacts and put them on display there.

Yes, and I'll be staying there as a guest associate member. You two should stop by to visit, if you get the chance.
Uh... yeah, we'll definitely do that.

Ehhh... Museums are awfully formal for my tastes...

If we do come by, are you going to give us a bunch of lessons?

Heh heh heh... If that is your wish, then I shall certainly do my best.

Just kidding...though I do think that checking out all the exhibits would be fun. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Professor Alba leaves to do whatever Professors do. Drinking and complaining about undergrads, if real life is anything to go by.

What's this [guest associate] thing, though...? Is he a famous scholar or something?

Yes, most likely.

Now...we should probably stop in at the local guild branch before we do anything else. Not only do we need to change our branch affiliation, but we can discuss there how to approach delivering the professor's message.

Hmm... Yeah, you're right. I've been thinking about it, and I think we're probably going to need a direct audience with Her Majesty.

And there's no way that'll be as simple as just walking up to the castle and saying, [Hi.]
As fun as the direct approach would be, I think listening to Estelle and heading to the Bracer Guild would be best.
First things first, though. Ice cream!
And crepes! I hope the guild has beds for nap time, we've eaten a lot.
Near the Bracer Guild, we find an interesting building.

Oh, wow, there's a guild for you guys?!
Fisher: Indeed there is! There be giant fish in the waters 'round these parts. We call them Kings, an' they wriggle an' they dive all through the waters of Liberl. It is our job-- nay, our sacred duty!-- to find these elusive piscine giants and best them in a battle of lures, reels and wits. LRW, for short. guys like fishing, then, I take it! For's all right, I guess...
I thought you were a goddess of fishing, Estelle?

You all seem very, um... dedicated to your hobby.
Fisher: We fulfill our existence by traveling the width and breadth of Liberl, and snatching marine life from every corner of it. We spread the joys of fishing, hold introductory seminars and sell our handmade gear. We've even begun lobbying the Queen to create a fund to help protect our fishing locations.

Wow. You guys clearly are REALLY into this. Like, SCARY into it!

A true society for fishermen. You guys are actually pretty impressive!
Fisher: Would you like to join us? There is a small examination, but otherwise, it's just a matter of adding your names to our PERMANENT INK...

Uh, thanks, and it really does sound fun, but we've...kind of got...things to do right now. Just...things.
Fisher: A shame. You have the eyes of master anglers. I guess you could say, I can see it in the ANGLES of your retinas! If you have a change of heart, please come back anytime. We are always ready and eager for new recruits!
There is no reason for there to be a fishing guild. There are no sidequests here, and it's never important plot wise. It literally exists because Falcom decided it would be funny for there to be a bunch of people obsessed with fish and who make (or whose names are) bad puns*. It's amazing.
They have some pretty funny dialogue (at one point they let it slip that they are literally a cult), so I'll try and keep vising them from time to time.
*(Unless there's sidequests here in SC or something, but whatever.)
They even acknowledge their punny names.

Whoa, hey...
Lloyd: ...?

...What's wrong?
Lloyd: I know you two! You're those bracers I met at the lake in Bose, right?

Oh yeah! You were the one who told us about the Sky Bandits!
Lloyd: So you DO remember! Welcome, welcome! Welcome to the Fisherman's Guild!

Now that I think about it, you DID mention the Fisherman's Guild when we spoke with you before...
Lloyd: This is our main headquarters. Come on in, and take a load off! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the opulence of fish and brine!
Uh... we're good. Enjoy your cult, though.
Don't drink any kool-aid.
We can also buy a new issue of the Liberl News, to get our thumbs on the pulse of the nation.
After that, we use the amazing powers of flavor osmosis to gain a new recipe.
Well... that's promising.
Middle-Aged Man: Would you two happen to be the junior bracers, Estelle and Joshua?

I don't know... Who's asking?
Editor-in-Chief: I'm the editor-in-chief of the Liberl News. I've heard about you two from both Nial and Dorothy.

Oh, okay. That's us, then!

It's a pleasure to meet you. We're avid readers.
Editor-In-Chief: Ha, ha, ha. Glad to hear it! Did you want to see Nial?

Uh...not especially?
Harsh. I start getting sad when I go too long without seeing our rough-around-the-edges friend.
Nial is to me what booze is to Nial.
Editor-In-Chief: Good, because he's not here. He won't be back for a while.
That's too bad. Next stop, the History Museum!
They're busy doing busy museum stuff, but we can still examine all the exhibits. I've put them in the extras section of the update.

With everyone together, I think we may just succeed.

Heh heh... Now you've got it.

If you're participating, I expect nothing less than everything you've got.

Right! We can't let those army goons beat us.

Now, then... We ought to get going soon.

Pardon the intrusion...

Well, if it isn't Estelle and Joshua!

Oh...Carna! Wow, fancy meeting you here!

Ah, yes. And we met once during the whole Sky Bandit incident. You were the rookies with Schera, right?

Long time no see. What brings you all to Grancel?

I'll field that one. They have to hurry, or else they'll be late.

Whoops... You're right. Sorry, you two. We'll talk later!

We've got to be going.

Seeya later, rookies!

Pardon me...

*sigh*... It must be so awesome to be a full-fledged bracer.

Indeed... They all look pretty tough. But you were talking about something when we came in... Was that what I think it was?

Indeed so. They're all leaving to participate in the big fighting tournament, the Martial Arts Competition.


I'm Estelle Bright, currently of the Zeiss branch.

And I'm Joshua Bright, of the same affiliation.

I'm Elnan. I'm with the Grancel branch. Miss Kilika got in touch with me and informed me that you two would be coming soon. Could I get you to go ahead and change your affiliation now?

Estelle and Joshua signed the assignment-change forms.

Excellent. I bid you welcome to the Grancel branch of the Bracer Guild.

Personally, I've been looking quite forward to your arrival. You are the children of Cassius, are you not?

Uh, yes... I suppose you know him?
Estelle has long since given up on being surprised about this. Now she just asks if people don't know Cassius when she meets them. It's quicker that way.

Oh, yes, I'm ever in his debt. Is it true that he set out on a journey from which he has not yet returned?

Yeah... He hasn't been home in quite some time. He did write us a letter...

...but he failed to mention where he was, or what he was doing. We've traveled everywhere from Rolent to Zeiss, but we've heard no news of his whereabouts.

Hmm... Which, I suppose, makes it unlikely that he's still in the country.

That's a pity... The army's current counter-terrorism activities have made it difficult for us to do our jobs. With a former soldier like Cassius among us, I'd hoped it might smooth things over.


... something wrong?

Well, actually... We know what's going on behind the scenes with all of that.


Let us tell you everything that happened with the incident in Zeiss...

What...what's wrong?

N-nothing... It's all just a lot to take in. So Colonel Richard is actually in control of the Royal Army... And the counter-terrorism is just a big farce put on by the Intelligence Division's special forces? That's a little difficult to believe.

But it's true!

Talk with Kilika at the Zeiss branch, and she'll confirm our story.

It's all right. It's not that I don't believe you... On the contrary, a few pieces of the puzzle have just fallen into place, as it were.

However, Colonel Richard is an extremely popular man in this city... Though it pains me to say so, I've been sympathetic to him all this time. And the citizens...would never dream that the colonel could be involved in any sort of conspiracy.

I figured as much...

The Intelligence Division has played everyone for fools.

First of all, did you accept the professor's request?

Absolutely. The question is, how do we get an audience with Her Majesty?

That is an issue... Ordinarily, a guild letter alone would be enough to get you in...

Wha... Really?!

Estelle... I really don't think it's going to be quite that simple. No matter how you look at it, the Royal Guards that are supposed to be protecting the castle are being treated as terrorists.

Do you understand what that means?

Well... I think it means that...
It would be very rude of them, but I can't see any other way for that to go down.

That's the most likely outcome, yes. Odds are that the colonel has as strong a hold on Grancel Castle as he did on Leiston Fortress.

Ugh... I guess so... In other words, there's no simple way we're going to get in touch with Her Majesty.

We could possibly sneak in, like we did at Leiston Fortress... ...but I doubt they'd be so foolish as to fall for the same trick twice.


Well, in that case, why don't we just try going like normal and see what happens? If we play our cards right, we might get some useful info out of the gatekeeper.

Fine by me...but just one piece of advice... Keep the fact that we want to see the Queen to yourself. If Colonel Richard gets wind of it, he'll likely cause us no end of trouble.

Oh, okay.

And I believe it would be a good idea to keep this whole matter under wraps for the time being. We must gather more intel. Just so you know, the royal castle is just off the main street, directly to the north. Go ahead and get what information you can, but use the utmost caution.

You bet, Mr. Elnan.

It's gorgeous. I guess it really is fit for a queen.

It's not just pretty... It's also really solidly built. For instance, look at the main gate.

Yeah, I don't think getting through there would be an easy task. Which means, I guess we'll have to talk to those soldiers there...

Well, steel your nerves, and let's give it a shot.

Okay, we're just country folk, here on vacation and checking out the castle. And we just thought we'd try and catch a glimpse of Her Majesty, since we're here.

Does that sound okay to you?

You know, you're disturbingly good at coming up with that kind of stuff. Not that it doesn't come in handy, but still...

I'll take that as a compliment. Okay, now smile and act natural.
Private Aluts: Welcome to Grancel Castle. Please state your business.

Oh, we're just getting here from Rolent. We're taking in the sights, you might say. We were wondering if there was any chance we might get a tour of the castle...
Dan: Ahh, I get it. I'm sorry, but access to the castle is restricted to authorized personnel only.
Aluts: Security's been tighter, what with the terrorism scares. Once the terrorists are caught, tours will probably open up again.

Really...? Dang. There goes my dream of seeing the Queen in real life...
Dan: Well, not necessarily... She always addresses the people from her terrace during the Birthday Celebration. You could see her then.
Aluts: Fair warning, though... Her Majesty hasn't been in the best of health these days. I don't know if she'll be able to manage her traditional greeting...


Her Majesty is ill?
Does royalty ever actually get ill? [Insert Monarch] is sick is basically code for Coup d'Etat going down.
Aluts: Yes... I hear it's because of stress. Or maybe from the shock of learning the Royal Guardsmen were involved in a terrorist plot. She hasn't been seen much lately. I believe she's resting in her private quarters.

Dan: Damn the Guardsmen... How could they just turn traitor like that? Never did like those damned elitist jerks anyway.
Aluts: B-but Lieutenant Schwarz was always so kind and considerate to everyone. She even taught us court etiquette and how to wield a sword. It's just hard for me to picture someone like that as a terrorist.
Dan: O-of course it's hard! She probably left because she felt responsible for her men's actions! Poor Lieutenant Schwarz...

(You don't suppose... ...these two had a little crush on the lieutenant, do you?)

(Yeah, it seems so.)
To be fair, she is basically the coolest
Dan: *ahem*... Anyway, yes. The castle is off limits.
Aluts: Sorry, but you can't go inside.

*sigh* Well, I guess that's that...

I'm just a tad bit worried... If Her Majesty has taken sick, who's seeing to her daily affairs with running the country?
Aluts: Yes, it's certainly a natural enough concern. For now, there's someone acting as her proxy, on paper.

How's that work?
Dan: Ha ha. Literally. On paper. I can't picture someone like him ever actually making any real governmental decisions.
Oh god. Don't tell me.
Aluts: Hey, watch what you say. Though I'll admit, I would have thought that the duty would fall to the princess...
Dan: And you tell me to watch what *I* say...
The ringing of a bell is heard.

Wh-what's that...?
Dan: Whoops... Speak of the devil...

The tournament should have already begun, and I'M NOT THERE.

Phillip! Why didn't you wake me sooner! This is all your fault!

I am terribly sorry, Your Excellency. But I was merely trying to look after your mental well-being. For the last few days you have been in the banquet hall, drinking and singing... Consuming exclusively beer and donuts while reading your morning comics... I thought it only natural that you should want to sleep longer.

Silence, Phillip! I'm not in the mood to listen to your chastisements! As the future king, I can do what I want, whenever I want!

Bah! Time is short! Come on, we must hurry to the Grand Arena!

By any chance, was that...
Dan: We know. Don't even say it. That was His Excellency, the duke... acting proxy for Her Majesty.

Wow. Suddenly I fear for the entire country...
Aluts: W-well, don't worry too much. He has a very reliable assistant. And it's thanks to him that we haven't had any major incidents lately.

Do tell...
Dan: Ha ha... Colonel Richard, of the Royal Army Intelligence Division. Since the duke is more of the playboy sort, the colonel handles all the government affairs.
I'm honestly not sure which is worse: Dunan actually being in charge, or Dunan being a puppet ruler for our friendly neighborhood villain.

(I knew it...)

(They're pushing harder into the core of the kingdom than I'd expected... )
Dan: So, try not to let this whole thing get you down. Grancel's got plenty of other famous places you can check out.
Aluts: Yeah. You're in the royal city, after all. Just go at your own pace.

Y-you're right. We will.

Thank you both for your kindness.
We got some good information from our loose-lipped soldier friends. I'm glad that mutual disdain of Duke Dunan can bring people of all types together.

I can't believe that the duke is supposed to be acting on behalf of the Queen, though.

The real power is probably in the hands of Colonel Richard. What's more, no one around him has any clue that he's the one pulling all the strings.

Being able to control the flow of information must be an extremely useful tool.

You're not supposed to envy the enemy.

And anyway, it looks like the duke is going to that fighting tournament. Can we go, too?


If nothing else, we need to keep an eye on what he's up to.

That settles it, then!

Umm... Which way was it to the Grand Arena...?

I believe it's in the East Block. So, back to the main road, then east.
The Liberl News - Issue 8
Carnelia - Chapter 9.
The History Museum.