Part 57: Enter the pervert, stage left.
Lord Gorchnik posted:
Faster CakeAttack!
Well fine, if you're going to be that way... have an early update!
Welcome back. Last time, we went to watch the preliminary rounds of the Martial Arts Tournament. We took away three things from said tournament: The senior bracers kick ass, whoever wins gets to see the Queen, and Zane needs three teammates. A plan was formed; Estelle was very happy about it. Afterwards, we ran into Olivier while looking for Zane, so now it's time for the three of us to look for Zane together.
...Wait, together?

There we go.

Ha ha ha... Please, don't be cruel. Beyond my uses as a traveling companion, I also wish to assist in the manhunt.

Unless, of two want to be alone?


Oh, my... Such an unsophisticated child. But when you blossom to your full potential, you shall be a woman to be reckoned with.

...Ha ha. And quite a desirable one, I'd wager.


??? What are you trying to say?
He's saying you're dense. Not directly. But he's implying it very strongly.

Ha ha ha, well...
Woman's Voice: Sir! Speak to me!
Old Man's Voice: No good... He's not waking up.

Estelle... You know, no matter how angry someone makes you, you're not allowed to brain them. Especially not in public...

...It was all flash, no impact. I didn't do any real damage.

Okay, let's get back to searching. We don't have time to mess around. Let's just go to the embassy, okay?!

(Okay, so why's she mad at ME...? )
Oh Olivier, I've missed you so.
Anyway, we leave him behind, but I don't think this is the last we'll see of Olivier Lenheim.
Tacitus: What's your business here?

We're looking for a person named Zane...

May we see him, please?
Tacitus: Oh, you're here to see Zane, are you? Have you actually met the man? First time I did, I almost peed myself! I was like, holy crap! He ain't a man, he's a grizzly!

Heh. He is a pretty big fella, that's for sure!
Tacitus: But he's real friendly once you start talking with him. He even gave me a meat-bun when I told him I was hungry during my shift one day.

Yeah, he's the kind of guy you can really count on. Like a big brother!

*Ahem* Indeed.

So, may we see him?
Tacitus: Oh, yes, sorry. He actually stepped out again shortly after returning. Said he had some business to take care of. Looking for a place to 'meditate and prepare for the tournament,' or some such thing.

Meditate, huh? Man, he's not kidding around!

Where do you think such a place might be found?
Tacitus: Well, when he left here, he was headed for the Erbe Scenic Route. That old forest path has a feeling to it not unlike a park...and it being monster-infested makes it a good training ground.

The Erbe Scenic Route? Okay, got it. Come on, Estelle, let's go find him!

Roger that!
Tacitus: Hang on. If you're going to the Erbe Scenic Route, there's one thing you need to know. There's a place nearby called the Erbe Royal Villa...

Oh, we heard about that place.

...I assume you're going to tell us that it's been commandeered for the anti-terror division, so it's totally locked down?
Tacitus: ...Good guess. They can raise quite a ruckus over there. Watch your backs. Or better yet, just avoid it altogether.

So they're strict, huh? Strict is starting to get real old...

Avoidance sounds good.

Thank you for the information.
Let's head there now, see if it lives up to the name!
It does

I like the paved road through the forest. Neat stuff.

I imagine that Grancelites have come here to stretch out and relax for a long time. I wonder just how long it's been here...

Hmm... Well, I guess it should come as no surprise that the Queen's land is so gorgeous.

Still, I can't help feeling like we've got monsters lurking around...
Maybe not the greatest place for Grancelites to relax then. Unless Grancelites are surprisingly hardcore.

Nicely done.

I think one of the nastier kinds might have passed through here recently. Come on, we're getting distracted. We need to find Zane.
Scattered throughout the Scenic Route are mysterious stone monuments, in a variety of colors (Cerulean, Vermillion, Virescent, and Umber; which are fancy ways of saying blue, red, green and brown. This LP is fun and educational!)

Near each monument is a monster chest.
Estelle takes the opportunity to show off a new spell, Aero Storm. Aero Storm is the ultimate wind magic, hitting a massive radius for respectable damage.
The Stove Plants make their triumphant return, nearly killing us because Joshua is less than equipped to deal with confuse.
Estelle has the Grail Locket though.
There is a note inside. It reads, [Sucker.]
Shield 3 boosts magic defense by 30% and has an elemental value of x5 Wind. This is the same as Impede 3, and I prefer the Impede effect, so nobody ends up equipping it.
The chest is empty. I blame you.
Fair enough.
So remember how I made all that noise about how Black Fang combined with the Gladiator Belt wins everything?

You're finished.
Yup. Also, I just now realized I've had battle voices off for some reason. I switched them back on, and remembered that all the S-Crafts have voice clips, so I'll start adding those like I've done here.
You have gone over your limit for this chest. - Dev Team.
Estelle slots Defense 3 in place of Impede 3, giving her access to Volcanic Rave (think top tier magic, but fire), at the cost of some Wind spells.
<Silent Disapproval>
Why are you so judgemental, treasure chest?
What more do you want from me...BLOOD?!
Or if you're not judgemental you're just plain creepy.

You heard that, right?!

It came from over there! Let's go!

Sister! It'll be all right!

Stay back! It's too dangerous!
Joshua built up another Black Fang while cleaning up the remnants of the last monster chest, so it's an easy fight.
It really wasn't.

Are you okay, Sister?
Nun: Y-yes... Thank you. Umm... Who are you?

We're with the Bracer Guild. We heard you scream while we were looking for someone.
Nun: I... I see... ...

Are you okay? You don't look okay... Did you get hurt?
Nun: No... Thanks to you, I'm fine. I'm Sister Ellen. I perform my duties at Grancel Cathedral. Thank you so much for your help.

Ha ha... You don't need to thank us.

I must ask, though, what is a clergywoman doing so far from Grancel without escort? Did no one accompany you?
Ellen: No... I came alone. Actually, we ran out of medicinal herbs for mixing at the cathedral... The shop was also out of stock, so I came here to pick some.

That was seriously risky. There are monsters everywhere.
Ellen: It was not always so... There used to be none to speak of. It seems their numbers have greatly increased in recent days.

They must have been attracted by the noise... Dealing with this many might be a problem.

Yeah, we need to at least get the sister to safety.

Thank Aidios you're here.

Heh heh... I was wondering who it was, and here it turns out to be you guys! But why don't we save the chit-chat until we've dealt with the guests?


Roger that!
This might be tough 
...Let's just give it a second.
And we've got ourselves a Black Fang.
...I think I've made my point. I might stop doing this now.
Barrage is literally Pummel 2: Pummel harder. There's no reason to ever touch Pummel again once Estelle learns Barrage.

But honestly, I wasn't expecting to see you guys here. Didn't you have business in Zeiss?

Oh, we handled that ages ago.

Actually, we transferred from the Zeiss branch to Grancel.

Ahh, I see. Which would mean that you managed to solve that kidnapping case. Well done!

How's the redhead who got poisoned?
Still a dick!

Oh, he's fine now.
Ellen: Umm...

Oh, pardon my rudeness...


(Hey... Who's the pretty lady? She with you? ...She single?)
She's literally a nun, Zane.
..So probably!

(Uh, what? I-I don't know. We only just met her...)

Do you want me to tell Kilika about this?

I'm...uh...just making an objective observation...

...And why haven't you introduced us yet?
Ellen: Um... I truly appreciate you all coming to my assistance. You've saved my life.

No, no! Please, think nothing of it! Just doing what comes naturally for a chivalrous man!
Ellen: Oh, my...

(Oh, PLEASE...He's a total sucker for a pretty face, isn't he?)

(Ha ha... So it appears.)

Special Ops Soldier:You're four people in an otherwise-deserted area, discussing what appears to be a confidential topic. HIGHLY suspicious behavior.
Spec Ops 2: I think you're terrorists.
What is this, America?

Wha... Who are you calling a terrorist?! If anyone's acting suspicious here...
Joshua buts Estelle out of the way, realizing an armed confrontation with the Spec Ops guys might be cathartic, but probably not helpful.

We're with the Bracer Guild, Grancel branch. We came to the aid of the sister here, who was under attack by some monsters.
Spec Ops: What...?!
Spec Ops 2: Bracers?!
Ellen: Umm... This gentleman speaks the truth. I came here to gather herbs, when those creatures attacked me.

And on a related note, I'm also a bracer. I'll be facing your buddies in the ring later.
Spec Ops: Calvardian martial arts... Ah, you're that guy in the Martial Arts Competition that fights solo, right?
Spec Ops 2: Hmph... You've definitely got the muscles of a prize fighter.
Spec Ops: I'll leave you be, just this once. But the Erbe Royal Villa is close by. Wanderers and sightseers are NOT welcome.
Spec Ops 2: Also, Sister... I think we should escort you back to Grancel NOW. You've already been enough trouble as it is, from what I can see.
Ellen: Oh...but I...

You've been nothing but obnoxious from the moment you started talki--

Estelle. Shush.

We'll take care to avoid the Royal Villa, sirs. You have our apologies for any inconvenience we've caused.
Spec Ops: Very well. In the future, however, I would advise you to know your place. Mouthing off to the wrong people can be...hazardous.
Spec Ops 2: Come on, Sister. Let's go.
Ellen: A-all right... Thank you again for your help...
Ellen and the Spec Ops soldiers walk off. I'm not sure I like leaving her with them, they're pretty terrible

Who the HELL do they think they are?!

They're Special Ops soldiers, affiliated with the Royal Army's Intelligence Division. Skillful, to be sure, but their strongest suit is their sneakiness.

Their ONLY suit, if you ask me!

Err... Wait a second. How do you know them, Zane?

I ran into their team at the Martial Arts Competition. I was introduced to them then.

(They're actually fighting...?! What would some spy types be doing participating in something as public as a tournament?)

(I guess they didn't feel it necessary to conceal their identities...)

Well, we should get back to the city before they decide that they'd rather fight.

...Oh, right. What brings you two here, anyway?

Oh, yeah. Duh.

Actually, we were looking for you.

Why's that?

We had a favor we needed to ask. About that Martial Arts Competition...

Tell me something, though. Why do you want to take part in the tournament?

Well, uh... I've been kinda itching to do something like this ever since I caught those preliminary matches. You know, really throw down with some tough opponents...

We're traveling all over the kingdom to help prepare us to become full-fledged bracers. This would be the perfect opportunity to test ourselves and see if our training has paid off.


All right. Let's do it. We can get you registered tomorrow, before the tourney begins, so no worries on that score.

Hey... Are you sure you're okay with giving us an answer so quickly?

Hey, it'll give me a chance to see just how skilled you are. You just watch my back.

Roger that! Thank you, Zane! I'm gonna give it everything I've got!

We appreciate it.

It's no bother.

I had been planning to enter as a solo competitor... ...but I suppose that having some help could improve my chances of overall victory.

Naturally! Once I'm in the ring, that championship's in the bag!

We're still one person short of the requirement, though... Since we have to face four-person teams, one more would give us the best possible odds.

Oh, right... Hmmm...

Hey, I'll bet we could beat them without a fourth!
We are basically the best.

No... If you really want to come out on top, you have to be prepared. A battle is waged well before the first blow is struck.

Err...well, yeah, I guess. I sure wish Schera were with us. That'd keep my spirits up.

Hey, do you suppose we could ask Elnan to try getting in touch with her in Rolent?

I think she's kind of busy at the moment. Since Dad's not there, and we're not there, that branch is pretty short-handed.

Yeah, that's true...

Grrrr! Isn't there someone who can partner up with us?
I don't think you want to say that Estelle. Some might call it tempting fate.

Don't tell me you were hiding out upstairs.

Were you listening in on our conversation?

Heh heh heh... Indeed, I heard every tragic syllable! Therefore, it seemed the appropriate time to make an appearance.

He was the one who was playing the piano before, wasn't he? You know him?

Replace [know] with [can't get rid of,] and that about covers it.

And we haven't even known him for that long, either.

Many call me Olivier Lenheim, the wandering minstrel from Erebonia. It was Estelle and Joshua's pleasure to make my acquaintance on an earlier case.

And ever since, we seem to keep running into each other.

Quit trying to trick him! Zane, don't listen to him.

Hmm... I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but there's no harm in introductions, I suppose. Zane Vathek. Bracer from Calvard and perpetual traveler of the path of Wushu. I've enjoyed your piano playing.

Ha ha... You do me great honor, good sir.

I have also heard tales of your prowess in the preliminary matches. Tell me, did you truly defeat a team of four, entirely on your own?

All I can say is that I had the good fortune of them all being rank amateurs. So what does a wandering minstrel, as you say, want with us?

Olivier, I'd like for you to verify something for me... By any chance, do you have a lot of spare time on your hands?

And you say that I haven't changed, good Joshua. You were ever one for the pointed questions.

It has been nearly a month since I came to Grancel... I've traveled the length and breadth of the city, enjoying all the sights...except the castle. Those boorish soldiers would not allow me to pass. To be certain, there are other places that I'd like to visit, but I could not bear to leave with the birthday celebrations so close.

In other words, you're bored.

Now, what is this talk of being a man short that I happened to overhear? I have heard that the winner of this competition will be invited to an extravagant dinner party...

Surely, this can only be divine providence!


Yeah, pretty much what we figured you were thinking.

I had, in fact, wondered if you might invite me to join you in this tournament.

You okay with that?

I mean, you don't even know if he's any good in a fight...

His specialty is orbal firearms, right? I think the team would be pretty well served by a broad range of tactics.


Oh, my... This is a surprise. I presume you could tell from my walk and the musculature of my shoulders...
The gun on your waist was another big give-away.

That, and the way your eyes move. A martial artist and swordsman each have distinct ways that they track their surroundings. You track for a specific point on any possible target. It's characteristic of someone who's familiar with small arms.

Whooooaaaa... That's awesome.

I see... It certainly makes sense.

Hm... I'll have to be more careful in the future, then.

And in your eyes, do I pass muster for participating in the tournament with you?

Yeah, I think so. Welcome aboard.

I'm not sure I like this...
I'm sure I like this

Thank you for your assistance, Olivier.

I can't believe those guys are actually drinking after a meal like that. They must fill up from the legs.

Well, Zane's got the constitution for it, and Olivier's just kind of a glutton. As long as it doesn't interfere with Zane's performance in the tournament tomorrow, I think it'll be fine.

Yeah... I guess worrying about it won't do any good.

You want to go to the hotel on the North Block? Our room should be ready by now...
Fritz: Were you looking to stay for the night?

Yes. We're with the Bracer Guild...

We were told that a room would be ready for us. Can you please confirm that?
Fritz: Ahh, so that was for you two. Yes, we do have a reservation for the both of you.

Whew... That's a relief.

We'll have to say thanks to Elnan.
Fritz: Estelle and Joshua, correct? I'm sorry to ask, but may I please see your identification as bracers?

Oh, just a second...
Estelle showed the clerk her Bracer Notebook.
She doodled "We are totally Bracers" in it, which should be enough, right?
Fritz: Yes, that will be fine. And this is for you.
Received Room 202 Key.
Fritz: Just take the stairs up, and it'll be on your left. If you have need of anything, please contact the front.
Is there a pool? I hope there's a pool.
I don't think there's a pool.

They really didn't skimp on anything here. I guess we can use this as our base of operations, so to least until the competition's over.

(So...Joshua and I have to share this room for a while...?)

Uh, Estelle...?

YES! Uh, I mean, yes?

It just occurred to me that this might be a little weird...

But, uh...I mean, we're family...right?


You might not be as dependable as Dad is... And you're not as good a listener as Schera...

But of all my family, you're the one I most want to support. If there's ever anything bothering you, I just want you to know that you can always come to me.


I've been getting kind of a weird feeling from you lately...

If I've got this all wrong, I'm sorry.

*sigh* You're just As smart as you are, sometimes you can be so clueless.


Thank you...but you don't need to worry.

I know I've probably been acting kinda strange lately... It's not all that serious or painful... I'm just trying to sort my feelings out.

So...I'll be okay. Just as long as you watch out for me.

I really like how they turn the Estelle acts awkward and easily flustered gag into a pretty well done character moment. It's the kind of thing that helps flesh out and ground her character, and it also helps to sell the romance subplot. I think I've said it before, but it's always nice to see JRPG leads who can actually talk to each other like normal people, and communication is important in a relationship (or so say my friends whose love lives aren't best described as A train wrecking itself on pre-existing train wrecks, forever.) This is also basically the last time they use aforementioned gag, too, which is nice. While bad things happening to Olivier is one of the platonic forms of comedy, so it was pretty funny this update, it would eventually wear thin.

I see...

Okay, then. I'll keep my worry in check. And in return, you let me know when you've taken care of whatever's bothering you.

I won't ask you to tell me anything you're not ready to yet.

U-umm... Okay... Once I have everything straight, I'll be glad to tell you what's on my, mind!


Err, noting! Norhinf!

It's still kind of early...but do you want to turn in? Everything that's been going on has worn me out.

Yeah... We do have that match tomorrow...
Next time: Throwing down in the tournament... with some old friends???
So I just recently built up my backlog as far as I can without getting some thread input. Since it's a very simple vote, and it'll be more fun without context anyway, I'm just going to hold it now. The question is very simple:
Do we like Estelle or Joshua better?
You have until the next update gets posted to vote.
If you truly must know what the vote is for
collecting every chapter of Carnelia gets you either Estelle or Joshua's best weapon.