Part 58: Who among them will be crowned the king of fighters?

Welcome back. Last time, we went to the Erbe Scenic Road, to find Zane. We ended up finding a nun in danger instead. And then we found Zane too. Afterwards, we went to the bar to discuss joining Zane in the Tournament, at which point Olivier happened and now we have a full team for tomorrow

With Olivier on our side, even if we lose, well still have a good time.

Once he ended up hiding in a cupboard for three hours before he got a good entrance cue.

Weve got ourselves two new(ish) party members. Olivier is basically the same as ever, just stronger. His only new Craft is Sniper Shot, which impedes casting and does decent (if unremarkable) damage. The more characters who can impede the better, so its a pretty good craft. Furthermore, hes opened up all six of his orbment slots, meaning he can live up to his full potential as a caster. (All of his slots are open to every element, with the exception of his first, which is Mirage only.)
More levels has also further differentiated his stats from Estelle and Joshuas. Despite having a good 7 levels on us, hes weaker and frailer, but has much better magic and oodles of EP.

Weve barely done any fighting since Zane left the party, so he hasnt really changed at all. Hes got 9 levels on us, and remains a massive wall of strength and defense.

A quick trip to the orbment factory later, and Oliviers built like so. Hes got all the best Time magic and all the best Wind magic, since I havent used Wind much. The only new art he learns is Plasma Wave, which is one of the highest tier Wind arts, attacking in a line with a 20% chance of causing Seal.

Zane and Olivier start with slightly less than optima gear, so its time for a shopping montage!
...Or maybe not.
Outfitting an entire team with top tier stuff is surprisingly pricey, and Olivier and Zane end up stuck with slightly dated armor. Olivier shouldnt be taking hits, and Zane doesnt need the help, so it should be fine.

We can get a quick extra scene if go and talk to Elnan. Extra scenes are fun, and Elnan seems fun too, so lets go.

Ask Alan, Im sure he knows.

Lifa: Oh, Zane! Good morning. Do you feel ready for the next match at noon?

Lifa: Absolutely, I can! When I first heard the news, I'd thought to myself, how is he going to fight all by himself...?
I like how Lifa is consistently kind of chatty. Its nice when even the smallest of NPC have some personality.
Lifa: ...Hey, wait a minute... Aren't you the ones... from yesterday?

Lifa: Would you, now...? Then we'll need you to fill out these forms, please.
Estelle, Joshua and Olivier filled out the required paperwork. Next to his signature, Olivier detailed a red rose--for 'flavor.'
Lifa: So, you two are members of the Bracer Guild... But...according to your profile, sir... 'Wandering lyric, troubadour extraordinaire. Ambassador of peace and hearts most faire.' ...And there's a note under it: 'Trill the extra e, and don't spare the spittle'...?

Remember this line. I wont tell you why. Just remember it.

Maybe its just because Olivier is back in the party, but the dialogue in Chapter 4 feels even more entertaining than usual. Just another reason I like it.
Lifa: You're very...welcome. I've finalized your team register for the tournament. I list Zane as team captain, with 3 auxiliary members: Estelle, Joshua and Olivier. Please remember there can be no changes or substitutions.

Lifa: We have already determined the pairings, but to discourage wagering, we do not announce them until just before the match is to begin. You can guess your opponents just prior to the match, though, by taking note of who else is sharing your ready room.

Lifa: That's correct. Here. This is for you and your teammates.
You received the Registry Card.
Lifa: Please show that to the staff before you enter the arena. And, that should just about cover everything. Best of luck to you all! Knock 'em dead!
Thanks Lifa! This time, I dont mind you sharing your opinions

Receptionist: Please note that tournament participants are asked to remain within the arenas walls until the end of the days matches. Have you made all the necessary preparations for a day of hot, hot action.
Yup! And Im ready for the tournament, too!
Receptionist: Your waiting room is the Blue Team Room, just inside the hall on the right.

Once, in 1194.

Rais: Ha ha... Too bad for you, huh?


Deen: We're the Ravens! We had all of Ruan pissing their collective pants in fear of us!
Rocco: Don't tell us you forgot!

Deen: Heh heh heh...
Rais: Ha ha ha...
Rocco: Hee hee hee...

Deen: Hey, what's with the shocked look?
Rais: We won the prelims and made it here, fair and square.
Rocco: I don't remember you guys showing your faces before we'd made it halfway through, either.

Deen: Guh...
Rocco: What the hell...?

Rais: Well, it was nothing, really...

Rocco: A-anyway... You beat us before. We ain't gonna miss our chance to get back at you!

Deen: Well, we're supposed to be on the other side, but...

Deen: ...
Rocco: ...
Rais: ...

Deen: Hey, let's get outta here.
Rocco: Yeah... The mood's all off, now.
Rais: Let's go get something to eat before the fight.
I love how Estelle completely takes the winds out of their sails.

Were now giving free reign to talk to all the other teams on the blue side. We need to talk to everybody to continue, so lets talk.




So may we win. Because, yknow, were the best team... Get it?
...Estelle is much better at this than me.


1st Lieutenant Riel: So youre bracers, huh? You guys are pretty good...for your age. Heh. May the best team win!
Private Mercia: This tournament is where we military and you bracers alike get to shamelessly display some prowess. Shake what youve got up there, and dont lose an eye-- cause that would really hurt!
Private Bian: Border garrison... Not to be messed with, for sure. But were not about to lose!

Hey, we cant have two Zanes! One of you will have to change your name.
(Its you, Private Brad.)


Chairmans voice: But we will now commence with the no-holds-barred matches!

Chairmans voice: South side, blue team... Bracer Guild, Grancel branch. Team captain is Kurt! North side, red team... Royal Army Assault Cavalry. Team captain is 1st Lieutenant Jed.

Referee: Both teams, go to your starting places.

This is basically the same as the last Bracer versus Soldiers fight. Soldiers good, Bracers better. Much better.

The bracers walk in.

Chairman's voice: Here's the lineup for the 2nd match... South side, blue team: From the Calvard Republic... Captained by martial arts master, Zane! North side, red team: Team Raven, captained by Deen!

Before we enter, we can talk to the senior bracers again.





Rais: I guess the Goddess smiles on everyone at least once.
Rocco: You may have found our weaknesses before, but we've been through some insane training since then. Time to let you see the results!

Referee: This begins the 2nd no-holds-barred match of the competition. Both teams, go to your starting places.

Ive talked about the tournament from the outside looking in, but now that were participants, Im going to talk about the tournament from the outside. I like it! Ive always been fond of fleshed out tournament plots in games, probably because of The Thousand Year Door, and Trails is pretty good. The fights, especially the semi-finals and finals are quite fun, and the game does a good job of weaving some interesting plot development in between the rounds of the tournament.

The Ravens are pretty much the same as when we fought them last, theyre just faster and stronger. I take a somewhat different tack this time, and have Zane taunt them, while Joshua and Olivier get started on speeding up the team.

Zane has one job, and hes very good at it.

This isnt a particularly tough fight, but the Ravens have still come a long way. They can take multiple White Gehannas to the face and stay standing, which is more than a lot of enemies can say.

The Ravens biggest weakness is that while they have a lot of tricks up their sleeve (the same as before: they can heal, revive, buff and debuff), none of them are enough to compensate for middling damage. And while they have lots of HP, as the fight goes on, the S-Crafts come out to play.

Estelle finishes the fight off in style, showing off Volcanic Rave for the first time. Volcanic Rave is the strongest fire magic in the game, attacking a medium radius centered around a tile of your choosing.

Deen: *huff* *huff* Damn it.. Lost again...
Rais: H-hes too damned tough...!
Rocco: Shit! Shit, shit, SHIT!

Deen: R-really...?
Rais: I...uh, don't really remember it too well.

Our heads slightly higher.

Chairmans voice: South side, blue team... From the Royal Army's 3rd Regiment... Captained by 1st. Lieutenant Riel!

Riel: Let's show 'em how it's done, people!
Isaac: Aye-aye, sir!

Chairmans voice: The Capua Family, a.k.a. the Sky Bandits... Captained by Don Capua!

Chairmans Voice: Somewhat notorious, always in the news... They are the Capua family, the Sky Bandits who terrorized the Bose region! Today they present themselves to you in a physical display of contrition, eager to fight in a fair and honest manner. In doing so, they hope to atone for all the problems they've caused the Kingdom's citizens. This wish to make amends is foremost in their hearts as they take the field. And thanks to the sponsorship of Duke Dunan, they are here to show you that remorse. We hope you enjoy this shocking match-up and first ever public apology in tournament history!

If I got to apologize by kicking ass in a martial arts tournament then Id... probably still apologize the old-fashioned way. Im not a strong man.

Referee: We now begin the 3rd match of the no-holds-barred tournament. Both teams, go to your starting places.

Although the Capuas are obviously slightly stronger, this fight isnt a complete shutout like whenever Kurt and crew takes the ring.

The Captain of the soldier team is particularly tough for a portraitless NPC.

Still, Don brings the literal big guns, and while the Capuas generic Sky Bandit helper goes down, the soldiers still lose in the end.

Bern: Well, dont get so depressed. Theyre used to fighting as a group. Thats all.
Riel: Its not their strength, so much as our weakness. Which means we need to do some more training when we get back to our unit.

Chairmans Voice: South side, blue team... From the Border Patrol, 7th Regiment... Captained by 1st Lieutenant Bern!
Rial: Looks like you're up. This is the last fight of the day, so you better make it count.
Bern: Understood. We'll give them twelve kinds of hell, army-style. Let's do this, people!

Chairman's voice: North side, red team... From the Royal Army Intelligence Division, captained by 2nd Lieutenant Lorence!

Referee: Both teams, go to your starting places.

The Special Ops Soldiers are much, much better than the normal soldiers, but its not quite a complete, bloody, hard-to-watch curbstomp.

Until Lorence gets involved.

Ive mentioned way back when that I think the agreement Estelle and Joshua have not to talk about the latters past works really well narratively, and heres another example why. Joshua knows Lorence. I know this, you know this, hell, its even kind of implied later that Estelles realized this. Estelle and Joshuas agreement takes Joshua not sharing who Lorence is from just another moment where a JRPG character doesnt share important information to a character establishing moment for Joshua. Hed rather lie and not share potentially relevant information then reveal anything about himself.

Chairmans Voice: And that concludes our first day of full-contact matches. Today's winners were Kurt's Team, Don's Team, Zane's Team and Lorence's Team!

Next time: It'll be us, obviously.