Part 59: The pen really is mightier than the sword
Welcome back. Last time, we had the time of our lives in the Martial Arts tournament. We beat up the Ravens (again, they have an abysmal record), and found out who the rest of the contenders for the championship are. Theres Josette and the rest of the Capuas (and some random Sky Bandit to round out the numbers), Kurt and the Bracers, and Lorence and his Special Op crew. Who will win!?
We get a lot of money for winning the quarterfinals. Well get a lot more for the semifinals and the finals. I like this, because I like money. Think of all the sneakers we could buy! Or jellybeans! The skys the limit when it comes to frivolous spending.
Ill tell you whatll happen tomorrow. It rhymes with winning because it is winning.

Of course!

Seriously, though... We've got some really tough opponents left to face. Our fellow guild members, plus the Sky Bandits...

True... We can't afford to let our guard down.

Oh, come now. What, truly, is there for us to be concerned over? We have built this dream together, to stand strong forever! Nothing is going to stop us now!

My fist is going to stop you, if you don't stop spouting nonsense and take this seriously.

Well, positive thinking isn't a bad thing. We've got to keep each other's spirits up from today, so that we'll be ready for tomorrow. So in the interest of that... I'm going to the bar! What about you guys?

For my part, I would most graciously join you.
I think Olivier appreciates the chance to drink with someone who wont traumatize him in the process.

(We should go report in at the guild. They might have some new info on our assignment.)

(Yeah, maybe...)

Sorry, Zane... We'll have to take a rain check.

All right... Goodbye for now, then. We'll meet up again tomorrow morning, in the hotel lobby.

Au revoir, my dear pussycats.

Right. And it wouldn't hurt to try getting some information from around town, too...

Like...what, exactly?
Deen: Hmph. Don't start acting all cocky on us.
Rocco: This last time, we didn't have a whole lotta time to train properly. Next time, though, we'll win...
Rais: Huh...? You wanna do this again?
Rais is the smartest Raven, as he realizes another round of being wailed on may not be the greatest of times.

Ha ha ha... It's fine. If we have another chance, we'll be happy to have a rematch.

Hey, Estelle... Don't you think you're being a little hasty?

Oh, what's the big deal? If we keep up with our own training, we'll be fine.
Or even if we dont! They kinda suck.
Deen: Heh... Aren't you the optimistic little twerp? Well, here. Take this.
Received Grancel Sewer Key A.

Wh-what's this?

Looks like an extremely old key.
Rocco: It'll open up that barred-off passage in the West Block. It leads to a huge underground sewer system.
Rais: We got that key by pure chance, so we go down there every day to explore. There's a ton of really tough monsters in there, so you'd better make sure you're absolutely ready.

W-well, I...
Deen: Hey, don't get us wrong. Losing to you just pissed us off, is all!
Rocco: Listen... You'd better win that tournament. We won't accept any less.
Rais: We've said what we came to say, so we'll see you later.

I think they were trying to show us that they're rooting for us. Maybe they're telling us to use the sewers to train ourselves before the big match.

I...guess that makes sense. Hmmm... Maybe they really have turned over a new leaf?

Ha ha... Maybe they just like your manly nature. After all, you are the most violent person I've ever met.
Pictured: Joshua not taking his own advice from last update. Hes not a clever man.

Manly...violent... What are you trying to say, Joshua?

Well, whatever. I say we should accept whatever good will is offered.

It's late, though. I think we should wait before we go underground. We can give it a try before tomorrow's match.

Okay... Let's stop in at the guild, then, and report in to Elnan.
One walk and several autographs later (no one asked, but we insisted), were back.

Thank you, thank you.

Wait... How'd you know already?!

Grant already reported in. So, how was it?

Honestly... It felt more like surviving than actually winning.
Joshua explained that there were Sky Bandit and Special Op teams.

I see... I'd heard that the Sky Bandits were given special permission to participate... But I must admit, I'm surprised to hear about the Special Ops. Particularly that their leader is so powerful!

The team was pretty tough, but that commander was, like...on a different level altogether.

He moved like a cat, and was swinging that huge sword around like it was a toy. I could barely believe he was human, the way he was fighting.

Yeah... What she said.

Elnan... What do you know about 2nd Lieutenant Lorence's personal history?

The Intelligence Division is new, and Colonel Richard suppressed all information regarding them since their official inception. That includes information on the lieutenant.


...Joshua? You seem pretty caught up with that guy in red. Is there something we should be watching out for?

No... We just need to know who we're facing. That's all. ...Anything that can give us an edge in the tournament.

Ah. Good point! Knowing your enemy is the best way to beat him, after all!

Ah, actually... This doesn't concern the lieutenant, exactly... Today at noon, a military patrol vessel arrived at the landing port.

That IS news...

Captain Amalthea... Is that that sneaky, fox-faced woman? That witch who used Tita to threaten the professor?

She's traveling through all of the major cities. Her arrival was unexpected, and caused all civilian airship lines to run late.

Yeah, that doesn't bode well...

A tour of the major cities? Sounds like a cover for her to hunt down the professor...

We've got all branches investigating her trip very carefully. We'll let you know as soon as we learn anything. You two just focus on the tournament for now.

You bet.

Thanks so much for all your help.
With that done, theres nothing to do but make like boring tourists and head back to the hotel.
Mans Voice: You sure know how to keep a fellow waiting...

Hey, I know that voice...
Ive missed you Nial

How've you been? Don't tell me you came here just to see little old us...

Okay, then. I won't tell you. I'm doing interviews with the tourney contestants for my article. I figured you folks would be my best bet for getting the inside story. I was hoping I'd get a chance to ambush you into an interview at the hotel.

*sigh*... You're way too good at your job, you know that?

Well, it's not that we're not glad to see you... ...but this is you we're talking about. What's your angle?

Hunting for the next big story, I'll bet.

Ha! You wound me to the quick, kid. I've been like a big brother to you... You scratch my back, I scratch yours. And now you think of me as nothing but a newshound?

We KNOW you're nothing but a newshound.

Not to mention, the age difference is a little much for us to think of you as a brother.

Oh, shut it. If that's how you're going to be, then I'm leaving. And you're coming with me!
That just might be the single worst storming off Ive ever seen.


I wouldn't mind a little night air before bed!

Good. We're halfway there, then.

There's this quaint little eatery right next door to where I work. It's the perfect place to sit and talk.

Feels less like a bar and more like a coffee shop.

That might explain the smell of coffee.

I hear the owner started up this place as a hobby. The brew here is amazing. Plus, he took some advice from someone later on and added curry rice to the menu. Curry with AUTHENTIC spices. I just like the atmosphere out here, though, personally. Have a seat! Let's get this interview started!

We were just in that big match, so we're pretty damned hungry. And I'm not about to smell food without EATING food!

Dinner does sound lovely right about now, actually.
Ive said before I like the relationship we develop with Nial, and stuff like this is why. I love how we extort him into buying dinner for us in exchange for information

Grrr... Damn kids.

Fine! I'll buy you dinner. And while you're stuffing your faces, you can give me the exclusive on any news you've found!

Aaaand, there's the pitch!

By the way, isn't Dorothy with you today?

Nah, I gave her something else to work on... Now, come on. Inside with the both of you.

Nothing beats ribs covered in sauce with some potatoes that are cooked just right.

I like a good cup of coffee after a meal, myself. I've always heard it's difficult to make it well.

Bah... Way to eat up a man's paycheck, you guys. I don't know how I'm supposed to afford all this on a reporter's salary.

Now, now... It was a great meal. And great meals don't come cheap.
Not only do we get him to buy us dinner, but then were smug about out it. Were the best.

Anyway, you were saying something about an interview...?

Hmph. I could write a story about extortion...

Anyway, there ain't been much to confirm that the Queen's really taken ill after the Guardsmen went all terrorist. What I need is some clear info that HASN'T been combed over and 'cleaned up' by the army.



I heard a little from Dorothy about the kidnapping in Zeiss... Look, let me get right to the point. I know you've got Colonel Richard by the proverbial tail...I just need to know how hard you're holding on.

Way to be blunt, there...

Sounds like you've already figured out an awful lot...

Before that interview in our magazine bumped up his popularity, he wasn't really well known or worth paying attention to.

Seems like this guy has been planning his moves every step of the way...

Right now, we can't say for sure that he's planning some kind of treason against the throne. But it does look like he's manipulating the duke somehow.

Duke Dunan... He's taking advantage of the Queen's poor health and acting like he owns Grancel Castle, all right... But what I don't get is why none of the military bigwigs are making their move.

Well, about that...

...what do you think, Joshua? Should we tell him?

Well, we could definitely use some fresh intel ourselves.

As long as he scratches our backs...let's scratch his.

Hey, now... You two know something, don't you?

We would have told you sooner... But anything we say from here on out has to be completely off the record.

I hope you're ready for this.

Ahh, shit. I'm really not going to like this, am I?

*sigh* You said you were ready for this.

That's just... No way...

Are you really serious?

I'm afraid so. The Special Ops soldiers were behind the Sky Bandit incident, as well as the arson. Not to mention the kidnapping of the kingdom's greatest scientific mind.

General Morgan is at the top of the chain of command, and even he's basically under arrest. All of the terrorist-style activities are being made out to look like the Guardsmen are doing it.

Okay, enough! You've made your point!

Dammit all... I can't even report a word of this. The army's censors already have their stamp all over the latest issue. They did their work at the final printing stage.


And I'm left with nothing to cover except for this damn tournament.

...Hey, wait a minute. You two have something up your sleeves, don't you? That's why you're in the tournament.

You could say that... We can't give you all the details on our current request...

We do, however, think that we need to make a move, just to break the deadlock.

You don't say...

... ...All right, then.

Since I can't do anything as a reporter, I might as well pitch in. I'll see what I can dig up. I've got a few...sources...with fingers in places the guild would never go.

That'll be a big help.

Doing anything to oppose the military's going to be a risky proposition, you know. Are you sure you're okay with this?

Let me deal with that.
Even Nial gets to be a badass. Just another reason why Chapter 4 is the best.


Understood... Thank you.

Yeah, just leave it to me. So, what do you want more information on?

Info about the army's movements would be good. As would knowing whether or not all of the Royal Guardsmen have been arrested... And also where General Morgan is being held...

Got it. All stuff that I've been thinking about, too. I'll check them out. Anything else?

Uhh... Maybe some background info on someone in the Intelligence Division?


You mean like a background check?

On Colonel Richard, Captain Amalthea and 2nd Lieutenant Lorence. If we have to face any of them, the more we know, the better our odds.

[If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.]

And you can bet that the colonel's working on the same principle. We'll probably be watching the fights tomorrow and the next day.

Do you think you can manage it, Nial?

I do know a few army folks... I can't get you anything classified, but I might be able to scare up that profile info.

Okay, then... I'll see what I can do.

Thank you! You're a lifesaver!

We appreciate it.

Hey, don't sweat it. You can pay me back by winning that championship and filling me in on what you hear at that dinner party.

I figured as much...

We'll do everything we can.
The next morning...

Shall we be off?

Our match is in the afternoon, just like yesterday, so we're free to do as we please in the meantime. We can stop by and get our equipment set up, and maybe even work in a little monster killing on the way.

Oh, if that's what you're after, I know exactly where to go.
Estelle told them about the key to the sewers that the Ravens had given her and Joshua.

You don't say? That's mighty interesting. I hear there are some tough monsters down there, so maybe they'll prove to be worthy opponents.

A byzantine labyrinth, snaking out beneath this jeweled city. My adventurer's bosom strains its corset-strings!

I have no problem with that, provided that we have time. I think the entrance is just at the edge of western block's residential district.
We can now head into the sewers. Yay. Sewers. Whoo.
For now, the sewers are a nice grinding spot for the tournament, with fairly weak enemies to level up on if youre having trouble with any of the tourny fights. You shouldn't have to, but it's nice to have the option. Furthermore, the sewers are the location of two of Chapter 4s three sidequests, containing two monster bounties deep within, although we can only access one at the moment.
The chest is so empty it hurts.
It really does
Chomping Spare Ribs restore 800HP and boost strength and defense by 15%, which is pretty nice.
Dont be shocked now, but..its empty.
The chest is empty. Are you surprised?
Not in the slightest.
The chest is empty...because you emptied it. Thief!
I say, didnt you loot me once before already?
That we did
We were so down to exterminate we didnt even wait for the game to finish asking us.
Zane taunts the evil crabs, drawing them in so everyone can unload on them with magic. They have a crippling fire damage, and so Estelle and Volcanic Rave set a new damage record. We always believed in you and your love of violence, Estelle.
Receptionist: Please note that tournament participants are asked to remain within the arena's walls until the end of the day's matches. Have you made all the necessary preparations for a day of hot, hot action?
And were ready for the tournament too!
I was editing some updates in my backlog and I realized I literally made the exact same joke two updates in a row. I am ashamed.
Receptionist: Excellent, excellent. Your waiting room is the 'Blue Team Room,' just inside the hall on the right. Fight well!

Seeing as how we only just saw each other in Zeiss.

Yeah, I know... I never dreamed we'd meet again in this life... I mean, since you got in so much trouble after you boarded that factory ship...

[So much trouble]...?

Well, well... This bears investigation.

Whoa, whoa, wait! Dorothy, can we maybe save that conversation for later?

Huh...? Anyway, I was going to say, your friends here look kind of familiar...

I seem to recall encountering you once, in the city of Bose. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance once more, my uniquely charming lady.

We passed by each other near the hot spring.

Ohhhhhh, I remember now. It's the drink-and-run guy, and the bear in Eastern clothing!

So, Estelle, are you and Joshua fighting alongside these two in the competition?

Yep, that's right.

We're on Zane's team. The 'bear in Eastern clothing,' as you put it. So what about you? Are you covering the event for the newspaper?

Weeeell... Until yesterday, I was working on another story. Nial told me this morning that I should check out the Martial Arts Competition to see you guys.

You're as strong as he said you were. This is gonna make for some great pictures!

Ha ha ha... I hope so.

Oh, yeah... Isn't Nial with you?

Nah, I guess he had something important to check up on. I think he was up all last night, wrestling with a bunch of papers or something. He told me today that he was going to talk to an old acquaintance.

I see...

Oh, and he wanted me to pass a message on to you. He wants you to come by the editorial department this evening. Whatever it is, he made it sound serious.

Hmmm... Okay.

We'll go after today's matches.

Ah, serious conversation! My old nemesis!

Well, don't let it get you down... *purrrr* Meeoooww.

Oh, would you stop? It doesn't even have anything to do with you.

How very cruel, Estelle...! And after our passions burned so strongly together just yesterday! Am I merely refuse, to be discarded when circumstance affords me no immediate use?
Yeah, pretty much.

Would you PLEASE stop talking like that?

Wow, Estelle. I had no idea! Isn't he a little old for you, though...?

He's talking about the tournament. But you're better off just ignoring everything he says, either way.

I'm gonna go ahead and find a good seat, so I can get the best shots. I'll be rooting for you guys. Good luck!

*sigh*... Between her and Olivier, I just get so drained...

That just means we're relieving your stress before the match.

She IS a pretty skilled photographer, at least. The latest Liberl News was full of her work.

Hmm... Impressive.

In that case, we'll have to make sure that our fight is one worth taking pictures of.

Yeah, no kidding.
Next time: The semi-finals! (And Nial's big scoop.)