Part 60: The Jester Hunting Corps
Welcome back. Last time, we met with our good friend free-meal pinata Nial, and scratched each others backs. Not in a weird way, in an informationy way. Nial agreed to use some of his less than savory sources to gain some intel on the various going-ons of the Royal Military, as well as information on Richard, Lorence and Amalthea. Now its time for the semi-finals! Who will win!?
(Still us.)
We head into our room, primed for some action.
Spectated violence is the best kind of violence.

Ugh... They're late. The match is due to start soon, so where's the other team?

It is kind of strange. Maybe something's holding them up, or...
Audacious Voice: Just shut up. We're not in that much of a hurry.
Young Mans Voice: Yeah... Why should we even have to do this?
Girls Voice: C'mon, bro... Don't get too worked up. Else, what do you think's going to happen when you hit one of 'em?


So it was your team...?

Heh. I should have known they wouldn't show up in a timely fashion.

Well...guess we're on the same side today. Sort of.

Hmph. Fortune has smiled on us. I'd been hoping we'd get matched up with you, so we could give the she-man there a lesson. did NOT...
Guard: Hey! No idle chatter! Or did you forget that it's only by His Excellency's generosity that you're even in this competition?

Have we not been well-behaved so far?
Guard: And I just hope you decide to keep that up until you go back to jail. Don't even talk to them. You don't make any trouble, and we won't make trouble for you.

I don't think there'll be a problem. They want to clobber us tomorrow, after all.
Guard 2: I think you know this, but there's a full company of soldiers here on security detail. Don't even start imagining that you have any chance of escaping.

We know already. We're not idiots.

Hmph. You guys are a real eyesore, so why don't you just go already?
Guard: You little...
Guard 2: Don't let this kid provoke you. Just don't try any funny business.

How'd you guys wind up in the Martial Arts Competition?

Is it really because Duke Dunan allowed it?

Yeah, seems that way. He supposedly called for us specifically to participate. The better we do, the lighter our sentence gets.

Y-you've got to be kidding me...

Hmmm... That's a little strange for a constitutional monarchy.

Ha ha ha. It seems the duke is a mischievous sort.

Well, you won't see us complaining. I'd rather work off my sentence than spend it in prison. But then... That's not the only reason.

What's that supposed to mean?

Ah, shut it. It ain't any of your business, anyhow. It matters to us.

So, if you're not here to fight us... Then are you here to take on the Special Ops soldiers?

Wha... How...?

Damn straight we are! They were supposed to be our allies, and they screwed us over! They used us to help expand the Intelligence Division's influence, then tossed us aside!

We're idiots, plain and simple. We got double-crossed. And that really sucks.

Yeah, I suppose so... Come to think of it, I even feel kind of bad for you guys.
Thats right... Now, join our party!

Listen, we don't want your damn pity! You owe US, and don't you forget it!
Cmon, please?

Huh? What do you mean by that?

Ha ha... Don't you remember the last time we met? It'd be a bad thing if you-know-who found out that you snuck into Leiston Fortress, right?


We don't like those jerks too much, either, so we didn't say anything about you. Ha ha ha! You ought to thank us.


Indeed... Thank you for keeping it to yourselves.

This certainly sounds interesting. I'd LOOOOVE to hear more.

You hush! It was nothing!

Whoops... I hate to interrupt, but I think we're starting shortly.
Chairmans Voice: We now open the second day of the Martial Arts Competition! Let's start up by announcing the fight card for the 5th match! South side, blue team: From the Calvard Republic... Captained by martial arts master, Zane! North side, red team: From the Bracer Guild, Grancel branch... Kurt's team!

Here we go! We're gonna actually be fighting against Carna's crew!

This won't be easy. We need to make sure that we don't get in Zane's way...

No need to be so cautious. Your assistance will be just as good as any full-fledged bracers. All we need to do is focus on winning.


We'll do our best!
Hi Anelace!
...I mean, uh... Youre going down!

Ha ha... Hi, you two.

We gave as good as we got.

[Zane the Immovable.] I always wanted to go up against you, at least once. What do you say we see if my sword can match up to your skill?

Ha ha... Fine by me. But just to warn you, I'm not big on pulling my punches.

Ha ha... I was hoping to fight in the final round... I guess we'll see who fate favors today.

On one hand, you have an advanced group of veteran bracers. And on the other, a talented group of novice bracers and one genius performing musician.

I imagine even Aidios herself might have difficulty at guessing the outcome.
When you put it like that... we kinda sound screwed.
Referee: We now begin the 5th match of the no-holds-barred tournament. Both teams, go to your starting places.
Referee: Begin!
Lets rumble!
The fight with the senior bracers is my favorite fight or second favorite fight of the game. Its one of the few fights in pretty much any RPG where it really feels like youre fighting another party, not just another group of monsters. Each of the senior bracers has their own role in the party, and have their own unique crafts and fighting styles. If they didnt have around 4000HP each, theyd be nearly indistinguishable from a player character. They also feel like a real party storywise, since you can pretty easily imagine them going on all sorts of wacky bracer adventures.
Anyway, lets see what they have to offer:

Kurt and Carna are the teams support. They stay back and support the team, either through buffs (as seen here), or by healing (Kurt) or casting (Carna).

Carna can also snipe with her cannon, although its not nearly as effective as her spellcasting. She does it here because Zane taunted her. (Grant and Carna were hit, Anelace and Kurt are too chill to get taunted.)

Since Ive done all the sidequests perfectly, Im a lot stronger then you can potentially be at this point. With Joshua doing nearly 800 damage against everyone incredibly consistently, as well as everyone else doing some pretty respectable damage, they cant stay alive for long. From a less advantageous position, this can be a pretty tough fight, though. The bracers have a lot of tricks up their sleeves.

Like I said: Theyre basically another party. Kurts Snowflower Arts restores 500 HP for everyone, dead or not. With that, Anelace is back on her feet. Kurt can also use White Cap to restore 1000HP to one ally, and Illusory Arts to attack from afar. None of these have cast times either. Kurt is the lifeblood of the group, so if youre having trouble take him out first. Once hes down the rest of the team will follow.

Grant is the groups main frontliner. He can use Whirlwind to attack in a circular radius, as well as Grant Special, to deal damage, impede casting, and delay your turn. Keep an eye on Grants position in the turn order, since hell shut down any attempts at casting given a chance.

Anelace is Grants back-up. Shes a bit frailer, and she doesnt hit quite as hard, but she can bust out 8-Leaf Blitz and go Kenshiro on our asses, dealing a fair amount of damage (pictured is her normal attack, she never actually used 8-Leaf Blitz when we fought.) She can also revive downed allies; between that and her low HP she should be your next target once Kurt goes down.

We simplify things and take down both out at once.
Now, play us out Olivier.


Gah... Nicely done.

I never thought that [Zane the Immovable] was really that capable.

You guys were no slouches, yourselves. I don't think I'd have won, if not for the others backing me up.

*huff* *huff* Did... Did we win?

Yeah... Not sure how, though...
You did 800 damage to everyone every 10 moves. Do you not remember?

Ha ha... Oh, don't be so modest. You may have had Zane with you, but you each pulled your own weight.

Whew... I knew fighting Schera's students was going to be tough...

But I had no idea the black-haired kid would be such a tough cookie...

Heh, and I was thinking that this girl was going to put me to sleep... Perhaps later, we can discuss each other's strengths over a glass of wine...?
Ill get you two started: Olivier is good at unsuccessfully picking up girls.

Oh, give it a rest.

No kidding. That was a pretty exciting match.

H-heh... I suppose it wasn't too bad.

Ha ha ha! Why, thank you.♪

So, what's the deal? Why are YOU guys congratulating us? Got a fever or something?

W-we're not congratulating you, you little punk! It's just that it would be annoying to lose so easily to the group that drove us up a wall!

You've got a snappy comeback for everything, don't you?

Come on, Estelle.

Thank you very much. I know a lot's happened between us, and still you cheered us on. We appreciate it.
Yay, were best friends now.
Now... join our party!


I-I'm trying to tell you that we're NOT cheering you on!
Cmon, why not?

Chairmans Voice: South side, blue team: The Sky Bandits, a.k.a. the Capua Family... captained by Don Capua! North side, red team: From the Royal Army Intelligence Division, captained by 2nd Lieutenant Lorence!

All right, it's finally time!

Time to teach those sneaky assholes a lesson!

Maybe this is how it was destined to play out. Our fingers are crossed for you. Good luck!

Watch out for their commanding officer. Keep him pinned down, and you'll have a fighting chance.


I mean, uh, shut up! It's none of your business, anyway!

I've been waiting for a chance to pay back what I owe you.

Heh heh... Yeah, we really ought to thank the duke for this chance.

Ha ha...

Wh-what's so damned funny?!

You're orphans of the Capua of Erebonia's ruined noble families... You lost your territory to a corrupt merchant and only survived by taking to air piracy... I was just thinking about what a touching story that is.

Did you forget that we're part of the Intelligence Division? You'd be better off abandoning your little quest for revenge and just serving your time quietly. It does seem that you're trying to go straight, at least.

You... WHAT?!

You sure do love to run your mouth, don'tcha?

Time for you to taste a few orbal-powered bullets!
Referee: We now begin the 6th match of the no-holds-barred tournament. Both teams, go to your starting places.
And the battle is joined.

The Capuas and the Special Ops are pretty evenly matched. The Special Ops generally do more damage, but Don makes up the difference with his heavy damage area of effect attacks. Its close, but it looks the like the Capuas might win!

...And then Lorence joins in. You had a good run!

They were doing pretty well, at first. It all fell apart when that fellow in red started in on them, though.

Hmmm... Definitely not an opponent to be trifled with. I don't think he was even trying as hard as he could. I can't get a decent read on his real strength.

PLEASE tell me you're joking.

No, I think it's the truth. That last technique just didn't feel like it was even all that focused. He's still got plenty we haven't seen yet.

Th-that's just crazy...



Uh... I'm sorry, you guys...

Don't try to cheer us up, please. We got slaughtered out there.

Damn it! If my support tactics weren't so worthless...

It wasn't your fault! I'm the one who wasted all that energy on attacks that didn't do anything!


Well, hey. Sometimes it comes down to more than just who's stronger.

We're gonna get him back for you when we fight him tomorrow!


Heh... You make it sound so simple.

I'm not fond of promising what I'm not sure I can deliver...

A battle has to be won in the mind before it can be won in the flesh.

What a fine saying! 'Tis as if you and Estelle speak with the same mind...but you, sir, with a more golden tongue!

You've gotta be kidding.

We JUST got done fighting... Can't you give us a few minutes to rest?
Guard: You know, for hardened criminals, you sure act like spoiled brats.
Guard 2: Come on, now get moving!


I'm so worn out...



We aren't gonna be here tomorrow...

...but you'd damn well better win! If you let those assholes beat you, then you're gonna have hell to pay!


Of course we're gonna win! Who do you think you're talking to here?

We'll win... I swear it.
Guard: Are you done?
Guard 3: Enough stalling.

Tomorrow's the final match...

We're really going to have to keep our spirits up, because that's going to be one tough match.

So I propose that we go to the bar and let it all hang out, so to speak!
Hey, whoa now, we can't win if you're in jail Zane!

Heh. I like the way you think, good sir. I should like to join you.

So this is 'adult' logic...
The best kind of logic.

We've got some stuff we have to do, so not tonight for us, I think.

No problem. See you later, then. We'll meet up with you tomorrow morning, out front.

I'll bet Nial's waiting for us, so why don't we go to the News Service and see what he has to say?

Yeah... Hopefully, he's managed to learn something useful about those Intelligence Division members.
The story of this next comment is that its a transition between us being at the stadium, and being at the news agency.

Pardon us.

Amazing. Dorothy actually got the message to you guys, and didn't screw it up. Will miracles never cease?

So...I hear you won your match today. Dorothy was in an absurdly cheerful mood when she got back from it.

Ha ha... Cool.
This is my favorite line. I dont know why. I think Estelle being smug is just inherently funny.

Nial, about what we discussed earlier...

Straight to business, I see.

Take a look... Got some background on those big shots.
Nial held out a black file folder.

Is this from the Royal Army?

Yeah... Nothing super-secret, but I was able to get out some documents. Let's just say they're...on loan from some of my army contacts. But keep that under your hat, okay?


Well, let's go ahead and read it here.
Estelle and Joshua opened the black folder.
We need to ask for info on them all, so lets just start at the top.
Born 1168, in the Ruan region of Liberl.
(This makes him 34, for those who care.)
Graduated head of his class from the military academy, later assigned to the mobile task force led by Cassius Bright.
1192: Recognized for distinguished service under Cassius Bright in the Hundred Days War.
Appointed to staff of the military operations office after Colonel Bright's retirement.
1201: Suggested formation of Intelligence Division. Queen Alicia approves the request and appoints him as the first commander of the new branch.

Well, he IS the man in charge.

He always seemed to be pretty sharp. Looks like Major Cid was right about him serving under Dad ten years ago.

So Dad really WAS a colonel... I wonder why he retired... I mean, he had respect and fame and all that.
Born 1175, in Liberl's capital city of Grancel.
This makes her 27.
Her excellent grades at the military academy earned her a place on the staff of the military operations office shortly after graduation.
1201: Reassigned to the newly-formed Intelligence Division on Colonel Richard's recommendation.
Later appointed as Colonel Richard's aide-de-camp, assisting directly with military operational command.

That appointment means that she's been working for Colonel Richard for a long time. No wonder she's so loyal to him...
And one more.
Age and nationality unknown.
Invited by Colonel Richard to join the Intelligence Division while serving in the Jester Hunting Corps.
Previous activities unknown.

And what's up with his old job as a mercenary being one big blank spot?

...I don't know. The Hunting Corps, or the Jaegers, are known as the best mercenaries in the business for good reason...

No kidding? So maybe the colonel was just looking for a really skilled fighter?

It's a possibility. And I think I've heard of this [Jester] division somewhere before.

As long as it's useful. I've learned a few juicy tidbits while I was digging around, too.

[Juicy tidbits]...?

For example, Lieutenant Julia Schwarz of the Royal Guardsman, currently wanted for questioning... ...was in the academy the same year as Captain Amalthea.

Really, now...?

They never gave off the impression that they got along all that well...

Maybe because they were academy rivals. Kanone's got the brains, and Julia's got the combat skills... Pretty big difference there.

Ahh, I see. I'd imagine so.

Looks like Julia's always been the super-serious knightly type, huh.

Next up...and this has nothing to do with the military, mind you... You kids know about Princess Klaudia, right?

Princess Klaudia... Sounds familiar.

If memory serves, she was orphaned when the crown prince and his wife died. She's the granddaughter of Her Majesty, Queen Alicia.

Right. She's not well known, but she is the direct descendant of the Queen. From what I could dig up, she lives in the Royal Keep, and pretty much stays there most of the time. And it seems someone's been looking for prospective marriage candidates for her.

Huh... That's not super-unusual for rich families, but still...


That's not the point.

The issue here is, who is this [someone]?

Ha ha... Spot on, kid.

It could be...
This is fairly obvious.

Hey, not bad, kid. It is Colonel Richard who's been scouring foreign countries for a suitable candidate, looks like.

I knew it...

But isn't that kind of weird? Why would he even be involved in setting up an arranged marriage?

Pretty interesting, ain't it? And now...there's something I want from you two.


You want us to win the tournament and get you some information at the dinner party...right?

Is that about the long and short of it?

Oh, okay...

You're not shy about asking for stuff, are you?

Hey, I got you information. This is called 'give and take,' sweetheart.

True, and it's been helpful.

Oh, all right. We'll let you know if we find out anything.

That's what I like to hear.

Hopefully, this little deal will pay off for me before the day's out.

'Scuse me for a sec.

Oh, it's you! I've been waiting for you to call in.

What... Starting now?

Okay, got it. I'll meet you there.

What's going on?

Sounds like you're in for a late night. The sun's going down as it is...

Hey, I'm a night owl, anyways. I'm only up during the daytime while the crazy chick is being trained.

But hey, no biggie. You kids can just kick back and relax while I'm out.

Gotcha. Good luck with your work.

You too. Don't screw up tomorrow's match!

Hmmm... I guess we should stop by the guild, then go back to the hotel. We ought to report in the info that Nial got for us.

Fine by me.
Next time: We do just that.