Part 63: This aquarium called life
Welcome back. Last time, we finally faced off with Lorence in the finals of the tournament. We won, obviously
. Afterwards, Lorence, Richard and Amalthea villained off stage, with Richard revealing he'd asked Lorence to hold back, and that their plan (whatever it may be), is nearly complete. That can't be good

Yes... I think we got lucky. Even now, it's hard to believe.

...I don't like it.

Huh?'s nothing. More importantly, that fancy shindig is supposed to be happening tonight. From what I understand, it's going to run late into the night, so they're setting up rooms for us.

Ahh, most generous of them. Rubbing shoulders with all of those stuffed shirts is sure to chafe in the worst way, in uncomfortable places... But dining? Liberl royal dining? The very prospect of such decadence....

Look at me. My mouth can barely contain itself! Where is my handkerchief...?

Ah--it's getting on your--Aww, gross!!

It's good to see that you haven't lost your sense of perspective, Olivier.

Ha, ha, ha! Indeed! Let us be off, then! Off to gorge our souls upon the seven courses of courtly affection!
I've read a book about Liberlian cuisine. You might not want to get your hopes up.

Well, well! Fancy meeting you here!

You wander all over the place, every damn day, and leave me wondering what the hell you're up to... Have you gone COMPLETELY mad? What possessed you to participate in a martial arts competition?

O-oh, come now, my dear Mueller... There's no need to crease your lovely face with such an ill-tempered expression.

(Is it just me, or do you recognize that uniform?)

(Yeah, looks like Imperial military to me...)

(Hmm... He looks like he could be a tough one to take on in a fight, too... )

I don't believe we've met. My name is Mueller. I was just recently appointed as the resident military officer at the Erebonian embassy. I've known this whack-job for a VERY long time.

One might even call us schoolyard chums! Ha ha... Fret not over his dark demeanor. Without it, his presence wouldn't light up the room the way it does.


*ahem* Now, where was I...?

From the looks of things, this... fellow has caused you some trouble. As a representative of the Imperial embassy, I sincerely apologize.

Oh, it's okay. He hasn't really been a bother. Actually, he was a big help to us in the tournament...

Uh, Olivier...? Did you deliberately try to keep your participation in the tournament a secret from the embassy?

Ha ha ha! Oh, perish the thought. No, no... Rather, I simply never told them.

But okay, fine. What's done is done. Now, though, we're going back to the embassy. Yes, you're coming with me.


P-please, do wait a moment. We have all been invited to a delightful, indeed, wondrous dinner party.

Delightful and wondrous, eh? Sounds nice. Too bad you won't be attending. You're going to be confined to the embassy for a little while.

...Are you serious?

When do I ever joke?

Oh, cruel fate... Truly, you drive a knife into my very heart. The promise of this dinner party has been all that's helped me maintain my will to live...

You know, I actually feel kinda bad for him...

Is it really that big a deal if you let him go to the party?

What's your reasoning behind this?

I knew I could count on you! Ahh, but how lovely a thing is true friendship... Such warmth and affection, as opposed to the cruel frigidity of my schoolyard chum...

...I don't think you folks really understand just how serious this is.

But try to picture this. A dinner party, populated by royalty and its influential guests from across the country..
Everyone takes their shots at Olivier, but Mueller has had years of practice to perfect it into an art. And it's amazing

And if they found out that this uncouth imbecile was an Erebonian citizen...




My beautiful and gracious comrades... Why have you suddenly fallen so silent?

...I'm sorry, Olivier. But he does kinda have a point.

Yeah... Your usual behavior might not be appreciated in the royal castle.

Hmmm... True. We wouldn't want to start an international incident, would we?

Wha... You would turn on me so easily?!

The war only ended ten years ago. Relations between our countries can still be strained, at times. You'll just have to grin and bear it, Olivier.

Please, Mueller, hear me out. I'm sorry that I didn't say anything before, you know, when you--

This isn't a debate.

I can't say I really like it, but the facts are the facts.

Well, there's nothing much we can do about it now. We'll just have to enjoy ourselves twice as much, in order to make up for him not being able to join us.

Oh, well... I guess you're right.

Let's get our stuff together and go to Grancel Castle, then!
Let's go! And hopefully not spark an international incident. With Olivier gone, we're looking at you, Estelle.
First, we should report in, so the Guild doesn't think we took the prize money and then skipped town.

Kurt tells me it was quite a sight to behold!

It...sure was, I guess! I don't think we'd be able to take them in another fight, though.

Not easily, at any rate.

Some say victory is equal parts effort and luck, but it seems that the two of you have discovered some secret third influence. With each passing day, one's skills are further honed. As time passes, you'll grow into that victory, and realize you truly did earn it.

You think so? Yay! I really like your pep talks!
Estele complimenting Elnan's pep talk skills is kind of great

Well done in the arena, and good luck tonight at the victory banquet as well.

Thanks. We'll need it!
Let's go the castle now. And by castle, I mean visit the professor.

That was an incredible match. Congratulations on your victory!

Awww, shucks. Tweren't nothin'! ...How have you been, Professor Alba? Found the meaning of life yet?

Not quite. Though that old text the museum asked me to decipher IS coming along rather nicely. I also stumbled upon quite a few books I've been meaning to reference in my research. So overall, it's been a successful day! Still...I have more work than I have time to do it. But, isn't that always the way?

Wow. I'm impressed, I must admit!

I guess that's the kind of dedication it takes to be a professor. I sure couldn't do it, that's for sure!

Heh. You could never stay in your seat for more than a minute at a time-- never mind actually doing research!

Yeah, like I keep saying, sitting still always makes me sleepy. I have to move around just to stay awake!

I'm like those fish. You know, the ones that die if they don't keep swimming? I gotta keep on swimming, forever and always, right through this aquarium called life! You know?

...Uh, sure...

Stop looking at me like that! That was poetic, man!

...Anyway, I'm glad to hear your research is going well.

I owe it all to you. I may even be able to publish some results soon!
Estelle's a shark. (Joshua's a sheep.)
Anyway, Let's go to the castle now. For real this time.
That's what I just said, Zane.

Just to remind you, since we're going to be staying there after the party, we won't be able to leave until morning.

Well, let's show the gatekeeper our invitations, then.

Ugh... I don't know why I'm so nervous.

Probably because we don't get invitations to big events like this very often.
Aluts: ...Hey.

Hi there!

We're sorry about the other day.
Dan: Oh, it's you two. You're still staying in town?

Yeah, we still have some business to take care of.

We have a formal invitation, so by your leave, may we pass?
Aluts: ...invitation?
Dan: Wha--?!
Aluts: It's a giant!

See? Right here. Written invitation.
Handed over Invitation.
Dan: Let's see...
Aluts: [To Zane and his team: In appreciation for your performance in the competition, you are cordially invited to a dinner party.] Oh, okay... You guys were in the Martial Arts Competition...
Dan: Right, and I heard the winning team was led by a huge Eastern guy... So is that you?

Hee hee... You got it.

We would greatly appreciate your help.
Aluts: Makes sense... The head maid told us you'd be coming. You're missing someone... What happened to him?

It's kind of impolite, I know, but it doesn't look like he's going to be able to make it. We're the only ones coming.
Dan: Ahh... Well, that's a pity. No matter. Please, go on in.
Aluts: Open the gate!
No GIF, since the panning makes it impossible to look good at a reasonable file size.

Wow... It's like the Haken Gate, but there's something more impressive about it being part of a castle.

I'd bet it's more solid, too, since it's the royal castle.
Dan: That's part of why it's impregnable. Ever since the nation was established, no enemy has ever broken through the Ahnenburg Wall. The capital's been ravaged by war numerous times as a result of mutinies and insurrections amongst the nobles.
Aluts: But even then, the castle held the rebel army at bay and protected the royal family and the refugees... Or so the stories say.

Wow... That's pretty neat.

Very much the sort of tale one would expect from a nation with such history.
Dan: Now, welcome to Her Majesty's Grancel Castle! Go right on in. You'll be met by a welcoming party inside.
Aluts: Enjoy your evening.
An evening of politicking and sneaking? How could we not?
Now that's a castle! Well done, Liberl.

You can say that again... I've never seen anything that compares to this place.

It's not just pretty... It's got history. I can really feel the traditions and rules of the old kingdom here.
Woman's Voice: You are Zane and his team, correct?

(This isn't really unexpected, but even so...)

That's right. We come at the invitation of the good duke. And, are?

Ha ha... Pardon me. I am Captain Kanone Amalthea of the Intelligence Division, head of Grancel Castle's defense. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations for your championship victory. Watching the match was truly a spectacular experience.

You're too kind, really. And may I say, I didn't know they made women as young and pretty as you into captains. You must do fine work.

My, but you are the flatterer.

But I'm not so young as your bracer friends.



Estelle and Joshua Bright. It's been some time since the incident in Zeiss, hasn't it?

...Yeah, I guess it has.

Quite some time.

Unfortunately, the matter concerning Professor Russell is yet to be resolved. It appears that he and his grand-daughter were abducted by a group of nefarious individuals. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

I-I'm afraid not...

We left that case up to the full-fledged bracers and came to Grancel. We never even heard the follow-up report on it.

I see... Ha ha... That's truly a shame. Well, with the resources of the Intelligence Division, it's only a matter of time before the culprits are arrested. Have no fear on that score.

(Wh-what the hell's with her...?)

Understood. We trust you to take care of the professor.

Oh, absolutely... Now, we must show you to your rooms.
Shea: Yes, ma'am.

See to their needs... ...but do not bore them with any idle chatter. Do I make myself clear?
Shea: Y-yes, ma'am... I understand.

Ha ha... Very good.

Now, everyone... I hope you enjoy your evening. For my part, I must bid you farewell.

I hate to say this, Zane, but your taste in women is crap. There's nothing 'fine' about that fox-faced harpy.

I think that might just be his favorite type of woman.

Ha ha... I just tend to find that women like that turn out be pretty good people, once you peel back a few layers. So to speak...

You're hopeless. Not that it matters, but you really do sound like a dirty old man sometimes.
Zane doesn't get much time in the limelight next to the rest of the playable cast, but he has his moments

Oh, sorry about that. You were supposed to show us to our room, right?
Shea: Yes, please allow me. Pardon my not saying before, but I am Shea, a maid here at the castle. I will be at your service this evening, from the dinner party until the morning. If anything is not to your satisfaction, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thank you very much.

Will you please show us the room then?
Shea: Certainly. It's on the second floor.
We follow her, although in light of recent conversations I'm not sure Zane should be the one walking behind her.

Get a load of that chandelier! Talk about classy...

Hush, Estelle.

What's that way...?
Shea: That's the Throne Room. Her Majesty uses it to receive personal guests. It hasn't seen much use in recent days, though...

...I see.

But is the Queen's condition really that bad? Isn't the Birthday Celebration coming up soon?
Shea: O-oh, no... It's just that it's the head maid who tends to her in the Royal Keep of late. I shouldn't speak on subjects about which I'm unfamiliar... C-come then, shall we?
Shea: Please, go on in.


Pardon us...

I never imagined we'd ever stay in a place like this...

Niiiice. This will make a good story for later.
Shea: I believe there is still some time before the party. You are free to explore the castle, but the security areas are off limits. I ask that you refrain from entering those areas.

Umm...can you be a little more specific?
Shea: Most significantly, the Royal Keep, where the Queen resides. It is a small palace of sorts, built on the Garden Terrace on the roof.

Garden Terrace...? That sounds nice.
Shea: Ha ha... The terrace is where Her Majesty greets the people of Grancel from during the birthday festivities. So, you cannot go into the Royal Keep itself, but you may visit the Garden Terrace if you like. As for the other restricted areas... There's the Royal Guard Room and also the Treasury, I believe.

The Royal Guard Room...

I guess they're still wanted for questioning about all that terrorist stuff...
Shea: Y-yes... The Intelligence Division is currently occupying it. Entrance is restricted, so please abide by the rules.


By the way, what are the others who were invited doing?
Shea: They've already arrived. I imagine they're relaxing in their respective rooms.

All right...

So Mayor Klaus is here, too...
Shea: Oh, yes. He arrived some time ago. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be off... If you need anything else, please contact the first floor waiting room.

Now, then...
Estelle and Joshua exchanged a look that went unnoticed by Zane.

...Hey, Zane? We want to go and walk around the castle for a little bit...

We'll be back in time for the party.

Huh... It must be nice to be so young. I'm worn out after the tournament.

No problem. Have fun. Me, I'm going to kick back and relax in this oh-so-luxurious room.

First, Julia told us that we have to talk to the head maid, Hilda.

I'd like to say hello to the other invitees, too. We likely know most of them.
That we do.

It's been quite a while.

...Dean Collins?!

You were invited to the banquet as well, sir?

I just arrived today via airship from Ruan. ...A little mayoral birdie told me you two won the tournament. Jill and everyone else will be so happy to hear it!

Heh heh...thank you.

I had no idea we'd be seeing you here, Dean Collins.

Dean Collins is a member of the Royal Assembly, and a man of great respect in Liberl. It's only fitting he be given a seat at this banquet.

A man of great respect, he says... You flatter me, Mayor!

...What's the Royal Assembly?

It's a meeting held once per year to address matters affecting the kingdom. The Queen, mayors of every city and other representatives all come together to try solving various problems of state.

Wow. Sounds big. So all of those guys have been invited here tonight, too?

No... I'd say only about half. Her Majesty is still ill and General Morgan is away on official military business. And Mayor Dalmore of Ruan was arrested in that nasty affair. And Professor Russell...
We've done a number on the upper crust of Liberl.

He is a bit too entrenched in too many unknowns right now. We don't know how true all this talk is of the Royal Guardsmen being involved in some underground terrorist organization.

...It's hardly the time to be holding a feast at all, if you ask me...



Well, we can use this chance to see where Duke Dunan stands on all of these issues. We need his permission to have an audience with Her Majesty, regardless.

Yes. That's the biggest issue here, without a doubt.

Barring us from seeing Her Majesty is the height of idiocy and mis-management!

I would like to pay my respects to Princess Klaudia, as well, but it's the same story...

Princess Klaudia's...the Queen's granddaughter...right?

Does she live here in the castle?

No, it's my understanding her actual residence is elsewhere. But I'm told she's come to the capital, as of a few days ago.

She', then?

I'd really love to meet her!
About that...

I'm sure you'll have a chance.
That we will, that we will. Onward to the next room!

And Lila!

Joshua! Estelle!
Exclamation marks!

Ah, here at last! I kept wondering when you'd get here. I was practically counting the seconds...

So you were invited here too, Mayor?

...H-hey, wait... You were waiting for us? How did you know we were coming?!

I heard from Mayor Klaus. I heard about a pair of children who entered the tournament, won its championship, and were invited to a grand royal banquet in the castle.

If I'd known, I would have canceled my appointments and come to cheer you on!

Begging your pardon, ma'am... But that would have been quite impossible, given the circumstances...

Yes, yes, I'm aware. I'm trying to be polite!

Ha ha ha! Don't worry. I know how busy you must be.

I'm sure the Queen has no time to waste at a banquet, what with everything else going on. What is Duke Dunan thinking?! That captain was so stubborn about inviting me, too... I had no real choice but to accept!

Do you mean Captain Amalthea?

Yes, that's her. Her words were polite enough, but she gave me an evil eye while she spoke them. I dared not refuse her request! I haven't heard from General Morgan in quite some time...

Wait, does that mean...

...You haven't heard any word from the Haken Gate?

'The general is unavailable' is the longest message I've been able to wring from them. It would seem he's busy with these 'anti-terrorist counter-measures,' or what-have-you.

I had hoped he'd be in attendance at this banquet tonight... But I guess he couldn't pull himself away...
Busting out of custody to attend a banquet would be pretty cool. Which is why there's no chance Morgan could have done it.


What do you think about all of this, Mayor? Putting mayors from every city in the same place, at a time like this...

Well... If the Queen were to be in attendance, I would expect some announcement of no small importance...

But as it is, this feels like the duke has too much time on his greasy, chubby hands. He's letting this position of royal proxy go to his head.
I like how everyone insults Dunan. It's a team effort.

That sounds about right.

But there might still be some kind of official announcement, don't you think?

Well, whatever may come of the night, the grand chef here is the best in all the kingdom. I plan to enjoy the dinner, pay my respects to Her Majesty, and return to Bose post-haste.
One more room!

Mr. Murdock! I thought you might be here.

With mayoral-class individuals on the guest list, we had a feeling you might also be in attendance.

I must say I never expected you two to win a tournament championship and end up hobnobbing in Grancel Castle. Cassius' kids to the bone, you are!

Heh. It took more than our upbringing to get here. Lots of people helped along the way.

So it's been a few days... Have there been any developments?

Well...right after you left for the capital, Captain Amalthea from the Intelligence Division came knocking. She forced me to come to this banquet, but I kept my mouth shut about Leiston Fortress. Professor Russell and company are still on the run, too. Army hasn't found 'em yet.

But the longer we keep this up, the less chance they have. It's really only a matter of time.


I asked Captain Amalthea if I could see Her Majesty and wish her well, but no luck-- I was flat-out refused. So in other words, we definitely aren't gonna be able to do this the easy way.

We sure aren't...but don't you worry, because we've totally got that covered!

We WILL get the professor's message to Her Majesty, one way or another.
Just a heads up though - our another might get a little weird.
Anyway, let's try plan A. Walk into the queen's residence like we belong. It might work?

This must be castle's Garden Terrace...

I'd say so... You can see the whole lake from here, and it overlooks the town, too.

Must be great for reconnaissance.

*sigh*... As nice as this is, we really don't have time to stop and enjoy it. We've got a job to do.
Special Ops 2: Hey, you two...

Ummm... We're here as guests of the duke...

Is this where Her Majesty lives?
Special Ops 2: Of course it is.
Special Ops: But for the last few days, she hasn't been feeling so well. She's not seeing anyone right now.

O-oh, you've got it all wrong. We weren't even thinking of that. I just thought it would be amazing if she were to even take notice of us...

Does Princess Klaudia sleep here, as well?
Special Ops: No, it's just--
Special Ops 2: ...Hey.
Special Ops: The princess is focused on looking after Her Majesty. Neither of them has time to deal with the likes of you.
Special Ops 2: We didn't know you were back already.

The dinner party will be starting soon, so I went to my room to rest for a moment. And who are our guests?
Special Ops: They're from the team that won the Martial Arts Competition. It's only because of that victory that someone of a bracer's social standing would ever be invited here.

A [bracer's social standing]...?!

You would insult those who were personally invited to the royal castle?
Special Ops 2: No... That's not what...

Those invited by the duke should be treated with all the respect due to those invited by Her Majesty! I sincerely hope you have not forgotten that!
Special Ops: ...U-understood.

(Wow, she's intense...)

(I wonder who she is...)
Special Ops: But, madam... We can't just allow them to pass. Surely you understand the reasons that the colonel laid out.

...Yes, and I'm quite tired of hearing them repeated to me.

Security has been heightened, and as such, the Royal Keep and its surroundings are off limits. If I may ask, would you mind waiting in your room until the dinner party begins?

Ah... A-all right.

That's fine. We'll do as you ask.

I apologize. We weren't trying to cause any trouble.
Special Ops: Hmph...
Special Ops 2: Fine, then. Just don't let it happen again.

Special Ops: Uh... S-safe return to you.

My name is Hilda. I am the head maid of Grancel Castle, and I oversee all of the housekeeping duties.


We had a feeling.

Hmm? Forgive my rudeness, but are we previously acquainted?

Well, uh... Someone told us about you.
Handed [Julia's Letter] to Hilda.

I know this handwriting...

You see?

We also have our bracer emblems and identification with us.

I see...

Please, come with me to the maids' sitting room.
Next time: A fancy dinner. We'll be sure to enjoy it. For Olivier.