Part 64: And thus, I have no regrets.
Welcome back. Last time, we made our way to the castle for our fancy dinner party (sans Olivier, since we don't want to start a war). While there, we touched base with the various bluebloods we've met over the course of the game (we have a surprising amount of friends in high places), and then met up with Hilda, so as to commence our plan to meet the Queen (we might as well aim for a friend in the highest place.)

You need to deliver Professor Russell's message to Her Majesty.


Right... If now's not a good time, we can try later, but...

No, it's not an issue... But those Special Ops men have had the Royal Keep under constant surveillance for some time now. Only the duke, the colonel, and hired attendants such as myself are allowed in.

Which means that a private audience is probably a no-go.

What do you think, Estelle? We could ask Hilda to relay the professor's message to Her Majesty...

Hmmm... No, I'd really rather speak to her face-to-face. There are just too many particulars we don't know, that we'd really need to discuss directly... Like what Duke Dunan and Colonel Richard are after.

Estelle and Joshua...

I have a bit of an idea. Could I get you to return here, once the dinner party is over?


Have you thought of a way for us to see Her Majesty?

I believe I have. It may be difficult...but I think it's worth a try. I'm going to need some time to get ready, so can you come back after the dinner party?


Understood. We'll be back then.

I'll be waiting.

Food prep is done, so I think we'll begin serving shortly. For now, it's probably best if you wait in your room.
Let's do just that.

Sorry... We got so caught up in sightseeing that we lost track of time.

Plus, we also talked to all of the mayors.

Huh... Well, aren't we well-connected?

We're close friends with the mayor of Rolent. Plus, we've met the other mayors in the course of our travels.

Ahh, I see. I guess your work as bracers has caused you to meet quite a few big shots.

You two sure get around for Junior Bracers.

Heh heh... Yeah, you might say that.

Have you done any bracer assignments since we came to Grancel? I guess it's not all that different in other countries, right?

Right. For a full-fledged bracer, nationality isn't an issue when it comes to your work. The prelim fights and legal procedures at the embassy kept me too busy to get any actual work done, though.

But hey, there are four other bracers on duty, too, which isn't so bad.

Normally, that would be enough to handle most cases, I'd imagine. But with all of them concentrated in Grancel, that must make it tough to handle any cases in other regions.

Ha ha ha... Yeah, could be.

Ugh... I feel like a goose just walked over my grave...

I wonder what's going on with Schera, back in Rolent...

Now, that name rings a bell... You wouldn't happen to be talking about Scherazard, would you?

...You know her?!

She's our mentor, and she's been a close friend for ages.

Ohh, okay. Makes sense. I met her a long time ago, when a case brought her to Calvard. She was fortunate to have a good master working with her from such a young age.

(Her master...?)

(Yeah, probably Dad.)
Shea: May I show you the way?

Sure. I was getting bored with waiting anyhow.

All right... Wanna go and eat fancy?

Sure. That fight left me starving.

Come on, you two... It would be nice if you two didn't completely forget your table manners for once...
Hey, it's not like we're dining with the Queen or anything.
...just, uh, dining in her castle.

Umm... This is a dinner party, right? Why are there just plates and silverware, but no food? Plenty of knives and forks, though...
Haute Cuisine can be very avant-garde.

That's because it's a formal dinner. Everything comes out in a specific order, starting with hors d'oeuvres. Then, you use the knives and forks from the outside in.

And THAT'S all part of having good table manners?

Aaaaand here comes the anxiety attack.

Ha ha ha... It's really not so bad. It does mean that you get to have some of the finest food available. Manners and etiquette are secondary.

Indeed, indeed. I'm told that you're acquainted with everyone who'll be attending. No need to get stressed out.
I also imagine Duke Dunan's table manners are something among the lines of smashing his face into the plate and then just going nuts, so you won't be the worst at the table.

Please, don't encourage her...

On that note, is the gentleman accompanying you going to be okay with a knife and fork? I'm told that folks from the East usually eat with chopsticks.

You've done your research.

However, I'm a firm believer in the [When in Liberl, do as the Liberlians do] policy. I am not especially skilled with them, but I will use a knife and fork.

My... How elegantly handled. I'm impressed. You're as much a gentleman as you are a martial arts champion.

Ha ha ha... You flatter me.

(Boy, he really is a complete sucker for a pretty face.)

(I think he's more being polite than a lech, though...)

Anyway... His Excellency is really late. I wonder what he's up to.

Hmm... Indeed. So, if the seat at head of the table is for the duke, then who might that other one be for?

Indeed... Perhaps it is intended for Princess Klaudia...

I'm afraid that I was in a meeting, from which I simply could not break away. This gentleman is Colonel Richard, commanding officer of the royal Intelligence Division. I've invited him here, to thank him for his tireless efforts in helping to deal with the terrorist situation.

It's a pleasure to meet you all. I was quite gratified to be invited to this occasion by our honorable duke. I ask that you pardon my uncouth soldier's uniform and allow me to sit with you.

What say you, Mayor Maybelle? What do you think of Grancel Castle's master chef? Is his cooking not on par with that found in Bose's Anterose Restaurant?

Yes, it's quite remarkable. The wine selection also perfectly complements the meal. I almost want to try hiring him away.

Ha ha ha... You are not the first to say such things.

And what of you...Zane, wasn't it? Is the food to your liking?
Watching Dunan be polite and well-spoken will never stop being disturbing. It's like watching a cat walk on it's hind-legs. A crippled cat.

Oh, it's excellent. I don't have the words to describe the sense of refinement and depth... I certainly believe I could develop a real taste for Liberlian cuisine, though.

Good, good. I'm glad to hear it.

And you, young bracers? I imagine you've never experienced such fine food in your life before.

It's extremely delicious. The invitation was enough of a gift, but this food...

Ha ha ha... Indeed, it is a genuine treat.


I-it's certainly delicious food. And we couldn't miss a chance to attend so prestigious an event as this.

Thank you very much for your gracious invitation.

Ha ha ha... Very kind of you to say so.

I do finally remember what my butler has been telling me about... We met before, during the Ruan incident. Perhaps our fates are linked in some bizarre fashion.

Y-yes, sir... Maybe so.

(Even with his butler telling him everything, he still doesn't remember us?)

Come, let us put social classes and ranks aside for the evening! Food is abundant and the wine flows freely, so enjoy to your heart's content!
Man, Olivier loves wine and enjoying things to his heart content. I feel sorry for him

Your Excellency... If we could, I'd like to do as we discussed first.
I don't like the sound of that.

Ahh, yes! That's a fine idea.

Actually, I have something important to say to you fine folk who represent the kingdom... I use this celebration as the place to make an important announcement.

An announcement...?

And what might that be?

Hmm... I believe I will allow Colonel Richard to explain in detail.

...Thank you.

However, she has been recovering and may grace us with a public appearance soon.

Ahh, that's excellent news.

Could we possibly go and check in on her?

Unfortunately, she does not consider that to be a wise decision at the moment.

Within a few days, it seems likely that the terrorists plaguing the kingdom will be swept away. In light of that, the Queen's birthday celebrations will be held, as originally planned.

Hrm... Well, the citizens will surely be happy to hear this news, as they have been looking forward to it.

But surely, that is not all you wish to tell us.

Right. If that were all, you could have just sent along a message.

Ha ha... Indeed, you are correct.

Her Majesty is continuing to recover, as was previously stated. However... ...given the gravity of her condition, she has also issued a proclamation. Due to her tenuous health...


Is this true?!

(Joshua... This is...!)

(Yeah... The conspiracy finally makes its appearance.)

No one is more shocked than I, and I had never believed Her Majesty capable of such faint-hearted thoughts. But it is only natural. She has ruled the kingdom for forty years, leading it through times of strife and war...all without a husband, might I add.

Given that, I wish to relieve her of day-to-day stresses...such as having to worry about the birthday festivities. As the heir to the throne, the decisions are mine to make.

How terrible... Is Her Majesty's condition truly that severe? I'm ashamed that I've never noticed any signs, in any of my annual visits.

Isn't...isn't this far too serious a matter to discuss at what is supposedly a casual dinner? Pardon my rudeness, but this all seems to stretch credulity.


Mayor Maybelle... Are you saying that you cannot take His Excellency at his word?

N-no, nothing of the sort! I simply mean that, as an elected official, I don't understand why the successor to the throne can't be elected in the same fashion.

That's true... If possible, I'd like to hear this directly from Her Majesty.


Your unease is quite understandable. But we do ask that you try to maintain your composure and allow us to continue.

Her Majesty said, just recently, that she plans to make the announcement herself, when the celebrations are over. Could you be persuaded to shelve your doubts until then?


The issue is basically this: Once this becomes common knowledge, we cannot know how the citizens will react. This is why we're telling the leaders help stave off any chaos or public disorder before it happens. This was also the decision of His Excellency.

*ahem* Well, yes, this is true.

Also, the Queen's abdication of the throne will have international repercussions. The other nations on the continent will have their eyes on us, and we must be watchful for any action on the part of the Erebonians. Surely, you can see why it is necessary to show unified support for the new king. This is the world in which we are going to be living.

(Yeah... He's quite the master manipulator.)

If we really are to hear an official decree from Her Majesty during the commencement of the Birthday Celebration... ...then we'd best prepare ourselves for what she may have to say, no?

Ha ha... I'm glad to see that we have an understanding.

Hmmm... If this all comes to pass, we're going to find ourselves quite busy.

Yes...and we'll have to announce it to the citizens.

I have a question... I believe that the duke has a fair claim to the throne... However, is there not another who also has the same right of succession?


No doubt, you're referring to Her Majesty's granddaughter, Princess Klaudia. It is true that she and His Excellency have an equal claim to the throne. But it would appear that Her Majesty did not choose her due to her tender age.

And I must say I agree with her wisdom in this matter. I should hardly like to impose such responsibility upon a girl so young.

Yes! Yes, absolutely!

I'm certain that Klaudia must be looking for a fine marriage prospect. Though it is strictly informal, there is already interest from the royal family of another kingdom. It could bear fruit as early as this year.

Oh, my...!

Hm... I understand.

If that happens, then we'll have two major events to celebrate.

Hmm... I honestly think she's a bit young for marriage...


Hmm? I don't mind. Speak freely.

Sorry to seem rude, but this doesn't sound like the kind of conversation you'd want outsiders hearing. Particularly a foreigner...

So how come you're making this announcement now?

That is solely because of the serendipitous turn of events that allowed bracers to win the championship. We had wanted to inform the guild of this in advance, as well. I've already discussed the idea with Her Majesty.

Gotcha... I guess Liberl's military and bracers are on just as good of terms as the stories say.

Ha ha... That is because we lack the military strength of the Empire or the Republic. The harsh reality is that keeping close relations with each other is a must.

In any event, do you now understand our intentions?

Hmm... Yeah, all right. We'll pass on what we've learned here to the guild, then.

I mean, I'm a foreigner, after all, so it's not that big of a deal for me. I bet that was huge news for you guys, though.

O-of course it was! I can't believe things have gone this far already...


Err...n-never mind.

But really...what a shame. That food was so amazing, and it practically melted in the mouth... Couldn't tell what that last flavor was, though.

Ha ha... Understandable enough.

But anyway... Did you want to go for a walk to work off some of that rich food, Estelle?


Oh! Yeah, sure! Yeah, I could go for a little bit of fresh air.

*sigh* You just played tourist a little while ago, and now you want to take an after-dinner walk...?

I sure don't get it. Must be a local thing.

Ha ha... I think you're exaggerating a little bit.

You haven't gone out to take in the sights? There is a lot of historic architecture around here, you know...

If the mood hits me, I may still give it a shot. On the other hand, the kitchen may still have some food left over...

You've gotta be kidding. You're still hungry?

If you had a blade to my throat, my dying wish would be for some liquor and a snack.
You're my kind of guy, Zane.

I might go and hunt up a bar or something in a little bit.

We really have to find a way to get in to see Her Majesty.

First things first: We go talk to the head maid, Hilda, like we promised. She probably knows a way for us to speak directly to the Queen.

Fine by me.


This is our first opportunity to truly speak face-to-face, I believe...?


The last time we saw one another was right after Mayor Dalmore was arrested, wasn't it? I'm honestly surprised that you remember us.

I realize that we exchanged few words, but you made quite an impression on me. My curiosity was piqued, so I did a bit of checking up on you. I was quite surprised to learn that you were the children of Colonel Cassius.

Ha ha. Please understand, I'm not trying to show off the Intelligence Division's capabilities.

I'm greatly indebted to him from our time together in the army. Indeed...more than words can properly express.


Might I persuade you to stay a while and talk? I've been hoping to speak with you two for quite some time now.



P-pardon me, Colonel... ...but don't you have a meeting with His Excellency?

I don't mind being a bit late.

Ahh, yes. If we're going to talk, why don't we use the lounge inside? I'll mix you up a couple of virgin cocktails.

I-I'll prepare them, sir!

No, that won't be necessary. I want you to go to His Excellency and inform him that I'll be delayed.

Y-yes, sir...


Pardon me, then.

Please, follow me.

(Joshua...? What should we do?)

(I don't see where we have much choice but to follow him. We'll be a little late, but we can talk to the head maid later.)

At the time, he was in command of a mobile unit. From then until his retirement, he did a great many things for me.

Uh...he did...?

And, uh...what did you think of him at the time?

To put it simply, he was a hero. And a master swordsman, to boot. No matter the scenario, he could find a way to handle any number of battlefronts in every direction... It wasn't just a matter of sheer tactics... He understood and could direct high-level strategy, as well.

Quite simply, he was a man without peer.

If I didn't know better, I'd say we were talking about two different people.

So you were with our father during the Hundred Days War?

Yes... He was my C.O. Even now, I can still remember how well he could execute his orders, and the enthusiasm he inspired in his men...

Any time I get to talking about those days, time just runs away with me... But this much I can tell you:

N-no way! That's kinda hard to believe...

Ha ha... Well, as a hero, he had a knack for doing unbelievable things. The Queen even offered him a medal to honor his achievements during the war, but he declined, preferring to remain out of the public eye. Soldiers still hold him up as the prime example of what a hero should be.


He never said one word about any of this to me!

Well, it's not really the kind of thing you tell your daughter about. It's not fair to criticize him for that.

Hey, whose side are you on?!

And besides, why doesn't any of this shock you like it shocks me? Did you already know about all of this or something?

Well, I didn't know that he was Colonel Richard's superior officer...

The rest I knew about...vaguely.

[Vaguely]?! You're an accomplice?!

H-hey, calm down... It's not like he TOLD me any of it. I just...figured a lot of it out. I just mean that I can understand that there are some things he felt he should keep to himself.

Grrr... I just don't get it.

When he comes back, he is SO in trouble!

Ha ha...

Err... I...

Please excuse us. We didn't mean to interrupt.

No, no. Seeing you like this is actually a bit of a relief. When your father left the military, I felt lost... Perhaps Cassius was right when he decided to retire...

After losing his dear wife, maybe being with you was all that could help him recover.

Colonel Richard...


I really can't keep the duke waiting, so I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me.

Oh...all right.

Our apologies for making you so late.

Not at all. You both have told me the one thing I wanted most to know.

And thus, I have no regrets.


How's that again?

Ha ha... I'm sure we'll have a chance to speak again soon. Cassius might even be with us then, to share in the stories.

What are you babbling about now?

It's just that it's weird to hear him talking about Dad that way. I wasn't expecting him to be so...well, nice.

True. He doesn't seem all that villainous, anyway.

Even so, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that he's got something up his sleeve. For now, we really need to think about what Dad would do in this situation.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

And I hate to say it... ...but I think that he might've been playing nice, just because he could get something out of it.

He's an intelligence officer, so he probably thinks that fooling a couple of kids is as easy as could be.

D-don't you think that's going a little too far?

Yeah, maybe. But being mistrustful is kind of what I do. You should learn to follow your own instincts more often.


I'm just saying we need to be prepared for anything. I'd say a bracer's pretty much that, in fact.


Okay, I got it. I'll keep it in mind.

Thank you, Estelle...

[Thank you]? What the heck are you thanking me for?!

Anyway, we need to go back and see Hilda. She's probably sick of waiting for us.
I like this scene for a lot of reasons. Some of them I'll talk about later, but for now I'll stay more superficial and say that I like how it humanizes Richard's character. By now, it should be becoming obvious that Richard is not just
, and is actually a rather well fleshed out character, which makes the grand mystery of what on earth he's after all the more interesting. I especially like the line where he wonders if Cassius will be around to share in the stories later. There's a lot of potential ways to read into it. Is he really so self-assured in the righteousness of his plan that he'll think when all said and done, he'll still be able to reminisce with Cassius? Or is he just trying to convince himself that he is? Or maybe he's not too concerned with morality either way, and rather is just hoping against hope, that after all he's done he hasn't destroyed his relationship with his mentor. Or maybe he's just drunk. It's something to think about. It's probably not the last one though.
It's also a pretty unique scene, I can't think of many JRPGs where you sit down for drinks and reminisce about the past with the villain of the game, when you already know that he's a villain.
Next time: Meeting with the queen.