Part 65: My name is Alicia von Auslese.
Welcome back. Last time, we had our fancy dinner party in the castle. Unfortunately, while the food was great, the dinner conversation was less so, as we discovered that the Queen is apparently going to abdicate the throne to Duke Dunan, and that Princess Klaudia is set to be married sometime in the near future (potentially to a royal from another kingdom.) Afterwards, we were accosted into getting some drinks with Richard, who was decidedly pleasant for a villain. Anyway, it's time to commence Operation Break Into the Royal Keep Like Spies and Talk to the Queen After Eating All the Food.
(Estelle is the one who names the operations. And insists the operations need names.)

You're awfully late, aren't you?

Sorry about that... We kinda got caught by Colonel Richard...

Did you, now?

He had some things to tell us about our dad. I don't think he has any idea what we're up to, though.

I see...

Ah, yes. That letter of introduction did mention that you were Mister Cassius' children. I can understand at least some of how Colonel Richard feels.

Oh, do you know our dad, too?

He used to come here when he worked as General Morgan's aide-de-camp. I'm told that he was a school friend of the late prince's... Her Majesty's son.

[Late prince]?

Princess Klaudia's father.

Yes... He was killed, fifteen years ago, in a tragic shipwreck. Would that he were still alive today, none of this would be happening...


...But lamenting what might have been is a fool's errand. Evening is fast approaching. We must make our preparations at once.

Oh, hey... Aren't you...?

...Shea, right?
Shea: Yes, thank you for remembering. You look well, Estelle. Joshua. I've been told of your current predicament.

You won't find a more dependable child. She's a great help to us whenever the princess is in the castle.

Princess Klaudia...

That shouldn't pose a problem.
Shea: Th-thank you. If you're ready, you should go change into your uniforms... The ribbons and the headpiece are tricky, so I'll adjust them for you.


What do you mean...?

Estelle is going to need to dress as one of the maids in order to get into the Royal Keep. A little playing with the hair, and you'll blend right in.

Ohhhh, I get it.

Uniforms don't allow for much in the way of personalization. That should be ideal for sneaking in.

Huh... Me, in a maid's outfit. It's too bad Lila isn't here to see this. Cute, breezy and easy to move in...
Shea: Ha ha... Well, it's not that easy to move in. It makes cleaning more difficult than it ought to be.


Well, let's get this sucker on me!

Why so excited?

I'm glad you're in high spirits, but you need to remember your manners in front of the Queen. You won't have me to lean on this time.

Why not? You're changing too, aren't you?
Just when you think you're out, they pull you right back in.


I mean, he DID play the princess during the play at the campus festival. Is there really that much of a difference between the fancy dress and a maid outfit?

That's different. It was a play. I can't appear before Her Majesty in women's clothes...

Oh, you'll be fine. It's not at all shameful or anything. Besides, you made such a gorgeous princess!

N-not this again... Cut the jokes, will you?

Shea: ...

I see... That shouldn't pose a problem.

Shea, don't you have that extra hairpiece designed for the princess?
Shea: Y-yes... I've never used it, though. He has that full, dark hair, so it would probably look good on him.

Hey, hold on a second...
Shea: This way, please. We can use this as a changing room.
You're in for an interesting romantic life, Joshua. Godspeed.
Joshua: Uh...Shea... You're not planning on using makeup, too, are you...?

*sigh* Kids these days...

Oh, my...

Hee hee... What do you think?
Shea: Hmm-hmm-hmm... I think it suits her very well.

Such a bright, active maid-in-training, and after only just coming to the castle, too... You certainty [sic] have me convinced! And with the hair down like that, no one will be any the wiser. Perhaps you'd like to work at Grancel Castle for real when this is all settled?
Typo alert! (Actually, in a script this size, I'm impressed that this is the second actual typo I've come across.)

W-well, we already work as bracers, so, uh...


Come on, Joshua. Get out here.
Joshua: No chance I can talk you out of this?

None at all. You're just making this take longer.
Joshua: Fine... You're impossible sometimes...

Well... It's almost frightening how good that looks.

Isn't it awesome?!

It looks better on him than it does on me, and I'm an actual girl!
Shea: Ha ha... A bit of makeup can make all the difference in the world.

Please... Just say you're done.

Well... I suppose so. I'll show you the way to the Royal Keep. You need to make certain you watch me and learn how a maid handles herself.

Y-yes, ma'am.

*gulp* We're finally gonna meet the Queen in person.

Yes... This is the do-or-die moment. We just have to stay focused and get to the Royal Keep.

*snicker*... It's hard to take you seriously in that outfit.

W-well, excuse me!

This was YOUR idea! I can't believe you've got the nerve to pick on--

Sorry, sorry... Don't get all mad. I'll treat you to some ice cream later, okay?

Hmph. I'm not like you. I'm not obsessed with food.

H-hey! I'm not obsessed with food...
It's been well-established that sneakers are her one and only obsession.
Shea: Ha ha ha... They get along so well, don't they?

We're out of time. Let's go to the Royal Keep.
And then we get caught because of Joshua and Richard is more confused then mad.
Special Ops 2: What business do you have with Her Majesty at this hour?

I'm bringing some tea and spoons at her request.

The situation is taking its toll on her, it seems.
Special Ops: That's a pity...
Special Ops 2: Hmm... Who are these maids with you? I don't recognize them.

His Excellency ordered me to hire on some additional staff to help. They've only just arrived at the castle today.
Special Ops: Really, now...
Special Ops 2: Hey, you're pretty cute.

Th-thank you...

Special Ops: Huh? Why do I get the feeling we've met before...?


Do you stare so hard at every young lady you see? I do hope you're not thinking any untoward thoughts. I rather think that His Excellency and the colonel would disapprove.
I think Duke Dunan would have nothing but approval, to be honest. (This is much worse then his disapproval.)
Special Ops: H-hey! It's not like that!
Special Ops 2: We're the elite of the Royal Army. We wouldn't do that.

All's well, then.

Now, will you please allow us to pass?
Special Ops: Pardon us, ladies!

Thanks, Hilda. You're a real lifesaver.

Yeah, that was really well done.

Ha ha... I'm just glad I could help. Now, then... Are you planning to change your clothes before going to see Her Majesty? If you'd prefer, I can just show you the way now.

I think I'm okay as-is...

What was wrong with what you had on?

It's not an issue of self-consciousness.

By the way, Hilda. Is this room what I think it is?

Yes... It is Princess Klaudia's bedroom. But she rarely sleeps in the castle, so the room is all but unused.

Huh... No kidding? But I heard that the princess was tending to the Queen...


I guess that's just gossip, then?

You'd have to ask Her Majesty for the full details.

Her room is on the second floor of the Royal Keep. I'll take you there.

I've brought the two I spoke of before. This is Joshua and Estelle.
Elderly Woman's Voice: By all means, enter.

As you wish.

You two go on in.


Pardon us...

My name is Alicia von Auslese. I am the twenty-sixth monarch of the nation of Liberl.

I'm a junior bracer of the Bracer Guild.

And I'm Joshua Bright, of the same affiliation. It is a great honor to meet you, Your Majesty.

Estelle and Joshua... I have truly been looking forward to meeting you both. I regret that I cannot offer you proper hospitality, but I have prepared some tea.

Please, have some and relax.

A pitch-black orbment capable of negating all other orbal energies... And you say that the colonel has acquired it...?

The professor told us that you might have some idea of what he intends to do with it, Your Majesty. Can you tell us anything?


I have but a vague idea... But I did not think that the colonel even knew of it. Perhaps I am worrying about nothing...but even so...

Excuse me...but what is this vague idea you have?

...I suppose there is no harm in telling you.

Roughly ten years ago, a massive orbal reaction was detected beneath Grancel. Professor Russell was the individual who came to investigate.


Did this happen in the vicinity of the sewers?

No, far deeper underground than that, in fact. Professor Russell was under the impression that it might be a relic of the ancients that still functioned.

Wow... was a bona fide artifact, then? Most artifacts I know of have lost their function, like the mechanisms on top of the towers. But every now and again, you find one that still functions -- like Mayor Dalmore's family heirloom.

And something like that is beneath Grancel...

So, what does that tell us about the Gospel...?

Could it do that?

Yes... However, the precise purpose of the relic below the city has never been made clear. Professor Russell conducted an informal study of it... But it is beyond my imaginings how the colonel could even know of its existence.

I see... In any event, it seems likely that trouble is on the way.

Man, I thought things were finally starting to look up...but now I can't see the bright side of ANYTHING!

But the colonel has to be stopped, so we'll do the job!

Ha ha... I'd expect no less from Cassius' daughter.


You're acquainted with our father, Your Majesty?

He was a friend of my late son's, and a great savior to the nation. After retiring from the army and becoming a bracer, he has done many favors for me.


I didn't know that...

Ha ha... I imagine that there are a great many things about him that you do not know. Including the precise role he played in the war, ten years ago... I assume you have not been told?

Well... Nothing super-detailed...

Perhaps, then, that is the role that I am meant to play...

Estelle and Joshua... Will you indulge me by listening to an old story?

Oh... Yes, absolutely!

It is no indulgence, Your Majesty.
Queen Alicia: A tragedy occurred in the southern reaches of the Erebonian Empire...
Its cause is yet unknown, so that is something I must omit.
The Empire used that event as a pretext for their invasion of Liberl.
So began the sad times that would become known as the Hundred Days War.
Queen Alicia: In what seemed like scant moments, all of Liberl became occupied territory, save for Grancel.
It is said that the invasion force was three times the size of the entire Royal Army.
The reinforcements from Calvard were too late to stop their advance...
It was but a matter of time before Grancel, too, would fall.
Queen Alicia: ...the war changed in a way that none could have imagined.
Patrol-model airships had just been developed, and they were used in a sweeping campaign to cut off the Imperial Army's supply lines.
Then, the Royal Army used naval strikes from Leiston Fortress to retake the major targets.
Zeiss, Ruan, Bose, Rolent...
Once their supply lines were severed, the Erebonian forces were swiftly crushed.
Queen Alicia: It was your father. He was the superior officer to General Morgan's right-hand man, Colonel Richard.
Afterward, with the intercession of the Septian Church, the war was brought to an end.
But it was at this time that Cassius lost what he treasured most in all the world.
Queen Alicia: That clock tower was destroyed in the Imperial Army's vain attempts to hold back the counteroffensive.
The rest, I believe you know...
Cassius was unable to come to terms with the loss of his wife...

I had no idea...

In spite of all his successes in the military, he could not save the woman he loved. In his grief, he left the military and took up the path of the bracer All to stay with the only one he had He did this so that he himself could protect those he loved.

Dad... That idiot... It wasn't his fault that Mom died... How could he even think that...?


Yes, you are correct... Given that all he lost was in service to his country, the responsibility falls upon me.

I have wished to apologize to you for a long time.

B-but you don't need to apologize!

Your Majesty, you helped restore peace to the country...! Just like Dad and all those soldiers who fought to protect it... And Mom protected me with her life...

That has to be enough...

Estelle... You have a kind heart, and I am grateful.

It gladdens my heart to have finally met you in person... Now, more than ever...

Your Majesty...

However, that is why...

That is why I do not wish you to put yourself in danger. I would like for you to remove yourself from any dealings with this matter.

Wha...! B-but Julia...I-I mean, Lieutenant Schwarz...asked us to help you...

I thank you. I am grateful for your willingness to do so. But if some tragedy were to befall you in Cassius' absence, I know of no apology that could ever suffice. I ask only that you go back to your home in Rolent and wait for your father to return.


If I may, Your Majesty... The peace that Dad restored and that you protect, though it has held firm, now trembles like a leaf in the breeze.


You are not incorrect in the matter of the Gospel...

I ask only that you consider that.


Y-your Majesty...? Right when we became junior bracers, we inherited a whole lot of work from Dad. After the Sky Bandit incident, we got that letter and the package, and we've been running all around creation ever since... It feels to us like our Dad's been nudging us in the back this whole time.

That's why I want to defend peace... So that everyone we've met, and everyone we care about... ...can go on living secure and happy lives.

Just like you...and just like Mom and Dad... I'm doing this because it's what I believe is right. And I really want to see it through.


... It seems...she was right about you...


I, too, am ready. I would like for the two of you to carry my request to the Bracer Guild.

Your Majesty...!

My Liege... We will do whatever you ask.

Also, tell them that the same holds true of my granddaughter, Klaudia.

Ah-ha. So the princess IS being held captive somewhere.

Yes... This coup d'etat started when I backed her as the successor to the throne.

In other words, Duke Dunan was out of the running.

Yes... Though he is my nephew, he is possessed of a considerable number of character flaws. In brief, where he is lacking, my granddaughter shines. For the sake of this nation's future, I would have my granddaughter succeed me., I don't actually know her... But I personally lean toward the idea that your judgment should REALLY be trusted here.

Unfortunately, there are those who object strongly to a woman wielding political power. Not to mention, the memory of the invasion by a larger power is still relatively fresh...

Some of them will perceive a succession of two consecutive queens to be a sign of weakness. It is hardly surprising that such a notion has taken root in the minds of some.

[Some] including Colonel Richard, I presume.

Quite right. Klaudia's pending succession to the throne caught him quite unawares. That, along with his passing of this information to the duke, is what led to this coup. This was all staged so that Liberl would become a strong military power, with the colonel ruling from the shadows...

I see... That finally lets us see the whole picture.

So if Liberl became a militarized country...what would happen then?

Taxes would be levied to fill the war chest... Orbal weaponry would be developed with the express intent of causing havoc on a massive scale... A wide-ranging policy of conscription would be adopted... And no doubt the contract with the Jaeger Corps would be legitimized, when currently it's not recognized.

Oh, no...

Indeed, the colonel has made very adamant requests that I enact such policies.

I thought that such proposals were born out of genuine love for his country... ...but I never agreed that they were the right course of action to take. The Royal Army is not all that protects this land.

We have worked hard to maintain treaties with other countries. Defending a nation goes hand in hand with free cultural exchange and trade with all other nations, to the benefit of all.

I feel the same way, Your Majesty.

Yeah! Makes sense to me!

The colonel, however, finds such notions to be womanly and foolishly idealistic. And so, he demands that Klaudia abdicate her claim to the throne, in exchange for her safe return.


Many people have had family members taken to ensure that they would not dare to oppose the colonel. But I am the Queen. And I will not allow all that I love about my country to be destroyed, simply because of blood ties.

Still...she is my only granddaughter... I cannot simply allow her to die...

Your Majesty...please try to relax.

We hear and comply with your request. We will see to it that the princess is rescued from those who have imprisoned her.

Thank you...both of you. This makes me believe that the threat of the colonel will be brought to an end soon.

U-um... H-have you any other requests, Your Majesty? The Gospel still has to be dealt with... And I don't think we should just leave you here!

I appreciate your sentiment, Estelle. But the present state of affairs is not contingent upon my freedom or imprisonment.

The Gospel shall continue to weigh heavily on my mind, for a great many reasons... For my part, I will attempt to ascertain the colonel's true intentions with it.

Super-nice, but with a seriously strong will.

I hope I'm even one-tenth that cool when I get old.

[Cool.] Did you actually just call the Queen that?

Still, she definitely has what it takes to govern a whole country.

Yeah... I really want to stop this coup thingy and help her...

That's definitely outside of bracer jurisdiction. Well, first things first. We do whatever we can.


But you know, I'm still freaking out about what the Queen told us about Dad. wonder if she's got any more tidbits she'd be willing to share...
She might, but itll have to be some other time. Because this update's over.