Part 66: The skills I possess now will have to be enough.
Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans reading
Welcome back. Last time, we snuck into the Royal Chambers to visit the Queen Alicia. While there, she told us more about Cassius' past, telling us that he was the one who devised the strategy used to repel the Erebonian invasion force 10 years ago ago, and that he left the military to become a bracer after the death of Estelle's mother in the war. She also told us about a massive orbal reaction detected in the depths far below Grancel, which could potentially be related to Colonel Richard's ambitions with the Gospel. We also learned that the coup d'etat initially started when the Queen supported Princess Klaudia as the heir to the throne over Duke Dunan, and that the Princess is being held captive, to be released when she abdicates her right to the throne.
Basically, we were told a lot of stuff, and none of it good.

Yes, I believe so. Just be sure not to do Her Majesty any further discourtesy.
Special Ops: That's not fair... But please, relax. We are patriots to the core.

That's good to hear. Now, I believe that we shall be on our way.

P-pardon me...

By your leave...

Special Ops: I don't think we ever got your names. May we ask them?

I, uh, um...
What better way to honor your mother than to use it as a fake name while being hit on by some sleazy special ops soldiers?
...Uh, sorry about this ma!
Special Ops: My... Isn't that a lovely name? It has a pleasant ring to it.
If you choose Dorothy he'll call it a modern name and say it doesn't really fit you. If you say Schera...
Special Ops: My... That's certainly a sexy name. You don't...look like a [Schera,] though...
H-hey! Watch your mouths!
...Ho ho ho! Did I catch you off-guard? S-see? I'm a very assertive, s-s-sexy young woman!
Alright then. Back to reality we go!

You may call me Karen.
Special Ops 2: Karen, you say...? That's a very pretty name.

You're too kind, sir. I'm rather fond of it, myself.
Special Ops: Are you, now? Oh! Right. We're with the Special Ops. My name is--

I think that's just about enough. I sense an ulterior motive at work.
Special Ops: No... I mean, at least not from us...

New plan: Have Hilda give Richard a stern glaring at, and end this whole coup without any fuss..

It was like their eyes all changed when you told them your name.

H-hey, it was not. I didn't see YOU shying away from joining in the conversation...

Sure, but that doesn't mean I wasn't nervous.

Ugh... I kind of lost all my confidence there.


Ahh, s'a lady of the court... maids... *hic* You don't look familiar...
HIs complete inability to recognize us ever saves us yet again.

These are two of the new hires, whom I'm instructing. This is Lena and that's Karen. They're still quite inexperienced, so I'm giving them some extra training time.


(Did he recognize us?)

(...Not good. Given how many times we've run into him, it'd be bizarre if he DIDN'T recognize us...)

Come now, Phillip. Enough with the staring.

Ha ha ha... It's quite unusual to see coming from you. Stiff upper lip and all.

Please, pardon my rudeness. You look much like my niece. My eyes were playing tricks on me, it seems. I am dreadfully sorry for the discourtesy.

Oh, it's no bother.

Please, don't concern yourself.

You know, now that I stop and look, I must say that you both are quite lovely... You with the brown have a very healthy, clean look to you.


As for you, I personally think you'd look best with that raven hair of yours even longer.

I... I'm honored...

Hm... Ah, yes.
oh god



Y-your Excellency?!

(Eww. I don't want to serve him tea!)

(I don't think tea is what he wants served...)

Your Excellency... Your flirtations, while flattering, are best saved for another time and place. All of the maids in the castle work directly in service to Her Majesty, Queen Alicia. I trust you've not forgotten?

I know, I know... Some folks simply can't appreciate a joke.

*hic* The castle will be mine in a week's time, anyway... We can set aside time for some fun then.
Sounds good! We'll fit you in for one severe beating within the week. Fun.


Y-your Excellency! Please, no more of this! I do not mind when you drink to excess, but you know how your libido gets in such instances! I say this, knowing full well that I may be reprimanded for i--

But I SAID I was just joking! Enough! I'm going to bed!

A-as you wish, Your Excellency.

You room is right over there.

You just let me know if you have any problems...anything at all. I'll give you the best advice the future king can give...

Ah...ha ha... Th-thank you very much...

Ha ha ha... Aren't you cute...

Yes...good, good!

His Excellency will likely remember nothing of this, come the morning. Please, set your minds at ease.

I should certainly hope so.

I am truly sorry. Madam and young misses, I beg your pardon, but I must take my leave.

He truly seems to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Oh, do you know Mr. Phillip personally?

Yes, ever since we were children. Though not nearly as well as we once did, thanks to the one he serves...

I see...

He sure seems like he's nervous all the time, doesn't he?

I'll bet that everything between the duke and the colonel has him completely on edge.

Probably, yeah...

By the way, what was that you were saying earlier about me being the [popular] one? The duke certainly seemed awfully fond of you.
The thing about this competition is what no matter who wins, everyone loses.

Brrr...please. I'd like to keep my food in my stomach, thank you.

Oh, right. Back to before. I feel like I'm missing something. Why would the duke want tea so late?

Uh... Well, you see...

Allow me to...elucidate the matter of 'tea' and why gentlemen should never request it in polite company.


Come closer...


Now do you understand?


(Hopeless... Completely hopeless...)
So on the subject of "tea"; remember how I told you to remember a certain line like 8 updates ago?
This Update posted:
Allow me to...elucidate the matter of 'tea' and why gentlemen should never request it in polite company.
Update 55 posted:

A burn eight updates in the making.

If not for you, I don't know what we'd have done.

Please. It was the least we could do in Her Majesty's service. I only ask that you complete the request she made of you.
Shea: U-um... I feel the same way. I beg of you, do everything in your power to save the princess.

Oh... Are you one of her royal retainers?
Shea: Y-yes... I regret that I rarely get the chance to serve her directly. She's so kind and open... She's always treated me more like a friend than a servant. The thought of her being held captive keeps me up at night...

I understand. Well, you can rest easy now that we're on the job! We'll save her!

Shall we be going?
Sounds like a plan. Maybe we'll sneak into Dunan's room, make him have a tragic "accident".

Hmm-hmm-hmm... Good evening. I realize that you've been invited here... But don't you think it a bit late for you kids to be out walking around?

Please, pardon us. We've simply never been in a castle like this, and we couldn't resist the urge to take a look around.

Oh, that's certainly understandable. So, where were you, half an hour ago? Please enlighten me, if only for my own edification.

There's no wrong answer here, so we're going to be weird people who hang out in cellars

What was that...? And just what do you think you were doing down there?

W-we weren't doing anything in particular...

Come, let's not waste time on games.

I've received numerous reports of you going in and out of the Maid Quarters several times. Do you not think it a bit odd to be 'looking around' in that particular place?


You don't think that questioning someone like that, when you already have the facts, is a little cruel?

Ha ha ha... I'll take that as a compliment. So, what business have you in the Maid Quarters? I suggest you answer honestly.
Joshua's just a big ol' perv, what can we say?

Well, we...
Man's Voice: You been here the whole time?

You're drunk...

Oops...heh, sorry... An' heeeeyyy... If it ain't my favorite gorgeous officer lady...

Nice... Some luck that we met up again, eh?

I-I suppose...

So, what's goin' on...? Are my students here causin' any trouble?


No, it's just that they were in the Maid Quarters for a while... I merely wanted to know their business, simply as a security precaution.

Hmmm, yeah, I totally getcha. I just sent 'em off to find some munchies to go with my booze.

Hey, Joshua. You kids find anythin' to eat?

No... The cooks aren't back yet, I guess. We went to ask the maid if there was any way we could get our hands on something, but no luck.

*sigh* Oh, well. I'll have to do without, I guess.

Hey... I just had a great idea!

I mean, hey...nothing goes with drinks like a beautiful lady.

I-I'm afraid I'm busy, so I'll have to decline your generous offer.

My apologies for the misunderstanding... ...but I would advise you to return to your room and remain there for the rest of the night. I have to investigate any suspicious activity, you understand.

O-of course.

It IS late... We should probably just get to bed.

Ha ha... Very good, then.

Now, if you'll excuse us...

Oh, well... Might as well just go back to the room.


We'll go with you.
And so we're saved, by the powers of drunkenly hitting on women...
We're the good guys, right?

I really had you going, didn't I?

Wha...! Zane, aren't you drunk?

I was ACTING drunk... I haven't had a single drop.

No way! Your face had even gone all red...

He focused on making his blood circulate better, which made it look like he was intoxicated...

It's done with some kind of Eastern martial arts breathing exercise, right?

Huh! I'm surprised you're familiar with it.

But hey, you seemed to be in a tight spot, so I figured I'd distract everyone. Nice, huh? Saved your bacon, as the saying goes?

Hmph... You are an evil, evil man, Zane.

Okay, sure, you did help us out, but you also surprised the hell out of me.

Ha ha... Sorry about that.

So, what's the story?

??? What story?

I would've thought it'd be obvious. The 'story' of you meeting with the Queen.

H-h-how did you--?!

Did Elnan tell you something about this?

Actually, I couldn't get him to tell me anything.

But now I know anyway, don't I?


Without prior knowledge, there's no way you could have just guessed...

So how much do you really know?

Ha ha... I guess it's finally time to show you this.
Zane produced a letter from his pocket and handed it to Estelle and Joshua.

What's this...?

I know this handwriting...

Well, don't just stand there. Read it. It'll explain a lot.

[I'm in a hurry, so I hope you'll pardon my bluntness.
My work concerning the Jaeger Corps is leading me into Imperial territory.
However, due to the fact that unusual forces seem to be influencing matters inside Liberl, I feel uneasy being absent for so long.
This is why I must ask a favor of you.
Could I persuade you to come to Liberl and help out, if they need it?
Since you haven't been to Liberl before, perhaps you could think of it as recreational trip.
There is a Martial Arts Competition before the Queen's Birthday Celebration, and foreigners can participate. It would make fine camouflage.
I realize that this is sudden, but if you can do it, I would be most grateful.
I will return sometime after the festival, and I hope on that day we can enjoy a drink together.]
[P.S. You may have the chance to meet my son and daughter!
They will be apprentices at the guild, so if you happen to meet them feel free to test the extent of their training.
You needn't bail them out of a tight spot, so much as help them find the strength to overcome.]


So, Dad actually asked you to come to Liberl...

Which means he's in Erebonia now.

That's the long and short of it.

[The long and short of it]...? What it means is that you were in cahoots with him all along!
I love how Estelle seems to view her dad as some kind of evil mastermind, hiding all sorts of secrets and trying to make her life difficult even when outside of the country.

That's kind of a nasty way to put it, don't you think? I owed Master Cassius a favor, from the time he spent in Calvard. This letter just gave me the chance to make us square again.

I suppose...

When did you realize that we were his kids?

I had a feeling from the outset, once I saw Estelle's techniques with a bo staff. I asked Kilika about it, and that confirmed it.

It would have been nice if you'd said something about it at ALL... We've been worried sick, wondering where Dad's been.

I know, and I'm sorry I haven't said anything. But I got the impression from the letter that he was trying to keep his whereabouts a secret.

And besides, do you really think you could have handled something this major all on your own?

I guess not...

Joshua...? Aren't you going to say something...?

Yes. I think I should explain where we're coming from. It is a bit far-fetched to say that we could put an end to this whole situation on our own, after all. well as the Queen's request to safely rescue Princess Klaudia.

I see... I thought something seemed a little 'off' when everyone was talking at the party...

All right, then. I'll help you out with that little request.

Wha... You will?!

Yep. I think this is the ideal opportunity to settle my debt to Master Cassius. Please, let me help.

We...we'd be glad to!

Thank you, once again.
Special Ops: I never would have imagined that something like this even existed...

Lieutenant Lorence... If you'd be so kind as to show us the way to the lowest level?

Yes, sir...
Special Ops: I-is that some kind of mechanical monster?

Well, well... So these must be [Archaisms.]
Special Ops: He took out that thing in one stroke...

Ha ha... You were the quickest to react. You are, indeed, truly a force to be reckoned with when you don't hold back.
Fun fact: Lorence actually does react faster. He starts moving 1/10th of a second before Richard, if you go frame by frame. That kind of attention to detail is always appreciated.

You flatter me, sir. Your quick-draw technique, as well, was quite remarkable to behold. It's clear you studied under a master of great skill. I am humbled.

Ha ha... I still have a ways to go before I can really humble anyone, I'm afraid.

Tomorrow, we will forge this kingdom's future with our own bare hands!

A bright new dawn approaches for our beloved Liberl! I expect only the best of each of you!
Special Ops: By your order, sir!
Special Ops 2: We of the Special Ops will work as one for the colonel!
I've been meaning to post these for a long time, I just kept forgetting.