Part 67: History favors the just.
Welcome back. Last time, we had an... encounter with Duke Dunan, which I'm sure you don't want me to remind you about. Anyway, things almost went sour when Amalthea confronted us about our movements in the castle, but Zane and liquor saved the day. Long story short, Zane actually came to Grancel by Cassius' request, and now he's in the loop and ready to bust some heads. Afterwards, we cut to Richard and Lorence invading the depths of some mysterious location, guarded by mysterious automatons. What are those rascals up to?

You've both performed admirably. I'm amazed that you were able to deliver the professor's message to Her Majesty, in person...

Ha ha ha... We just got lucky, is all.

The real question is, how much longer is luck going to be on our side...?

Yes... We're really going to have to stay focused.

If you understand that already, then there's nothing more that I need to tell you In any case, we can consider Professor Russell's request to be fulfilled. Please, accept this as compensation for a job well done.

Now, then...Zane. It was pure providence that Cassius invited you here. We need the help of an A-ranked bracer like yourself.

No need to even ask. It's my duty as a master to assist in a major affair like this. I'm with you until the end.

I knew we could count on you, Zane!

By the way... What's this A-rank business?

It's a rank that signifies a full-fledged bracer's full power. There are seven ranks, ranging from G on the bottom, up to A at the top.

S-so he's the highest rank you can get? Wow... I never knew you were such a badass, Zane!

Ha ha... Well, I may be A-ranked, but I'm still an underling, so to speak.

There are twenty A-rankers across the continent. But above that, there's an informal S-rank. That one's only granted to bracers who successfully resolve issues on a national scale.

And there are only four of those on the entire continent.

Whoa... I'm not sure I even want to think about what they can do...
Alright everyone, you know the words, say it with him now.

*sigh*... You really don't know any of this stuff, do you...?

One of those four is Master Cassius.

Okay, Joshua, you're not going to tell me you knew about this already, right? Right...?
Estelle is now in the bargaining phase of finding out your Dad is the coolest guy in the world.

Sorry...but yes, I did.

He solved a major case for the Republic about five years ago.

*sigh* I swear... It's hardly worth even getting upset about anymore. Royal Army soldier, 'hidden' hero, master swordsman, S-rank bracer...

If he's really so damned awesome, then it sure would be nice if he'd come back and take care of THIS case.

Ha ha... You may be right. If he were with us, perhaps this would never have escalated to the point where a coup d'etat was even possible.


Joshua? What's wrong?

This whole chain of events apparently started with Dad going off on his trip.

It's as if whoever planned the coup was waiting for him to be gone... At least, it's just the impression I have.


So what you're saying is that the coup was planned around his departure for the Empire? Am I correct?

No. That'd be overthinking it. I don't believe he'd be misled without realizing that something was up.

I just never was able to really understand why he did some of the things he did...

Hmm... Well, yeah. I never knew what he was up to, even though he was so close...

I don't think that Colonel Richard could have ever managed to pull the wool over his eyes. More likely, it's just that two major events happened to overlap with each other.

Regardless of the circumstances, we cannot currently rely on Cassius to help.

Therefore, I am resolved to prepare for the worst. I believe an emergency conference of the Grancel branch of the Bracer Guild is called for.


All other things being equal, we have a request that comes directly from Her Majesty, the Queen. The third article of the bracer code states that we shall never act in a fashion that interferes with the government. We cannot ignore Her Majesty's request, however, so we must act. But we're no match for the Royal Army as we are. I ask the cooperation of all bracers in Grancel, including Zane, of course.

Oh, okay... If we come in conflict with the Intelligence Division, we'll need all the help we can get.

Ideally, we should have the cooperation of other branches... ...but the checkpoints have been completely sealed off, as of today. Ostensibly to foil any potential terrorist activity.


So basically, it amounts to martial law...

So the enemy is finally moving at full tilt.

This may be to stifle any activity on the part of any Royal Guardsmen in hiding, as well as ourselves. If we're going to conduct a rescue operation, we'll have to do it with the resources on hand.

So, do we have a solid idea of where the prisoners are being held?

That's been on my mind for a while now, actually...

I believe the most likely place to be the Erbe Royal Villa.

That's the building in the forest, right?

It would make sense. If the soldiers are using it under the pretense of counter-terrorism, few would question it. And it's unlikely the Queen and Princess could be held in a place like Leiston Fortress...

I just want solid information on whether the army is all we'll be facing. If we're wrong, then we're going to get slaughtered.


But in either case, we must assemble any bracers currently in the royal city. In the meantime, I ask everyone else to obtain as much information as possible. If I'm not mistaken, Estelle, you and your friends are acquainted with a reporter, correct?

Oh, you mean Nial?

Yeah, we should see if he's picked up anything significant.

Also, we must attempt to enlist the aid of the Guardsmen who are in hiding. If you can get them to contact me, it would be greatly appreciated.

So, in other words... We need to get in touch with 'Sister' Julia.

She helped us with the invitation before, so we should let her know what's going on. So, off to the cathedral, then?

There are four other bracers in the city: Kurt, Grant, Carna and Anelace. Check the bars and their usual hangouts. They may also be in the hotel. If you see them, please instruct them to come back here.

Sure thing!
We're going to start with Julia.

We're, um...members, uh...of the bracers. The Bracer Guild, I mean.

We were looking for a Sister Ellen...?
Currant: Were you, now? Might I guess that you share complicity with her, then?
You have no idea what tea means, but that's the first place your mind goes to here? You're a strange girl, Estelle.

He's asking if we know her real identity, Estelle.

We're here with information she asked us to find.
Currant: I'm sorry to say she's no longer at the cathedral. She came to say goodbye to me this morning, and left.

Where to? I mean, do you know where she might have gone?
Currant: If only I did! I've been close with the royal family for many years, and she's always regarded me as a friend and confidant... ...but this time, she refused to give me any details. She no doubt wished to keep the Church from getting too deeply involved in... whatever is occurring.

I see...
Currant: I wouldn't worry, though. She had the light of hope in her eyes as she departed. I'm confident she was not running away to wallow in despair, but for a more noble cause.

Well, that's good, at least.

But the thing is, we kind of need her to stay in touch with the Royal Guardsmen...

Well, begging for rain in the desert only gets you sand. We should probably go.

The best thing we can do is covertly keep an eye out for other Royal Guardsmen.

Not the most efficient plan, but that seems to be all we've got.
Currant: You seem to be...between a rock and a hard place, as they say. Always remember that Aidios helps those who help themselves. Do all that you can, and Aidios will surely take care of the rest! Hard and honest work will always lead you down the right path.
But easy and shady work is so much simpler 
Speaking of shady, let's go see Nial next.

We haven't heard anything in two days...
Editor-in-Chief: Hmmm... Well, he does tend to get completely wrapped up when he's looking for the next big story... ...but given how close we are to a state of martial law, I don't much like that he hasn't contacted us, either.
Editor-in-Chief: Hm...?

Hello, Dorothy.

Pardon us...

Good afternoon... We're here to talk to Nial, but I'm guessing he's not around?
Editor-in-Chief: That's what we were just talking about. Actually, Nial hasn't shown up here today or yesterday. No word from him or anything.
Have you checked the bars and gutters?


Yesterday or today...? We spoke with him in the evening, two days ago.


What do you mean [really]?! YOU gave us the message to meet him, for Aidios' sake!

We came here to talk to him after the semifinals.

Oh, right... Now that you mention it...

So, did he say anything to you? Like where he was going...?

Right. I remember what happened. He got a call from someone, then he said he had to leave.
Editor-in-Chief: Are you serious?

Yes. We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since.

Oh, noooo! I can't believe Nial's dead!
Aw man, I liked Nial. We'll pour one out for you, ol' buddy.

Wha... Who said he was dead?!

Today's when all the airliner traffic gets shut down...

Everything was normal yesterday, maybe he went to another province?
Editor-in-Chief: I already inquired with the airport's passenger registry, and there was no sign of him. So, I figure he has to still be somewhere in town.


You two were the last ones to see this reporter fellow... Weren't you talking to him about something for a news article?


These are the times we live in. Controlling the media is a big deal for the military. What do you think, Chief?
Editor-in-Chief: I certainly can't argue with that. Particularly in the case of the Intelligence Division. They monitor and censor everything we do. You wouldn't believe how frustrating it is.

Which means that you can't get much information for your stories. But it's in a reporter's nature to want to get as much as possible into the hands of the readers.

I see... So he went to check out a new subject that the Intelligence Division hasn't started censoring yet... What was the last thing he told us about...?

I think it was about...

And the duke mentioned something about it at the dinner party...
Editor-in-Chief: Oh, Nial was talking to you? It must have been one hell of a story he was chasing. He mentioned having to get some evidence at any cost...

How did a reporter like Nial even learn about something like that? I'd have thought that something like that would be known only to the royal family.

Well, he did say he's friends with someone who works in the Erbe Royal Villa...

Completely off the record, but the terrorists are supposedly after the princess. So she's secretly staying in the villa for her own safety.

...I knew it!

Ha...and the veil is lifted.

Maybe the person he was talking to was his friend in the villa... ...which would mean that Nial's probably there, too.
Editor-in-Chief: You don't say... Well, if I know Nial, he probably tried to worm his way in for an interview with the princess... And if the soldiers saw him, they'd have arrested him on the spot.

Nooooo! Nial's a goner!

Why do you keep coming back to that...?

But if he HAS been arrested, getting him out isn't going to be easy.

Yeah... I'm betting that he and Princess Klaudia are pretty much in the same situation.
Editor-in-Chief: What exactly do you people know...? Do you have inside information about what's going on in this all of Liberl?

Sorry...but we really can't talk about it.

Just let the Bracer Guild take care of Nial. If he has been arrested, we'll see to it that he's released.
Editor-in-Chief: All right... Please do whatever you can.

Please, you guys! You gotta bring Nial back!!
All right, but no promises. I heard somewhere that he's dead.
We're currently 0 for 2 when it comes to finding people. Let's hope we have better luck with the senior bracers (starting from the most Adol-ish).

Well, well. If it isn't the big, bad champions! I hear you guys spent the night at the castle. Frankly, I'm surprised to see you back so early! Did you eat anything good?

Yeah, we did...but that's not what we're here to talk about!

Oh? Something on your mind?
Explained the situation, and the request from the Queen.

...Holy crap! You're not pulling my leg, are you?

We are not. Every word is true. I'd stake my reputation on it.

If Zane the Immovable is moved by this, that's all the proof I need.

I'll do whatever I can to help.

You can count on it.

Thanks, Grant!

We'll all be meeting at the guild to plan our strategy, as soon as possible. So if you'd please, head over there when you can.

Understood. Go well, friends. I'll catch up with you there.
Now for Anelace.

Back from the castle already?

Well, yeah, I guess we are...

Anelace, could we have a moment of your time?

Hmm? You hear something juicy you're looking to share with me?

Well...if by 'juicy' you mean 'spit your juice all over in shock,' then yeah...'s a real juice-bomb.

Ooooh! You have my undivided attention!

Should we be talking about this here, or should I be sitting down for it?


Just to make it absolutely clear, this isn't a joke. Things could get serious in a big hurry, and if they do, we'll need your help.

...Let's see. Sorry, my head's just a little scrambled from how screwed up this whole situation is.

I don't really get all of this, but you want everyone to meet up at the guild, right?

Right. Elnan will fill you in on all the details.
Carna's up next.

Hey, look who it is! Ooh, you've got old man Zane with you. What's going on?

Well, it's a long story...

Uh-oh. Sounds serious.
Explained the situation and the Queen's request to Carna.

...Uhh... ...You're not just pulling my leg, are you?

I must admit, I did find it a bit odd that all the gates and ports and such have been shut down...

Sooo, what did you want with me, exactly?

Well, we need to get everyone together and formulate a plan. So if you would, please meet us at the guild.

Three down, one left to go.

I wish I could remember that time a little better...

It's like there's a thick fog blanketing the whole thing...

It's good to see you here.

Hi, Estelle... Hi, Joshua. Oh, Zane's with you, too?

Didn't you know that we were going to that dinner party at the castle yesterday? That was when these two rookies took on a pretty major assignment.

What [major assignment]?

I think it's best if we tell you more or less the whole story.
Joshua explained all the circumstances that had led to their request from the Queen.


...You're serious?

Of course we are. That's why we really need your help.

No... That's not it. I admit, I'm shocked at Her Majesty's request of you...

But the Black Orbment that the colonel's real...?

Kurt...? Wh-what's wrong? You look awfully pale...


What in the world...?

Hrm... Step away from him.


Wh-what was THAT?! You didn't even touch him, and he acted like he got electrocuted!

It's a special spirit-channeling breath technique. It allows the user to directly affect the target's body without direct physical contact.

I don't normally like to be so rough, but time isn't exactly on our side. Actually, a lot better.

I'm a little unsteady from the shock, but I think I'll be all right.

So what do you remember?

Didn't I say so before? There was an accident, around three months ago.

You lost your memories while you were working, right?

Yes... Someone had asked me to check up on those men in the black outfits...

And then I took something suspicious from them...

It was...the Black Orbment...


So the person who gave you the assignment...

Yes, it was your father, Cassius. I wasted no time in packaging it up and sending it to him...

But that's really as far back as I can remember...

So...the [K] on that package was you!

Yes... I think I also remember there being a note that said to have Professor Russell analyze it...

I get it... The package was delivered to you two...

Do you remember anything after that? Anything that happened after you sent off the package?

And then...


It's no good. It's all still one big blur.

You're probably best off not pressing your luck. It's likely to just cause strain that you can't handle yet.

Yes, all right... I'm really just amazed that I was able to remember anything at all...

Which brings us to a bigger question... Who would have done this? Maybe those Special Ops guys?

It's possible...

They did use that nasty poison on Agate, after all... It's as if they're manufacturing and testing new drugs.

Maybe they've made something to cause memory loss.

Ugh... Now there's a cheerful thought.

Plus, there's the Sky Bandits' boss, and Mayor Dalmore to consider... We have to be really careful...

I'm sorry... I don't have anything really useful to tell you. I know what Her Majesty asked you to do. I want to help, if you'll let me.

B-but... Are you sure you'll be okay?

Sure. My memory may be like a sieve, but physically, I'm fine. I owe you for your please, allow me to make it up to you.

If you're feeling up to it, sure. We need to work out a strategy. For now, let's meet back at the guild.
That's one mystery solved. Only a bunch more left to go! Anyway, Kurt is the last person we need to get in touch with, but we're not quite done yet.
That we do. And let me tell you - it wasn't easy. So you better have something good to offer.
Baral: Wow, you do?! I'd always meant to buy every new volume when it came out, but never got around to it. I was like, I can always read the whole series when it's finished, right? And now? It's pretty much impossible to find the whole set for sale in one place! So I beg you, please... Would you be willing to part with yon collection of tomes?
Reading is for chumps, so sure, why not?
Baral: You will? Really?! Ohmygod ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod, thank you sooooo much! I work in diplomatic relations, and just got back from assignment in the far east. I've built up a pretty impressive little collection of eastern goods, too, if I do say so myself! I'll let you have one of my rarer items in exchange for what I seek... You're bracers, no? Hmm... Let's see what I've got that might catch your eye... ...It's between these two. Which one intrigues you more?
Here's why I made you do that vote way back when: Collecting every chapter of Carnelia gets you either Joshua or Estelle's best weapon.

Ooh, this one is nice!
Received the Mystic Stave.
Estelle is actually the optimal choice, for reasons, so I'm glad she's more popular than our mysterious dark-haired chum.
Baral: Oh, very nice; very nice indeed. It suits you! I've gotten a notification to close shop early today, so I have lots of time to read! Thank you again.
The Mystic Stave is a good 40 points (or around 45%) stronger than Estelle's old weapon, meaning she's now our hardest hitter (as she should be.)
Anyway, that's enough waiting around, let's make like Mario and rescue the princess!

Have you heard from the Royal Guardsmen or the reporter?

Sorry, sir. No contact.

But we believe we've gathered the intelligence we need.
Joshua explained everything he learned from the cathedral and the Liberl News HQ.

I see. We can conclude with fair certainty, then, that Princess Klaudia is inside the Villa.

Regrettably, we can no longer wait for the Royal Guardsmen. Hopefully, they are safe.

Shall we get started, then?

Yes. Everyone, we are to consider this a rescue operation.

Given this information, we should consider ourselves under contractual obligation to Queen Alicia.

This is all just so ridiculous... Those good-for-nothing cowards really make my blood boil!

I was suspicious of those Special Ops troops from the very beginning... ...But I really trusted Colonel Richard.

And he was behind the Sky Bandits AND Mayor Dalmore...

We got completely snowed!

Not the best pep talk I've been given before a fight...

Can you all be counted on to cooperate in this assignment?

Damn straight!

Just lead the way.

I owe these guys some black eyes. Rhyme unintended.

Count me in, for sure!

This is gonna be good!

We've got strong allies. We'll prevail, without a doubt.

Now, let me explain the details of this mission.

It's going to become a show of force before long, so we need to focus on capturing and holding strategic points if we're to win.

Got it. Brute force is all we've got on our side, but if we play it smart and strategize on the fly, that's all we'll need. Right?

How will we be divided?

We'll split into two groups: a decoy team and a rescue team. The decoy team will draw the attention of the main forces, while the rescue team makes its way into the villa.

Remember, though, we're dealing with the Intelligence Division's Special Ops here If I may, I'd like to suggest we also add a support team and a second decoy team.

Man, we're really teeming with teams here! But why do we need those?
Oh c'mon. The best pun all LP and I'm not even the one who made it!

A support team to flank the decoy teams isn't a bad idea at all. There's going to be a lot of resistance, after all. And I agree with adding a second decoy team. Two diversions are better than one-- and that's more manpower, too.

Ah, yeah, I guess that's a good point. Evens the odds a little bit.

But do we have enough members to spread among four squads?

No, we don't. We've contacted other guild branches, but with the airships grounded, we're pretty much on our own.


If only we had Schera and Agate!

Unfortunately, our numbers are such that even splitting into two squads is risky. We may need to re-examine this strategy.


Lieutenant Schwarz!

Well, now, if it isn't Sister Military!

I am Royal Guardsman sub-commander, Lieutenant Julia Schwarz. The Royal Guardsman are here at your disposal for this operation.

I count nine soldiers in your squad, including yourself.

My remaining troops are incognito, stationed all throughout the city. I can assemble them within the hour.

That's great, but Lieutenant Schwarz... How did you know we were going to try to save the hostages?

We tried to find you at the cathedral and tell you, but you had already disappeared.

Did you? My apologies.

All I knew was that you had accepted the Queen's mission. I found out last night.

Last night?! We'd only just met with the Queen last night ourselves!

Yes, I'm aware of that. We have sources for...military intelligence of this sort. All that matters now is that Her Highness gave us the order to assist. And we are happy to do it.

Umm...I...I don't...

Let's leave it at no, Estelle. What we need now are men and women to fill out the secondary decoy and support teams.

Indeed. With this additional manpower, I believe our chances of success have increased exponentially. We must form the teams post haste and set off. Again I remind you all, lives are at stake here!

Roger that.

You need two decoy teams, right? I believe five of my troops should be sufficient for one of them.

Yeah, I'd say those Royal Guard uniforms should definitely catch their attention!

My thoughts exactly. We'll target the Intelligence Division's aerial squadron, stationed just on the outskirts of the Erbe Scenic Route.

Wait a sec... Aerial squadron?! You don't mean...

I'm afraid she does. It's on the Scenic Route's outskirts?

Now that you mention it, there is a stretch of land out there that's been completely blockaded...

According to my intelligence, there is only a skeleton crew of guards stationed there. If we attack, they will have no alternative but to call the villa for reinforcements.

Ooh, I get it! That's some good decoying, right there!

And then when the reinforcements show up, the support team pops in and takes 'em all out, right?

We should be part of that support team, then.

I knew all those years of hunting down monsters in the bush'd pay off one day!

We have gunners. We'll be able to handle this, no problem.

All right. Two teams locked down.

Now for rescue and decoy 2...

I think the second decoy team should also be comprised of my Royal Guardsmen. The Special Ops will definitely drop their guards more readily to apprehend them.

So that leaves us...

...for the rescue team.

All of the other teams will be acting to provide cover for us. Ours will be the most important assignment on the field, by far. This is no game. You're playing an actual role in a crucial turning point for our history. Make sure you're up to the task!

Sheesh... No pressure...

Heh. There's no need to worry. We will persevere. History favors the just.

Besides... You guys are the Grancel Martial Arts Competition Champions!

And we'll be the ones keeping the majority of the enemy force busy. Hopefully, all you'll need to worry about are the hostages!


'We,' Estelle. The word you're looking for is 'we.' We CAN do this. And we will.

...You're right. You are so, SO right! We're gonna kick some Special Ops' special ASSES!

That's the spirit!

And that's the plan.

Once the operation begins, you won't have any opportunity to return to the city. So if you still have loose ends to tie up, speak now...or forever hold your peace.

Man. This is getting pretty real...

I will ensure that Her Highness is made aware of the plan.

All right, everyone. Tonight. Here. Got it?
Liberl News - Issue 9: