Part 69: Oh, go brush your goofy hairdo.
Welcome back. Last time, we raided the Royal Villa to rescue Princess Klaudia. Who was actually Kloe!?!?
...Estelle was surprised, at least. Things almost went sour when some of the Special Ops remnants used General Morgan's granddaughter as a hostage, but Schera and Olivier out of nowhere took care of that. Now we're going to assault the castle, and rescue the queen.

First, Joshua and two others will infiltrate the Grancel Sewers. You'll proceed to the Royal Guard Room and open the castle gate.

Got it.

Time to light a few fireworks.

Ha ha... Well, it does seem appropriate for the beginning of the final act.

As soon as the gates are open, the Guardsmen and four of the bracers will make their way to the castle by way of the streets. We need to make a real spectacle to draw all of the guards together in one place.

You're in good hands.

All right! I've been looking forward to this!

And finally...

I'm sorry...but I must be there to help my grandmother.

Also, I know how to pilot an airship... I hope to be able to put that skill to good use.

... If I'd known this would happen, I never would have taught you...

It's okay, Lieutenant. We'll look after Kloe for you.

I swear she will be kept safe or my nickname isn't the Silver Streak.

I understand... Please, do what you can.

Once the men inside the castle have been concentrated into one area, Estelle and her team will set down in the Garden Terrace. Then, they will break into the Queen's Room and rescue her.


Both operations will begin at the stroke of the noon bell. Everyone is to remain on alert until then.

All right, you have your tasks. Get to them! Dismissed!

Don't go taking any unnecessary risks.

I'll be fine. And you try to be on your best behavior. Don't overestimate your own strength, and make sure you watch Schera's back.

I understand. Whatever happens, remember our promise!

We see each other again, safe and sound, in Grancel Castle!

Count on it!

Joshua... There's no telling what kinds of creatures inhabit the sewers. Please, take the utmost care.

I know. And I will.

And don't worry about Estelle. You've grown so much during this trip of yours.

Not just in your skills and bracer qualifications, but in your hearts... or so it seems to me.


??? What does that mean?

I-it's nothing! Save it for later!

Heh... Even in times of crisis, you can always count on these two brats.

Ha ha... Quite so.

Now...I think we'll be heading out.

May we meet again, my lovelies.

Aidios be with you!


(Do you ever wonder if those two have some kind of destiny in store for them...?)

(Ha ha... Yes, the thought has crossed my mind. They always have a smile for each other...)

(...I have to admit, I'm even the tiniest bit envious.)
It's always fun when worlds collide - and then gossip about you behind their backs.
(Also you have Sieg and Julia, who are each much cooler then Joshua on their own, let alone together.)
We cut to the south block of Grancel, with Special Ops soldiers patrolling the streets.

The enemy's probably gotten quite desperate since we liberated the Villa... Security seems a lot tighter than normal.

Perhaps I can help loosen them up with the dulcet tones of my lute...?

You do anything conspicuous and that guy will be on you faster than you can say, 'off-key.'
Damn Joshua, where have you been keeping the burns?

[Mueller,] wasn't it?

Y-yes, it was... two should definitely...MUST, rather, NOT go near the Imperial Embassy. It could be quite dangerous. Yes! Quite perilous, indeed!

Ha ha... Well, neither of us has time to just drop by there. Once preparations are complete, we have to get inside the sewers.
If we can't go to the embassy, we'll need to find something else to entertain us.
...Let's try Alba!

You seem stressed. Is something the matter? You know, I've always said the harder the job, the better off you are just taking it easy. That's the key to true success.

Hahaha... Maybe that means I have the world's hardest job, because let me tell you, I take it EA-SY!
Oh Alba. I think we're a bad influence, because you get a little weirder every time we meet you. I'm worried about what you'll be like by the end of the game.
Dorothy, however, has always been weird.

I heard about Princess Klaudia's request from a member of the Royal Guard.

Don't worry about us. Even if the Royal Army were to get in, I'll have no trouble pleading ignorance. Convincingly.
That's enough of that, we've got a castle to raid. This is the last time we'll be in Grancel for quite some time, and so buy anything you might need ever while you're here now. For me, that's a lot of food and ingredients for food.

I believe it would be in our best interests to confirm the location of the secret waterway.

You're right... Please, wait a moment.

We're currently at this staircase mark here, on the lower-left... And the entrance to the hidden waterway is where the [=] mark is depicted, in the center.

Right... So first, we need to go to that spot and examine the wall.
This seems like it might be annoying, but it really isn't. You can see the map whenever, so it's really easy to keep your bearings.

Hmm... I don't see anything special... Those royal family sneaks sure know how to hide things!

I suppose this will require a hefty amount of searching.

...I'll go first. it is.

Hmmm... Impressive. Have you some particular knack for finding hidden switches?

A knack...? It's just practice.

You just naturally learn what to feel for.

Naturally, eh?

Tell me, are you familiar with the old story of the young Phantom Thief? He was evidently one to cause quite the ruckus...

Oh, please...

Time isn't on our side, guys. Let's get moving. This is the real deal.
This opens up a new section of the sewers to explore.
Limit: One per hero. - Dev Team.
So... I can get a second if I come back with Estelle?
Casting and freezing breath? 
This could get diffi...
Holy numbers
You guessed it. It's empty.
The Reflector is slightly better armor. We don't equip it, for reasons unknown.
So you've returned...
This time, Joshua and Olivier double casting White Gehanna takes care of them.
This little portion of the sewers, while pretty short, is kind of filler-ish. None of the fights are all that interesting.
The chest mocks you with its emptiness.
Cloak is not, as you might expect, armor, but instead a quartz. It prevents any enemy encounters from spawning.
Right before the end of the sewers, I strip everyone of all their quartz, and steal Joshua's Gladiator Belt. They'll be needed elsewhere.
Beyond the door is a stone wall, blocking the way.

Whoops... I guess this is the end of the line?

Yes, but there's a hidden door here. There's a switch to activate it.

Hmm... We should probably stay on standby until noon.

When the time comes, we'll go in.

Oh, well... I guess we should just rest until then.

Everyone's set to charge when the noon bell rings.

Incredible...but kind of creepy at the same time! Gives me the same bad feeling as the Sky Bandits' ship.

You must admit, though, its specs are impressive. But how did the Intelligence Division manage to get their hands on a ship like this...?


All this, just because of that Gospel thingy.

Hello, Payton. It's been some time.

Umm...who's that?

Payton is in charge of the maintenance on the Arseille.
Payton: It's a job which needs some tech personnel on loan from the Central Factory. There's a lot of data that needs to be gathered from the Arseille's test flights.

Ohh, okay. We saw it in action back in Ruan...
Payton: Normal flight is already stable. But because the new orbal engines were just installed, thing's [sic] aren't calibrated to work as well as the old ones yet. Since the Intelligence Division took her away, all test flights were halted indefinitely. Julia called me here while you were held up in Grancel.


Ha ha... We appreciate whatever you can do.
Payton: Y-you can count on me! First things first: once the lock is dealt with, we should be able to fly. She's an extremely maneuverable girl once she gets up and running.

I understand.

Well, let's go ahead and get started!
Payton: I brought along my tools to tune up everyone's orbments, just in case. I can also make a few tools and pieces of equipment.


That should be useful. Thank you very much.
Payton: I-it's really no big deal. If I can help out just say the word.
We can synthesize quartz and buy some gear and accessories from Payton, if need be.

Shall we start the launch?

I understand.

Payton, could you help us?
Payton: I'll handle the engine. You can just focus on flying, Your Highness!

It's finally time, Schera...


It'll be a difficult mission, but the fundamentals are as important as ever. Speed...and steadiness.
Music Stops
The clock bell begins ringing.

Let's go, Dorothy! We've got to get a good spot to watch!

W-wait! Let me set up the exposure quartz!
Editor-in-Chief: Hey, what's going on? You haven't shown up in three days, and...

Big story! Biggest in the history of the Liberl News!

South stairs!

Got it!

Let's get going!
Special Ops: Intruders?!

Well, yes, I guess you could call us that.

I guess I can understand the sentiment.

Let's go!
Since I unequipped everyone's quartz and Joshua's accessories, I deliberately went into the fight with two S-Crafts built up to compensate.

Nighty-night, kitty-cats...

Keep your eyes open for any more Special Ops!

Leave it to us.
Special Ops 2: Impossible!
Special Ops: Y-your orders, Captain?! Enemies could breach the castle at any moment!

All remaining members of the first platoon to the Foyer! On the double!! Allow no one to enter!
Special Ops: Y-yes, ma'am!
They move out.

If the enemy is not routed before I have to report to His Excellency...
Special Ops: C-Captain! Special Ops Frigate inbound!

Damn it! So that was their ploy?!

Estelle Bright! And...Princess Klaudia?!

Captain Amalthea! Stand aside!

I'm here to demand the release of my grandmother!

Watch your tongue, girl!
And finally, it's time to fight Amalthea.
...Who's, truth be told, kind of a push over. Like Nial said, she's the brains of the operation, not the brawn.
Poison Spray is Amalthea's favorite trick, dealing some damage and poisoning a group. She can also cast Shadow Spear, which can be somewhat annoying if the instant death effect procs.
Like I said, Amalthea is not a very hard fight. She's really just the warm up, so to speak. Even if she does get a one-hit kill off, Kloe shouldn't have any problems reviving them. This might take a little more strategy if Estelle weren't currently a flurry of damage between the Mystic Stave and the Gladiator Belt.
Since she's a caster, Schera is basically identical to how we left her, except she now knows Heaven's Kiss. Heaven's Kiss is the opposite of Evil Eye, moving a small group of allies up the turn order. Outside of being a pretty solid caster Schera doesn't offer that much, so sometimes it can be handy to use her to pump turns into more specialized characters, like Mystic Staff Estelle or Black Fang Joshua.
Amalthea can also use Absorb to steal 100 EP, which is more of a nuisance than an actual threat.

She goes down fairly quickly, since again, flurry of damage.

Who was that, anyway?

Colonel Richard's second-in-command. Your stereotypical femme fatale.

That would explain it, yes.

Now, on to the Royal Keep!

Yes! Let's hurry!
Special Ops: This way!

Persistent little buggers, aren't they?
That they are. Aero Storm should put them in their place. Top tier magic usually does.

Estelle's always eager to help, though. Especially eager now that she has the Gladiator Belt, and can drop barrages like she's a howitzer.
Let's keep it going!
Special Ops 2: You shall not pass!

But we must...and we WILL!
And we do!
Alright, who's next, let me at 'em!
Today just became great.

Do you not realize that I am the new king?!

Oh, go brush your goofy hairdo. You ain't king YET.


Your Excellency, Duke Dunan. We are with the Bracer Guild. At the request of Her Highness, Princess Klaudia, we are here to free the Queen!

It would be best for all involved if you quietly stood aside.

K-Klaudia?! Damn that brat! Damn her to hell!

Uncle Dunan...please, stop this. Colonel Richard is just using you.

Wha... Who are you... ...

Kuh... Kuh...

What happened to your hair?! And your clothes?!

We have comprehension! Repeat, we have comprehension!
We remember the last update, Estelle. You're in no position to talk.

Though he still hasn't noticed that we first met him in Ruan...

No idea what you're talking about...but he doesn't seem the most observant sort.

I should have told him sooner, perhaps...

H-how dare you make a fool of me?! It's because of things like this that those creatures known as 'women' are not to be trusted! Sly, narrow-minded, nit-picking, nagging wretches... How could I ever give up the crown to such a vile creature?!



I take it back. Today just got amazing.

...Err... I mean...
Special Ops: Y-your Excellency... I don't think that was the right thing to say.
Special Ops 2: M-maybe you should apologize...?

Hmmm... [Vile creatures,] huh?

My, my. I believe you've just gone from stupid to suicidal. After all, that's a mighty courageous sentiment to vocalize when in the presence of three ARMED women.

I... I'm sorry, Uncle.

In this, I cannot defend you.
In what may be the saddest thing ever, we can't actually kill Dunan. We'll lose BP if we don't finish the fight by killing the rest of the Special Ops soldiers first. Speaking of, there are two gun wielding soldiers, and one of the elite halberd wielding soldiers.
Duke Dunan can't fight, but he can buff his goons, which actually makes for a unique fight since we have no choice but to let him.
The buffs go a long way, making our typical soldiers much more frightening.
Still, do you know what's even more frightening? A ticked-off Estelle.
Between Estelle's fantastic offense, Kloe's fantastic healing, and Schera's.... uh, moral support? we can pull through easily.

Now, then, shall I show you just how [vile] a woman can be?

S-stay back! Please, stay awaaay!

Um... I might be able to call them off...

I-if you do, I swear I'll be Her Majesty's very own human shield!


Oops... Maybe we overdid it with the threats.

Well, a little dose of the cold, hard truth might be the best medicine he ever gets.

Yes... It is an unfortunate situation he's gotten himself into.

Still, I cannot allow my unconscious uncle to simply be lef--
If you want to finish him off, we'll all look the other way.

Miss Estelle...and Your Highness?! I can offer no words to make up for my master's behavior in this instance! As the man who raised him, the responsibility is mine to bear!

Please, I ask that you punish me in his stead!
Phillip bowed his head deeply.

H-hey! Hold on a second!

Please, Phillip... Lift your eyes. We're here to help my grandmother... to save the Queen. We have no intention of doing anything to the duke. I would appreciate it if you would take him to my room.

Y-your Highness...

He's not actually hurt. He just passed out from the shock.

Th-thank you so much... All of you... I will not forget the boon you've granted!
Eventually, we find ourselves in the room we met with the Queen in a couple updates ago. Onward!
Music Stops

We're here to rescue you, Your Majesty!

Lieutenant Lorence! What are you doing here...?

Ha ha... My duty is to guard Her Majesty. Is it truly any wonder that I'm here?

Enough of your crap! No matter how strong you are, we've still got three-to-one odds on you!

This one certainly seems skilled. Just who is he?

Commander of the Intelligence Division's Special Ops... 2nd Lieutenant Lorence Belgar! Former Jaeger, and scout for the colonel!

So you've done your research, I see. Most impressive. But what else would one expect of the daughter of an S-ranked Cassius Bright, I believe...?

My master's rank has never been public knowledge, and yet... You are not one to be trifled with, I see.

Ha ha... I know you, as well. Scherazard Harvey, also known as the [Silver Streak]. C-ranked. And very close to ascending to B rank, it seems.


P-please...release my grandmother. If you were just fighting in the employ of the colonel, there is no further call to do this.

There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy... You see only the surface, like that of a quartz grid...with no concept of the forces at work within.


Take heed, Princess Klaudia. The nation is like an enormously complex orbment. The people are like the units of quartz that provide the power and organize the system... And the territory which houses them is the frame... If you lack the means to understand how it works, then you are unfit to be its queen.


An interesting metaphor...

You may even be right. I certainly never expected to hear a theory on the nature of politics at a time like this...

Heh... Pardon my rudeness. You've no need to hear my useless sermonizing, Your Majesty.

I...don't really understand this all that well...

...but the general gist is that you don't plan to let the Queen go, do you?

Obviously we'd take her back by force!

Indeed... After we've come this far, we certainly can't go back now.

You don't give me the impression that you bear us any ill will...

...but I WILL bring my blade to bear on you, if it will get my grandmother back!

Ha ha... Good. In that case, let me show you a little of what I can REALLY do.

If your first reaction is: "Who's this asshole?", well, that's what I'm here for. He hasn't played a large role in the plot, but if you'll recall, Lorence was the one who saved the children/the matron from the orphanage fire in Chapter 2. He was also at our play! (He is probably having a hard time taking us seriously.)
There are two ways to read into this. One is that Lorence decided to save the children of his own accord, which tells us a little more about his character. The other is that his saving the children is supposed to act as foreshadowing towards his real identity. Given Richard's character, it's likely he wouldn't have been onboard with the children/matron dying if they didn't need to. And so, whoever rescued them was presumably on his payroll, at which point it's simple to make the connection.
Both interpretations are pretty valid, since while I can't imagine Richard letting the children die, it's entirely likely Lorence was basically running the entire show in Ruan and so it was his call to make. It's up to you how you want to view it. Moving on.

No... It's ash blond... I'd guess that you were born somewhere up north.

Ha ha... Indeed, you are correct. Though it's closer than you might think...


Shall we, then?
Heh, "won't go easy on us"? Alright buddy, let's see what you've got
Welp. That's our LP. Estelle's dead. Good night.