Part 70: You are hardly qualified to feel pity for me

Welcome back. Last time, we stormed the castle! On our way, we took down Amalthea (fun), Dunan (very fun), and then Lorence killed us. Welp.


Right. Mulligan. Lorence is Trails version of one of Falcoms favorite things - the boss fight you can win or lose. Since the game progresses either way, Falcom takes the opportunity to raise the difficulty far above anything else the game has to offer. So lets see what hes got:

Zero Storm does mediocre damage to whats either a large area of effect, or everyone. Its not very damaging, because its real purpose it to impede all casting. As such, he wont use it unless someone is trying to cast.

Silver Thorn is an enemy only spell which deals decent damage to a medium sized radius and causes Confuse. Were all nullifying Confuse, because if youre not, Silver Thorn will make you murder each other. And thats not cool.

Although he never used it when I fought him, he can also use another enemy only spell: Anti-Sept Zero, which mutes everyone (except for Lorence himself, of course. That wouldnt help him at all.)

Demon Flames is by far and away the crown jewel of his offensive repertoire, and the real reason hes so damn hard. Not only does it do just under 1000 damage to a large area, but it also inflicts Faint on anyone who isnt nullifying it, taking them out of the fight for several turns. Now, as you may have noticed, were now at three status ailments and only two accessory slots. While the Grail Locket takes care of that for one unit, for the rest? Hard decisions must be made. Confuse is absolutely crippling, so make sure to nullify it. I chose Mute for reasons I could surely justify as being strategic in ways you could hardly comprehend (if you gave me a while), but in truth I just forgot Faint could be blocked so...

Hes got yet another enemy only spell: Earth Guard Mk. II. Earth Guard Mk. II is an upgraded version of Earth Guard, nullifying the next two attacks Lorence receives. Lorence is fast as hell, so unlike when he would cast Earth Guard in the tournament, Earth Guard Mk. II is anything but a net gain of turns for us. Instead, it can basically shut down our offense. Well, thats not entirely true. It shuts down our offense when you combine it with this:

Tearal, which restores around 2000 HP to Lorence (or, relatively speaking, a third of his health.) When it comes to Lorence, the real battle isnt surviving, its surviving and actually doing any god damn permanent damage in the process. If you dont have the Gladiator Belt and the Grail Locket, you almost certainly wont win. Having the Mystic Staff really helps, which is why Im super glad Estelle won the vote way back when.
Anyway, how do we win this? Like so many difficult fights in well-designed RPGs, the battle is in many ways won before it even begins.

First of all, we need to nullify Mute and Confuse. The necessary accessories can be purchased from Payton (even after youve begun the castle assault, just go back to the airship to talk to him), and so we put them on Schera and Kloe. The Grail Locket just so happens to open up an accessory slot on one of our units, letting us equip the Gladiator Belt. Barrage is your major source of damage for the fight, so put it on Estelle.

Now, one thing you may have noticed, is that outside of Demon Flames, Lorence doesnt do that much damage. This is because Lorence follows the ninja style of fighting; hit often, not hard. And then sometimes hit hard. Hes incredibly fast, and so the real danger comes from a relentless assault of Silver Thorns mixed in with Zero Storms to stop any attempts at healing, followed by a Demon Flames which kills or cripples a part of your team.
Furthermore, he also uses his fantastic speed to frequently instantly cast Tearal and Earth Guard Mk. II, stymying your offense. The solution is simple: Gotta go fast! Give everyone Action 2, to help counteract his speed advantage, as well as make it more likely that youll get a chance to impede his casting (all three of our party members can impede via their crafts.). Otherwise, Estelle really only need one thing - offense. She gets Attack 3 for extra damage and Strike for potential criticals and then a bunch of other less important stuff to round her arsenal off.

Kloe gets her requisite Action 2 quartz, and her requisite three Water Quartz, which doesnt leave her much room. This brings us to another essential for the fight: Cast 2. With Cast 2, you can nearly instantly cast a lot of the time, preventing Lorence from impeding you and greatly increasing your survivability (and offense, since Kloes best source of damage is Blue Impact.) EP 3 is thrown in for some extra time elements, for reasons youll see soon.

Scheras orbment line up should be obvious from what Ive said: Action 2, Cast 2, x3 Wind quartz for her locked slots, and EP 3.

Anyway, lets get to the fight itself. First things first: Clock Up EX. Its a speed boost of 50%, which works out to a 175% or 180% increase (depending on the increase being additive or multiplicative) total. With Cast 2, Kloe should be able to cast this instantly or nearly instantly, meaning weve suddenly evaporated Lorences speed advantage. Unfortunately, Schera's orbment being divided into two lines, as well as her locks, made it so I couldnt hit the requisites for Clock Up EX with what I had on hand.
Since Kloes only going to be casting this fight, its a good idea to move her well out of theway, to avoid her being hit by Demon Flames.

From here, weve mostly won. Use your S-Breaks on turn bonuses for maximum benefits. Lorences greatest weakness is his low max HP (he still only has 6000, which is the same as when we fought him in the tournament with three other soldiers as back up), so the Mystic Staff + Barrage + Gladiator Belt is a winning combination.

Pictured is the ideal scenario for when Lorence casts. He begins casting...

And Schera impedes. He begins casting again...

And Estelle impedes.

And then he finally finishes casting, but so does Kloe, and so hes only healed a net 600 or so HP when you factor in the damage dealt when impeding.

Its not all fun and games, like when Lorence uses Demon Flames, then immediately gets another turn and kills Estelle, but we still have some full revive items. So take that, Lorence.
Eventually, I see an opening, and I take it.

Get fucked, Lorence.
Its a hard fight, but its honestly my favorite in the game. It requires you to strategize on a level that no other fight in the game does, and Lorences bag of tricks makes for a really fun and tense fight. Being set to Silver Will doesnt hurt, either. Its also a pretty well done example of the damned if you win, damned if you dont type boss fight. Lorences low HP relative to the rest of his stats combined with his excellent offense sell the impression that youre not so much winning as surviving, which is how it should be.
Furthermore, the reward (extra BP), is meaningless unless youre already in a position to win the fight (losing some BP doesnt matter unless youre going for max, in which case you have the Gladiator Belt/Grail Locket.) So theres a reward, but if youre unable to win, youre likely not missing out.

The after image effect Lorence has when he moves is pretty cool looking, so Ive included a GIF.

Music Stops

Hes hanging on to the guardrail, hoping to god we dont hang around too long

That he did, although I wouldn't blame you for not remembering. It was back when we first met him, a good 50 some updates ago. All he had to say though was that it's a relic of the ancient civilization, and that it might be somewhere in Liberl.

Girls Voice: B-but, Agate...

We cant go back to Grancel, so all of our quests get auto-reported. It doesnt matter for us, but it can move up ranks and get you swag if you havent reached Max BP.

Oh Agate. Youre just the worst

Man, having the entire party together is so much fun

Joshua briefly relayed the gist of Colonel Richard's plan and told the professor about the [Shining Ring,] a.k.a. the Aureole.

The professor produced a small cable and slid it into the card slot.

If you cant see it, the display on the control panel starting doing colors.

Royal Guardsman: A division of the regular army has arrived at Grancel's main gate! It looks like they're being led by an officer of the Intelligence Division!

Royal Guardsman: And three military patrol ships are approaching from the lake! Y-your orders, ma'am?!

Since its hard to convey time in screenshots, Im going to point out here that the elevator takes us really far down. The trip lasts around 15 seconds, all told.

Fading Light of the Sealed Land is one of my favorite tracks in the game. Its suitably grandiose to set the stage for our descent into the ruins below, and it does a great job of setting the stage for some of the scenes within.

And were finally here. Its time to put an end to Colonel Richards ambitions, and you cant crush ambitions without a group of four. So we need two buddies to come with us.
Please vote for who youd like to see in the party. The winners will get some dialogue during the scenes to follow (although Ill show off all the variants), and the chance to beat the crap out of Richard. A pretty good prize, all told. Ive prepared a run-down on each character, although I can easily win with any party so vote however you like. (Note that Ive unequipped all orbments, so were comparing raw stats.)

Sylphen Whip: Attack a small group of enemies (20 CP)
Bind Whip: Attack a single enemy, impeding casting.(30 CP)
Heavens Kiss: Advance the turn of a medium group of allies. (20 CP)
Sadist Whip (S): Heavy damage to a single enemy. (100 CP)
Compared to the rest of our casting options, Im not a huge fan of Schera. Although her stats are strong, her orbment is divided into two lines, and shes forced to slot two Wind quartz, which is one of the weaker elements (or, perhaps more accurately, its not Time.) Our other casters, Olivier and Kloe, both have one line, and while Kloe has three Water locks she compensates by having Radiant Plash, which is more valuable as an S-Craft.
Greatest Weakness: Probably drunk right now.
Greatest Strength: That may actually improve her fighting.

Quick Draw: Attack a medium sized group of enemies. (20 CP)
Sniper Shot: Attack an enemy, impeding casting. (20 CP)
Happy Trigger: Heal 800HP to a medium sized group of allies. (20 CP; learned at level 32)
Howling Bullet (S): Deals heavy damage to a medium sized group of enemies. (100CP)
Olivier is probably the best caster. Hes got the stats, hes got the ideal orbment line-up (one mirage lock and a single line, and youll have a mirage equipped anyway), and hes actually got a decent load out of crafts. Happy Trigger is a good panic button for when you need healing, and you dont have time for a spell to full cast. It also only restored 200 less HP then La Teara in exchange for being used instantly.
Greatest Strength: Fantastic.
Greatest Weakness: Perhaps too fantastic?

Wild Rage: Restored 50CP in exchange for reducing HP by 30% of your current HP.
Flame Smash: Attacks a small group of enemies. (20 CP)
Draguna Edge: Attacks enemies in a line, ignoring defense and impeding casting. (20 CP)
Spiral Edge: Attacks a single enemy, delaying its next turn. (20 CP)
Beat Down (S): Attacks a single enemy for heavy damage. (100 CP)
Final Break (S): Attacks a medium sized group of enemies for heavy damage. (100 CP)
Agate and Zane are our choices as far as heavy hitters go, and either ones a fine choice. Agate focuses on offense, with a variety of crafts designed to let him attack in different ways with different effects. Wild Rage is a pretty fun craft to mess around with, letting him use frequent S-Crafts without use of the Gladiator Belt.
Greatest Weakness: Basically the worst person.
Greatest Strength: Itll be dangerous, he might die!

Impede: Attacks an enemy and reduce their defense and strength. (20 CP)
Encroach: Attacks an enemy and impedes their casting. (20 CP)
Radiant Plash (S): Restores HP and revives enemies in a medium range. Raises defense if used at 200CP. (100 CP)
Kloes orbment layout is slightly worse than Oliviers, with three Water locks. For this reason, her S-Craft is easily the most compelling reason to use her. Radiant Plash is basically an emergency second chance, as itll bring a team on the brink of death back to their feet. Equip her with the Gladiator Belt and unless Kloe dies herself, youre basically immortal. (Of course, Kloe is pretty squishy, so if anybody is going to die it might just be her.)
Greatest Weakness: Her grounded personality makes coming up with pithy remarks about her difficult, unless I talk about her falcon.
Greatest Strength: That falcon is pretty cool, lets be fair.

Smoke Cannon: Attacks and blinds a medium sized group of enemies. (20 CP)
Vital Cannon: Heals 500 HP to a group of allies. (20 CP)
Cannon Impulse (S): Heavy damage to a medium sized group of enemies. (100 CP)
Tita is, to be perfectly frank, bad. Shes by far the least durable party member, and doesn't really make up for it any way, with average stats otherwise. Her only asset is her ability to attack a group with her default attacks, and honestly, that ability isn't that useful anymore. Using Crafts and Arts to deal area damage is going to be more efficient than relying on her.
Greatest Weakness: It would be incredibly irresponsible of us to bring her into ancient, dangerous, unexplored ruins, and Im surprised Russell is even letting us.
Greatest Strength: On the other hand, she does have a cannon that changes into a Gatling Gun.

Taunt: Makes a medium sized group of enemies more likely to attack Zane. (20 CP)
Distend: Raise Strength and Defense by 30%. (20 CP)
Composure: Restore 800HP and cure any status effects. (20 CP)
Smite: Attacks a single target and inflicts confuse. (20 CP)
Disable (S): Attacks a single target for heavy damage. (100 CP)
Aural Blast: Attacks a medium sized group of enemies for heavy damage. (100 CP)
Zane is Agates defensively inclined counterpart. They have fairly similar stats, but Zane trades Agates offensively minded crafts for a variety of support crafts. Like I said, either is a fine choice.
Greatest Weakness: Terrible taste in women. Amalthea? Seriously?
Greatest Strength: Can apparently psychically punch people.