Part 11: Catching Up
Catching Up: When Tommy continued to strugg
All right, this is the end of the month so theres a lot riding on who gets wins now. Theres only three more chapters after this one. The time to be decisive is now.
Lindas painting has evolved into this. I don't know what it is but I like it. Does anyone have any ideas what it's supposed to actually be?
Did you think I was kidding about Tynan wearing sun glasses and a leather jacket?! No! Hes just so fucking cool that Dan just had to put a picture of them on the wall in his office.
Wait, Tommy is struggling in school and had some extra reading assignments for him? Why did we wait until the end of month two to learn about this?! I mean, at least Dan is being proactive about it now.
I got this chapter much earlier my first time playing it.
Dan dreams of his perfect life: Tommy and Linda dont exist and he sleeps 12 hours a day.
Yeah, time just keeps on slipping-slipping-slipping into the future, doesn't it Dan? Though Im not sure why he needs so much time to write. I mean, I get that itd interfere with his writing process, but just 6 hours a day would take huge chunks out, wouldn't it?
Okay, okay, it was just a suggestion.
I know, I shouldnt have snapped. Its just -Dan
Dan, being a responsible adult, continues to take his frustrations out on those around him.
Hey, if anyone could improve your book and also conquer the world, its Tynan. Also, I hope that Dans novel features a literal logjam.
Dan considers secluding himself from the rest of the family which, judging by how he snapped at Linda, might be a good thing for everyone. Speaking of Linda...
It's weird how it feels like the family is going in different directions. Like one is always winning and the one is always losing and one is always somewhere in the middle. It's crazy.
Linda wants to figure out a way to get the family together so shes trying to figure out everything they could do together. This chapter features a lot of the adults being strangely proactive about their family life. Usually theyd need ghostly assistance to care about each other this much.
So it looks like they decided on family dinners. Honestly, Lindas whole plan sounds pretty good to me. It is a bit odd that shes not thinking about Tommys learning difficulties at all but I guess shes got dinner on the brain.
We barely talked at all yesterday-Linda
Wow, youre rightDan
So it looks like shes right about the relationship kind of deteriorating. Her dinner idea might be that silly.
Once again, not talking to my parents about their relationship sounds like a perfect visit to me.
It seems like Dan and Linda want completely different things this time around.
Heres that note Dan mentioned. It looks like Tommy cant read so
I feel like alliteration might be lost on someone who can't identify letters, Lonnie.
Tommy dont need no education! Fuck Lonnie!
Apparently Tommy is being bullied at school. Maybe its because hes falling behind in school, maybe its because hes Tommy.
Jesus, you are very neurotic for a ~5 year old, Tommy. You shouldnt develop crippling this kind of self-doubt until youre at least a teen.
Will it make me smarter?-Tommy
Honey, listen: You are smart.-Linda
Linda is mommin Tommy hardcore, yo.
Because Tommy hasn't been getting his way in recent votes, his relationship with Dan has deteriorated to where it was when the game started. This sounds negative, but remember Tynan caused this, so it must serve some greater purpose.
Dont let the man tell you what to do, Tommy. Let the all-seeing spectral being tell you what to do.
So, Omnipresent Ghost Crew, what should we do? Vote for seclusion, inclusion, or education.