Part 11: Aneurysm Time
Part 7: Aneurysm TimeHokkaido Serial Murders OST - Disappearances of Okhotsk ~ Pursuit

Now that weve discovered Kawamuras body, we can talk to Okoi for some more information on the Kawamura-Kouzou relationship.

Unfortunately, it wasnt anything like this.

That statement is too Japanese for me.

And with that, Okoi utters her final line in the game.

To be fair, Yasu still hasnt gotten us the donuts from update 1.

Unfortunately for us, Fumie has taken the opportunity to make do like Looney Tunes, and scat. Since she has a pretty solid motive for murdering Kouzou, it isnt too far of a stretch to assume that she might be the murderer, or at the very least, an accomplice.
Heheheh, scat...

Moving back to the Sumire Apartments, we can see that Kawamuras body has been removed from the crime scene.

However, thats Kawamuras problem. Our problem is Kouzous murder.
For the purposes of the investigation, well go onto the boat. Theres a bit of backstory we can snag for Fumie.

Welcome to Heaven, where God has to deal with the deceased, because there arent enough idiots on earth.
Id rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

Now that were here, its time for Sumoto to serve its one and only use.

Five seconds later

In-game, this statement comes out of nowhere, so its kind of jarring to see someone spontaneously spouting facts about Fumies family.
Lil bitch deserved it.


If we prod the bystander for more information, its revealed that Fumies older brother was taken in by another family.

Now that weve learned that Fumie has an older brother, we can search for him.

Welp, looks like were back to square one. I suppose its time we moseyed back to the police department.

Thats what everyone called him in high school.

Yes, yes it is. And its horrifying.

I combed it over for the easter eggs beforehand, which is probably why the dialogue is like this.

And with that, weve gotten directions to the final piece of evidence in the game.
No, because the map doesnt give directions for the Easter Eggs?
Tom Sawyering the LP.

While we have directions for the mandatory sections of the maze, the problem is that we only have half of the map to peruse through.
Left 2
Right 2
Forward 3...
....Is how the rest of the map is supposed to go, but Ive never actually managed to find it.

So now that we have the map, its time to enter Revenge of the Maze II: Darkness Descending.

Which probably imploded everyones minds back then.

First thing well notice is that the entire maze is from a first-person perspective. This is good and bad.
The good is that we have the directions for the maze.

The bad is that I have no idea where I am half of the time.
Youre in a maze, silly.

The only reason why Yuuji Horii had an entire goddamn labyrinth in Kouzous basement was because he was impressed by Wizardrys gameplay -more specifically, its dungeons.
Sex Dungeon?

There are also two easter eggs that can be found here. While one of them pertains to the game itself, the other one only accentuates the ridiculousness of The Maze. You can find them both here, but dont expect much from our commentary.

Shin Megami Tensei: The Portopia Serial Survivors, starring Yasu as the heroine.
In particular, a message pops up with a fake random battle message, and promptly goes away, allowing us to progress once more which only highlights how much Yuuji Horii liked Wizardry back in the good ol days.

The paths also close behind us from time to time, which would be more annoying if I was wandering aimlessly for those god-forsaken easter eggs.

If we follow the directions to the letter, we should bump into a wall. Cue secret room.

The obvious solution is to crash in, head first.


Walking into the wall three more times happens to pop open the secret passage.
Obviously the right way to open a secret room.

I mean, for the love of Chzo, imagine how much this would cost in real-life. Hell, imagine how Kouzou would get someone to install the labyrinth in the first place.

A couple updates ago posted:
: I often heard shouting coming from under the mansion. I wonder what that was all about ?
Unfortunately, the room is completely void of objects we can investigate. However, if we do as Komiya said, and Call Out...

This is it this has to be the most contrived and shoehorned thing in the game.
More effective voice technology than Hey You, Pikachu!

Welp, theres nothing left for it. Lets take the diary and scat.

But first, lets violate a dead mans privacy, shall we?

Proof that Kouzou is a superhero. May or may not include Komiya as Robin.

Give her some cash and call it a day. The end.



While we can arrest the culprit right now, its rather abrupt and anti-climatic. So instead of ending it right here and now, well do this, Agatha Christie style.
Was Kouzou under enough distress as for him to take his own life ? Perhaps this case is a homicide, after all.
Rokurou Komiya
If Kouzou were to die, Mr. Komiya would be left without a job. There doesnt seem to be a motive for him to kill Kouzou.
Fumie Sawaki
Certainly, she may have a motive, having had both her parents driven to suicide. But Fumie does have an alibi.
He has already been eliminated as suspect in our investigation of Kouzous murder.
Mr. Hiratas time of death was prior to Kouzous time of death.
Her father killed himself because of debts. Theres no doubt she resented that. I think I know how she feels.
Now even Mr. Kawamura was found dead. So, who on Earth is the criminal?
If Okoi was the one who killed Kawamura, she probably wouldnt have gone out of her way to call in with a tip.
Fumies Brother
Now that we cant even find Fumie, I dont know where to begin looking for her brother.
Rokurou Komiya
Out drinking during the time of the murder.
Fumie Sawaki
Stuck in English Class during the murder.
Was dealing drugs.
Hung himself prior to Kouzous death.
Claims to have visited Kouzou to help resolve fathers debt (Hirata).
Police Chief says hes not the type to commit suicide, but its still possible he couldve committed the crime.
On stage at the time of the murder.
Fumies Brother
Given that hes none of the other suspects, its entirely possible for him to kill Kouzou. However, at this point, we dont know where or who he is.
Photo (Kouzou)

Who killed Mr. Kouzou?
Its time to end this.